Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1975)
Page 4 THE BATTALION TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1975 Ags finish fifth TWU wins softball tournament By DAVID WALKER Battalion Sports Writer The second-annual Texas A&M Women’s Intercollegiate Softball Tournament is now history with Texas Women’s University the new champion. TWLi won the double- elimination tourney by beating out Sam Houston State in the final game, 2-0. Third place went to de fending tourney champion Univer sity of Texas at Arlington. TWU is the defending State Champion. “It was a very strong tourna ment,” Aggie coach Kay Don said Monday. “The teams that were here are the best in the state. Don pointed out that all games except one were decided by two or less runs. "That shows what we’ve got in front of us,” she said. “Everyone is about equal so everyone has a good chance at the state championship. “Our girls looked good in spots, but the inexperience showed,” Don added. 1 know that the girls, learned a lot." The Aggies opened the tourna ment with a 5-2 loss to Sam Hous ton. In their second game they downed the Baylor Bearettes 2-0, but were knocked out of the tour nament by Stephen F. Austin 4-2. The Aggies tied with Lamar Uni versity for fifth. Lamar was knocked out by UT Arlington 8-7. The Aggie women get back into action this week when they host Rice University Wednesday at Haswell Park in Bryan. After the single game against Rice the Aggies travel to the TWU tour nament in Denton. Twelve teams to be entered in the tourney are: A&M, UT, TWU, Sam Houston State, Texas A&I, Stephen F. Austin, Baylor, Lamar, West Texas State, Southwest Texas State, Austin College and North Texas State. A Perfect Diamond. GABRIEL Tfeepsake* Registered Diamond Rings Embrey’s Jewelry THE FRIENDLY STORE 415 UNIVERSITY DR. 9-5:30 COLLEGE STATION MON.-SAT. -CCs i-V Landes ltd n SALES: AlumaCraft, Grumman, ABS Tejas & Blue Hole RENTAL: Special group rates DR. MICKEY LITTLE College Station, Tx. (713) 846-7307 | Also your local booking agent for canoe & | kayak rentals on the GUADALUPE RIVER for TEXAS CANOE TRAILS. $15/day in cludes shuttle. Phone CANOES, LTD. for details & reservations. ' Clip and save — Netters raked by Tigers The tennis team fell to LSU, 8-1, last Saturday in an exhibition match in Baton Rouge. The only bright spot came in the number three doubles match. In that particular match, Mark Silber- man, a junior from Odessa, and Robin Baker, a freshman from Shreveport brought the Maroon and White their lone victory. “They had an excellent team,” said Tennis Coach Richard Barker. “We didn’t realize how tough they were because we didn’t have a scout report on them. I don’t like to make excuses,” said Barker, “But our boys really weren’t ready to play. Due to rain, we missed three days of practice last week, and that had a definite effect. Hair Service ^ neq. arid tA#©raen 515 Uvivutr^ity 1 Lr.CS. Soccer team strong, blitzes Lamar 4-1 Habib Ben-Ali scored his fourth goal of the young season to lead the Texas A&M Soccer team to a 4-1 victory over Lamar University on Saturday. Ben-Ali scored during the first half of a header, while Arturo Wolf contributed a goal on a fast break. Lamar’s only score came in the first half also, on an Aggie defensive lapse to make the score 2-1 at the half. Holding down the top spots along with Silherman and Baker are Charles Emley, a junior from San Antonio, Tom Courson, a junior from El Paso, John Kirwan, a junior from Midland, and Mike Moss, a freshman from Houston. “This team is one of the easiest bunch of kids Tve worked with at A&M,” commented Barker. “They are a very young group, with much enthusiasm. We look forward to a very enjoyable fall,” he said. The team will compete next in a charity tournament sponsored by WTAW radio Oct. 4 and 5. Talk with a Professional to be sure. The into a f jneek, kid the buildin The runnin lers to The word “professional” is reserved for those men wta actions are wholly devoted to the best interests of their clients This builds the bridge so vital to any financial relationship: M If you are considering life insurance call a professional, Mickey Lea . . . and be sure. .leftansnn stanoaro 3200 So. College Ave. P. O. Box 3667 Bryan, Texas 77801 They Rent That-Away! I ^ . . <4 ! I 1 / 1 . Intramurals FLAG FOOTBALL Fish: B-l vs 1-1, 0-25; Sq. 10 vs Sq. 5, 0-32; Sq. 11 vs L-l, 7-6; Sq. 4 vs B-2, 0-1; M-Band vs F-2, 0-6; Sq. 8 vs Sq. 6, 14-6; Coach Kurt Irgolic installed a new tactical set-iqi for the Ags who are undefeated after two games. The slow start in the last game was attributed to nervousness, indeci sion and a rough unfamiliar field. ijgSIp Recreation: Dunn No. 4 vs. Rec. & Parks, 0-1; D-Gary vs Moses’ Ex tras, 1-0; Colonels vs Casa I, 1-0. During the second half, A&M dominated the game but could still force only two shots past Lamar. Mehrdad Farrokhnia and Keit Mogatle each tallied for the maroon and white. Co-Rec: M SCAB IF vs Turkey II, 12-13; R&P vs Treehouse, 0-1. I BEDROOM APARTMENTS FURNISHED FOR AS LOW AS SIO/MONTH All styles ... and at different prices. Ask about our 6 month “Try it before you buy it” plan. Whether it's a roomful or houseful of furniture, Modern Furniture Rentals has it! 1816 PONDEROSA at the corner of Longmere College Station 693-1446 m Modern Furniture Rentals Independent: Old College Main vs Thundering Hero, 0-14; Turkeys vs. Saints, 0-1; County Place B vs Wes ley Maroon, 20-6; Over The Hill Gang vs Sigma Phi Epsilon, 14-12; Brenham vs Mech. Ag., 6-0; Bob cats vs Oblivion Express, 20-6. Madisonville vs Los Cabrones, 6-31; Volunteers vs Wesley White, 32-13; ASME vs Pete I, 0-26; BMF vs Nailers, 14-24; Pete II vs 2 per cent, 15-12. A&M is averaging five goals per game to the opponent’s two so far this season. Ben-Ali has scored four times with Farrokhnia and Mogatle each having added two goals this season. Wolf and David Longoria have added one apiece so far. This Saturday the Ags will host the Texas Intercollegiate League champions from the University of Houston on the Drill Field at 5 p.m. WE ARE NOW OPEN AND INVITE YOU TO COME SEE US. Open Monday-Saturday 10:00-6:00 >\< SS< QeRokee AND 0^ sootcueax AND HANDBAGS MUCH MORE! (Shala’s (Shoes 3725 E. 29th • 846-2761 Town & Country Center J WANT AD RATES AMERICA'S FAVORITE PIZZA TODAY’S GAMES Military: E-l vs Sq. 12, 5:10, D-l; R-l vs Sq. 1, 5:10, D-2; L-2 vs Sq. 2, 5:10, D-3; 1-1 vs Sq. 4, 5:10, D-4; K-l vs Sq. 7, 5:10, D-5; L-l vs Sq. 15, 5:10, D-6. One day 10c per word Minimum charge — $1.00 Classified Display $1.50 per column inch each insertion ALL classified ads must be pre-paid. DEADLINE 3 p.m. day before publication BATTALION CLASSIFIED FOR SALE FOR SALE OR RENT $$s$m3i8®3s^ mmmmssssmmm HELP WANTED SPECIAL NOTICE Wizard gas range. Oven needs some rejxiir. Call S46- 5207. 1213 W00M00W00W00000QC^BRfNC^™!sCOUPoi^TTOTO8TOIfflfflfflffi With this coupon, buy any giant, large or ^ medium pizza at ^ regular price and receive one pizza of the next smaller size with equal number of ingredients FREE! One coupon per visit, please. VALID THROUGH MONDAY SEPT. 29 Mozzarella Che eta Small Medium I i Cheese, , Cheaeo, ‘ Beef S Chopped I Independent: Over the Hill Gant No. 2 vs BSU No. 1, 6:10, D-l; Treehouse vs Tanglewood, 6:10, D-2; Vet II vs BSU No. 3, 6:10, D-3; Veterans vs Casa, 6:10, D-4; S.W. Village vs 3rd Floor Dodgers, 6:10, D-5; NADS vs AMAC, 6:10, D-6; Old Army vs BSU No. 4, 5:10, K-l; Country Place A vs BsU No. 5, 6:10, K-l; Sigma Phi No. 2 vs Geology, 5:10, K-2; Missfits vs Charlie’s Amadillos, 6:10, K-2; Bear Cats vs Pasada del Ray, 5:10, ETV; Hill County vs Nashville Cats, 6:10, ETV. Let White’s Auto Store, College Station, serve you with your hardware and plumbing needs, North Gate. 338tfn TUNE-UPS & MINOR REPAIRS AT YOUR HOME OR OFFICE Datsun • Toyota • VW MOBILE METRIC MECHANIC 846-8213 Class of ’65 Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting Free Estimates HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY, INC. Dodgre Sales and Service Since 1922 1411 Texas Ave 823-8111 57tfn Repossessed, cheap 1974 Suzuki 250 Dirt Bike. S46- 5410, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. 11(3 Battalion Classified Call 845-2611 BELAIR Mobile Home Park Swi 6 minutes from campus wimming pool, TV cable, all city utilities, large lots, 822-2326 or 822-2421 Get the Best for Less 394tfn ROOMMATE WANTED One female roommate. Sept, rent |>aid. 845-2780.1114 One male roommate, 310 Redmond Drive. No. 204-C 846-4082. 13(2 FOR RENT ffi388388ffi8S^38SS3S8S^ HELP WANTED MON fepperorW A Qrean r»pp«r Sauaaga A Mu»hr*«m . . Pizza Inn Special . . . Each Added Ingradtont . Satra IngradUnt Mot Addad la Plain Cheese Haza« CoRec: Lollipops vs Dexter Jets, 5:10, H-l, Power Pack vs Archives, 6:10, H-l; Scandia Warriors vs Sparrows, 5:10, H-2, Barcorers vs E-l, 6:10, H-2. Share a f 'today-' USAR & NG OFFICERS Unable to find a slot? 4162: I'SAR school is now forming BOBC, BOAC, C&GS classes. Come to the I'SAR Center, 511 Car- son St., Bryan, Tx. 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, 23 Sep tember. Col. O’Neal - 845-7451 Ltc. Davis - 8-15-7471 PIZZA INN NO. PIZZA INN No. 1 1803 Greenfield Plaza Next to Bryan High 413 Texas Ave. S. Limousine Service to: Houston, $30; Austin, $30; San Antonio, $50; Dallas, $60. Call 846-9925 or 823- 8569. Itl6 CUSTOM JERSEYS TO FIT YOUR NEEDS BE PROUD OF YOUR CLASS OR ORGANIZATION! LOUPOT’S BOOKS & BRITCHES North Gate Across from the Post Office .VITE.VHON DECEMBER CH.ADl ATES! Orders Ibr Graduation Announcements will be taken beginning September 8 thru October 10, at the Student l inance Center Olfice, Room 217, MSG, Mondax thru I'ridax, 8:00 to 4:00. 7tl7 PERSONALS Marsha, It's awful cold in 208 Lefexre. Please write. Thanks for the good times. Dne, Joe. 13tl Graduate couple, if you are considering mox mg to a more suitable apartment, please call for details. A conilbrtable, furnished, a/c apartment. Attractixe, quiet. Bills paid. 1 822-6668. 13t4 Nurse’s Aide in Pediatrics. High school diploma. No experience necessary. Will be trained. Call for interview, 825-6444. Mr. Mark Bouliane, Navasota Medical Center. 1314 Large efficiency apartment for rent. All bills paid including cable TV. On shut tle bus route. Call Leo after 8 p. m. at 845-6492. StS Now taking applications for wait resses at Bryan Pizza Hut. Apply in person at 2610 Texas Ave. 1314 Ol I ICE SPACE I OR LEASE 1,100 sq. It. will, cen tral air-heat. 6 olliees, 2 restrooms, roeeption area, near BB&L. JACOB REAL REAL ESTATE, 2511 Texas Axe.. 823-5169. 9tl<> I'nfurnished, 3 bedroom, 1 '/j baths, fenced xard, ear- port. Bus route. $175. 693-2120. 13t4 Furnished apartment for 2 boys, $45 per person. 846- 5124, 8-5 p.m. 823-7341 alter 5. 12t3 Houston Chronicle needs a confident, aggressixe, young person to handle a good-paying nexvspaper route. $400 per month plus extra benefits, 3-1 hour nelits, 3-1 per month |i per day, 7 days a week. Must haxe dependable an- und I tomobile and be axailable from 1-5 p.m. Mon.-Pri. and weekend mornings. Call Julian McMurrey, 693-2323 or 846-0763. 1314 Has the following openings: Rookkec|»er/.SotTelai x »et*| k*i Clerk-Txpist Experienced Bookkeeper Manager Trainee Salaried, plus commission, salesperson Secretary with medical experience Cnr|XMiteiN Bartender Pood Waiters oi Waitresses AND OF COURSE: Numerous other positions 822-7.308 2008 Texas Ave. Plantation Shopping Center Part time farm help needed. Parm macliinen maintenance General (arm labor. Contact Sun)\ DeStelano, Box 256. M.milord. TX. 713/279-3701 after 6:30 p.m. EXTRA INCOME Earn $3.Of) Pin* I’rr I lour. 20hours jyer week. Appli R;ini:i(Ia Inn. Oollvgc , So|>l 5.11 a.m. or 1 p.m. or4 p.m. No pi eculis. AsUiirllr Higdon. Ill) Marl ti'me jobs axailable, S22-7146. PETS FOR SALE Small trailer close to campus, a/c, furnished. 693-4652 before 9 p.m. 12(3 IRISH SETTER PUPS. Bred for hunting from proven blood lines. AKC and FDSB. 846-3946 1314 State Apts., $95, bills paid, 822-4518. Need student to do general maintenance x ard work and construction. Experience preferred, transportation re quired, hours to he worked out. Call for an appointment xvith Mike Beal, 823-5469. 9tl0 Horse pasture and stalls, 846-7015. 7tl2 Room, male student only. Call 822-4301 or 822- 5235. Ilt4 Delixer Eagle on campus, good pi Eagle, Circulation Dept., 822-3707. od part time income. Call 12t4 FREE — playful black male kitten named Attila seeking permanent posi tion as house cat; 8 weeks, box-trained, references. 846-5826 74 Trans Am Firebird 455. Midnight blue metallic, $3850. 823-8405 days. After 5:30, 693-1024. 13(4 WORK WANTED Typing, all kinds, IBM Selectric, lowest rates in town. 693-3512. 5tl0 Waitresses needed, Pent House I. Apply in person, 1201 Hwy. 30, Briarwood Apts. Battalion Classified Call 845-2611 Typing. Experienced, fast, accurate. All kinds. 822- 0544. 4tl4 ■□□□■aatzontzia □ □□□□■■dBOESQ ■ ■■■BEIBEIDBH BOBBBBBBQQQQ Full time typing. Symbols. Call 823-7723. 392tin SALES • SERVICE RENTALS AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 SOSOLIKS TV & RADIO SERVICE INC. Zenith Sales and Services TV Rental 713 S. MAIN BRYAN 822-2133 Have you tried the new RAMADA BARBER SALON? owned & operated by Troy Causey Roffler products for men. 846-8811 ext. 104 HOUSEWIVES STUDENTS We need full-time or part-time employees to work 5 days a week. Cashiers and countar work. 10a.m.'til 3 p.m. 11 a.m.'til 5 p.m. 3 p.m.'til 8 p.m. 5 p.m.'til 10 p.m. If you need a job and want to work wo will orrango tN hours to fit your schedule. Must be neat and dependable, Apply in person only, if possible 9:30 a.m. 'til 11:00 a.m. Hourly wage is negotiable. WHATABURGER Bryan 1101 Texas Collage Station 105 Dominik