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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1972)
READ BATTALION CLASSIFIEDS BUSIER - JONES AGENCY HOME MORTGAGES INSURANCE FARM & HOME SAVINGS ASSOCIATION Home Office: Nevada, Mo. 3523 Texas Ave. (in Ridgecrest) 846-3708 JAY’S SABER INN Package Store Come by and let us show you our selection of fine liquors and wines. Weekend specials every Friday and Saturday. We appreciate your business. STUDENT DISCOUNT Open: 10:00 a. m. to 9:00 p. m. Monday Thru Saturday 701 Texas Ave. at Saber Inn 846-7755 Page 4 THE BATTALION College Station, Texas Tuesday, September 26, 1972 Texas Prison Rodeo Coining Bulletin Board h.i.s SPORTSWEAR Squire The ultimate in the “with it" look; gently flared, comfortable and easy to wear; 2%" belt loops; wide waistband; angle pockets .... by h.i.s. Loupors ACROSS FROM POST OFFICE TONIGHT The Texas A&M Dairy Science Club will meet in Room 113 of the Keep Building at 7:30 p.m. W. R. Kruse, of Blue Bell Cream eries, will be the guest speaker and fund raising programs will be discussed. The A&M Wheelmen will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Room 3C of the MSC. The movie “Tour of Ketter ing” will be shown and nomina tions for new officers will be en tertained. The Society of Automotive En gineers will meet in Lecture Room 3 of the Engineering Center at 7:30 p.m. Dr. C. R. Gerlock of the Southwest Research Institute will talk on fluid mechanics as applied to internal combustion en gines. Refreshments will be pro vided. The Premed-Predent Society will meet in Room 113 of the old Biology Building at 7:30 p.m. Representatives from the Baylor College of Medicine will attend and refreshments will be served. The American Society of Agri cultural Engineers will meet in the Agriculture - Engineering Bldg. Lecture Room at 7:30 p.m. Alpha Pi Mu will hold a meet ing in Room 333B of the Engi neering Center, at 7 p.m. Air Force Student Wives Club will hold a meeting from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. at 5-B Southside, in College Station. WEDNESDAY The MSC Recreation Commit tee’s Mixed Group and the Aggie Wives’ Group Bridge will meet on the second floor of the MSC at 7:30 p.m. The Texas A&M Sports Car Club will meet at 101 Church St. in College Station at 7:30 p.m. Up-coming club autocrosses at the Research Annex and Texas World Speedway will be discussed. THURSDAY The A&M Chapter of the Tex as Association of College Teach ers will hold their first meeting of the academic year at 8 p.m. in the Assembly Room of the MSC. Dr. Rita Huff of Sam Houston State University, state president of TACT, will discuss the TACT organization, aims and programs. D. A. Anderson will discuss Amendment 12 of the Constitu tion. The Finance Association will have a barbecue. Tickets and in formation are available at the Finance office, Room 204 in the old Engineering Building. A Day Care Center Meeting will be held at 7 p.m. in Room 3A of the MSC. By-laws for the center will he discussed. The Apollo Club will meet at 5:30 p.m. in the Saber Inn. The group, sponsored by the Student “Y”, requests all interested per sons to sign up in Room 102 of the YMCA. HUNTSVILLE — Prison Rodeo Arena Director Hoot Crawford after testing more than 100 pros pective convict riders said that in his opinion the 1972 series, held each Sunday in October, could prove to be the best in the long history of the rodeo. Although most of the riders had difficulty staying on top of the spirited broncs and Brahman bulls during the tryouts, Craw ford said he found a number of new zdders who showed promise as top rodeo performers. “Counting our regular experi enced riders, plus the best we found during the tryouts,” Craw ford spid, “We should have around 50 of the best performers from the 14 units of the Texas De partment of Corrections.” The one convict cowboy all oth er riders will be competing against is Harry Southerland of Fort Worth, the 1971 Prison ro deo champion. This year’s rodeo will be an all-convict show, from riders to entertainers. Batten said. What’s more, the 1972 rodeo will feature for the first time convict women in a number of contests. Net proceeds from ticket sales go for treatment services for more than 6,000 inmates housed in the various prison units. Reserved seat tickets may be obtained by writing Prison Rodeo, Box 99, Huntsville, Texas 77340. FOR BEST RESULTS TRY BATTALION CLASSIFI! Visit with the girls of KrueJ Hall. TONIGHT ON I’LATFOtPav, item be Invit e re Have your questions am on the air. Bstud Isem Channels — 7:00 I be i pr f >an currei [stud A kLEN Oldsmobile Cadillac SALES - SERVICE Where satisfaction is Ktcht standard equipment” ne-D< 2401 Texas Ave. if 11 *! 1 |ty da Freed POWs Arrive In Peking PEKING <-# > l—Three American servicemen released from North Vietnam’s prisoner of war camps arrived in Peking Tuesday, pre sumably en route to Europe. They flew into the Chinese cap ital from Hanoi aboard a regular Chinese flight which touched down at Nanning and Changsha in Hu nan province. The three men, dressed in ci vilian clothes and in apparent good humor, were immediately taken over by Chinese travel serv ice personnel, put into a bus and driven 18 miles into Peking from the airport. Foreign correspondents who met them at the airport were prevented from speaking with them, except for snatches of con servation as they walked to the bus. “This is out of our hands,” said David Dellinger, head of an American -peach group which is escorting the men home. “I’m delighted to be here,” said Navy Lt. j.g. Markham Gartley, grinning broadly. “But I didn’t expect to be seeing Peking. I hope I have a chance to try the Peking duck.” The three freed men, Gartley, Navy Lt. j.g. Norris Charles and Air Force Maj. Edward Elias, looked like ordinary tourists as they came down the steps of the plane. But the difference was em phasized when they were halted near the ramp while the Chinese engaged in consultations with members of the peace group. Afterward, they were taken by a side entrance, rather than through the main airline termi nal, to avoid the newsmen. Cattle Overrun Kansas Capitol POW's MIA's OVER 1500 AMERICANS IN VIET NAM . . MISSING . . . . LOST. . . . CAPTURED . . TOPEKA, Kan.—It was a weird scene, even in agricultural-minded Kansas with its rich lore of by gone cattle drive days. Yet, there they were in tht street on the west side of the Kansas statehouse Monday: 43 Texas Longhorn cattle. H. J. Banana, a Texan who brought the cattle north 840 miles from San Antonio to Dodge City, Kan., to publicize what Banana called some “good news,” and his trail boss, D. R. “Dick” Tandy, herded the Longhorns up to the statehouse from the Mid-Amei-ica fairgrounds to present a memento of the drive to Gov. Robert Dock- Ponderosa Motor Inn WALTON CARPET is being installed in all ramps in the A&M dorm as part of a dorm renovation program which re ceived its blessing from last spring’s Student Senate. Al though some students are questioning the value of the car pet, Charles Hitzelberger is shown installing the carpet for the Walton residents. (Photo by Gary Baldasari) ing. The governor was out of town, but Robert F. Brandt, secretary of administration, greeted the Longhorns, Banana and Tandy and accepted the memento from them. The drive was billed as a re enactment of the 19th century cattle drives from the Texas grasslands to the Kansas rail centers. UNBELIEVABLE!! LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN FAMOUS NAME BRANDS. If you are going to buy tires, check with us first. You won’t believe the prices. Premium tires and recaps. Cash & Carry Tire Co. at American Service Station 3722 So. College Phone 822-5744 XXXX RATED ADULT LIBRARY CLUB Direct from Hollywood 2 Full Color Sound Features)! the Hottest, Uncut, U» censored. No Holds Barred Adult Films. 272 Seats - Air Conditioned OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 3 p m. Ill Midnile ESCORTED LADIES i PRICE. Mondays - Bring date or friend absolutely FREF Sundays - Ladies Free. Clip This Ad For il Discount. Features Change Thurs. For Membership Intor. Contact ADULT LIBRARY CLUB University (Ups hirs) 846 9990 lined and 4ona f Tis is jiber oi is po l-suppc >URh t FBI’s 4«t.o n C < ii.Sniee e; nforceme a t able [fninal P u 8h tl BJ'ty at Public ; I he Cr i 88 funde fun in Pal teli with 1 | u 't, 29 jlp’pe N has Fw mac F n ' st nit a Uiinut fkssage I’khing h are their dc Jj s Uges l 0f this hit ^ her d, 5ev en h' n K mad VICTORS H. ROSS PEROT 201 College Main 12 NOON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 MSC BALLROOM STUDENTS : FREE NON-STUDENTS:504 SEASON TICKETS : $3 AT MSC STUDENT PROGRAMS OFFICE 845-1515 All corps students are to Victors Bootshop to meet the famous inanufactor of the famous Dahmers Boots, D. D. Ketzler, for questions and answers. Not including Friday, Sept. 29th POLITICAL FORUM PF1 Victor reminds you he needs your money inq gM ?-**' Havi & fct SC sc 4' Mo? as fo r ! te u w?*t tl '’anil