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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1970)
. -.V • '.IX .v»I F & F SALVAGE SALES Class of ’53 (Previously C & D Salvage) Damaged and Unclaimed Freight All Types of Furniture We Buy and Sell Used Furniture Call 822-0605 302 North Bryan Street THE BATTALION Wednesday, May 27, 1970 College Station, Texas Page 3 A&M will send 500 cadets to summer camp A&M will send more than 500 Air Force and Army ROTC ca dets to military installations around the U. S. for summer field training. Most of the cadets will be at Fort Sill, Okla., and Eglin AFB, Fla., Col. Jim H. McCoy said, with participation up about 10 per cent over 1969 camp. The training, prerequisite to a reserve officer commission, will include small unit tactics, wea pons firing and other subjects BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES One day A4 per word U per word each additional day Minimum charse—604 Classified Display 90f per column inch each insertion DEADLINE 4 p.m. day before publication WORK WANTED CHILD CARE Custom Bookbinding, Plastic Binding, and Gold Stamping of Books, Journals, Theses, Dissertations, and Reports. UNIVERSAL BINDERY 311 Church Street, College Station — 846-3840 Ultfn Typing, experienced. 846-5416. 91tfn Typing, full time. Notary Public, Bank- nericard accepted, 823-6410 or 823-3838. lOtfn TPING, electric. Close to campus. Expe- enced. Reasonable. 846-2934. Itfn Typing. Electric, symbols, experienced. 6.8163. 132tfn HELP WANTED Guitar instructor for boy 9. Not just rds. Lessons at your convenience dur- g summer. Call 823-0133. 120t2 ATTENTION TEACHER AND STU- ENTS over age 21. Outstanding: oppo sale company stock inc< a new Texas. This is nity or summer and part-ti imisaioi progressive corporation igh comr with ime sales, k incentive les. You n, company stock incenti' ew progressive This is not door-to-< will feel pride in nding corporation. ot door-to-door or route 1 pride in representii Is outstanding corporation. For p: terview call 823-1424, 8 a. m. to 2 p. m. 120t2 Zuider Zee Seafood Inn, 1801 Texas, lone call please. Reliable help for sum- or. Apply between 11 a. m. ai ip 1 nd p. m. 120t2 WEE WITTLE NURSERY 800 Mitchell, Bryan Vacancies Starting June 1st. Infants to 8 years State Licensed 822-4138 ie I Owner & Operator igor 846-4005. Nursery, 504 Boyett 593tfa HUMPTY DUMPTY CHILDREN GEN- TER, 3400 South College, State Licensed. 823-8626. Virginia D. Jones. R. N. 99tfn FOR SALE DUNE BUGGY. Custom made. See at 200 Walton or call 846-6970 after 5. 121t3 4 and 8 track tapes and tape players, cassette tape players and tapes, reel type tape players, all sizes, radios, record play ers, watches, cameras, girlie films, shot guns, TV’s - Fantastic bargains.—AGGIE DEN. 307 University. College Station, Texas. 122tfn 1969 Two horse trailer. Side by side with tandem axle. Completely equipped. 845-5898. 121tl 12 X 44 Mobile home. Two bedroom. 1969. 823-6236 after 6 p. m. 121t5 ’66 Opel sports coupe. Yellow, black interior, 4-speed, new tires, battery, ex cellent condition, 30 MPG 846-7780. 120t2 1962 Ford Galaxie 600. A/C, auto, good tires — good condition. Call after 6. 846-3742. 120t2 HONDA 60. Call Ben Nelson. 846-2472. 120t2 ANN MARGRET VIETNAM PHOTOS. 8 X 10 COLOR. LIMITED SUPPLY. $6.60 EACH. LIMITED SUPPLY—AGGIE DEN. 119tfn Army surplus camping equipment: jungle boots, army sleeping bags, cots, ammo boxes, rubber rafts, and many more bargains. Bargain Land. 1809 South Col lege. 822-2210. 118t4 Reconditioned Maytag Automatic Washers 25 Models From Which To Choose $39.95 - $99.95 30-Day Guarantee HAIR HOME APPLIANCE CENTER 408 Carson (Across from the Reserve Center & Travis Park) 120tfn USED AIR CONDITIONER CLEARANCE DURING OUR REMODELING. FIFTEEN i/ 2 TON MODELS ALL ARE CHECKED AND RECONDITIONED 30-DAY GUARANTEE $60.00 - $125.00 WHILE THEY LAST ! ! HAIR HOME APPLIANCE CENTER 408 Carson (Across from the Reserve Center & Travis Park) 120tfn TRIANGLE MOBILE HOME SALES South College & Old College Rd. Town & Country the Quality Home Bob Holmes ’49 Will Trade Call 822-4328 TROPHIES PLAQUES Engraving Service Ask About Discounts Texas Coin Exchange, Inc. 1018 S. Texas 8221-5121 Bob Boriskie ’55 COINS SUPPLIES AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 Havoline, Amalie, Enco, Conoco. 32c qt. —EVERYDAY— We stock all local major brands. Where low oil prices originate. Quantity Rights Reserved Wheel Bearings - Exhausts System Parts, Filters, Water and Fuel Pumps. Almost Any Part Needed 25-40% Off List Brake Shoes $3.60 ex. 2 Wheels — many cars We Stock EELCO EDELBROCK HURST MR GASKET CAL CUSTOM Other Speed Equipment Starters - Generators Most $13.95 each Your Friedrich Dealer Joe Faulk Auto Parts 220 E. 25th Bryan, Texas JOE FAULK ’32 24 years in Bryan BROWN - ALLEN MOTOR CO. OLDSMOBILE SALES - SERVICE “Where satisfaction is standard equipment” 2400 Texas Ave. TRANSMISSIONS REPAIRED & EXCHANGED Completely Guaranteed Lowest Prices HAMILL’S TRANSMISSION 33rd. & Texas Ave. Bryan 822-6874 SOSOLIKS TV & RADIO SERVICE Zenith - Color & B&W - TV All Makes B&W TV Repairs 713 S. MAIN 822-2133 SPECIAL NOTICE DR. G. A. SMITH Optometrist eye contact lenses Specializing in contact DIAL 822-3557 examination & DOWNTOWN BRYAN MOVING? Reserve your U-Haul truck or trailor with Andy Anderson at 2010 South College. 822-3546. Lowest rates, best equipment. 117t5 KINDERGARTEN ENROLLING NOW FOR SEPTEMBER. Maximum ratio 1&-1. Certified teacher.’ Preparation for first grade. CALVARY BAPTIST KINDER GARTEN. 822-3679. 79tfn WANTED Roommate wanted for summer. Two iles from A&M. Come by Apartment Monaco 11. 121tl mile 137, Roomate wanted. Girl to share furnished apartment for first summer session. Call 846-9036. 121tl OPPORTUNITIES 60 YEAR OLD COMPANY interested in life insurance salesman for special market individu: liege on at urance salesman for special coli< contract. $400 - $700 monthly individual evaluation. Training provided at no cost. QUALIFICATION: age 21 - 35, college degree, and no military obligation, ler irvi try obligi Will consider senior graduating in Mi ;ervie Sdgecomb. 84b-90«u ; 848-3189 (eve nings and week-ends). 121tl 1971. Interviews Bob Edgecomb. 846-90 uatmg in May by appointment only. 90; 846-3139 (ev. Used boy’s 10 or multi-speed bike. 846- 2721. 119t3 7 MOVING 7 WE BUY USED HOUSEHOLD ITEMS. BARGAIN LAND 1809 South College 822-2210 118t4 COUPLE WANTED to manage mobile County. Salary $100 home park in Brazi mon " must not be otherwise employ ox 100, Battalion Office, T< Giving name, addresi employmen erences. e park in Brazos County. Salary $100 ithly plus free lot and telephone. Wife t not be otherwise employed. Write: ffice, Texas telephone, h' rea, 15t7 Off ng name, address, telephone, hus iloyments, plans for remaining in Box 100, Batti a plans for remaining jmployr and ref OFFICIAL NOTICE Official notices must arrive in the Offiet t»f Student Publications before deadline oi 1 p.m. of the day proceeding publication. THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree Name: Lin, Hung-leo Degree: Ph.D. in Chemistry Dissertation : NMR STUDIES AND ROTA TIONAL ISOMERISM IN FLOURO- ACETONES. Time: May 29, 1970 at 1:00 - 3:00 p. m. Place: Room 201 in the State Chemistry lace Bid George W. Kunze Dean of the Graduate College THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree Name: Morrill, David Degree: Ph.D. in Industrial Education Dissertation: A STUDY TO DETERMINE THE EFFECTIVENESS OF SELECTED GRAPHIC ARTS FILMSTRIPS FOR TEACHING LITHOGRAPHY UNITS WITH IMPLICATIONS TO DEVELOP ADDITIONAL UNITS. m. Place: Room Time: June 16, 197'0 at 3 :00 p. r i 8-E in the M.E. Shops Bldg. George W. Kunze Dean of the Graduate College THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree Name: Early, Grady Gaston Degree: Ph.D. in Statistics Dissertation: FACTOR ANALYSIS AS AN AID TO INTERPRETATION IN THE MULTIVARTATE ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE (MANOVA) Time: May 28, 1970 at 3:00 p. m. Place: Room 102 in the Olin E. Bldg. George W. Kunze Dean of the Graduate College Teague FOR BEST RESULTS TRY BATTALION CLASSIFIED WHITE AUTO STORES Bryan and College Station can save you up to 40% on auto parts, oil, filters, etc. 846-5626. • Watch Repairs • Jewelry Repair • Diamond Senior Rings • Senior Rings Refinished C. W. Varner & Sons Jewelers North Gate 846-5816 GM Lowest Priced Cars $49.79 per mo. With Normal Down Payment OPEL KADETT Sellstrom Pontiac - Buick 2700 Texas Ave. 26th & Parker 822-1336 822-1307 CASH FOR USED BOOKS We Sell To 100 College Stores loupots ENGINEERING & OFFICE SUPPLY CORP. • REPRODUCTION & MEDIA — ARCH. & ENGR. SUPPLIES » SURVEYING SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT - . OF FICE SUPPLIES • MULTILITH SERVICE & SUPPLIES 402 West 25th St. Ph. 823-0939 Bryan, Texas FOR RENT Suitable for graduate student with family, clean, spacious, air-conditioned, two bedroom duplex apartment. Fenced play yard, east Bryan. 822-6668. 121tl One bedroom, furnished, studio apart ment. Central air and heat. 615 First Street. Two bedroom apartment. Central First Street. Available air and heat 512 June 1st. 825-2761. Navasota. 121t2 One bedroom furnished house. 100 Hol- ick. $65. One and two bedroom furnished apartment. 846-5444 after 5. 121tl Air-conditioned room, private bath and ipus. ~ or instructor. 846-4251. pnva entrance, near campus. Graduate student 121tfn Available June 1st. One large bedroom, with two beds, private entrance, kitchen priveleges, air-conditioned. 822-2976. 121t2 Unfurnished apartment, two bedrooms and study, air-conditioned, has stove, re frigerator, fenced yard, water paid. $96. 307-B Foch. 846-6774. 121tl FOR RENT Townhouse Apartments North Gate Walking distance of University Furnished and Unfurnished Two Bedrooms $130 and $110 Huge Closets Private Entrance Paved Parking Adults. No Pets Phone 846-8014 or 846-6332 121tl One bedroom furnished apartment. Washer conections, blinds, fenced back yard. Couple only. $75. Available June 1st. 822-4063 after 4 p. m. 12012 “AGGIE ACRES” Practically new two bedroom duplex, furnished, central air and heat. Trees, and lake. Convenient to the campus. $97.50 monthly — 822-0082 119t5 SUMMER RENTALS and FALL, APPLI- \NTS. Seven blocks from campus, one and two bedroom apartment, all bills and iwimmii ’ **-*- CANTS. Seven blocks from campus, all bills cable paid, swimming pool, College Main Apartments. 4302 College Main, 846-2089. 119t6 Two bedroom unfurnished duplex. Near campus. $75 monthly, no bills paid. 823- 1169. 118tfn YES ! you can afford to move in now. For only $57.40 per student. All the finer things — carpeted, draped, electric West- inghouse kitchen, individual air-condition ing and heat. Two swimming pools. One and two bedrooms. All utilities and T.V., cable paid. Exclusive Co-ed section. TRAVIS HOUSE APARTMENTS. 505 Hiway 30. Phone 846-6111. $140 - $216 73tfn VILLAGE PARK NORTH "Mobile Living In Luxuary” 44)3 HWY. 6 NORTH fenced playground, city utilities, cab TV, large concrete patio, swimmir pool, gas grills. Telephone DAY NIGHT 822-0803 822-5234 4Btfn VICTORIAN APARTMENTS Midway between Bryan & A&M University STUDENTS ! : Need A Horn* 1 & 2 Bedroom Fur. & Unfur. Pool and Private Courtyard 3 MONTHS LEASE 822-5041 401 Lake St. Apt. I TRY BATTALION CLASSIFIED NEED A NEW OR USED CAR ? See: Donn Thompson ’70 Cade Motor Company THE ATTIC USED FURNITURE BOTTLES MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS What do you make that we can sell for you? 822-2619 Corner 27th & Bryan Rentals-Sales-Service TYPEWRITERS Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machines Smith-Corona Portables CATES TYPEWRITER CO 909 S. Main 822-6000 for Army cadets. Camp usually is scheduled between the junior and senior years. Summer training also will in volve as cadre many of the mili tary personnel assigned at A&M, the commandant noted. A&M will send 337 cadets to camp at Fort Sill from June 3 to July 14. Three will train at In- diantown Gap, Pa. Most Army personnel at A&M will be at Sill, with Lt. Col. William F. Turner, associate professor of military science, the group’s ranking offi cer. At the 1969 Sill encampment, 307 of 310 cadets successfully completed training. Three were medically discharged. Fifteen were commissioned at camp, 56 per cent were recommended for Distinguished Military Student status and Aggies were rated first over 2,800 cadets at Camp Eagle, first in one of two bri gades, first in seven of 16 com panies and first in 31 of 64 pla toons. For the outstanding showing, A&M Army cadets were awarded the Fourth Army Commander’s Trophy. Departing from regular prac tice, Air Force ROTC cadets will train at Eglin AFB with cadets from The Citadel, VPI and VMI. In the past, A&M cadets have been assigned at a dozen or more Air Force installations. “Cadets from A&M and other military colleges will receive an enriched training program at Eg lin,” explained Col. Keith C. Han na, professor of aerospace stud ies. “The training program will deviate from the normal to some extent.” The A&M AFROTC program will have 160 cadets at Eglin during one of two training ses sions, June 14 to July 11 or July 19 to Aug. 15. A&M’s AFROTC detachment will provide four flight training officers during the first session. They are Majors Hal Wandry, Charles Haney, Roscoe Thorpe and Robert Epperson. In addition, A&M will have about 13 AFROTC two-year pro gram candidates at six-week summer camps at other locations. The Army two-year program also sends cadets to separate installa tions. Dallas freshman douses fire in Duncan after Ring Dance Freshman Michael B. Carr of Dallas forced his way into a dining hall, put out a fire and earned the gratitude of Food Service Department officials. The blaze that burned three tables and scorched three chairs apparently started following the Senior Ring Dance, according to Duncan Dining Hall manager Henry P. Wellnitz. Candles set in styrofoam holders were used for the dance, which ended about 1 a.m. Personnel closing the Duncan wing early Sunday apparently missed putting out one candle, which burned down through the styrofoam and ignited a paper table cloth. “This boy was walking by about 3 a.m. and noticed the flames,” Wellnitz described. “He forced the door, went in and beat out the flames. Two other cadets went in to help, but the fire was out.” Wellnitz said a watchman, Ray mond Sandel, was in the other wing and didn’t notice the fire. He and University Police identi fied Carr, a freshman physics major, Company E-l cadet and son of Mrs. B. N. Carr, 2505 Alden, Dallas. “He really stands out for his fine deed, especially in contrast with students who break into buildings to burn them on other campuses,” Wellnitz said. Fred W. Dollar, Food Service Department director, and Howard L. Vestal, management services director, added praise to Well- nitz’s. “It demonstrates student con cern,” Dollar assessed. “And I’ll personally buy Mr. Carr a steak.” Wellnitz said damage was limited to the tables and chairs. “The candles were for atmos phere,” Vestal added. “But due to the fire hazard, this practice will be discontinued until we can find a better arrangement.” ONR awards $830,000 to Oceanography A&M has been awarded $830,- 000 by the Office of Naval Re search for continuing support of the institution’s oceanographic program. Dr. Richard A. Geyer, head of the Oceanography Department, said the funds represent an in crease of almost $75,000 over ONR’s allocation last year. Geyer noted the money will be used to help finance operation of the department’s 180-foot re search vessel, the R/V Alaminos. perma-crease Westbury Slacks ilim Stiunro umbersfitp meira toear 329 University Drive 713/846-2796 College Station, Texas 77849 How to begin a career without playing Corporate Kindergarten. You know the kindergarten routine. Do- nothing programs. Years without real responsibility. No so at Provident Mutual. There’s independence here. A successful insurance agent has his own loyal clients. Makes his own decisions concerning them. And since he is successful, who’s going to argue? Get hip to our Campus Internship Program. Fact: 22% of this company’s top agents began learning and earning while still in college. Move as fast and as far as your talents will take you. Stop by or phone our campus office today. Check with Placement and GORDON RICHARDSON A P-M PRO (713) 567-3165 PROVIDENT MUTUAL«I^= LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA We Really Need USED BOOKS And Are Prepared To Pay For Them Get the most for the least at LOUPOTS ‘Where Aggies Trade’