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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1975)
PARADi BRAND SIKID IACON '» ARMOUR'S NURACURI SIKID BACON »*■ ^ CUDAHY RAR-S BRAND SIKID BACON > *• ^ NORMS. MACK LABIL SIKID BACON > * * HORMEL CURE II BONELESS COOKED HALF HAM *• CUDAHY BAR S BRAND BONELESS COOKED HALF HAM. SWIFF'S PREMIUM BROWN A S«VE SAUSAGE SWIFF'S PREMIUM HAM PAYTIES. RATH MEAT BOLOGNA RATH BEEF BOLOGNA RATH COOKED SAUMI RATH LUNCHEON MEAT RATH COOKED HAM RATH CHOPPED HAM RATH HICKORY SMOKED SLICED BACON.. ARMOUR'S STAR COOKED HAM. ARMOUR'S STAR COOKED NAM. OSCAR MAYER MEAT BOLOGNA. OSCAR MATH BEB BOLOGNA.. OSCAR MAYER COHO SAUMI.. OSCAR MAYER CHOPPB) NAM., OSCAR MAYER COOKS) NAM.... OSCAR MATH NAM STEAKS.... ARMOUR STAR NOT DOGS ..u* I ft. fk Right Prlcr Right New! r .*■ LIMIT RIGHTS RESERVED USDA CHOICE ?a°b°i HEAVY BEEF Right Prlcr RINDLESS v R,ffct N#w! MARKET ^ SHOULDER ROAST SLICED BACON X HICKORY SMOKED U.S.D.A. CHOICE HEAVY BEEF Right Pricr Right N«w! SHORT CUT 12-OZ. PKG. U.S.D.A. CHOICE HEAVY BEEF BONELESS SWISS LB. CALF HEARTS CALF 69l CUDAHY WIENERS OPEN SUNDAYS 10 AM TO 7 PM RIPE Right Prlcr Right Now! CREAMY ENGLISH CUT ROAST BONELESS ^1 39 CALIFORNIA AVOCADOS SPECIALS IN THIS AD GOOD THURS. THRU WED. - MAY 22-28. PABSTBLUE RIBBON BEER EACH 19S COUPON COFFEE SAVE 68' Will- Mis ICou pon ' MAXWELL HOUSE Right PrlcG* BONDWAREV Right Now! WHITE V 100 CT. PLATES 1 LB. CAN Limit 1 per family with. ► purchase of $7.50 or "jorl,^ Expires 5-28-75. LIMIT 1 PLEASE 2700 SOUTH TEXAS AVE *9 DNi THE BATTALK WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 1975 Public transit problem for Texas elderly Researchers at Texas A6t\I( versity feel public transportas must adapt to the needs ofi state’s elderly population. The frequency of transportas difficulties is a major problem of) elderly poor. In some areas, tin pol lution appears to pose profclti since not only food, hut health medical care, church attend® cultural activities, recreationi social contacts depend on adeipt transportation. The proportion of accidents; persons over 60 is much highertl for other age groups. As a rest) insurance rates add to the bunk gasoline and car maintenancepnj lems. Fixed incomes face strain. Therefore, the number of oH persons forced into needing puli transportation must potential!) crease. Those now in middle! form a more sizable group tt those currently labelled as old. H factor, as well as the rapidly dm ing age distribution, points tol increasing transportation probh of the aged in the future. Public transit offers a viable ternative to many of the burdi placed on the older driver, ever, it currently serves onlyasra portion of the population. Also larger proportion of older pent do depend on public transit tbm other age groups. Contrary to stereotypes of ole persons, they are not inactive a they have activity levels wbie parallel those of younger pe» In contrast to other age groups,! older person visualizes improu ments in public transit ashelpinjl solve transportation needs. Earlit research shows that the elderly tee to expect the government rail; than children to provide for tho needs. This is because kinship Is have weakened and government provisions are highly stable. Researchers feel that nationals volvement is needed with tl transportation for the aged prd lem. It is necessary, they say, determine how public transport tion facilities can he improved whether it be with improved inti* ity bus travel or dial-a-bus, railso vice or taxi service with redu# fares for older persons. They also contend that a me# for tying together the problem he based on the concept of late need. Demand has been the It) means of obtaining transporta to priorities; that is, the examinatiom existing travel behavior to s« where improvements are neces sary. Need, they contend, provide a more important bet» further research. Group discuss strip mining r Continued from Page 1 Many non-leasers said the) would turn down an offer to least because of financial terms. They fed that land taxes will increase duriaf mining and the value of their laid will decrease after mining. All the city officials question# felt that the strip-mining iss* should be decided by the commf ity. A majority of both non-lea# landowners and city residents ft'* that the landowner should mabetfe decision as to how he wanted ton* his land.H In closing the report, the ES" team presented the options ft* Brazos County as they see them In dealing with the rising costd energy', a substitute energy sotitf is needed. One of these sources# lignite coal — either mined local or imported from western states Another option is nuclear power The report says that-for the are* leased by Dow Chemical Conipam mining is not expected to begin ft' at least ten years, and fiveyearsfo' the Bryan Utilities area. 'JupTnamht m ' ^ “Eddie Dominguez ’66 Joe Arciniega 74 - Greg Price If you want the real • thing, not frozen or canned .. . We call It “Mexican Food Supreme.” Dallas location-. \\3071 Northwest Hwy !.j 352-8570