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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1966)
THE BATTALION College Station, Texas Page 8 Thursday, May 5, 1966 TRILLINGHAM Top Educator To Address June Meetings Los Angeles County superin tendent of schools Dr. Clinton C. Trillingham will discuss the in termediate unit in state educa tional organization in annual Texas A&M June conferences next month. The California educator will opeak three times in the June 13-15 conferences in the Mentdrial Student Center. Trillingham, LA County super intendent since 1942, will speak to the Texas Association of In structional Supervisors, Texas Association of County Superin tendents (TAGS) and a general assembly. The Texas School Administra tors Association also meets in the three-day conferences sponsored by the Department of Education and Psychology in cooperation with the National School Public Relations Association. About 600 Texas educators will attend. “Trillingham is the No. .1 school administrator in the United States,” said Dr. Grady Parker, education professor. Trillingham’s knowledge of in termediate units, being state edu cational service closer to schools, is of interest to TAGS members, he added. The Texas group advocates re organization of county districts to intermediate formation. Such legislation has been proposed twice, going to committee stage in the last Texas legislative ses sion. Past president of the American Association of School Adminis trators, Trillingham has been as sociated with California schools since 1931, when he instructed in the Los Angeles School of Citi zenship. He was a teacher, principal and superintendent in Kansas schools nine years and studied at Kan sas’ Southwestern College. 'The author of textbooks and numer ous articles obtained advanced de grees at the University of South ern California. He holds honorary doctoral degrees at three col leges. He is a summer session lecturei at Utah, Southern Cal, California, Stanford and Hawaii Universities and Whittier and Occidental Col leges. TUNNELL RAILROAD COMMISSIONER Pd. Pol. Adv. I DON’T DON’T MIND MIND EITHER meeting of the don’t minds If you don’t mind having ail the details of planning a banquet or convention taken care of for you, call Ramada Inn. We’ll make sure your meeting is trouble-fr?e . . . '»o matter what size your group! Try our fast, friendly breakfast and luncheon service. RAMADA INN Bryan-College Station - 846-8811 Free Over 1,000,000 JMBiai smm To Be Awarded By Thrif-Tee Food Stores SET YOUR CARD TODAY—IT MAY WIN 50,000-5,000-200-100 S&H GREEN STAMPS WIN A ’66 MUSTANG! “PLy QJk - .^t***.. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY EVERY CARD A WINNER! S' X GET YOUR CARD TODAY HUNT'S FRUIT COCKTAIL j’Siji.oo 300 Cans $1 Del Monte — Tomato CATSUP “Thrif-T-Trim ,, Baby Beef Kraft MACARONI DINNER Del Monte GARDEN PEAS Del Monte — Cream Style CORN For 59c 5ca“ $1.00 303 Cans $1.00 Round STEAK BRIQUETS Charcoal Energy Family Size — 6^ Off 95^ Size GLEEM TOOTH PASTE 59c 20a 79 Hormel - Range Brand Shurfine SHORTENING 3 Can 69c •/i Gallon — Plastic Bottle ENERGY BLEACH 25c Shurfrost, Frozen — Beef, Chicken, Turkey MEAT PIES 6 Shurfine, Frozen ORANGE JUICE 4 $1.00 169c PEACHES BACON sncidt. 2p L k b g .$1.39 Rath’s, Black Hawk BACON p“:79c Hormel “Little SIZZLERS” 12-Oz. rA pkg. 59c Rath’s, All Meat WIENERS !X.45c Pikes Peak Roast or RUMP ROAST Mohawk, Canned PICNICS 3 $1.88 Boston Butt PORK STEAKS Lb 49c Rath’s, All Meat BOLOGNA sli L b 49c Hunt's Sliced or Halves No. 2 Vi Cans . ^ FOLGER.S PRICES GOOD THUR. - FRI. - SAT. MAY 5-6-7. QUANTITY RIGHTS RESERVED • We Give S&H Green Stamps The Nations Number One Stamp Plan. COFFEE 49 c Limit One With Purchase of $2.50 or More Exc. Cigarettes Shurfine — Evaporated MILK 8 - Gerber's, Strained Jar. 99C Cackleberry — Grade A EGGS D Large ® BABY FOOD 10 4! 0z Shurfine, All Flavors CAKE MIX 4 r:. $1.00 TOWIE OLIVES 6 t;49c Fresh, Firm Heads GREEN CABBAGE ,,.5c CUCUMBERS 2 ,„,29c gfr Ww® Texas, Juicy ORANGES 6 For 29c XMlUfi CORN 6 39 mmm Jr, RUSSET POTATOES 10 ^ 59 —COUPON— 100 FREE S&H GREEN STAMPS With This Coupon And The Purchase Of $10.00 or More (LIMIT ONE PER PERSON) MUST BE ONE PURCHASE (Cigarettes Excluded) Void After Sat. May 7, 1966 DRINK DELICIOUS 7-UP 12 49 LIMIT ONE WITH PURCHASE OF $2.50 OR MORE A. F. BRAND ICE CREAM 49 i. vTii v oiu -tt-iier oai. iviay /, aizoo WE GIVE S&H GREEN STAMPS 2 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS 3516 Texas Avenue Ridgecrest 200 E. 24th Street Downtown wmm