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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1967)
Girl Watchers 9 Corner mm tip/"- City, University Combine CS Fire Fighting Forces THE BATTALION Thursday, July 27, 1967 College Station, Texas Page 3 ysLI:' ; : It- ■: Wfit 1 Texas A&M and the City of College Station have joined forces in the fighting of fires in the city and the surrounding county. Until this year the Texas A&M Fire Department fought all fires on campus, in College Station and outlying areas. The department relied on volunteers, usually uni versity employees, to man the pumps. In 1966 the Fire Protection and Prevention Committee, a joint committee of both College Station residents and A&M per sonnel, proposed that the city share more in the fire fighting duties and expenses. Three systems have been set up to spread the alaim when a fire occurs. When a fire breaks out during duty hours in the day and is considered to be minor, such as a brush fire, bells in the Physical Plant shops at the University ring' and men in the shops man the equipment. A large fire during the same hours sets the bells to ringing and at the same time the siren at the Physical Plant sends out the alarm. A 20-unit telephone system alerts volunteers when a fire breaks out at night. When an alarm is called in to the fire de partment a communications sys tems operator dials a classified number and the phones in the homes of 20 volunteers through out College Station begin ringing simultaneously. They continue ringing until they are answered or the operator disconnects them. A small siren is also set up near the A&M rental houses along South College Ave. for night action. The new system has been placed under the control of E. F. EDUCATION MAJOR Merlyn Land, of College Station, will be a senior at A&M this fall majoring in elementary education. Miss Land came to A&M after her sophomore year at Texas Western College in El Paso. 10 Sophomores Are Winners Of Air Force ROTC Grants Preston Co-Authors Article For Educational Journal Dr. James D. Preston, of Texas A&M University’s Department of Agricultural Economics and Soci ology, is co-author of the lead article in the current issue of THE JOURNAL OF ALCOHOL EDUCATION. The article deals with the use of alcohol among high school students and is based on the drinking practices of a selected sample of young Negroes and whites from two types of South ern communities. According to Preston’s article, about twenty-five percent of the high school students are total abstainers. Another two-fifths drink only once a year. Drinking behavior is found to vary with such factors as age, sex, religion, and with attitudes and behavior toward alcohol of parents. Ten Texas A&M sophomores have been named winners of Air Force ROTC college financial assistance grants, announced Col. Vernon L. Head, professor of aerospace studies at A&M. The awards provide payment of full tuition, incidental fees, textbooks allowance and a $50 per month stipend during the school year. Colonel Head said the grants are offered to competent and professional-minded officer can didates whose interest, academic achievements and potential have been singularly recognized. He noted that major field and enroll ment category had strong bear ings in selecting winners. Scholarship awardees include Leonard E. Thorpe III, 4705 Dave Creek Way, Neal M. Ely, 5618 Meletio Lane, Richard G. Lanier, 9105 Westglen, and Kenneth C. Bresnen Jr., 3225 St. Croix, all of Dallas; George I. Mason III, Liberty; William H. Richard, 6806 Vandiver, San Antonio; Ken neth W. Trawick, 215 S. Sinclair, Chipley, Fla.; John D. Cunning ham, Augusta, Kans.; Joe C. Halifax, 2307 Stoner Rd., Odessa; and Lewis W. Hudgins Jr., Rt. 1, Galveston. The scholarships are renew able, Colonel Head noted, adding that the current scholarship will go into effect this fall. BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES One day i)'; pe 3c per word each additional Minimum chance —50c Classified Display word day ir col each insertion DEADLINE p.m. day before publication FOR SALE Graduating — must sell house full of furniture. Call K46-4. r »8(i. 462t2 rage sale, moving from College Station. Used furniture, household items and sun dries. On sale on the 28, 29 and 30. At 503 Dogwood, College Station. 4(>2t2 One air conditioner. 18,000 BTU's. Call 846-7071, 462tl Must sell one. 1965 Volkswagen Station Wagon, new car condition or 1962 Dodge Dart, new tires, seat covers, floor mats, less than 40,000 miles. Both in excellent condition, talk >0 m price e. Call 846-5444. 462t3 '«:> Che' ovy II 6 cylinder, Excellent con un, Kirst owner, 32.000 miles, New set of tires. $695.00 cash and take up bank of $79.53 each. Call 846-5559. 458tfn 1966 ‘Rambler Ambassador 990, 3 seat station wagon, radio, all power and air conditioned, still under warranty. 823-8181. 456tfn Just received complete line of art neiwjic, canvas br.„. • the artist. Ch Ave., 454U4 ■dies : o brushes. sup oils, liquitex acrylic, canvas boards artist S. Col leg. man's ,Paint Bryan. i, liqui Every int St thing for ore, 811 vas ;'tist. Chap- Av toil Classified — • Watch Repair • Jewelry Repair • Diamond Senior Rings • Senior Rings Refinished C. W. Varner & Sons Jewelers North Gate 846-5810 Enco, Amalie, Conoco 31c qt. We stock all local major brands. Where low oil prices originate. Quantity Rights Reserved Wheel Bearings 50% Off Parts Wholesale Too Filters, Oil, Air - Fuel 10,000 Parts - We Fit 96% of All Cars - Save 25 - 40% Brake Shoes $2.98 ex. 2 Wheels — many cars Auto trans. oil 25tf AC - Champion - Autolite plugs lires—Low price every day — Just check our price with any other of equal quality. Your Friedrich Dealer Joe Faulk Auto Parts 220 E. 25th Bryan, Texas JOE FAULK ’32 21 years in Bryan WANTED AMBITIOUS COUPLE who need more for er. Don Sutton, ’59, P. O. Box 122. Nolanv 76559. Please include phone number. income. Unusual opportunity for good iget Don Sutton, ’59. P. O. Box 122. Nolanville. earnings for both. Work together. Write gooi Vrit Experienced woman to work with three >ur year old children, 5 days a week. Interviews by appointment only. Call 823- 8626 before 5 p.m. 460tfn and SPECIAL NOTICE Coin operated electric typewriters avail able for use in Memorial Student Center. Cost 10c for 20 minutes, 25c for 1 hour. Located in Room B of sound proof piano practice rooms on lower level of MSC. Check out key at main desk. 460tfn SPECIAL NOTICE GARAGE and HOUSEHOLD SALE, Saturday and Sunday, July 28 & 29 from 12 til 7, 507-A Milam, C.S. 462tl OFFICIAL NOTICE Official notices must arrive in the Office of Student Publications before deadline of l p. m. of the day preceding publication. THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree Name: Bhagia, Nanik S. Degree: Doctor of Philosophy in Petro leum Engineering Dissertation : An Equation of State for Condensate Fluids. Time: July 21, 1967 at 8:00 a. m. Place: 201-A W. T. Doherty Petroleum Engineering Building Wayne C. Hall Dean of Graduate Studies Buy your toys and drifts from AUTO SUPPLY. Collece Station. OR LAY-A-WAY. 846-5626. WHITE CASH WORK WANTED Working Aggie mother needs child care in her home now. 204 Suffolk Drive. 846-2203. 461t3 Typing, 846-5416, C-17-B. C.V. 442tfn Typing. 823-6410. 325tfn Experienced typing teacher wishes typing on evenings and weekends. Final copy guaranteed like orginal submitted (spelling checked). Call Martha Holcomb, 846-2723 after 5:00 p. m. 458tfn CHILD CARE Will baby sit any time day or ni 846-7429. Students wishing to place a 1966 AGGIE- \ND in their high school may pick them i in the office of Student Publications, LAND up YMCA. HELP WANTED FOR RENT Two bedroom apartment, new furniture, r conditioner, 204 Luther. S80. Call 462t3 air conditioner, 846-5444. One bedroom apartment for male stu dents who like to paint and remodel. " ’ ~ - 462t3 STATE MOTEL, rooms and kitchen, day and weekly rate, near the University, 846- 6410. 262tfn Room with private bath, 402 Oak, 822- 5276. 461t3 OPPORTUNITY IN ANTARTICA Two positions available in January, 1968, to conduct biological and chemical investi gation in Antartica for one or two years. Male, experience in Marine Sciences pre ferred. Contact Department of Oceanog raphy, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas. An Equal Opportunity Employer. 462t3 Night clerk needed at Casa Loma Motel. Little work-color T. V. in office. Sec Mrs. Martin or call 822-3728. Wanted Teachers for 1967-68 in Com mercial Secondary English, Math, Science. Assisttnt Coach. Call or write H. S. Pearson, Box 7, Calvert, Texas EM 4-2864, EM 4-2976. 462t2 ght. 6U4 Child care all ages. 846-8151. 3411fn Gregory’s Day Nursery—846-4005. 218tfn HUMPTY DUMPTY CHILDREN CEN TER. 3400 South College. State Licensed. *23-8626. Virginia D. Jones. R. N. 99tfn HELP WANTED Fuller Brush Company is looking for dealers to call on customers in estab lished territories. Excellent opportunity for students with cars. If interested call 846-8281 after 5:00 p. m. for more information. 46H4 GM Lowest Priced Cars $49.79 per mo. With Normal Down Payment OPEL KADETT Sellstrom Pontiac - Buick 2700 Texas Ave. 26th & Parker 822-1336 822-1307 TRANSMISSIONS REPAIRED & EXCHANGED Completely Guaranteed LOWEST PRICES HAMILL’S TRANSMISSION 118 S. Bryan —Bryan— 822-6874 HOME & CAR RADIO REPAIRS SALES & SERVICE KEN’S RADIO & TV 303 W. 26th 822-2819 AUTO REPAIRS All Makes Just Say: “Charge It” Cade Motor Co. Ford Dealer For BEST RESULTS TRY BATTALION CLASSIFIED SOSOLIKS TV & RADIO SERVICE Zenith - Color & B&W - TV All Makes - TV - Repaired 713 S. Main 822-1941 otis mcdonald s Type culat Typewriters • Adding Machines • Cal- • Cash Registers • Electro static Dry Copiers Sales • Service • Rentals Norelro dictating equipment 429 South Main Street • Phone 822-1328 Bryan, Texas 77802 AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 TYPEWRITERS Rentals-Sales-Service Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machines CATES TYPEWRITER CO. 909 S. Main 822-6000 FAIRWAY APARTMENTS • Two bedrooms • Furnished or unfurnished • Carpeted and draped • T.V. cable connections • Close to A&M, elementary schools and golf course • Central air and heat • Built in stove, refrigerator and disposal. From $99.50 3300 S. College Resident Mgr. Apt. 3-B 846-4713 822-8022 THE FRENCH QUARTER APARTMENTS ' i & 2 Bedrooms • Fully Furnished • Central Heat A Air • Electric Kitchens • Carpets A Drapes • Swimming Pool • Laundry Facilities ALL. BILLS PAID ••I Cross St. College Station 846-8981 THE BRYAN ARMS APARTMENTS “Congenial Living” Separate Adult & Family Areas "Children Welcome’* Model Apts. Open lor Inspection From $120 - All Utilities Paid 1602 s. College Avenue Resident .Manager - Apt. 55 Phone 823-4250 Make Your Deposit Now VICTORIAN APARTMENTS Midway between Bryan & A&M University STUDENTS!! Need A Summer Home & 2 Bedroom Fur. & Unfur. Pool and Private Courtyard 3 MONTHS LEASE 822-2035 401 Lake St. Apt. 1 FREIGHT SALVAGE • Brand Name Furniture • Household Appliances • Bedding • Office Furniture • Plumbing Fixtures All damaged items restored to full utility by our repairs department. C & D SALVAGE CO. 32nd & S. Tabor Streeta — Bryan “Woody” Sevison, the first fire chief to serve both the city and A&M. Fla. State Student Wins $500 Prize In Sprite Contest ATLANTA, GA. — John Dos- well, a junior at Florida State University in Tallahassee, Fla., has been named the grand prize winner in a college advertising contest sponsored by Sprite, a product of The Coca-Cola Com pany. Doswell, a major in radio and television, is from St. Petersburg, Florida. He attended St. Peters burg Junior College before trans ferring to Florida State. The contest involved approxi mately 2,000 college students who wrote and designed advertise ments for Sprite for college news papers. Doswell received an award of $500 as first prize in the contest. There were 100 second-place win ners each receiving an award of $25. Florida State also claimed four second-place winners. They in cluded Charles Vickers, White Springs, Florida; Sam Harrison III, Fred Brockway, and William Farrington, all of Tallahassee, Florida. The Florida State winners, all students in an advertising writing course, were encouraged to enter the competition by their profes sor, Richard Joel. NEW A&M DIRECTOR Tyler oilman Peyton McKnight Jr. (second from right) was sworn in as the newest member of Texas A&M Uni versity’s board of directors. Officiating at the ceremonies was McKnight’s former A&M classmate, Bryan attorney A. W. Davis. Looking on are Buck Weirus (second from left), executive secretary of A&M’s Association of Former Students, and State Sen. Bill Moore of Bryan. McKnight is married to the former Miss Ann Cade of Bryan. A&M Geneticist Speaks In Reno RENO, NEV.—To realize top returns from beef cattle, calves of different breeds with different mature sizes have optimum weights at which they should be slaughtered, a Texas A&M animal geneticist said here. Dr. T. C. Cartwright of the A&M Animal Science Departl- ment, a speaker during the 59th American Society of Animal Sci ence meeting July 30-Aug. 3 at the University of Nevada, de scribed the optimum weights in a project based on utilization of total digestible nutrients (TDN). He said that for most efficient utilization, calves from sires and dams of different sizes should be marketed at different weights. For example, the best slaughter or marketing weight for an An gus calf will be different than that for a Charolais calf. UNIVERSITY NATIONAL BANK ■ . rblzi t v/dK -It J ou u.i • ill/. jiLv:.;ir. , UL ent 13WO- oososic* rnoT '' r lv |r fipr*nJ *»'$■*• ?r> -, r . r , ... it Urfiu •) "Hi -Hi A HOME OWNED, ALL-AGGIE BANK, SERVING THE COLLEGE STATION AREA- OFFERING COMPLETE BANKING FACILITIES 1^ wiHMHrun. *mm mm «w$jg Um ^T raSfcjK'iia^ It’s no trick at all to start a Checking Account or Saving Account-We Are In Easy Walking Distance of the Campus Or— BANK BY MAIL (We Pay The Postage) “On the Side of Texas A&M” at the North Gate Member Federal Reserve System Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 846-8751