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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1970)
c Air ROTC staff named best unit CADET SLOUCH by Jim Earle Bulletin Board TONIGHT Aggie Wives Bridge Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the Memorial Student Center. THE BATTALION Page 2 College Station, Texas Wednesday, May 27,!}) Detachment 805, A&M’s Air Force ROTC instructional-admin istrative department, received Friday the Air Force Outstanding Unit Award. The detachment headed by Col. Keith C. Hanna was cited as the nation’s top source of Air Force officers through the AFROTC program. Brig. Gen. Benjamin B. Cassi- day Jr., AFROTC commander of the Air University at Maxwell AFB, Ala., presented the award to Col. Hanna in a Friday after noon detachment formation. Col. Hanna is professor of aero space studies and ranking Air Force officer in the 22-man de tachment. It handles instruction, administrative and commission ing requirements for 1,000 cadets a year. Detachment 805 also pro vides similar services to 150 Air Geistweidt gets $100 as result of speech A former student was so im pressed with the Mother’s Day talk by Student Senate President Gerry Geistweidt that he has paid Geistweidt’s $100 fee to join the Association of Former Students’ exclusive Century Club. With the check from Col. (ret.) Stewart D. Hervey, Geistweidt became the first class of 1970 member to join the Century group. Col. Hervey, who lives at 415 Hathaway Drive East, San An tonio, noted on the back of the check that Geistweidt is “The Number One Aggie from the Class of 1970.” Presenting the check to Geist weidt was Paul Hervey of Ruling, grandson of the 1917 graduate. Geistweidt endorsed the check to Association President James Sew ell of Dallas. In his May 10 Mother’s Day talk, Geistweidt declared “Texas A&M and its student body is and will continue to be a staunch bastion of sanity, maturity and pride. “While other student bodies are clamoring for so-called peace through riots, strikes and pro tests, we at Texas A&M are keeping the peace.” Force active duty personnel as signed at A&M for degree work. Lt. Col. Glendon P. Jones is executive officer of the detach ment consisting of 14 officers and eight enlisted men. Gen. Cassiday cited the de tachment for qualities of leader ship, knowledge and professional skill that has “resulted in an Air Force Reserve Officers’ Training Corps program which is recog nized nationally as the standard of excellence for this type of ac tivity.” The general, who heads the Air Force’s largest continuing source of officers, noted “the accom plishments of this detachment, as the No. 1 producer of second lieu tenants in all of the AFROTC program, in almost doubling en rollment of pilot and navigator- qualified enrollees, and as reflect ed by the personal accomplish ments of their cadets in campus activities and at summer field training, are indicative of the ab solutely superior performance of the unit in every area of mission responsibility.” Gen. Cassiday also praised civic and academic achievements of Detachment 805 members and “their extensive personal involve ment in the affairs of the univer sity and surrounding community (which has) greatly enhanced the image of the Air Force not only in the state of Texas, but also nationally.” NSF awards A&M $56,800 in grants Eight National Science Foun dation grants totaling $56,800 have been awarded Texas A&M University for purpose of equip ment to improve undergraduate instruction, President A. R. Lue- decke announced. J V C. (Jim).Harris THE BUG SHOP Inc. 1911 Sa College Ave, Bryan, Texas 77801 Phone 822-5383 Bryan's Leading Independent .Volkswagen Service “ . . . I’ll be—some of th’ stuff he’s been talking about semester is right here in th’ textbook!” NO SERVICE CHARGE ON YOUR CHECKING ACCOUNT THIS SUMMER AT THE UNIVERSITY NATIONAL BANK! THAT’S RIGHT IF YOU WILL LEAVE A SMALL BALANCE IN YOUR CHECKING ACCOUNT AT THE UNIVERSITY NATIONAL BANK WHEN YOU GO HOME FOR THE SUMMER, THE UNB WILL NOT PLACE A SERVICE CHARGE ON YOUR INACTIVE ACCOUNT. THEN, WHEN YOU COME BACK AT THE END OF THE SUMMER, YOU DON’T HAVE TO OPEN A NEW ACCOUNT ... OR ORDER NEW CHECKS .... OR BE INCONVENIENCED IN ANY WAY. YOUR AC COUNT WILL BE WAITING FOR YOU .... AT THE UNIVERSITY NATIONAL BANK. N'A.TXOISJ'AI-.f B-A-NIC COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77840 On the side of Texas A&M University I LISTEN UP I 8_ the hatt forum —J Editor: I am not without sympathy for the families of the four students killed at Kent University, but I cannot agree with Professor Rowe’s letter in the May 19 Bat talion. Perhaps there is no evi dence proving the four students were involved in the rock throw ing and name calling but where there is mob violence the inno cent, too, will surely suffer. It is truly a pity that the students were shot, but is it not also a pity that our country has reached this point of mob violence? I do not condone the shootings, but I cannot crucify the guards men for defending their lives in their attempt to enforce the law and restore peace. These very men responsible for the shootings are also the men who defend you, Professor, and the demonstrators who spit on their uniforms and call them “pigs.” These are the men who protect our country and die for us if necessary. Why should their lives be needlessly jeopardized by a sniper’s bullet or rocks thrown by irresponsible demonstrators ? Perhaps the shootings were use less, but I ask you, professor, is a sniper’s bullet necessary? Shannon Boswell Cbe Battalion Opinions expressed in The Battalion are those of the student writers only. The Battalion is a non-tax- supported, non-profit, self-supporting educational enter prise edited and operated by students as a university and community newspaper. MEMBER The Associated Press, Texas Press Association The Associated Collekiate Press £PBC/U<> ^ (V)/vV ^ 5 .5T7?/C- KfST~ *TU N ft U u u u 3 Ip'z 02- MEHL>-39 'BLE/lC H t LETTERS POLICY Mail subscriptions are S3.50 year; $6.50 per full year. All Letters to the editor should be typed, double-spaced, and no more than 300 words in length. They must be signed, although the writer’s name will be withheld by arrangement with the editor. Address correspondence to Listen Up, The Battalion, Room 217, Services Building, College Station, Texas 77843. per semester ; $6 ibscriptions subje sales tax. Advertising rate furnis The Battalion, Room 217, Services per school criptions subject to 4^4% request. Address: furnished on rvices Buildii Texas 77843. ng. College Station, The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for reproduction of all news dispatches credited to it otherwii credited in the paper and local news of spontaneoi blished herein. Rights of republication of all other of spontan origin published herein, matter herein are also reserved. Second-Class postage paid at College Station, Texas. 1969 TPA Award Winner Membe sey, ch F. S. White Lindse irs of the Student Publications Board are: Jim hairman ; H. F. Filers, College of Liberal Arts ; ;e, College of Engineering; Dr. Asa B. Childers, Jr., College of Veterinary Medicine; and Dr. Z. L. Carpenter, College of Agriculture. Battalion, in College student newspaper at Texas A&M, is Station, Texas, daily except Saturda The published in College Station, Texas, daily except Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and holiday periods, September through May, and once a week during summer school. Services Francisi Represented nationally by National Educational Advertising ■ices, Inc., New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles and San EDITOR :. DAVID MIDDLEBROOKE Women’s Editor Cindy Burleson News Editor Pam Troboy Sports Editor Clifford Broyles Assistant Sports Editor Mike Wright Staff Writers Hayden Whitsett, Bob Robinson, Chancy Lewis, Janie Wallace, Fran Haugen, Randy Murdock, Billy Buchanan, Gibril Fadika, Tommy Thompson Columnists Roger Miller, Mike McClain Photographers Jim Berry, David Gawthorpe, Mel Miller, Robert Boyd Sports Photographer Mike Wright Thanks Old Army for a great year. We appreciate your fttisiness, and we want you to know it. We sincerely hope that our dealings have been as pleasant for you as they’ve been for us. And for the men that are leaving, come on in and let us buy your books one more time. We’ll pay the best price - as always - and shake your hand one more time. Loupot's EVCM TUESPAV 6£T IDO UBLE TOP V/( L US. STfl W P-S ^>TH PVR CLOKOK-Si i Cottage cmscgd 59 R.VL/) ND CLU e COfftt otf n\oRL TE/VAi PAOZEtf CHOrEED BROCCOLI Ml Lb. Can Limit One With $5.00 Purchase or More Exc. Cig. chopped TE-yPtS viue-Ripe cmoupe U.S.D'fl- GfF)J)E "ft" WtioLE One d* U P« 4 P- Gusto Hindi of B< Disse UND J Colie; Typlne, Typine. ■trlcard fPING, Typing. 6-8165. Guitar ii | Lee g jumme) ATTENT ENTS ovi uity igh comn an with Texas. ' la. You la outetai terview ci Zuider Z< none call nr. Apply Itec HA] use: (A FRYERS V £UCIDUS. ills 31^ c I REDERM AT BROOKSHIRE BRO& 50 FREE TOP VALUE STAMPS With Purchase of 20-Oz. Size Magic Spray Sizing FLOUP « 49 Coupon Expires May 30, 1970. tfhccfisltiteTkcr. v t jii -V -"M m i - REDEEM AT BROOKSHIRE BROS. 50 FREE TOP VALUE STAMPS With Purchase of Johnson’s BOLT, (Ant, Roach & Flying Insect Killer) Coupon Expires May 30, 1970. tesEstttssssssssssa^^ ~ REDEEM AT BROOKSHIRE BROS. 100 EXTRA TOP VALUE STAMPS With Purchase of $10.00 or More (Excluding Cigarettes) • One Per Family Coupon Expires May 30, 1970. MOB South C< t Bob H trophi Texas 1018 S, COINS AU1 F Farm J400 S Hav E: —E stocli Where h PEANUTS By Charles M. Schulz PEANUTS ONE “BEEP" 15 WORTH A THOUSAND WORDS! Quanl Wheel ] Systi Watei Almost 25 Brake 2 Wl Other Start* M You Joe I E. 25 JOB 24