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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1970)
Page 4 College Station, Texas Wednesday, May 27, 1970 THE BATTALION New Officers Advised Board wants $100,000 Continued from page 1) those which will be required at Easterwood Airport.” The items included in the 10- year Easterwood improvement program are: overlay and strengthen taxiways; extend Run way 34 and Taxiway 34 approxi mately 1,000 feet; construct hold ing apron and high-speed turnoff for Runway 16; update airport lighting, including high-intensity runway lights; extend parking apron approximately 10,000 square yards, and provide a fire and rescue building. Texas A&M, which has owned and operated Easterwood as a public air facility for the past 29 years, initially requested com munity help in 1964 and repeated its request two years ago. The university is prohibited PALACE 2'$&79 NOW SHOWING 1:30 - 3:30 - 5:30 - 7:30 - 9:30 Natalie Woods In ‘BOB, CAROL, TED & ALICE” (Rated R) STARTS FRIDAY CLINT EASTWC03 The Deadliest Man Alive ...Takes on a Whole Army! & CLINT EASTWOOD SHIRLEY Maclaine « MARTIN RACKIN —oov/cTiow ‘TWO MULES FOR SISTER SARA’ A UNIVERSAL PICTURE TECHNICOLOR* ■ PANAVISION* GP C,f,\/MP0§ NOW SHOWING 1:30 - 3:30 - 5:30 - 7:30 “ZABRISKIE POINT (Rated R) 9:30 SNEAK PREVIEW TONITE AT 7:30 P. M. * gjtj ~ Li~ s hc.^TTT ytxwxir, V* DRIVE-IN ■ ”#A%THEATRr «. AH fei;YfACS VPfl WEST SIDE AT 8:40 P. M. ‘MAN CALLED HORSE” With Richard Harris At 10:45 p. m. “NAIL HERO” EAST SIDE AT 8:45 P. M. “MUSICAL MUTINY” At 10:30 p. m. “WEEDEND REBELLION’ from using state - appropriated funds for operation, maintenance and improvement of the airport. Operating revenue is derived from sale of aircraft fuel and rental of space in the terminal and hangars. While covering operating ex penses, university officials em phasized the revenue is no longer adequate to meet repair and im provement needs. Since the air port was opened, however, the universtiy has provided some $225,000 for improvements, the officials said. A- V communication class offered during summer (Continued from page 1) onstrated the true meaning of service.” The four-star general stood in the rain to review the Corps of Cadets’ final march of the year. At his side were General A. R. Luedecke, acting A&M president, and other university officials. At a press conference follow ing the commissioning exercises, General Westmoreland comment ed on the logistical effects of the attacks on Viet Cong sanctuaries in Cambodia. He said the VC will not be able to restore supply lines for nine months or a year. With the Southwest monsoon season at hand, Westmoreland said he sees added difficulty in the restoration. The four-star general said he believes “the excursions into Cam bodia will so weaken the enemy that the Vietnamese can become more aggressive. Two hundred and twenty-nine graduates were commissioned Saturday, with 156 by the Army, 65 by the Air Force, seven by the Marine Corps and one Navy. The cause structu the s i< ovea- An audio-visual communications course designed to enhance teach ing skills will be offered during both 1970 summer sessions. The Industrial Education De partment course (613) will enable class participants to create, de velop and utilize instructional ma terials appropriate to individual needs, according to Dr. James L. Boone Jr., department head. He said teaching skill enhance ment of all participants, regard- Biology prof gets $68,000 grant Biology professor Dr. Herman Kleerekoper has been notified of approval of a $68,142 Federal Water Quality Administration grant for the second year of a three-year study on heavy metal pollution and fish locomotion. A quick method for detecting water pollution and its toxicity on fish is being developed by the Canadian zoologist. He noted the research is concerned with heavy metal pollutants, produced in mining, and the lethal concentra tions on fish. Used in the research is the For the M0, 's BUSINESS EDUCATION SUMMER TERM BEGINS JUNE 16—REGISTER NOW The perfect gift for a son or daugh ter is one that provides lifelong security. Business skills are high ly prized today Qualified secre taries and Accountants ore readily employed- Office skills can be mastered within months at a cost within the reach of every parent. McKenzie - Baldwin provides tree placement service. For years the demand has exceeded the supply. For details about IBM Key Punch Course Dial 822-6423 Special 6-Weeks Summer Course in TYPEWRITING for TEEN-AGERS. ENROLL NOW. McKenzie - Baldwin BUSINESS COLLEGE 702 South Washington Avenue Bryan, Texas 1970 TOYOTA $1830.00 BRAZOS VALLEY TOYOTA INC. We Service All Foreign Make Cars Cavitt at Coulter Phone 822-2828 LOOK 12 x 52, 2 Bedroom, Complete With Carpet, Delux Kitchen, and Luxurious Decor you can own it for only $250.00 down & . $74.43 A Month Hickory Hills Mobile Homes 66 We Deal in Quality and Service” 1902 Texas Ave. 823-5701 less of disciplinary affiliation, has been obtained. A typical class has included faculty members and graduate students of the Colleges of Agriculture, Engineering, Lib eral Arts and Veterinary Medi cine. Boone said enrollment at sum mer registration June 1 and July 13 will be limited to 20. Industrial Education 613 also will be offered next fall, meeting on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3 to 5 p. m. Planning prof named Prof. Claude D. Davis of the Department of Urban and Re gional Planning has been appoint ed by Gov. Preston Smith to serve as a resource member and ad visor to the Texas Urban Devel opment Commission. The Urban Development Com mission was created following several conferences and meetings on urban problems, including the conferences on Operation Break- to state committee through and Housing and Model Cities and the conference on Ur ban and Community Affairs sponsored by the Texas Society of Architects. Purpose of the commission is to enlist the advice and assistance of interested, capable citizens in the formulation of solutions to the problems of the urban areas of Texas, explained a commission spokesman. LOW LOW PRICES Pk* SPECIALS EVERY Ml! 101 Lunch Meat O 6-or. $ 1 Pk 8 s. X 690 Safeway. Slid ★ All Beef Boloana ★Macaroni ft Choato ★Spiced ★Olive ★Pickle-Ptmien to /Sliced Bologna I Safeway. -1-Lb. Pfcg. Wue^elor or ★Thick Safeway OPEN Memorial Day, May 30 Round Steak SAFEWAY Full Cut. USDA Choice Heavy Beef. Include! Eye of Round -lb. 95 For Delicious Cookoutsl Armour Franks 55* Armour Star. All Meat (Safeway 12-os. Pkg. 49*) —12-oz. Pkg. ••• • Check These Meat Values! Safeway Meats Are Guarantaad to Please! We sell only USDA Choice Grade lavy Beef—Naturally eating meat for your moneyl agad for maximum flavor id to give you more good Smoked Hams (*Fiill Shank Half or Shank Portion alf or*Wholo -Lb. St*) —Lb. 48« TUrkeyS WPA ln.::(ar T WhBl« 7 am....^^ralf' > .V*Wh«U —Lb 38* Rump Roast USDA Chaleo Grada Heavy Boot 954 Bostoe Butt. Fresh Pork. Semi-Boneless 9earter Sliced Porte Lola Pork Roast Pork Chops Sparoribs port, iv, •. i-u. Ground Chuck Hamburger Steaks uoWA.. Ground Beef Smoked Ham MiinttHai* —u. 55* -u.75* -u. 85* -u.79* -Lb 69* Si $125 -u. 63* Safeway Low, Low Pricesl Armour Bacon at 85* Ham Slices CMtnr cat. smakoo —tb. $109 Smoked Hams 79* Canned Picnic £? $279 Sirloin Steaks -u $li9 Rib Steaks -u 95* Boneless Roast -u $109 Boneless Brisket _u. $119 Short Ribs «r. u L D ££tXt -u 45* SAFSW SEUiOW USDA GUI WH0U HU USDA Inspected Grade ’K FRYERS ^ *a«dy*to-Co©h! Everyday Lose Price! Whole —Lb. Cut-Up Fryers —si",-, -a! Leg Quarters ‘ J Breast Quarters Drumsticks J Variety & Quality at Saievs Cornish Hens (M Gama Haas. 20-os. Haas —lack Vlr Boneless Roast Top Sirloin Steak New York Steak Eckrich Sausage .J^ MI d Eckrich Bologna sW Safeway Special! Cannedfop 54 Crogmont. Assorted Flavors 12-oz. Can I Limit 12 par CMtomar, pltettl Safeway Big Buy! Safeway Special! RS Potato Chips t Miracle Whip mm f ,rlde - Twin AQt ^Regular . -.-r-lor ttaip Chips P a h ■ WW tej b., r 39* ^ IWItk 35.00 or more ptrthete ozc/edleg clgareftetl ^ Safeway Big Buyl Pork & Beans 14 Von Camp's. Family Favorite! 16-oz. Can Check These Safeway Frozen Food Values! • —— .... ^ Check «»»• Sofaway Big Buysl Enriched Flour Liquid Bleach Aluminum Foil Marshmallows Detergent Charcoal Briquets Mellorine Joyett. Assorted Flavors. Special l Banquet Dinners 38* Assorted. For Ivory Member of the Family—Reg. Bel-air Waffles 104 Breakfast Troatl —5-ei. Pkg. JL Cream Pies OCSt Bel-olr. Assorted. Doliciousl -14-ox. Pkg. daHi Strawberries OT4 —10-ox. Pkg. K Harvest Blossom. All-Purpose Gallon White Magic. Brighter Wash! Plastic Sliced. Scotch Troatl Fudgesicles Chocolate. Oh a Stick —4-Ct. Popsides Heath Bar Delicious Trectl —6-Ct. Pkg. . . i S V^.., Corn c 5-Lb. Bag OPEN SUNDAY FOR YOU* SHOPPING CONVENIENCE SAFEWAY AT TOWNSHIRE [ Kitchen Craft 12"x25' Roll 9 A M TO 8 P M. White. Fluf-Puft 16-ox. Bag wm. mttBBt&Zl Parade. Washday Favorite! 49-ox. Box New Harvest. Texas Grown — . Low, Low Pricesl Sunkist Lemons 4Q4 Refreshing! —Doxen Cello ■ W Onions O OC4 Yellow. US No. 1 Medium Six# Xs IDS. £ W Cucumbers O , OQ* Locally Grown. Salad Faverltal forjCv Avocados 3 Hass. Larga Six# —Each New Potatoes O OC4 Red. Serve with Green Beans £1 Lbs. Lettuce 104 Large Crisp Heads —lach JL %V -Each Ear Bananas 2 Cherries 2 ,o r Lbs. Bing. Large. New Crop —Lb.' Green Onions Locally Grown. Bunch Red Radishes Great for Gamtshlngl lach Pineapple .25* ££25* Sugarloaf. Large She 25* 69* Hawaiian Papayas OQ4 Lar«a Sho. Sorvo al la Moda —Sack 39* 59* Mangos Lar«o Sho. Spley Floyorl —look Pruit Juice ★fapoya or ^Pauloa Pnd« —9*. Da*. • r’ m ps m I:;:, Cookies K54 Heinz Baby Food 7( I ^e^P Sfrolned. ★Frnltt AVoaotobl.. Soa. Jar d Safeway Low, Low Pricesl Barbecue Sauce 39C Black Pepper ^33^ Biscuits a 8^ Cheese Spread & b 59fu Safeway Bakery Valued 'Burger Buns Hot Dog or ★Hamburger. U Mri. Wriobfi. Safeway Staeiall —l-Ct. Pkg. ■■ W 29 Hot Dog or ★Hamburgdr. Mrs. Wrighfi. Safeway Special! White Bread Mrs. Wright's. ★Regular er ★Sandwich Sliced —1 Va-U. Leaf Dairy-Deli Valr~ 'f T sc Pi Potato Salad Lucarno. Safeway Special!—16-ox. Ctn. Cottage Cheese 3ft All Stylos. L«c«r«e —14-oa. Cfe. More law, Low Dog Food Twin Pet. begs Love Itl ¥ Little Friskies ^Kd Assorted Family Pack —1 Vi-Lb. Bag Ice Cream Cups Hot Dog Sauce V d.. ^-29^7 Plastic Spoons ^ lO*^ Dixie Cups cold oriek 35* *3VV’ Assorted. ^ Strained. ★Frnlts ★Vegetables ★Dassarts —Hag. Jar Paper Plates sr-69*^7 Zippy Relish H .t^ Ji-33*^ Lindsay Olives assc st* 00 45**577 French’s Mustard ^ irlS**?!;” Tomato Soup Chunk Tuna Safeway Big Buy! Safeway Big Buyl u.w 104 <1# Cans Mi Tasty Nuggets m' % Coppertone 691 Suntan Lotion. (S2.00 Value) 2-ox. Tsb« Paper Napkins 9* Silk. Assorted Colors. Safeway Big Buyl 60-Ct. Pkg. Scotch Treat. Regular. Froxen Safeway Big Buy! Lemonade 10* Prices Effective Thurs., Fri., Sat., and Sunday May 28, 29, 30, and 31, in Bryan Wa Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities. No Soles to Dealers. SAFEWAY (£Copyright IfW, Solowey Storoi, Incorporetod. I YOU CANT LOSE WHEN YOU TRADE AT LOU S! W WSKBBSFBBEBimamidBmammmmmm WBBBBBaatmtimmmimBm