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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1972)
THE BATTALION Page 8 College Station, Texas Wednesday, July: Faculty members, administrators combine for quality contn Faculties of colleges and uni versities retain the burden of re sponsibility for quality control of their ranks, but administrators have means of affecting faculty quality control. The situation depends, accord ing to a veteran University of Texas at Austin education admin istration professor, on whether the person and personality in ad ministration matches the admin istrative position. Dr. Laurence D. Haskew sug gested at an Academic Admini strators Seminar at A&M that administrators have 20 percent effectiveness in affecting quality control of faculty. “The other 80 percent rests on the shoulders of the faculty it self," Haskew commented, “through faculty collectives, peer pressure and other means.” He detailed several levers ad ministrators can apply to affect faculty quality control, which he defined as “the ability to influ ence a faculty toward compat- ability with criteria and objectives of an institution.” Haskew warned that “about the only foundation an administrator can stand on to exercise this lev erage is a sheer, visible confidence in the faculty.” The seminar had an earlier Thursday session with Dr. Paul L. Dressel, assistant provost and institutional research director of Michigan State University, on quality control in programs. The seminar will adjourn after a Fri day session with Texas Senator William T. (Bill) Moore to move to Baylor University for the sec ond week of consideration of re source management in higher ed ucation. Haskew commented that fac ulty quality “may have correla tion with degrees earned, institu tions at which tthey were receiv ed and fields of study.” He prefers, however, other in dicators of quality. “These are the academic mood, dominated by the character of academic expectations held by pace-setter members of a faculty; target resources, the range and nature of special talents, compe tencies and dedications held by various faculty members, and per formance, the adherence by fac ulty to criteria set for their per formance,” Haskew itemized. In a real situation, he noted, the faculty sets criteria for itself and “the payoff is really whether, not necessarily how, faculty members perform against criteria.” Haskew said levers to quality control are obtained by admini strators through chartered au thority and bestowal—with checks and balances—by the faculty it self. Levers the 40-year professor and administrator covered includ ed administrative entry into fac ulty selection, budget allocations, collegial governments, appointive power, department liaison, stu dent confraternities, ui; live bargaining, amongs t “The faculty selection! is a point of pressure fo| control,” Haskew enlatM appointments affect pee J within the faculty andtjl tion of faculty selects. 1 said the median institotf have only 60 percent ulty after 10 years wiiigj percent turnover canbei| in many by 1982. 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