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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1975)
Page 2 THE BATTALION TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1975 PFANUTS Hensel security defeats purpose ONE?! WE HAVE A WHOLE HARD FULL OF LEAVES' WHH' DON'T WE JUST START WITH ONE, AND SEE HOW IT GOES? The plan to limit access to Hensel Park won’t solve any problems. Putting a gate across the entrance won’t prevent van dalism, and having guards on duty 24 hours a day won’t solve litter problems. These measures will, however, dis courage use of the park and destroy its basic purpose. No longer will students be able to gather there in formally, unless, of course, they receive the prior bless ings of the Student Y Association. But vandals will still be able to climb the fence and ruin the facilities. Granted, the new recycling center may need protec tion, but it doesn’t need protection at the cost of the A&M student body. The real value of Hensel Park has always been its free availability to A&M students. Making students re serve the facility means that they will now have to pay a price for its use. And it’s a price we should not have to pay. What Hensel Park really needs is the pride and care of the A&M student body. If people from outside the University are responsi ble for damages in the park, let authorities from outside the University handle the matter. If the recycling center needs protection, it would be better to make it vandal-proof rather than imposing 24- hour guards and limiting access to the park. What we really need to consider is whether we want to give up the freedom to use Hensel Park just so it will be protected. I think that we as students should use Hensel Park and take pride in the fact that we have available such a facility. However, only if we show we care about the park will it be returned to the way it was. The function of government should be to govern, not to deal in the everyday matters of its con stituents. Yet, Americans seem all too wil ling to allow government to handle matters that the individual should handle. If we really want less pollution, we should use those products that pollute less. If we want more re sponsible performance from busi ness and industry, we should pat- ronize those businesses that act re sponsibly. These are only two examples, while the list of government agen cies is endless. We also should consider that our tax dollars support this needless government work. Perhaps the real problem is that we are not the rugged individualists our forefathers were. Above all else they feared strong government intervention. Although we obvi ously do not, we should. I believe, as our forefathers did, that the least government is the best government. We should de pend more on ourselves and less on our elected officials. Aggietoons By JIM EARLE ■ [RJ i 37151 IS* Sr. 84fc-&77l| ToWHi 4 Cnt. “It’s not the same as when there is a game; but after sitting in the endzone for three years I wanted to see what it felt like!’’ MSC Basement Snack Bar and Bowling & Games New Expanded Hours Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-11:30 p.m. Saturday 11 a.m.-11:30 p.m. Sunday 1 p.m.-11:30 p.m. i') ~ |Stripe Roger Rozell APPOINTMENTS MADE 1-6 WEEKS IN ADVANCE FROM DAY OF HAIR CUT: SAVE $2.00 ON CUT & BLOW DRY. BAUBLES, BEADS & THINGS Come In & String Your Own MON.: 9:00-5:30 TUES. - FRI.: 9:00-9:00 SAT.: 8:00-5:30 331 UNIVERSITY DRIVE 846-7614 Sun Theaters 333 University 846-9808 The only movies in town. No one under 17. $1 off with this ad. / $2 off for students. E<L Chico Serving The Finest In MEXICAN FOOD t Happy Hour Prices 5 p.m. - 7 p.m. Daily EL CHICO COCKTAILS _.$1.0(H <>: ? 3109 TEXAS AVE. 823-7470 Che Battalion Opinions expressed in The Battalion are those of the editor or of the writer of the article and are not necessarily those of the university administration or the Board of Directors. The Battalion is a non-profit, self-supporting enterprise operated by students as a university and community newspaper. Editorial policy is determined by the editor. LETTERS POUCY Letters to the editor should not exceed 300 words and are subject to being cut to that length or less if longer. The editorial staff reserves the right to edit such letters and does not guarantee to publish any letter. Each letter must be signed, show the address of the writer and list a telephone number for verification. Address correspondence to Listen Up, The Battalion, Room 217, Services Building, College Station, Texas 77843. Members of the Student Publications Board are: Bob G. Rogers, Chairman; Dr. Gary Halter; Dr. John Hanna; Roger P. Miller; Dr. Clinton A. Phillips, Jeff Dunn, Tom Dawsey, and Jerri Ward. Director of Student Publications: Gael L. Cooper. The Battalion, a student newspaper at Texas A&M, is published in College Station, Texas, daily except Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and holiday periods, September through May, and once a week during summer school. Mail subscriptions are $5.00 per semester; $9.50 per school year; $10.50 per full year. All subscriptions subject to 5% sales tax. advertising rate furnished on request. Address. The Battalion, Room 217, Services Building, College Station, Texas 77843. 'DW'O' The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for reproduction of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein. Right of reproduction of all other matter herein are also reserved. Copyright (c) 1975, The Battalion Second-Class postage paid at College Station, Texas. MEMBER The Associated Press, Texas Press Association epres r Yorl Editor Assistant Editor Citx Editor Campus Editor Special Section Editor Sports Editor Photograph) Director .James Breedlox e Roxie Hear.i Stexe Gray Karla Mouritsen Sandy Russo , . . .Tony Gallucci Jack Holm ACROSS FROM A&M HAIR SHAPING FOR GUYS &GALS Located in the new Texas 707 Complex 846-9633 AGGIES! Douglas Jewelry offers Student ID Discounts! 15% off of , 50 00 or more 10% off of under ^O 00 CASH PURCHASE ONLY 212 N. MAIN 822-3119 DOWNTOWN BRYAN New York City, Chicago and Los Angeles. /ttpTnamba Eddie Dominguez '66 Joe Arciniega '74 Greg Price mm If you want the real thing, not frozen or canned . . We call ii ‘'Mexican Food Supreme " Dallas location: ' 3071 Northwest Hwy. 352-857C “SAVE A BUNDLE” Remember the old, Cash and Carry, money saving trick? 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