Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1973)
Page 4 THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1973 Recruiter Emphasizes, ‘Military a Liberal Institution By LYNNE EDWARDS Armed with a stack of colorful brochures and three years of per sonal experience, Lt. Marilyn Britten, Women’s Army Corps, was at A&M recently on her fall recruiting drive. In an interview, Lt. Britten dis cussed the role of women in “To day’s Army.” “There is a definite need for women in the military, because the size of the Women’s Corp will be doubling within four years," the petite brunette said. “The rea son it was decided to take more women is called good manage ment, tapping all good resources.’ Originally formed during World War II to release men from ad ministrative jobs for combat, the Women’s Corps was removed from auxiliary status and made a per manent part of the Army in 1948, she said. “All jobs in the Army are now open to women except combat arms,” she reported. “That is ev erything except carrying a rifle as an infantryman, running a tank as an armorman and firing a how itzer.” A new program for college wo men considering joining the Army is one of Lt. Britten’s recruiting points. She explained that women who have completed their junior year may go to summer camp for four weeks and receive a cadet APOSays UT Tickets Few Alpha Phi Omega will operate its ticket exchange booth Thurs day for the Texas A&M-Texas football game, though more buy ers than sellers are expected. The booth across fi'om the post office in the new Memorial Stu dent Center will be open from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., announced Eric Baddour. “We’ve already got two tickets to sell,” Baddour noted, “and a waiting list of 200 who want to buy.” The chairman of the national service fraternity project said tickets will be sold Thursday on a first-come, first-served basis. “While tickets may be hard to come by, we’ll be open for opera tion,” he remarked. The exchange is operated as a public service. No charge is made for ticket exchanges, but APO will accept contributions for its campus-community service proj ects or for Campus Chest. Baddour estimated the booth did about a $2,000 business for the A&M-SMU game. APO mem bers also man Campus Chest bar rels at Kyle Field exits. Campus Chest contributions go into Student Senate fund used to help students in time of need. NOW SHOWING TODAY—5:30 - 7:30 - 9:30 THUR. - FRI. - SAT. & SUN. 1:30 - 3:30 - 5:30 - 7:30 - 9:30 ■DULTS — $2.00 - CHILD^^$1.00 CVD Studios presents THE SBfTdERS rnoig =n Starring.I0HN A.STIN American National Enterprises Inc. | TONITE — 5:45 - 7:45 - 9:45 DONALD SUTHERLAND JENNIFER ONEILL LADY ICE" ^Cokx Filmed wilhPanavscnEqjpmenl A NalonalGeneialPiclues Release [PGW ' (g Skyway Twin 0 ■ 1 V ( ■ IN J”«li ’•00 EST SCREEN AT 7:00 P. M. “PAPER MOON” (PG) With Ryan O’Neal At 8:50 p. m. Ali McGraw In ‘GOODBYE COLUMBUS” 2AST SCREEN AT 7:05 P. M. “BLUME IN LOVE” (R) With George Segal At 9:00 p. m. Jane Fonda In STEELYARD BLUES” (R) corporal pay ($400). The Army provides uniforms, transportation to and from Ft. McClellann Ala. and basic military orientation. “If the young woman decides she likes the Army and has done well at camp, she may apply for the Student Officer Program. If accepted she will then receive $550 a month during her senior year and be commissioned upon grad uation, incurring a two-year ac tive duty obligation. If she doesn’t like it after camp, she is under no obligation whatsoever,” she ex plained “It is similar to a cadet in the Corps signing a contract, but there are no meetings and no uni forms.” When not recruiting, Lt. Brit ten is a military police officer. She is one of 36 WACs assigned to the police branch. She is currently completing her master’s degree in criminology and corrections at Sam Houston State University. “I don’t think Women’s Lib has had any effect on the military, particularly the Army” she com mented. “You have to remember that if anyone was Women’s Lib advocat it was the Army. We have been getting equal status, equal pay for years. Now all of a sud den, everybody’s taking notice.” ‘If the Women’s Rights” amend ment is ratified, will women be drafted ? “I really don’t know. It’s really dependent on what society will accept. Will our society ac cept women being drafted and go ing into combat?” she remarked. When talking to Corps staff mem bers while at A&M, the Israeli wo man was brought up as an ex ample of females in combat. “That’s part of their culture,” answered Lt. Britten. During her stay at A&M, Lt. Britten came in contact with some Corps traditions. She received un hesitated salutes from cadets and made her way through a fish whip out. She had dinner at Duncan dining hall and said she would not forget that experience soon. Dressed in her winter “greens” uniform which came to the regu lation length of two inches above the knee, Lt. Britten explained her reasons for joining the Army. “After I graduated from college with my degree in education, I did not want to teach because I felt that I couldn’t teach in a liberal enough school settin, felt it would be too eonfi^ she said. “I knew the military ‘Ic By BRAD Bernard! ■Tango In ictive fib" a liberal institution.’’ Rople difi Lt. Britten is stationed oitB The stoi Houston. She handles allay j between Pi tions for commissions in the ;Kfifc has and east regions of Texas. Mnd Jeann< women interested in enlistingIjjut neith handled by non-commissifLame, at WAC counselors out of H ir. spite o The local Army recruitingstaLf each pe is at 120 N. Washington inBrMgophize a APPLIANCE SALE BANK AMERICARD MASTERCHARGE LAYAWAY INSTANT CREDIT lllf N/- a' PURR THE POWER DETANGLER. r DE-TANGLES WET OR D ^ E HELPS PREVENT HAIR DAMAGE- $ CUSTOM ELECTRIC SLICING KNIFE WITH THE HANDLE $ THAT FITS YOUR HAND. BY G.E. ft ViARm blender 2 PIECE LID EEL BLa DES>Z~ $ MODEL E K15 GENERAL ELECTRIC PORTABLE MIXER NO. 69-3 POWERFUL - MULTI SPEED LIGHTWEIGHT. $1 MODEL M47 * SCHICK MIST TIME MACHINE HAIR DRYER s 1 PROFESSIONAL DRYER AT HOME. m CROCKERY COOK POT THE ALL AMERICAN COOKER AND SERVER 31/2 QUARTS $ 0 Nr GENERAL electric AUTOMATIC TOASTER TWO SLICE FAST TOASTING. COMPACT STYLING $' GENERAL ELECTRIC CORD ORGAN PLAY RIGHT AWAY—FIRST TIME. 2 OCTAVE, 25 MELODY KEYS, 6 CHORD KEYS. <£ PROCTOR - SILEX STEAM, DRY IRON SEE THRU WATER TANK. $ NO. 502W CAPRI CORN POPPER 3 QT. CAPACITY HEATS & WARM SOUPS, VEGETABLES $ SCHICK HOT LATHER MACHINE BARBER HOT SHAVES AT HOME $1 [SHOW ‘ ’N TELL PHONO VIEWER WITH AM RADIO SHOWS COLOR PICTURE STORIES TIMED TO MUSIC. $ i F AUTOMATIC COFFEE MAKER 8 CUP $ BY G.E. WATER PIK ORAL IRRIGATING APPLIANCE HELPS CLEAN TEETH $ NO. 49