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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1976)
THE BATTALION TUESDAY, MAR. 30, 1976 Page 5 ‘U'd system the ref( Hot? e for the ystem bea He largest itlidates. is size we •ems gettiJi City Council Place 3 ou t beeam , fimdbyi im Crawley es Crawley, 19, 443 Dunn a sophomore journalism tr at Texas A&M. Member of ersity Traffic Panel, presi- A&M Young Democrats. you have any specific pro- planned as a council [her? to hold regularly scheduled fer themsd I ;jy meetings alternating be en) the Memorial Student Center aty Hall in which citizens can me and talk about anything wish to express their opinion i the waul! 'use thenijd ''tain gei critical i be mall thati pairing available agendas before uncil meetings each week so [citizens ean express their opin- on upcoming business. These h pen up city government so the mean become more involved. :en involvement presently is the meeting. e you in favor of extending irhours to 2 a.m. on weekends? s. If it ean be proven not to in- ecrime, and it can by statistical , then additional business and Revenues can be generated. A hour permit must be purchased the state, and the city gets half fee. Also, there is a one per cent tax per drink levied by the city, relieves the taxpayers burden lying the entire tax base, eyou in favor of construction of lican Dam after the lignite coal is d from the area? ied sting ori plans for k Is? he strict even a to insure hese I plan so partmenls they w t on existiu i traffic 1m i't overlial impose ■ el ir orderly 1 V 1 GC will have to he proven that the jean Lake project is environ- tally safe as far as the community mcerned. If mining the lignite is the most econmical means of ating the site then I’m in favor It will cost College Station more use we will have to improve the tge treatment plant because the rwillhe dispersed into the lake, ould College Station purchase Jim Crawley its utilities from a source other than Bryan? Yes, they’ll have to because the development plan indicates the con- 1 sumption of electricity generated by Bryan’s new Dansby power sta tion will be exceeded by the 1980s because of the increasing growth rate of College Station. If electricity can be bought from a cheaper source, then it should be bought there. Why are you running for office? I have more experience than my opponents. Students should in a sense be protected. I can understand student problems because I am a student and students comprise the majority of the voting population. Would you like to see College Sta tion change to a ward system of elec tion, as proposed in the referendum on the April 3 ballot? I dislike both the ward and at-large proposals, I favor the combined sys tem, but under the conditions of the ballot I’m in favor of the ward sys tem. It would provide representa tion on a neighborhood basis. Cer tain neighborhoods have problems that differ from other neighbor hoods. The council membership is concentrated in the southside of town and there are specialized prob lems in the Northgate area, the eastside, the rural area and also in the student apartment area which differ from those of the residential areas. How do you think the ambulance service should be handled in Bryan-College Station? I think the cities of College Station and Bryan in the future will have to have their own ambulance services. At the present they cannot because the budgets have already been ac cepted and there is not enough reve nue to support them. The system now is inadequate. I’ve worked with emergency systems in Dallas as a technician and we need a better operation than Sherrill,the present service, has. Are you satisfied with the en forcement of existing ordinances? Do you have any plans for new de velopmental controls? Zoning ordinances are changing constantly to keep a dynamic de velopment for College Station. Some of the zoning changes have been bad. Some have been good for College Station’s development. There is re ally no line of enforcement for zoning ordinances, it’s more a plan of gen eral development. I recommend the development of a plan that is feasible and workable that would be strictly followed. Building codes should be strengthened along with enforce ment. There are slip-shod apart ments. College Station is becoming rampant with poor quality housing. Students are mainly being cheated because of poor housing. There should be a sign ordinance mainly for traffic and safety reasons. Texas Avenue is dangerous for night driving. V J Larry Ringer y Ringer, 38, 702 Thomas, listics professor and re- rcher at Texas A&M. Presi- t of the city’s recreation ncil, member of College Sta- Board of Adjustment. )o you have any specific pro ms planned as a council her? don’t have any specific programs; zot some interests such as the terns facing the community. The ie tuation for one, traffic and mg for another. I’d like to see ie, effort made to alleviate the ;ing problem at the North Gate a and around campus. A big rest is to have some develop- it plans. We have a development a, we need to follow it or modify it unk it if need be. areas are rezoned for a purpose e ought to he some control that is actually what is used. I think sometimes areas are rezoned so ndividual can turn the property i profit easier. re you in favor of extending or hours to 2 a.m. on weekends? hadn’t really thought about it. 1 ss I’ll have to give you a typical tician’s answer to that. I ll have to into it. ae you in favor of the construc- of Millican Dam after the lig- K coal is mined in the area? I’rom what I know about the area Ssayno. If there were a lake there vould be an extremely shallow It would consequently be a blem as the water level shifted up Idown, there would be mudflats, Ibeing shallow, it would be quite id-choked. I’d love to see a lake side my backdoor, so to speak, t was usable for fishing, water ing and so forth, but I’m not con- iced that the lake would be it. Bhould College Station purchase S' tilities from a source other than fan? ■ think we ought to look at other sources, yes. I think College Station should investigate other sources and get the best utility service that they can for the money. I don’t think at the present time that that’s what we re doing with Bryan. Why are you running? For years I have told my wife and other people about things I’ve felt the city needed and wished they’d do. Some said “Why don’t you run for city council and do the things you think need to be done” and so I said I guess I’ll try it. I hope I have some things to offer the community. I have interest in the development of recreational facilities in the community, and I’m interested in seeing the community stay an attractive area in which to live and raise a family, and for the college students to live. Would you like to see College Sta tion change to a ward system of elec tion as proposed in the referendum on the April 3 ballot? No. I think College Station is too small for a ward system — at least six wards. 1 think a compromise would be three wards and three at large seats. We had the ward system less than ten years ago and we voted it out. One argument for the ward system is to keep the students from being in the majority. I think if the student body gets organized enough they ought to have people on the city council. The students could elect a councilman now if they got behind one. My major concern is that the wards would be small areas and we would develop small special interest groups and we might have competi tion as to what ward gets the best services. I don’t think that would be good for the community. How do you think the ambulance service should be handled in Bryan-College Station? I haven’t had any experience with ambulance service. I guess there have been complaints. Seems to me one solution for emergency ambu- Larry Ringer lance service would be to have some service such as the fire department, with trained personnel in that, to an swer emergency calls. The problem with that is who decides which call is an emergency call. Are you satisfied with the en forcement of existing ordinances? Do you have any plans for new de velopmental controls? I’m not completely satisfied. The ordinances on such things as billboards, signs and buildings are examples. I think we need to look at the city staff and if they are under staffed and don’t have the people to man these ordinances then we ought to expand the city staff so they can. If we are going to have the ordinance let’s use it, if we re not going to use it let’s take it off the books. Murl Bailey Murl Bailey Jr., 1807 Sabine Ct., an associate professor of veteri nary physiology and pharmacol ogy at Texas A&M. Member of ci ty’s Recreation Council. Do you have any specific pro grams planned as a council member? For a program per se, no. There are some existing programs I’d like to see updated. I’d like to see our de velopment plan which we paid about $30,000 for and that has never been accepted. I don’t know whether up dating that plan will be adequate or whether we’ll have to go out and spend more money for a new one. But I would like to see a plan. A plan is only good if it can be changed to meet the growing needs of the com munity. Other than that I think with planning as our long-range problem, utilities happens to be one of our immediate concerns. Are you in favor of extending liquor hours to 2 a.m. on weekends? No, I’m not. Being a former Aggie myself if you can’t get enough to drink by one o’clock, an extra hour isn’t going to help you that much. I haven’t talked to any owners of facilities that sell liquor but I haven’t heard any of them clamoring to ex tend the hour and that’s just an extra hour they’d have to work. They might break even on their profit and loss but until they come up with a request to back the request of the people then I don’t think we need it. Are you in favor of the construc tion of Millican Dam after the lig nite coal is mined in the area? I’ve never been a full supporter of the Millican Dam. If it’s going to he built and if we do have the coal that they say we have down there they certainly should mine it. But being a veterinarian, being somewhat of an agriculturist, I sure hate to see a great deal of land turned under water. So I’d rather see it stay as land. We have areas here in College Sta tion that it’s (the dam) going to change the floodplain just because of the change in drainage. Eco nomically, it’s going to affect us al though we got people who want it for recreation. I have a strong feeling that if Houston really needs some water they will put out the force and get it built and that’s probably the only force that can really say one way or the other. Should College Station purchase its utilities from a source other than Bryan? If Bryan does not give us a reason able rate we should seek other sources. By reasonable rate I don’t mean they should give us such a good deal that it will cost them money. For one Bryan subsidizes the school system in Bryan with utility profits and I don’t think we should subsidize their school system. Two, they are apparently very inefficient producers of electricity. Three, when they laid plans for their (new) power plant they effectively ruled out coal, which is a cheaper source of power... They want us to help them pay for their mistake. A municipal utility situation (like Bryan’s does not come under the state utility regulation so we have no protection. If we went to a private enterprise concern they would fall under the state regulatory power. I don’t think Bryan will give us a rea sonable rate. Why are you running? I feel the council needs strong leadership, called for by the growth problem we re going to have to be facing. I feel I can exert that strong leadership and help give guidance to the growth of our city. going to have to be a tax-supported situation. Private enterprises, I don’t think, will be responsive. At least: from reading all the accounts in the newspapers, people have been dis satisfied with some of the support of private enterprises. I personally see nothing wrong with the fire depart ment handling it. Are you satisfied with the en forcement of existing ordinances? Do you have any plans for new de velopmental controls? No I’m not satisfied. More than 50 per cent of the signs in College Sta tion are illegal. We are going to have to have people enforce it. We don’t have enough people in the tax office to keep our tax rolls up to date. We have a significant number of people whose property is not on the tax rolls because the deed has never been transferred from the court house. Another ordinance which is not enforced to its absolute is the animal control ordinance. Avid control is necessary from a health standpoint and for protection of the animals. We are no longer a free-ranging society and these ordinances must be en forced for the welfare of the people. Murl Bailey Would you like to see College Sta tion change to a ward system of elec tion as proposed in the referendum on the April 3 ballot? No. Having lived in an area where a ward system worked, ward conno tates somewhat dirty politics or ward politics. I don’t feel here in College Station we need a ward system. A three and three system where we got some council members at-large and some from wards. But having the en tire city as six districts is not reason able. We have several different interest groups that have brought up wards, the students are one. Personally if the students wanted somebody on the city council they could put some one in. Historically the students have not participated in city gov ernment, which is unfortunate. The other group is afraid of the student vote, they say students can hold the whole council if they so desire, and this is true. I’m not afraid of the stu dents taking over the city council. They are citizens here and most of the students live off campus. How do you think the ambulance service should be handled in Bryan-College Station? Never having had to use it I am not too familiar with it but I’d rather see a city or regional council handling the ambulance system. I think it’s ..for many good reasons gaga sSi :•»»: !*I*X*X •Si*:*.. MONDAY - GROUND SIRLOIN BANQUET. 100% pure Ground Beef with Sauteed Onions, French Fried Po tatoes, Garden Salad with Choice of Dressing . . . $1.29 .TUESDAY - SPAGHETTINI BANQUET. Spaghettini and Meat Balls covered with Italian Style Marinara Sauce, served with Garlic Bread and Salad . . . $1.29 WEDNESDAY - CHILI MAC. 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UOOpm march.50 rudder moll In/tructor joe peho/ki Sponsored by Crafts and Arts Committee 10 aij ent will ; are M moriaj [arried 3 ii ( ! you oughta’ see our plants. we invite you to compare: quality and price. the greenery ( 4303 texas ave. | 846-2838 jf|| tropical i| 'T' foliage § SmaJ jjjPi*! the greenery 3 blocks university drive /|k -I ! imras a&m | | campus i ^ I; l—l (Shalas (Shoes deMM) FRIDAY, APRIL 2nd 707 S. Texas 846-1148 Across from Charli’s Boutique Register all this week for 3 $50 GIFT CERTIFICATES to be given away during our Grand Opening Party. Refreshments will be served. You do not need to be present to win. Now in our new location. rase GeraraDTOBG