Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1975)
School board sets tax base THE BATTALION TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1975 Page 3 20 stray cats nabbed By PAULA GEYER Battalion Staff Writer The A&M Consolidated School Board approved a property-tax base for 1975-76 of $1.77 for every ! S100 valuation of property at its meeting Monday night. Superintendent Fred A. Hopson said $1.44 of the amount will be used to pay local maintenance and facilities costs. Outstanding in terest on existing school bonds will be paid with the remaining 33 ; cents. The board approved a loan to help pay for salaries and operating expenses through January or until all school taxes are collected. The loan, from University Na tional Bank, is for $60,000 at an interest rate of one-half of one per cent, Hopson said. “We cannot pay operating ex penses before January without the loan,” Hopson said. The board also approved pay ment of $25,000 for two relocatable buildings already under construc- gBCUsib Y >1.00 i -7470 5m? “Gig Ag” Get to knowyour“Gig-Ag” be fore the Illinois Game spon sored by Recreation Commit tee. Look for clues every day. Today’s prize. Dinner for 2 by Tokyo Steak House. To win, ask Gig Ag for (his) name. Located at 1201 Hwy. 30 in Briarwood Apts. Open for Business Monday-Saturday FOOTBALL DRINKS Bar Brands 25c Anything Else 25c (5-7) U pent house 1 AGGIELAND FLOWER & GIFT V* -'I' & ■* <\ COME IN 209 UNIVERSITY OR CALL 846-5825 FOR YOUR SPECIALLY DESIGNED CORSAGES AND MUMS. INDIVIDUALLY DESIGNED FOR EACH GAME ASL7L715!! 311 UNIVERSITY* NORTH GATE Call ahead for faster service 846-1713 under new management OPENING SPECIAL RSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS®; BUY ONE GIANT OR LARGE PIZZA: GET NEXT SMALLER SIZE FREE!! iSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS THE GREATEST SANDWICH The greatest sandwiches in the Southwest are served from 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. each day Monday through Friday on floor 11M, Conference Tower. The greatness of these sand wiches is no accident. There are several types of meats and you can select your choice and mix or match any three pieces for your sandwich on the bread of your choice. Two of the several types of bread are sour dough and baked fresh daily in our Duncan bakery. Further, these breads are prepared without shortening for the diet conscious guest. For the greatest taste tempting delight just make your sandwich exactly like you want it and pop it into one of the handy micro-wave ovens. This wonderful sandwich and a bowl of soup for only $1.50 plus tax will place you on cloud 11M. We agree this is a bit of a long story, but it is difficult to stop talking about our tasty sandwiches. Open Sunday 11:00 A.M*. -1:30 P.M. for regular meal only. “QUALITY FIRST” tion. One of the buildings will be at College Hills Elementary School and the other will be at South Knoll Elementary School. Hopson said the addition of the relocatable buildings plus two addi tional teaching units would ease the overcrowding problem. As of last Friday, enrollment in the school district was 3,071 stu dents. Both of the teaching units, total ing three teachers, were provided for in this year’s budget. The board was also informed by Hopson that $2,400 was available this year for the Drug Abuse Prog ram. The state funds will be used to try to involve the student in the fight against drugs, Hopson said. He said crime- and drug-abuse programs are getting away from the strictly informative approach. “The idea is to integrate crime and drug abuse prevention ideas into other classes such as social sci ences instead of health and physical education,” Hopson said. School Board President Nancy Donaldson also announced that the school board had upheld the ad ministration’s decision to expel Jerry Thayer for the remainder of the school quarter. Thayer’s parents requested ac tion on the matter from the board at a public hearing Wednesday. By JERRY NEEDHAM Battalion Staff Writer Approximately 20 cats have been picked up under the city’s Hew animal-control ordinance, and not one of them has been claimed, Larry Fitzgerald, College Station humane officer, said Monday. The ordinance, in effect since Sept. 1, requires each cat and dog to be on a leash when not on its owner’s property. Besides cracking down on loose dogs, the new ordi nance places similar restrictions on cats for the first time. Fitzgerald said he has no expla nation why none of the impounded cats has been claimed. He said there probably won’t be a decrease in the number of feline pick-ups in the near future. No tickets have been issued to owners of unleashed cats so far, Fitzgerald said. He said he has is sued pnly warning tickets this month to dog-owners walking their pets without a leash, but said cita tions will be issued beginning next month. Violators of the ordinance can be fined up to $200. TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TOWN HALL YOUNG ARTISTS SERIES PRESENTS ROBERTO DE GAETANEO BRILLIANT YOUNG PIANIST WORKSHOP - 8:00 P.M. SEPTEMBER 29, 1975 RECITAL - 8:00 P.M. SEPTEMBER 30, 1975 GENERAL PUBLIC A&M STUDENT/DATE NON-STUDENT DATE MSC BALLROOM MSC BALLROOM $2.50 FREE/ID AND ACTIVITY CARD $1.00 Dianne McCracken cheer fully donates blood during the Brazos County Red Cross Blood Drive. The drive began yester day and continues through 6 p.m. today. Donations may be made at the St. Mary’s Student Center, 103 Nagle St. in Col lege Station. Staff photo by Chris Svatek lEiliMS The Traffic Appeals Panel will meet Tuesday at 4 p.m. in the Conference Room of the MSC. The Pentagon Area Hometown Club will meet Tuesday at 7 p.m. in Room 140 of the MSC. ( The Water "Ski Club will meet Tuesday at T jr. ni. in Room 225 of the MSC. The Corpus Christi Hometown Club will meet Tuesday at 8 p.m. in Room 410 of the Rudder Tower. The Arts Committee will meet Tuesdav at 8 p.m. in Room 206 of the MSC. The Irving Hometown Club will meet Tuesdav at 8 p.m. in Room 141 of the MSC. The Isshinryu Karate Club will meet Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. in Room 256 of G. Rollie White Coliseum. The Panhandle Hometown Club will meet Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in Room 607 of the Rudder Tower. Young Democrats will meet Tuesday at 7:30 in Room 137 of the MSC. The Campus Bicycle Club will meet Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. at the Rudder Tower Fountain. The Aggie Speleological Society will meet Wednesday at 8 p.m. in Room 510 of the Rudder Tower.' TICKETS AND INFORMATION, MSC BOX OFFICE, FIRST FLOOR RUD DER TOWER 9-4 MONDAY-FRIDAY 845-2916. Town Hall Special Attraction /te P into the m/c circle presents The Captain and Tennille plus Kip Addotta Saturday, 4 Oct. 75~Tudder Auditorium 8:00 p.m. A&M Student/Date General Public Zone 1 $4.50 $5.50 Zone 2 $4.00 $5.00 Zone 3 $3.00 $4.00 Everyone.Must Buy a Ticket Tickets are available at the MSC Box Office, First Floor, Rudder Tower, 9-4 Monday-Friday. Sorry, No Camera or Recording Equipment Allowed THE REP LIOl 3606 COLLEGE AVE. DANCING BEST PIZZA IN AGGIELAND NO COVER CHARGE BEER & SET-UPS GAME ROOM TUESDAY SPECIAL: MEN’S POOL TOURNAMENT 8:00 P.M. OMBUDSMAN If you have a question or com plaint regarding news coverage please contact our Ombuds man’s office between 6 and 11 p.m., Monday through Thurs day. We established the office to help you with problems re quiring the attention of any top editorial personnel of The Bat talion. Call 845-2611 or write Ombudsman, The Battalion, Texas A&M Univer sity, College Station, Texas, 77843. TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TOWN HALL SERIES IN COOPERATION WITH BLACK AWARENESS COMMITTEE PRESENTS MANDRILL AND THE HUES CORPORATION FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 26, 1975 G. ROLLIE WHITE COLISEUM GENERAL ADMISSION RESERVED SEAT A&M STUDENT Free with ticket $4.00 - 4.50 NON STUDENT DATE 3.00 $4.00 - 4.50 GENERAL PUBLIC 4.00 $6.00 - 6.50 A MAXIMUM OF FOUR GENERAL ADMISSION TICKETS MAY BE OBTAINED BY PRESENTATION OF AN I.D. AND ACTIVITY CARD FOR EACH TICKET REQUESTED. A&M STUDENT PRIORITY PERIOD EXTENDS FROM SEP TEMBER 8 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 12. GENERAL TICKET SALES BEGIN SEPTEMBER 15. TICKETS ARE AVAILABLE AT THE MSC BOX OFFICE, FIRST FLOOR RUDDER TOWER 9-4 MONDAY-FRIDAY 845-2916. SORRY, NO CAMERAS OR RECORDING EQUIPMENT WILL BE ALLOWED. /tep Into the m/c circle ( rn/c] <3 Battalion Classified Call 845-2611 Stage Center presents NEIL SIMON’S Comedy PLAZA SUITE Sept. 25, 26, 27 at 8:00 P.M. ADULTS $2.50 STUDENTS $1.50 3100 South College Avenue Chicken fried steak like you wouldn’t believe. The 3-C Corral serves a chicken fried steak like you wouldn’t believe. We start with Vs pound of round steak — without a speck of “extender.” We double dip each steak in our own batter, fry it to a golden brown and deliver it to your table hot and ready to eat. The chicken fried plate also includes a generous serving of french fries, fresh green salad and a roll. And the price is about the same you’ve been paying for a pre-breaded steak: $ 2 35 If you like chicken fried steak (and nearly every Aggie does) you’ll find a home at the 3-C Corral. 3-C Corral 29th Street to Barak Lane Across from Bryan High School 693-2721