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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1975)
mf at Teiii Hhouni portuniti THE BATTALION Page 7 WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 1975 ROBERT HALSELL TRAVEL SERVICE AIRLINE SCHEDULE INFORMATION FARES AND TICKETS DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL CALL 822-3737 1016 Texas Avemie — Bryan Texas slight favorite in SWC meet Ags battle for track title by MIKE BRUTON Sports Editor The Texas A&M track team will go to Lubbock this weekend with hopes of robbing favored Texas of their fourth straight title in the 60th Southwest Conference track and field meet. The Aggies will have four en trants defending titles and at least one qualifier in each of the 16 events that are to be run at the Texas Tech track stadium. Defending titles will be Doug Brodhead in the 440-yard dash, Bill Newton in the javelin. Brad Blair in the polevault and two- time SWC champion Scottie Jones in the 120-yard high hurdles. No other team -have more than three entrants who were 1974 champions. Texas will certainly be the team to beat but A&M, Baylor and Rice will leave the Horns no room to half- step. The age old nemesis of the, Aggies, the injury bug, has also bit ten the Longhorns, with the heaviest damage being inflicted by the loss of sprinter Marvin Nash who pulled up lame a few weeks ago and distance men Paul Craig and Tim Patton. Baylor’s thinclads have run very well through the season and were barely beaten by Texas in the indoor championships in January. The Bears boast an outstanding mile relay, with strength in the middle distances, hurdles and the jumping events. The Rice Owls are more like the Aggies but with less injury prob lems. They have contenders in sev eral events and have to be consi dered as a pre-meet selection to finish among the top. Although not considered as con tenders Arkansas, SMU and TCU will exhibit strength in some areas. The Hogs will excel in the distances, TCU in the springs and the Mus tangs should score scattered points in several events. The 1975 SWC meet promises excitement with nine of 14 champ- tions of the 1974 meet eligible to defend their titles. Competition this season has been so intense that only three of the ’74 titlists are heavily favored to repeat. Baylor’s Kevin Delorey who has sailed over the bar at 7-1 twice this season in the high jump should hang on to the title he won as a freshman. Texas Dana LeDuc stands unbeaten in eight meets this spring and should keep plenty' of distance between himself and the rest of the field in the shot- put. And Bill Collins, the speed 4. andSitt urch, Colb mm TED ■mm ■oom house, impus. Renl 118(2 MR! wm | ear Hensel WMmU prims Am Am rsJmsd ## if §***1 H't m Hf M. f—fU win in n^akr tlnffn it riff If Wi ffif ktnw Hut wi wM finttf fi ilnit nJtcmf nr iritydiy hw friui ti nfUct tiit ekiafi. SttiJmf hM m pMft ti lawir ill ffkit it mi it m in ikh ti. SI*? riff If Wifflf L SOPER SPECIALS «ia^,CllDCD CAW III AC I we welcome 4 FOOD STAMP SHOPPKRS ''aI , / bm aP)* ^ TO HELP YOU SAVE, WEEK AFTER WEEK SO SHOP PIOOLY WIGGLY WHERE THE BARGAINS ARE BIG AND THE SAVINGS GREAT SM/T PROTEN HEAVY BEEF CHUCK ROAST RANCH STYLE STEAK .99 Swift Proton Heavy Beef CHUCK ROAST |19 . . lb.. | PICNICS 4 FINE STORES TO SERVE YOU a 4500 TEXAS AVE. * 5516 TEXAS AVE. * 200 E. 24* ST. A #9 Radnion4 Teraea COUEer STATION BRYAN TEXAS Q«Mt*y Rights R««m4 Quantity Rights Reserved THESE PRICES GOOD THURS., FRI. & SAT. MAY 22, 23, 24, 1975^ Neuhoffs Smoked 'Sliced • WE Swift Proton Heavy Boot boneless . NEUHOFFS GERMAN FAMILY SLICED BACON 12 oz. Pkg. | SMOKED HAM HOCKS NEUHOFFS SMOKED HOT LINKS . SWIFT PROTEN HEAVY BEEF SHOULDER ROAST 09 H0RMEL S BONELESS Wfm *4*20 CURE 81 HAMS. . . a2 39 HORMEL S SMOKED POLISH l2oz. **20 KOLBASE SAUSAGE ^ bone FRESH CATFISH STEAKS m TENDA MADE PORK PATTIES SWIFT PROTEN HEA VY BEEF BONELESS BOSTON ROLL ROAST SWIFT PROTEN HEAVY BEEF BONELESS tMOQ CHAR-BROIL STEAK '* .» y CXD Time VM.UC/1 UJOflDERFUl n<UJ GIFT/ UHTH SfrH GRECO STATORS SNOT AT nO«V MMIV Riogiy wincsr STMP MnDfMB AUSTEX HOT D06 SAUCE .2 49*1 PICK OF THE PACK CRINKLE CUT. STRAWBERRIES . . 69 9ez. tab BIRDSEYE 10* OFF COOL WHIP KcOBsSf, 2 -* 1 MARCARINE.t > Jk MR. CLEAN * TPf 104 Off 4 1 m 1 t5oz - ^ W Px Bomiv m a 69 iiiBll <*•*"• *«•••• 1 SCOTT A mww NAPKINS 2 Mc !- BONNIE BAKER _ . *1 BREAD 1Mb. loaf qv SOFTWEAVE ^ mm* — tissue . 2 "V?’.47* KRAFT B.B.Q. SAUCE • *“■ >9* TABLETS Dl GEL MEHHEN 30ct. pkg. List *1oo . SKIN BRACER DEODORANT SPRAY FEMININE CREME RINSE TAME - • RELISHES 3oz. can • • List *1 6s 8ez. bti. List *1 SS Viatic ^ 79 98 ‘|29 *929 * . *4 Wez. jars | VAN CAMP PORK & BEANS 44 l6oz. cans ' m ASSORTED SOFT SHASTA DRINKS 81 12oz. cans STARKIST CHUNK TUNA SUNSHINE VANILLA WAFERS m WE GIVE ARROW CHARCOAL BRIQUETS i-VieetY Vimiy Wear JOiMW CA FREE SAN CREEN STAMPS «rth h"tha«« af lOoz. pkg. TOAST -EM 7 POP-UPS |l«it 1 ca«p*« ta a faailf piacta) liP"»>iCGiY Viggiy 'special' iou>5S»Mj 200 FREE StH 6REEN STAMPS I \yJ*oz. House & Garden RAID BUG j KIUER BOMBS j IWOf pIggIy Viggiy SPiciAf {fftWiH 200 mE UN STAMPS I conpeii ta a Fa«if|r ylaatig^Jj b 7 Shall No Pest STRIPS \mn I caupe* ta a hmitf yktu pwoLy VwoIy 'tffiAr iGUNWMAI CA FREE SM CREEK STAMPS 2qt. Can PRE SWEETENED KOOL-AID \mH I (RRfM ta a hmi\f ptooufgm ■ pigYiy VicYiy wear 8<Fu>osMag CO FREE SAN GREEN STAMPS with pwrihatt tf 8lh. Bag Arizona VALENCIA -ORANGES ..K.. J / M / 7J I Irwrt I ceupM ta a faMily ptaasiHBB 1-piMiY VicYly war l<Hmm CQ REE SAN CREEK STAMPS Frash Head CALIFORNIA LETTUCE un«.. J/S4/7S rpaneYir VigYiy Wear louMlfi FREE SAN CREEK STAMP with Nrchata af 2pkgs. Nauhoffs Old World LUNCH ../MEATS 5/24/7$ I eauf«« <• • taaihr WE WELCOME FOOD STAMP CUSTOMERS demon of Fort Worth, should lead the field in an exceptionally strong 100-yard dash. There will also be three runners in this year’s affair who have run their events faster than any other performer in the history of SWC track and field. Texas’ Robert Primeaux has run the quarter hur dles in 49.5 and Arkansas Randy Melancon has glided to a 13:24.9 finish in the three-mile. Collins of TCU has sped to a legitimate 9.3 in the century tying him with Rockie Woods of A&M and John Roderick of SMU for all-time honors. There are several other entrants in the 1975 meet who are among the top in all-time marks: Delorey of Baylor in the high jump, LeDuc of Texas in the shotput, TCU’s Collins in the 220 (curve), Arkansas’ Niall O’Shaughnessy in the 880, Texas’ John Craig in the mile, Ricky Thompson of Baylor in the long jump, David Shepherd of Texas in the polevault, A&M’s Scottie Jones in the high hurdles. The Longhorn sprint relay (39.8) ranks fifth on the all-time list. Some records should fall in the 75 SWC meet with three current records already bettered and three more tied. The Hog’s Melancon and Rice’s Jeff Wells seriously threaten the 3-mile mark of 13:56.8 set by Texas’ Patton last year. O’Shaughnessy of Arkansas has run a 1:47.5 this season almost a full sec ond better than the current stan dard of 1:48.1 set in 1969 by Lon ghorn David Matina. Shepherd’s 17-4 in the polevault also jeopar dizes the record in that event. The Horns have tied A&M’s 1970 sprint relay of 39.8 once this year but may not be able to shatter the mark in this weekend’s competition due to injury problems. The Horned Frog wonder Collins’ 9.3 and 20.7 in the sprints ties existing standards in the 100 and 220. Other records threatened are the mile run (4:03.2), the discus (202-11), the mile relay (3:06.7) and the high jump (7-1V2). Four runners have dropped below 4:07.0 in the mile this year and Baylor’s Delorey is a half inch away from the record books in the high jump. Baylor’s swift foursome and the Longhorn quartet will press the top mark in the mile relay running 3:07.0 and 3:07.9 respectively. Jim McGol- drick of Texas, the second part of the Longhorn one-two punch in the shotput and discus, has thrown the discus 202-3 this season. Finals in the long jump, javelin and discus and preliminaries in running events will begin at 4:30 p.m. Friday. The meet will con clude Saturday with the remainder of the field events starting at 4:30 p.m. and finals in the running events beginning at 6 p.m. Texas A&M’s Entries (best marks in parentheses): 100-yard dash Charles Dawson (9.5) 220-yard dash Doug Brodhead (20.8) Ray Brooks (21.3) Charles Butler (21.4) Gerald D’Ambrosio (21.8) 440-yard dash Doug Brodhead (46.9) Horace Grant (48.5) 880-yard run Jim Brannen (1:52.0) Adolph Tingan (1:52.2) Mile run Manfred Kohrs (4:10.3) Jacob Yemme (4:15.2) 3-mile run Bruce Smith (14:08.0) Charles Cottle (14:19.9) Manfred Kohrs (14:24.3) Long Jump Tom Owen (23-1084) Javelin Bill Newton (228-5) Paul Miller (192-6) 120-yard hurdles Shifton Baker (13.8) Scottie Jones (13.9) Mike Williams (14.5) 440-yard hurdles Shifton Baker (52.1) 440-yard relay 40.4 (Robert Harris, Doug Brodhead, Charles Dawson, Ray Brooks) d’Ambrosio may substitute for Dawson) Mike Relay > 3:10.1 (Sam Dierschke, Charles Butler, Horace Grant, Doug Brodhead) (Terry Novak, Ron McGonigle or Gerald D’Ambrosio may sub for Dierschke) High jump Lynn Byrd (6-10) Phil McGuire (6-10) Don Riggs (6-8) David Frazier (6-6) Shot put Frank West (52-0) Pole Vault Brad Blair (16-7) David Peterek (15-6) Pat Ruehle (15-6) Discus Frank West (145) ^Uc^Kehgie-^aMu'm BUSINESS COLLEGE Inquire About Our Term Starting JUNE 17 Phone 822-6423 or 822-2368 Embrey’s Jewelry W© Specialize In Agrgie Rings. Diamonds Set— Sizing— Reoxidizing— All types watch/jewelry Repair Aggie Charge Accounts 9-5:30 846-5816