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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1976)
THE BATTALION TUESDAY, MAR. 30, 1976 Page 7 ^*1 at tin ls onen WnciUi derate vi Ae amlj handld n? City Council Place 6 Jim Dozier ozier, 52, 1005 Walton Dr., iate professor of finance at A&M. Councilman eight former city attorney. you have any specific pro- planned as a council er? arranger* -an hopei county m arrantei •crated ai e sophist* chicles I city council is presently con- P r oveiipi fcg a program for the acquisi- Ifpark lands. 1 would specifi- , like to see a large municipal W,th J . tk Ivithin the city, g ordinii| ns for no I c j t y a ] so neet ] s to develop a unity center. A community 1 that can handle all types of • thoroupi e an( j different kinds of ac- m to W s no t a center just for the per- loraed n g ar t s . One that will be “ e conej id as muc i as possible during iy and night. Bob Bell ■ovisionii ich won review 'nt com] dopmenl I than I .ilities i 1 II be adet; It we ani Bell, 33,1006 Madera Ci rcle, iding* ident of Scott & Davis Enter- i wouldj jsand an independent con- l-titingvi or. Councilman one year, thisrmi jrPro-Tem. Is of devrl ,vith oura | itial devd | you have any specific pro- leettonlis planned as a council Hook fo Iber? ance. » need to increase the sewage ij Ini in College Station. Our city Hrsystem is not adequate for En- Imental Protection Agency ,) standards to meet the need of (Icon™ :ity. We need the sewer lines i than we need anything. The hcambil T p ro blem will be taken care of handle! [, e p assa g e 0 f the capital im- ’t* ;ments bond issue, which is my iriority. lettertk iliti es with reasonable rates are anthatlk on the list. IfweH 1 ,e council needs to keep some nsandlk .„] on the community growth t, it"W j s done by the revision of thecihji igregulations. The city needs to he amW ase jt s p 0 li ce and fire protection We especially need a center for our older citizens. Too little is done in our society for older people. They appear to be a forgotten element in our society. Are you in favor of extending liquor hours to 2 a.m. on weekends? At the present time I am not be cause of the difficulties presented to me by the police department in Col lege Station. Extending the hours would increase the amount of their work tremendously. It is a question of whether or not it is a benefit to the entire populace to go to this added expense to allow a limited segment of our population to participate in this activity. I think this is a demand by younger and not older persons. Tve no moral or reli gious qualms about it, but I don’t think it is proper at this particular time. It may be possible to extend the hours for a two or three month trial Jim Dozier basis to see if there are additional problems because of extending liquor hours. But it is hard to go back e you in favor of extending hours to 2 a.m. on weekends? m’t think I can support it unless |at the community supports it. issue comes up, you are going id organization in the religious mnities in the area that are op- l I haw dt 0 the idea. I don’t think the enforcement segment of the ies , nunity will support it either, ponsibit? "erica was founded on the basis ' ini ajority rule and as yet, I do not that the majority of the people the extended drinking hours. I rve the right to change my posi- ifl get more information. If the mation I get says that the com ity does not object to longer cing hours, I can honestly sup- it. e you in favor of the construc- of Millican Dam after the lig- coal is mined in the area? ie council took the position of Bob Bell Would you like to see College Sta tion change to a ward system of elec tion, as proposed in the referendum on the April 3 ballot? No, not particularly, because I think it would exclude certain good people from seeking office. I favor electing at-large because we don’t have any one area of a large minority' population. We re not de priving any ethnic, age, social or economic group representation on the council by not having a ward sys tem. How do you think the ambulance service should be handled in Bryan-College Station? Sherrill’s Ambulance Service Inc. has two new, well-equipped ambu lances. This is the latest equipment available and the city furnished one of these. The city has provided forms for complaints and forms for informing the city council of the time the call for service was received and the arri val time of the ambulance to the per son needing the service. The service is as good today as we’ve ever had in Brazos County and I hope tomorrow will be better than today. Are you satisfied with the en forcement of existing ordinances? Do you have any plans for new de velopmental controls? For a city the size of College Sta tion, we have an extremely good city and this is partly because of our ordi nances and the enforcement of them. ey don’l out am : they • sewer the city nning d ever, tk miles ci i sewagt Station! ore w mnsolidi [eringsl n av ing a position. 1 am neither nor against it. e don’t need it for the city’s aiid supply and I don’t think the las any obligation to provide this as recreation for the citizen. I think the city should have a |tion on it. ave a personal opinion but the ilect is not an issue at the present hat the) 1 Should College Station purchase |tilities from another source be- Bryan? all things are equal. If we get A'^Htical rates and contracts horn States Utilities and Bryan, I ijBld support Bryan. jhy are you running? lollege Station is a youthful com- jiity filled with vigor. Rapid wth is taking place. We need a [munity that can support and thand-in-hand with A&M. lie leadership for this community :have the ability to work with Icommunity and the university. Dust not be confined to one area i other. Bam associated with the academic [business communities in Col- I Station and I feel that I am best lified for the job. TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TOWN HALL SERIES PRESENTS JOURNEY SATURDAY APRIL 17, 1976 8:00 P.M. G. ROLLIE WHITE COLISEUM TICKETS: A&M STUDENTS NON A&M STUDENT/DATE GENERAL PUBLIC GENERAL ADMISSION FREE 3.00 4.00 RESERVED 4.50 4.50 6.50 TICKETS AND INFORMATION AVAILABLE AT MSC BOX OFFICE, FIRST FLOOR RUDDER TOWER. OPEN 9-4, MONDAY-FRIDAY. 845-2916. NO CAMERAS OR EQUIPMENT WILL BE ALLOWED. m/ci PREVENT BROKEN HEARTS USE TOUR SEAT BELT Governor's Office of Traffic Safety REDUCED.TO SELL FINAL CLEARANCE ALL JEANS & TOPS 40 - 50% OFF Me re remodelling and must get rid of this merchandise — hurry while they last! LOUPOT’S BOOKSTORE o Northgate - across from the post office to a previous situation, once the in itial step has been made to extend the hours. Also, there would be no way to refund the tavern owners for the extra fees they would have to pay to stay open longer, if we decided to revert to the earlier closing hours. The situation needs to be studied. Are you in favor of the construc tion of Millican Dam after the lig nite coal is mined in the area? At the present time, no. I was once in favor of the Millican Dam but since that time things have come up that have changed my mind. I previously thought that Bryan- College Station needed a supply of surface water for their municipal needs but experts have convinced me that the lake would not be able to supply the water when it will be needed in approximately 40 years. Also, I am one who feels that the power of eminent domain that the state and its subdivisions have, should be exercised with extreme caution. I do not favor the indis criminate taking of private property for public purposes unless it is abso lutely necessary. I also wonder if we can afford to lose the Navasota bottomland, which is unique to Texas and the U.S. Should College Station purchase its utilities from a source other than Bryan? I feel that College Station should purchase its utilities from a source that can guarantee adequate supply at the lowest possible cost. If the city of Bryan can do this, I prefer buying from Bryan. But, if Bryan cannot become com petitive with its rates, I think Col lege Station will be forced to go to an alternate source. Bryan is not com petitive at the moment. Adequate utilities at a reasonable cost is probably the most important issue in this area at the present time. Why are you running? I’m running on my experience. I’ve got qualifications that the city needs. I’ve been a city councilman for six years and I was city attorney for two years. I have accomplished things in the past and I wish to accomplish things in the future for College Station. Would you like to see College Sta tion change to a ward system of elec tion, as proposed in the referendum on the April 3 ballot? No, I favor the at-large system. Whenever a city has changed to a ward system, it has been done to give advantage to a minority group. The minorities in College Station are so scattered that there is no guarantee that a ward system could give any group an advantage. How do you think the ambulance service should be handled in Bryan-College Station? I think eventually the service will have to be taken over by the cities. The trend in growing cities throughout the U.S. seems to be for a municipal ambulance service. College Station is operating under the present ambulance service be cause it is so much cheaper and the city will continue to do so as long as it remains efficient. If it becomes inefficient, we will have to change and I think that change will be to municipal ambu lance service. Are you satisfied with the en forcement of existing ordinances? Do you have any plans for new de velopmental controls? We need better enforcement of our two most important ordinances, zoning and sub-division regulations, for the protection of single family re sidences and to provide for the or derly growth of the city. The city also needs to revise and strengthen its building codes. Specifications for streets need to be raised to insure a better quality of street construction. EVERY WEDNESDAY IS Ladies’ Day! SAVE 10% ON ALL PURCHASES EXCEPT PERT!-LOME PRODUCTS “Complete Plant Center” HARDY GARDENS College Station 2301 S. Texas Bryan 1127 Villa Maria Rd. Dandylion Manor East Mall STEAK BASKETS TACOS SHAKES SUNDAES DAIRY PflLHEE HOT DOGS 100% BEEF BURGERS SHRIMP FREE FRENCH FRIES WITH ANY FOOD ORDER Good thru April 2 with this coupon. TEXAS AVE. AT HWY. 30 COLLEGE STATION PHONE-IN & DRIVE-THRU TOO!! 846-4701 The Black Awareness Committee 3731 E. 29th n Town & Country Center KOOM 846 4708 l« u u in closed APRIL 10 - APRIL 17 ^^Carl Bussells llAMOND ~ As members of the American Gem So ciety, we are continually striving to keep abreast of current gemological develop ments. We will be closed for this week in order to attend the American Gem Society Con clave in Boston. The Conclave is a meeting of some of the top Gemological experts in the world sharing their knowledge with other members of the American Gem So ciety. presents Black Experience VI April 4-10 Speakers, music, art, food, come experience it! (3° V /tep Into the m/c circle Does a totally new fraternity capture your imagination? SlQMA rAU QAMMA FRATCRNlTy now starting a new Chapter at TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY We’re looking for the uncommon man in today’s college crowd . . . the man who knows what he wants from college and his living experience on campus . . . the man who has the intelligence, ability and determination to build his own fraternity from scratch, in his own way . . . How can you take advantage of this unique opportunity? Simply by attending an informal meeting . . . TODAY AT 1:00 p.m. & 4:00 p.m. TOMORROW AT 4:00 p.m. & 7:00 p.m. AGGIELAND INN - ROOM 117 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, PHONE JOE MUSSELLI 846-5741