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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1967)
THE BATTALION Thursday, July 27, 1967 Page 4 College Station, Texas DR. JOHN CALHOUN Calhoun Gets Chairman Post Dr. John C. Calhoun Jr., vice president for programs at Texas A&M, has been named chairman of the Committee on Oceanogra phy of the National Academy of Sciences. Dr. Calhoun succeeds Dr. Mil ner B. Schaefer, director of the Institute of Marine Resources, University of California at San Diego, who was recently appoint ed science adviser to Secretary of the Interior Stewart L. Udall. The National Academy of Sci ences Committee on Oceanogra phy (NASCO) provides advice and assistance in oceanographic matters to many governmental agencies, including the Office of Naval Research, Bureau of Com mercial Fisheries, Atomic Energy Commission, National Science Foundation and the Environment al Science Services Administra tion. It also works with the staffs of the National Council on Ma rine Resources and Engineering Development and the Commission on Marine Science, Engineering and Resources. IN ADDITION to his vice pres idential duties at Texas A&M, Dr. Calhoun is president of Gulf Universities Research Corpora tion, an educational and research organization devoted to the study and development of the marine resources of the Gulf of Mexico, with members from 16 universi ties and research institutes from Florida to Texas. Trained as a petroleum engi neer, Dr. Calhoun was himself science adviser and special assis- £ant to Secretary Udall from 1963 to 1965. In this capacity, he represented the Department of Interior on the Federal Council for Science and Technology. His activities encompassed the co ordination of the department’s re search programs and development of special activities, including the weather modification program, ecology program and organization of the Science Information Pro gram. HE SERVED as acting director of the Office of Water Resources Research, was a member of an exchange team on natural re sources in Japan and headed a delegation to Russia on sea water desalination. Dr. Calhoun received his Ph.D. degree in 1946 in petroleum and natural gas engineering from Pennsylvania State University. He served as head of the depart ment from 1950 to 1955. From 1946 to 1950, he was professor and chairman of the Petroleum Engineering Department at the University of Oklahoma. He came to Texas A&M in 1955 as dean of the School of Engi neering and became vice chan cellor for engineering in 1957, vice chancellor for development in 1960 and, after leave of absence for the Washington assignment, vice president for programs in 1965. DR. CALHOUN served as pres ident of the Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME in 1964 and was awarded the Mineral Indus try Education Award of AIME in 1967. He is vice chairman of the board of trustees for the Uni versity Corporation for Atmos pheric Research and serves on the Committee on Minerals, Sci ence and Technology, National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council. Muscle Building No Aid To Lambs Slaughter lambs, whether for show or feedlot, probably realize little if any benefit from exercise programs which are supposed to build muscle. Dr. Z. L. Carpenter, speaking during the 59th annual American Society of Animal Science meet ing July 30-Aug. 3 at the Uni versity of Nevada, said experi ments at Texas A&M point to exercise routines as an “uneco nomical practice.” He said forced exercise with show lambs likely does not help in winning, and there is “not much advantage in providing ex ercise space for feedlot lambs from the standpoint of carcass de sirability.” WE GIVE tmmm WE GIVE WE GIVE G PP E E ST/AN* MS I WE GIVE WE GIVE ALUMINUM FOU 313 DETERGENT ......51 DOG FOOD Pard ^ o.l | PATIO FROZEN MEXICAN DINNERS 39 c BEEF STEW 57c Swift’s 24-Oz. 15-Oz. EACH PREM 55c 12-Oz. Tin COFFEE Hair Spray LUSTRE CREME RUBBING ALCOHOL 2, i„t, 25c Shurfine OO- Instant 10-Oz. Jar K ORAN# P| * UNEAPI** D drink . Choice 2 PocSSc ULTRA BRITE T " ,,TH "i^ldDc BABY POWDER J & J Reg. 79c 48c Del Monte SWEET PEAS PRESERVES Fesival FRUIT COCKTAIL CORN MEAL G,adoa SHORTENING Libby’s Bake Rite ' No. 303 ‘ Cans «p| Lb. Jar 59c C 303 ^ Cans , $1 Lb. Bag 39c Lb. Can 59c A. F. BRAND SLICED QUANTITY RIGHTS RESERVED I BACON Grade "A' FRYERS PLUMP & JUICY WHOLE LB. WHITE SEEDLESS FX WE GRAPES ffyg, AVOCADOS For Sa,ad8 Each i 9c CARROTS 2 - 0 25c lb. BEEF LIVER 11 Lb 49c Mohawk Brand CANNED HAM 3 H $2.89 jtV CUT UP AND BOXED Lb. 33^ RATH’S I FRANKS ...47c ^ Ad 12-Oz. Pkg. .. MELLORINE A. F. Brand Popular Flavors Gal. Ctn. FOOD KING 0LE0 Pounds (Solids) COUPON WORTH GREEN IN STAMPS WITH THE PURCHASE OF $10.00 OR MORE EXCLUDING CIGARETTES AND BEER ORR’S SUPER MKT. COUPON EXPIRES SAT. JULY 29, 1967. EGGS Cackleberry Garde “A” Medium Doz. MORTON’S—POTATO CHIPS Reg. 49^ Special Low Prices.. Plus S&H GREEN STAMPS !?S1 ORE EM STAMRS £x.- : 2 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS Downtown Ridgecrest 200 E. 24 Street • 3516 Texas Avf-