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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1976)
Page 6 THE BATTALION TUESDAY, MAR. 30, 1976 WANT AD RATES One day 10c per word Minimum charge — $1.00 Classified Display $1.65 per column inch each insertion ALL classified ads must be pre-paid. DEADLINE 3 p. m. day before publication BATTALION CLASSIFIED City Council Place 4 Jim Gardner OFFICIAL NOTICE PERSONALS HELP WANTED TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY OFFICE OF THE DEAN OF ADMISSIONS AND RECORDS (INTERESTED IN NO-FRILLS LOW COST JET TRAVEL to Europe, Africa, the Middle East, the Far East? EDUCATIONAL FLIGHTS has been helping people travel on a budget with maximum flexibility and TO BE ELIGIBLE TO PURCHASE THE TEXAS A&M minimum hassle for six years. For more info call 800-223- RING, AN UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT MUST 5569. 96t29 HAVE AT LEAST ONE YEAR IN RESIDENCE, Jim Gardner, 55, 1216 N. Richfield, professor of urban and regional planning at Texas A&M. Councilman two years. CREDIT FOR AT LEAST NINETY-TWO (92) SEMES TER HOURS AND BE IN GOOD STANDING WITH THE UNIVERSITY. A YEAR IN RESIDENCE MAY CONSIST OF THE FALL AND SPRING SEMESTERS OR ONE OF THE ABOVE AND A FULL SUMMER SESSION (BOTH THE FIRST AND SECOND TERMS). THE HOURS PASSED AT THE PRELIMI NARY GRADE REPORT PERIOD IN MARCH 1976 MAY BE USED IN SATISFYING THIS NINETY-TWO (92) HOUR REQUIREMENT. STUDENTS QUALIFY ING UNDER THIS REGULATION SHOULD LEAVE THEIR NAMES WITH THE RING CLERK, ROOM SEVEN, RICHARD COKE BUILDING. THIS SHOULD BE DONE PRIOR TO MARCH 10TH IN ORDER FOR ALL RECORDS TO BE CHECKED TO DETERMINE RING ELIGIBILITY. STUDENTS AL READY HAVING NINETY-TWO (92) COMPLETED HOURS ON RECORD AS OF THE FALL SEMESTER 1975 MAY ORDER AT ANYTIME. THESE REGULAR ORDERS ARE MAILED THE LAST WEEK OF EACH MONTH. GRADUATE STUDENTS ARE ELIGIBLE TO ORDER WITH PROOF (RECEIPT) THAT THEY HAVE FILED FOR GRADUATION. ORDERS FOR MID-SEMESTER WILL BE TAKEN BY THE RING CLERK STARTING MARCH 22, 1976, AND WILL CONTINUE UNTIL APRIL 23, 1976. ALL RINGS MUST BE PAID FOR IN FULL WHEN THE ORDER IS PLACED. STUDENTS WILL SAVE TIME IF THEY WILL BRING MID-SEMESTER GRADE REPORTS ALONG WHEN READY TO ORDER. STUDENTS WHO HAVE FAILEDTO LEAVE THEIR NAMES IN ADVANCE WILL BE ASKED TO RE TURN LATER TO ALLOW TIME FOR RECORDS TO BE CHECKED THE RINGS ARE DUE TO ARRIVE AT THE REGIS TRARS OFFICE ON JUNE 29, 1976 ALL RINGS OR DERED, REGARDLESS OF WIIET1IERON MARCH 22, 1976 OR APRIL 23, 1976, WILL ARRIVE ATTHE SAME ITOE THE RING CLERK IS ON DUTY FROM 8 A M. TO 12 NOON AND 1 P M. TO 5 P.M. OF EACH WEEK, MON DAY THROUGH FRIDAY. HOWEVER, IN OR DERS FOR RECORDS TO BE CHECKED, ORDERS MUSTBE PLACED PRIORTO 11:30A.M. AND4P.M. 1965 Handivan 6-cy WE HOPE THIS INFORMATION WILL BE HELP FUL AND EXTEND OUR CONGRATULATIONS. EDWIN H. COOPER, DEAN ADMISSIONS AND RECORDS FOR SALE Realistic STA-80 Stereo FM-AM Receiver. 42 watts 1 channel. Only one year old. Excellent condition. Originally $200. Will sell for only $150. 693-4188 after 5. 97t2 RN POSITION AVAILABLE Inpatient psychiatric unit, JCHA accredited, offers train ing program and challenging working situation for RN in terested in mental health spe cialty. Position fulltime. Con tact Director Hospital Services, Central Brazos Valley Mental Health Center, 822-7326 for further information. 94t7 DISCOUNT STEREO & C.B. EQUIPMENT 20 - 50% OFF LIST. Over 100 Brands. Call Leland Anderson, After 5:30 693-6594. 93t2 IRISH SETTER PUPS AKC and FDSB Bred for hunting from proven bloodlines. Sire imported from Ire land. 845-1531 or 846-3946. MR. GATTI S is looking for additional versatile entertainers: guitar. banjo, pianist, singers, duos and groups. We are also olh ring a cash award plus eontraet lor the formation of a Mr. (i Ragtime Band. II \ on have talent and would like to audi tion. c all S46- 4S09 lor appointment Do you have any specific pro grams planned as a council member? There are a couple of general pro- f rams, one of which we re into but aven’t done much on, and that is the general plan. We received the document over a year ago but it has yet to be reviewed thoroughly and receive any citizen input and there fore it has no official status. We should have some study sessions with public groups and adopt a plan, either this one or a modified version of it. That way we can make a better decision about zoning and other areas where we are now finding no document to guide us. Jim Gardner revenue for financing municipal government. I feel we are probably placing too much emphasis on utility revenues and we need to seek better '69 VW. New engine. Call 823-5605. Porsche 912, 1968. Rebuilt engine with 1500 miles oiler over $4,100. Call Ray evenings, 822-9211. Besl 96t5 $600. Banjo, $100. 846-0932.96t3 CAROLYN WELLS, RING CLERK Let White’s Auto Store, College Station, serve you with your hardware and plumb ing needs. North Gate. THE GRADUATE COLLEGE ■ Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree Name: Roberson, Edwin Earl Degree: Ph.D. in Education Dissertation: CRITERIA FOR TEACHER SELEC TION: A COMPARATIVE STUDY. Time: April 13, 1976 at 3:00 p.m. Place: Room 302 in the Library George W. Kunze Dean of the Graduate College 1972 Triumph 500 with Ceriar 6255. forks, helmets. 846- 9316 ’72 Toyota Celica, 30 mpg, 6743. air, mags, radials 846- 93t8 1974 Kawasaki 900cc, excellent condition. 845-3797. $1895. Call 9318 NEED INPATIENT COUNSELOR Valuable clinical experience of fered on JCHA accredited psychiatric Inpatient Unit. Staff function as active participants in group-oriented milieu. All positions full time. Contact Di rector Hospital Services, Cent ral Brazos Valley Mental Health Center, 822-7326 for further information. 9417 We will continue in a number of other areas also, such as programs to get off-street hike paths which is a multifaceted problem. We are mak ing attempts now with a sort of interim program to have lanes on streets, which is not a satisfactory solution. I favor separation of hike lanes from automobile facilities and, of course, it all has to be integrated with the campus program. I want to see an expansion of an ongoing review that we are making of developmental controls. We must look more closely at those that deal with the quality of construction of new apartments and commercial de velopments. I’d like to see initiated a complete review of our sources of sources. Are you in favor of extending liquor hours to 2 a.m. on weekends? I’m not necessarily working for it but I see no reason why it shouldn’t be done. I’ve lived in and visited other cities where these are the hours and I see no reason why Col lege Station couldn’t handle the same situation. Are you in favor of the construc tion of Millican Dam after the lig nite coal is mined in the area? I’m not sure what the area would be like after the coal is mined but I hope it will be left in a reasonably good environmental condition. I have not been in favor of Millican reservoir up to this point and I don’t see how the extraction of the coal would change my feeling on that. There are a lot of other issues involv ing the reservoir that have yet to be looked into such as the controlling of the land use around the reservoir and similar problems. Until there is an indication that someone is looking into these I would not favor the building of the reservoir. Should College Stafion purchase its ufilities from a source other than Bryan? If a better contract than the one that’s currently before the two groups should come up then I think we probably should. We should get our utilities — water, gas, and elec tric — from the most reasonable and reliable source that we can. Why are you running? I’m sure a lot of the reason is lie- cause of my background and experi ence in the profession of city plan ning. I’ve studied cities, and I’ve worked with a number of cities. I feel that I can contribute to our own community, particularly in this period when we are experiencing growth which has both problems and opportunities. I want to be sure that we take advantage of the oppor tunities to the extent that we can keep the problems from becoming large issues. guarantee that it will failatllie box. 1 urge that this oneu mlii ,ju late Ai foi passed and that the council, ti lution, put a more moderate^ . up for early election. How do you think the service should be h Bryan-College Station? I think the present arrange® about as good as we canhopel this point. When the countyre the sizes where it is warranted! it should he public operated panded to improve the sophs treatment in the vehicles selves. We have to improveupt system as we can. Are you satisfied with ll| forcement of existing ordina rn« In you P ! r? city a f pai vithi city unit tha e an no ng £ as lyan Would you like to see College Sta tion change to a ward system of elec tion, as proposed in the referendum on the April 3 ballot? Not as proposed on the April 3 ballot. I do favor a modified system where part of the council would he elected at large and part by wards or districts. I was disappointed that the charter commission selected the more extreme proposal which may Clinton Robison Addressers wanted Immediately! Work at home — no experience necessary — excellent pay. Write American BANJO KITS. Write for free catalog. Stewa. i- ..... , c .. 1A1 . w | i wr „ rvwxAu ao Service, 1401 Wilson Blvd., Suite 101, Arlington, Va. MacDonald MIg., Box 900AP, Athens, Ohio45701.84415 _ Clinton Robison, 34, 1101 Southwest Parkway, instructor of auto mechanics, Bryan Inde pendent School District. Member of city Mayor’s Committee. THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for tlie Doctoral Degree Name: Stanislowski, Anna Gomolinsky Degree: Ph.D. in Chemistry Dissertation: STRUCTURAL STUDIES OF SOME MOLYBDENUM COMPLEXES OF PYRAZOLYBORATE AND OF THE ENZYME STAPHYLOCOCCAL NUCLEASE. Time: April 2, 1976 at 2:00 p.m. Place: Room 1426 in the Chemistry Bldg. George W. Kunze Dean of the Graduate College 1966 CMC V-6 pickup, $200. 845-2294. ROOMMATE WANTED FOR SALE OR RENT Roommate wanted, 693-9471. BELAIR Mobile Home Park “SPRING AWARDS SCHOLARSHIPS” Application forms for Spriiig Awards Program may he obtained from the Student Financial Aid Oflice, Room 303, YMCA Building. All applications must he filed with the Student Financial Aid Office not later than 5:00 p.m., April 1, 1976. Late applications will not be accepted. 89tll large lots pool. ntes from cainpu: TV cable, all c 822-2326 or 822-2421 Get the Best for Less WANTED FOR RENT pasture and stalls, 846-7015. BALALAIKA WANTED Will buy, give offer or informa tion. Call 845-3762. 95t3 SPECIAL NOTICE Need recorder teacher, intermediate level for 11-yr-old boy, 846-9339. ' 96t2 S< r\ ice I 'oi All c >r\ slur (.'orp . Cars Roc > W ork 1 ainting IIAI.SK .1. MOTOR COM RAW INC. 1 )( H 1LU 1 S. lies and Sen it •e Since 1922 Ill 1 l exas A\ e. S23-Sl11 HELP WANTED TRY BATTALION CLASSIFIED Attractive cocktail waitresses wanted evenings, 6 days a week. Mansard House, 693-2200. Attrac tive salary and tips. Also salad girl wanted. 84tfn WORK WANTED Typing. 0544. Experienced, fast, accurate. All kinds 822- 88tll Typing. 823-4579 after 5 and Saturdays Full time typing. Symbols. Call 823-7723. 39°tfd Do you have any specific pro grams planned as a council member? Some of the programs are special committees for streets, drainage, lights, and recreation in College Sta tion, also a committee to look at the city ordinances, fire hydrants, vacant lots and run-down houses. I would like to work op streets. I think we have from 28 to 34 streets that need paving. That has been my goal and I am going to continue to take care of it even if we go in and petition the people who live on the streets to see if they would be willing to pay for having the streets fixed. There are a lot of bad streets in Col lege Station that have been ne glected for years. Also, the drainage problem needs to be taken care of Are you in favor of extending liquor hours to 2 a.m. on weekends? Yes, I would like to see it till 2 a.m. because I used to go out quite a bit myself and I know a lot of other people do. If you have anything else to do at home or any type of meeting to go to, by the time you get out it’s almost closing time and everybody is out trying to drink all they can within two or three hours. And in that time a person will get high. A lot of people say that if you let it go until 2a.m. the more drinking you are going to have, but I don t think so. I think 2 a.m. would probably be sufficient and would also keep the town alive. Are you in favor of the construc tion of Millican Dam after the lig nite coal is mined in the area? Yes, in a way. I think we need it. A lot of areas don’t have much water and we need it for the water supply. We definitely need the coal. Should College Station purchase their utilities from a source other than Bryan? I don’t think so. It all depends on who is giving the better benefits. If the prices are better with someone else and they can furnish us, I think we should buy from them. I think we should save the money and I don’t think Bryan would feel hard about us buying it from someone else. Why are you running? I would like to see a lot of change. I’ve been working around the city Do you have any plans for velopmental controls? Yes, (I’m satisfied) in termsd ness. No, in respect to thorougj and detailed attention to construction activities. Somed can he, and I hope, willbecorw I feel we need a provision ii zoning ordinance which won quire a more detailed renew standards of apartment com[ and commercial development need something more than tl sura nee that these facilities «i| safe and that there will be adtj parking. I ’m afraid that we are of shortsighted in providing the amenities which won these developments a lasting There is also a need forthisra assure that these kinds of dewi ments will harmonize withonro I ing pattern of residential de-1, y 0 i ment. Also, with respect ton L y tinning improvement, Ilookfwi Iber? to a sign control ordinance. 1 net Ini in Irsyst Imer 1 don’t think I shouldcomMi U tJI Jth«, r that at this time. How do you think theamh service should be h Bryan-College Station? e p: men iriori itie on tl le co o: I think it should he betterlb now. This is a suggestionthatlb is strong in the cities. If we Id or two at the fire stationsandik . 0 | stations could handle it, itwoil better for the city and thecitya use the funds. I think the service should he Bryan-College Station andnol! private individual. Are you satisfied with til forcement of existing ordia Do you have any plans for n velopmental controls? This igreg :ase il Clinton Robison LOST Part time help. Drive-in grocery checker. Monday and ^ ^ ^ ^ Wednesday, 3:00 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Sunday morning. 846- 4141. 97(4 Brown miniature poodle, 1 yr-old. Millei Station. Phone 693-0827, 845-3536. Lane, College 96t3 AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: ( all. (ieoi <re \Ve|>l> 1 aimers Insurance Croup .U00S. College S23-8051 SOSOLIK’S TV & RADIO SERVICE Zenith Sales and Services TV Rental 713 S. MAIN BRYAN 822-2133 APARTMENT PLACEMENT SERVICE 3200 South College 823-7506 Reserve your apartment now for the Summer or Fall Semester before the prices increase. We Will Show You a Wide Selection of Apartments in the B-CS Area. OUR SERVICES YOU FREE TO Cynthia Jensen 779-2047 Murray Sebesta 693-8950 Jenny Pitts 846-1924 J. Glenn - Broker BATTALION CLASSIFIED Call 845-2611 EUROPE k- 1 ^ r-C A NEW CONCEPT IN STUDENT STORAGE SAFE • CONVENIENT • INEXPENSIVE "WE’RE THE PROFESSIONALS" CALL 50 CUBIC FT PLYWOOD VAULTS FOR: BOOKS REPORTS PROJECTS STEREO’S OR JUST PLAIN JUNK 822-6618 2206 PINFEATHER RD. rY ^ J>J ' /vvt advance payment requirfd .. *°ij" ree 800-325-4867 V2z Utr.Trcivel Charters covtncil for years. After I started working on the Mayor’s Committee they put me on a government pro gram for low income areas. Then I talked to a city councilman and asked him if he knew about the streets in certain areas and he said he just didn’t know what they were like in College Station. After that I decided we really needed someone to speak for the people and speak for College Station as a whole. If you’re on the city council you’re supposed to go out and learn something about the streets and the community. If you don’t appoint a committee to do it, do it yourself. There are a lot of duties that they don’t perform that should be performed. I think Col lege Station would be better off as a whole if we all work together and not just work in certain areas. Would you like to see College Sta tion change to a ward system of elec tion, as proposed in the referendum on the April 3 ballot? No, I’m not satisfied. I haul the city ordinances of Colics 1 tion a number of times, comes to the city’s responsil)lp nenc the city ordinances, they care of it. They can go outaritr< each individual do what they 9) | as far as water lines or sewerb some people living in thecil)| recently got sewage running"! they could use it. However,tk L’ ^ can go three or four miles mi F n 8 newer areas and put in sew# I 1 *- street lights. r.. yo I think that College Station 1 01 whole should work more wil coa * university and A&M Consol# le cc Anytime you’re consideringsK aviri tiling in College Station it ind | nor all three. One should always!) e “C what the other is doing and) SU 1 should always work together,^ aas ai are trying to get new bikero# as n new sidewalks they should bt«’ [ ™ ing together. There should® 011 ( committee with two peoplefroJ'| lave city, two from the schoolboaid 1 l ect 15 two from A&M to get together 1 1' knock heads and see what the) Should come up with. plitie s Bry There IS a ■ □□□■aBOEIOElB □aa□□■■□□□□□ ■■■■aaOBORBB BOBBUBBaaiDElB SALES • SERVICE RENTALS Minina atcom Top of the Tower Texas A&M University Pleasant Dining — Great View SERVING LUNCHEON BUFFET 11:00 A.M. - 1:30 P.M. Each day except Saturday $2.50 DAILY $3.00 SUNDAY Serving soup ir sandwich 11:00 A.M. - 1:30 P.M. Monday - Friday $1.50 plus drink Available Evenings For Special University Banquets Department of Food Service Texas A&M University “Quality First” difference!! PREPARE FOR: ★MCAT Over 35 years DAT of experience LSAT and success a GRE W TAPE SESSIONS GMAT ONLY OCAT • CPAT VAT Voluminous home study materials • SAT Courses that are FLEX constantly updated ECFMG • lam ; NAT’L MED. B’DS NAT’L DENTAL B’DS *MCAT CLASSES AVAILABLE EDUCATIONAL CENTER TEST PREPARATION SPECIALISTS SINCE 1938 11300 N. CENTRAL EXPRESSWAY! DALLAS, TEXAS 75231 CALL FOR INFORMATION NOW 214/ 750-0317 Branches in Maior U.S. Cities ★ drive