Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1972)
-i m inoN D.-FR DAYS LOUPOT'S Across From Post Office, Carries Nationally Advertised Brands At Prices You Can Afford a Cut Rate Package Store No. 2 210 Jersey St. Thursday, Friday & Saturday Next to Southgate Shopping Center Take Advantage of These Specials Imported German Wines Piesporter Bernastler Oppenheimer Ruedesheimer Niersteinerdomthal Zeller Schawrtz Katz Johan nisberjrer From $1.59 5th Imported French Wines Vin Rose Sauterne Margaux Saint-Julien Chateau Roquemont Camay Chateau Grand-Jour Medoc Pommard Lafite-Rothschild Cotes Du Rhone Beau Jolais From $1.45 5th Italian Wines — Portuguese Wines — Spanish Wines Budweiser 4i i a 6 p k *- epl.lU Cans Schlitz 41 1 ‘1 6 p 11 *- Cans Credit Cards Not Accepted on Sale Items THE BATTALION Thursday, September 28, 1972 College Station, Texas Page 3 Batt News Summary By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS OSLO, Norway — The Nobel Peace Prize will not be awarded this year, the 19th omission since the prizes began in 1901. The five- man Nobel committee of the Nor wegian parliament, announcing Wednesday that the prize would not be given, did not give any reason. But the general view in Oslo was the the committee was unable to find a worthy candi date. Music is playing inside my head . . . Watch Film highlights of The Singing Cadets on KALEIDOSCOPE 7:00 P.M. THURSDAYS It’s A&M’s student run entertainment show WASHINGTON — The Senate voted 6 to 5 Wednesday to permit persons retired under Social Se curity to earn up to $3,000 a year without loss of benefits. The proposal was sponsored by Dem ocratic Leader Mike Mansfield of Montana and adopted as an amendment to the big Social Se curity-welfare bill. Under the law now, a person receiving Social Security pay ments can earn up to $1,680 with no loss of benefits. SAN FRANCISCO — Appar ently stung by Democratic chal lenges to come out out and cam paign more, President Nixon said Wednesday he must spend time in Washington to ward off potential tax-boosting programs of the Democratic-controlled Congress. In statements prepared in con nection with fund-raising visits to San Francisco and Los Angeles, Nixon said: “I would welcome the oppor tunity to take the case for this administration directly to the American people. But my first responsibility is to do my job as president of the United States. Gray Sees New Energy View By MAX B. SKELTON AP Oil Writer HOUSTON lA 3 ) — An entirely different world energy picture may begin to develop after 1985. jUa/t ■ IS I HE rilGlST LHEU TRADEMARK OF THE H K CORPORATION. ATLANTA ' TORT. I LOUPOT’S Across from Post Office BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES One day 4c per word each additional day 5d per word ional d: Minimum charge—75c Classified Displr f/i $1.00 per columr each insertic splay in inch ion DEADLINE 4 p.m. day before publication WORK WANTED 11 years experience. 846-5648. Typing. Electric. Experienced in regular end scientific papers. 846-0051. 154tfn Fast and expert typing, Julie, 846-0222 evenings. 143tfn Typing 822-0526. HELP WANTED Personal inter- Mobile home salesman. , no calls. Hi es, 330 Texas Ave., College !3ta- 155tfn lie views only, no calls. Hi-Neighbor Mobile Homes Sales (lal Friday for 1-man office. Must have excellent typing skills, 1 year office ex perience. 9-5 weekdays. Good pay. Flexible holiday schedule. Call for interview ap pointment. K22-041X. 155tfn near campus. Electric. Ex- Symbols. 846-8905 or 846-0571. 124tfn Typing. Call 845-2451. Ask for Kathy. 62tfn Lost in the vicinity of Monaco Apart ments. A large cat. A long-haired Siamese. Reward. During the day 845-6631 or 846- 9090 night or weekends. 155t4 WANTED Want to buy from owner. 3 bedroom, 2 bath house in new condition. 846-0175. —EVERYDAY— Premium grade Douglas Tires mounted and HIGH SPEED balanced for no extra charge. Priced below the so-called “Sale” prices on most tires. Just check price with any others. We sell only Premium grade tires, and gladly invite comparison. Havoline, Amalie, Conoco, Phillips 66, Gulflube — 35c qt. SPARK PLUGS A.C., Champion, Autolite 69£ Each Alternators 18.95 exchange Starters - Generators from 13.95 exchange Most any part for most American and some Foreign cars at dealer price Your Lawnboy and Friedrich Dealer Prestone Anti-Freeze and summer coolant $1.69 Joe Faulk Auto Parts 220 E. 25 822-1669 Giving Better Service For 26 Years In Bryan East-growing company w/dynamic ideas seeks part-time representatives. Inter viewing Thursday, Sept. 28, 1972, 7-11 p. m. at 3902 E. 29th St. (Willow Oaks Apts. | Apt. C-10, Bryan. Call Richard Westbrook, 846-8638 for infor mation. 155t2 Need 4 waitresses. Day and evening. Apply in person at 807 Texas Ave., Oak- ridge Smokehouse Restaurant. 138tfn Married student or graduate student. NAL pay. 136tfn grt Evening hours. Representing NATIONAL HOME FOODS. Pleasant good FOR RENT 1 bedroom apartment, SI 00 per month. No bills paid. Please call 822-3756 between 9-5 p. m. or 822-1169 after 6 p. m. 155t4 Furnished 1 bedroom apartment, air-con ditioned. 4104 College Main. 865. 2 bedroom furnished air-conditioned. 710 Montclair. $75. 846-0692 or 846-5444. 155t3 Nice bedroom air conditioned, ferred. 823-6876. pre- 74tfn Nice 3 room house, modern. 11 miles south of College Station, Highway 6. Un furnished, $70 month. Shade and fruit trees. 825-2402 Navasota (exchange). Mr. or Mrs. A. C. Smith. Call for appointment. FRENCH QUARTER APARTMENTS 2 blocks from A&M. 1 or 2 bedroom furnished or unfurnished. Pool and Laundry Facilities. Roommate needed to share apartment Call 846-8981 144tfn 1 bedroom nicely furnished house, S65 a month. Call 823-6045. 143tfn PERSONAL Freshman yearbook make-up pictures taken for two weeks through Oct. 6— University Studio. 154t7 To the students and personnel of TAMU. Do you need to buy quality furniture? Discount Furniture sells and offers to you quality and national brand furniture at discount prices. You must see us before you buy. Free delivery. Budget plan offered if desired. Location: 501 North Texas Ave., corner of East 22nd and North Texas Ave. Next door to Employ ment Commission. Phone 822-1227. If you need furniture, you cannot afford not to see us before you buy at Discount Furni ture Qo. 136tfn FOUND 2 pairs of glasses—1 gold-rimmed, 1 gray lastie. See Student Publications Dept. 154tfn BROADMOOR ARMS APARTMENTS 2 Bedroom Furnished or Unfurnished. All utilities and cable paid. All electric, central air & heat. From $135. Four Students .$33.75 each. From Manor East Shopping Center take Villa Maria to first light, turn right on Carter Creek, go 3 blocks and turn left on Broad moor. Office 1411 Broadmoor. 5 minutes to campus. 846-2737. Unfurnished Available Oct. 1. 138tfn FOR SALE Now is the time to make the switch to yor Homes. 846-3766. e >ur home from Hi-Neighbor Mobile 156tl 1,000 Gold Stripe return address labels. Use on letters, books, records, etc. Send $1.00. 702-A Cross, College Station 77840. 156tl ’66 Impala 2-door hard-top 283 V-8. Air-conditioned. Looks good and Call 846-0804. good. 156t2 1972 Kawasaki Mach III. Low miles. Excellent condition. Sacrifice. Must sell. Alien 846-1481 after 5. 156t4 10 speed bike. Excellent condition. 1 month old. Best offer. 846-1062. 155t2 New Panasonic stereo 8-track recorder/ player deck. Best offer. 846-1062. 155t2 Smith-Corona portable typewriter. Ex cellent condition—$40. 822-2036 after 5 p. m. 155t3 1965 Mustang, V-8, automatic, air-con ditioned, disc brakes, new tires. 823-3225. 155t3 SPECIAL NOTICE $100 reward for information the arrest of for the theft leading to •son or persons responsible i yellow Swinn Paramount racing bicycle with chrome trim and tubu lar sewed-up tires, serial number E730. Graduation Invitations for Graduates go on sale Sept. 11 - Redmond Terrace Drugs Phone 846-1113 1402 Hwy. 6-South College Station, Texas Prescriptions, Etc. Charge Accounts Invited Free Delivery the Cashier’s Window — MSC from 8:00 - 5:00 - Mon. - Fri. 141124 Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting Free Estimates HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY, INC. Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922 1411 Texas Ave. — 823-8111 57tfn AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 SOSOLiK'S TV & RADIO SERVICE Zenith - Color & B&W - TV All Makes B&W TV Repairs 713 S. MAIN 822-2133 T R A V I S H O U S E FREE BUS SERVICE TO ft FROM AftM CAMPUS Welcome Students Children Pets Dishwa sher & garbage disposal All elec, kitchens 2 swimming pools 2 laundry rooms Covered parking All bills pd inc. TV Cable *140 STUDENTS $g-74Q SPECIAL ftfEAtH 505 Hwy. 30 College Sta., Tex. Graduating senior must sell. Quarter Horse gelding, sorrell, 8 yrs. Very gentle, fit for children riding. Sell together with saddle and bridle. Call 846-8914 — Ride him’you'll like it. Custom end table stereo speakers H. H. Scott preamp.—Car/House portable tape player w/power supply many top artists' albums call Gary at 822-9236 after 6. 154t3 10 x 55 mobile home w/expanded living room. Set up in country, room for horses, private, fishing pond. Ideal country living, 10 minutes from school. S2800. Central air and heat. Call 846-5711 Mon. - Fri. before 5. 822-5545 M-W-F before 6. 154t4 Tape Deck—Sony TC 277-4 quadradial reel to reel tape deck, 4 channel (or 2) playback and record. Brand new. Sacri fice at $275. Call 822-4541. 154t8 1971 Patriot mobile home 12 x 65. Loaded. 2 bedroom, bath and 3/4. No equity. Take up payments on mobile home. Call Keith 845-6241 from 8 to 5 p. m. or 822-2153 after 5 and weekends. 154t4 '64 Chevrolet. Excellent condition. Clean. Power steering and brakes. Air condi tioned. S460. 846-3243. 154t4 1967 Triumph Bonneville. Best offer. 846-4574. cellent condition, 846-299 From Rock & Country To Swing! Dance Music THE BARONS AGENCY OF HOUSTON H. H. “Bud” McDaniel ’42 Box 1136, Bellaire. Texas 77401 (713) 666-0800 Rentals-Sales-Service TYPEWRITERS Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machines Smith-Corona Portables CATES TYPEWRITER CO. 909 S. Main 822-6000 Such is the opinion of Stanley Gray, a director of Shell Interna tionale Petroleum Maatschappij N. V. at The Hague. Gray says the dominant posi tion in world oil reserves current ly held by the Middle East and North Africa may begin to slip late in the century. The Middle East and North Africa currently hold two-thirds of the hydrocarbon reserves of the world outside Russia, China, and Eastern Europe. “In certain of these areas, large potentials have been generated by little drilling effort,” Gray says. “The days of this type of de velopment are just about over.” Looking farther ahead, Gray adds, further expectations from an extensively explored Middle East and North Africa may take second place to those of the rest of the world. Gray also says some of the present activity in difficult and expensive offshore areas is being stimulated by the uncertainty over future supplies from tradi tional sources. “Although conventional oil at moderate technical costs is still available in large quantities, the high degree of dependence on them is leading to searches for alternative sources of crude sup ply,” he says. Gray’s observations on the out look for international oil and gas were made in a paper prepared for the annual meeting of the In ternational Association of Drilling Contractors. Barcelona RESERVE A GREAT APARTMENT FOR FALL RENTAL OFFICE NOW OPEN FOR SELECTION 700 Dominik — Call 846-1709 for Information Student Section, Tennis Courts, Basketball and Volleyball Courts, T.V. Loange, Poo! Table, Club Rooms. Student Rates. Efficient, Discreet professional Management. Security Guard. The Newest in Apartments in College Station/Bryan Area. Student Plan $62.50 per month. We have separate Girls’ Dorm. FANTASTIC FASHION UNDER $20.oo (i£ Maroon Corduory jf Jeans $8 & $10 /BflL Maroon Corduory Jackets $12 linPenny Pincher by ft/" (S&ererlep G&ralep TOWNSHIRE A Free Movie Party f 0r A|| RRJ ., Junior Savers and Their Guests two Come to the big BB&L Movie Party on Sat free for all Junior Savers and each member can^also b^* 11 ' 85 ' 00 ' S guests free. Free popcorn and cokes for everyone. Your BB&L Junior Saver T-shirt or membership card is your ticket to fun and a surprise gift for someone. If you haven't joined the BB&L Junior Savers (and if you're under 12) there's still time to join before the free movie. Visit either BB&L Office or the Savemobile and open your BB&L Junior Saver account with $5.00 or more. JUNIOR SAVERS