Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1966)
1 he unpredictable weather had a dampening ■ffect on these Ags’ golf game Wednesday, lut determined to drive a few balls, these liehards weren’t to be denied by a little ain. Teeing off is Bob Fleckenstine, a Tyler Takes Top Honors In TJCPA Paper Contest Tyler Junior College is the weeptakes winner in the 1965- 6 Texas Junior College Press association newspaper competi- ion. Odessa and San Jacinto tied or second and third. Honorale nention went to Navarro and jubbock Christian. Winners were announced this reek by Dr. David R. Bowers ontest director for the Depart- nent of Journalism, association eadquarters. A point system or most winning entries de- ermined sweepstakes winners. Fifteen of the 20 member col- :ges participated. BRAVING THE ELEMENTS junior from Houston. While appearing hesi tant to escape the protection of the umbrella are brothers Richard and Bob Engelbert from San Antonio. Tyler captured firsts in news writing, editorials and news photo graphy, seconds in newswriting and headline writing and honor able mentions for general fea tures and sports columns. Odessa won firsts in sports columns and advertising, seconds in general feature and sports feature and third in newswriting and sports stories. San Jacinto took top spots in headline writing and sports pho tography, second in sports col umns, third in column writing and honorable mentions in page makeup and cartoons. Individual first place winners, according to category and col lege are: James Hollas of Del Mar, gen eral feature; Jimmy Walker of Cisco, cartoons; Gene Flippen of Lubbock Christian, sports fea ture; Paul Meyers of Odessa, sports column; Bennie Ellis of Tyler, newswriting; Drew Roy of Wharton, sports story; John Mc- Carrol of Odessa, advertising; Cornelia Heldt of San Antonio, column; Rex Smith of Tyler, edi torials and A. J. Thomasson of Tyler, news photography. Navarro was first in page makeup and San Jacinto first in headlines. The authentic, traditional, classic, conservative button down. Very acceptable. The long points on this Arrow Decton Oxford are just right. Anything less would ride up. Anything more would give you too much roll. Other noticeable details: Back collar button, box pleat and hanger loop. Tapered to a T. “Sanforized-Plus”, in a wash and wear that goes past midnight without a wrinkle^Available in other colors. $ $7.00 Bold New Breed by -ARROW- -ARROWS put a little snap into this Paddock Club It’s in the collar where you’ll appreciate it— but never notice it! You can see for yourself for we have a complete collection of these famous ARROW shirts in a wide variety of white, colors, checks and stripes to choose from. If you like fabric made of long-staple cotton Supima®... if you’re interested in this Bold New Breed of apparel... you’ll like Paddock Club. QQ Conway & Co. Downtown, Bryan BATTALION CLASSIFIED Political Announcements Subject to action of the Dem ocratic Primary May 7, 1966. For Congressman, Sixth Con gressional District: OLIN E TEAGUE (Re-Election) For Senator, 5th Senatorial District MRS. NEVEILLE H. COLSON For County Clerk: FRANK J. BORISKIE I. N. (IRA) KELLEY WANT AD RATES 3n. dv per \ >e per word each additional da; Minimum eharrr—50. DEADLINE 4 p.m. day before publication Claaaified Display 904 per column inch each -insertion word iy FOR SALE Senior Boots, just refinished, good con dition, size 8 or 9%. Call 846-SS22 after 6:00. 309t3 1967 Chevrolet, Bel-Air, 2 dr, hardtop, black, 283 V8, auto, trans., radio, heater, $400, Larry Jerden, 846-4910, The BAT TALION. 309t4 ’57 six cylinder Ford, rebuilt mot ?ood tires and excellent gras mileage, 8 3260. 3 ior, 46- 08t3 Kitchen and Bedroom Bamboo Drapes for Hensei $10, coffee table $4, bookcase $2, rug for dorm $3. 846-7604. 308t4 ’63 TR-14, white with red upholstery. 26,000 miles, electric overdrive, new tires, extra clean, $1376. Call 846-6086. 307t4 SACRIFICE)—take up low monthly pay ments on 1964 VW Karmann Ghia. Radio and white side wall tires. Call 846-6410 after 6:30. 306t5 Roberts 990 4 track stereo tape recorder. Call 846-8167. 306t6 Electrolux Sales and Service, .iams, *23-6331. es and Service. G. C. Wil- 1106 E. 2Sth St. Bryan. Phone 268tfn EMPLOYMENT NOTICE Designations as to sex in our Help Wanted and Employment Agency columns are made only (1) to indicate bona fide occupa tional qualifications for employment which mployer regards as reasonably nei to the normal operation of his busir an em sary ie normal operation of his business or enterprise, or (2) as a convenience to laders to let them know which posi- the advertiser believes would interest to one sex than thi FOR RENT 1012 Welsh, before 6:00, 846-73 ise, 34. Two bedroom brick apartment, completely furnished, central air and heat, two blocks from University, North Gate Area, $110 per month. Available June 1. 823-8181. 308t3 ither any ; lawful preferei or discriminati tends or practices any un- :nce, limitation, specification on in employment practices. INSTRUCTION Riding lessons, Ages 5-14, Saturday lornings. Call 846-3616 for information. 306t9 A&M Nuclear Society Elects New Officers The student chapter of the American Nuclear Society elected four new officers recently for next semester. George H. Bahrandt was chos en president and elected to the board of governors were Thomas L. Krysinski, Kama! U. Ahmed and William B. Wilson. Bahrandt and Ahmed are Ph.D. candidates while Krysinski and Wilson are M.S. candidates. GIL’S RADIO & TV Sales: Curtis Mathis, Westinghouse Service: All makes and models, including color T. V. & multiplex F M 2403 S. College 822-0826 SIGNATURE LOANS $10 TO $100 Prompt Confidential Service UNIVERSITY LOAN COMPANY 317 Patricia (North Gate) Tel: 846-8319 DONAHO SALES CO. 207 W. 28th 823-6666 Damaged & Unclaimed Freight, Quality Merchandise At Substantial Savings. TRANSMISSIONS REPAIRED & EXCHANGED Completely Guaranteed LOWEST PRICES 118 S. Bryan —Bryan— 822-6874 HOME & CAR RADIO REPAIRS SALES & SERVICE KEN’S RADIO & TV 303 W. 26th 822-2819 Cecil Sez: We meet all advertised prices on Major Brand Oils. No Limit. Filters Vz Price — All Sizes. 100% new oil 100 qt. All Brands Motor Oil Wholesale Prices. BRYAN OIL WHSE. 805 N College (Highway 6, N) at 19th • Watch Repair • Jewelry Repair • Diamond Senior Rings • Senior Rings Refinished C. W. Varner & Sons Jewelers North Gate 846-5816 HELP WANTED Worker for church nursery, 846-8731. 308t3 Opening for three seniors as sales assist ants. Work 10 hours a week and average $30 to $50 paid weekly. For appointment call 846-3535. 307t3 Married Students MEN and WOMEN You Can Earn $8.50 per hour Now and this summer in your spare time. Part time or full time. For information write Box 695 c/o Bryan Daily Eagle; Bryan, Texas. 305tfn Wanted: persons for evening work 3 to 5 nights per week, good wages, if 21 years or older apply by sending biographical outline and references to Box 4966, College Station. 303tfn Counselors and riding instructors needed for summer employment on Eastern Boy’s Riding Ranch. Applicants must be 19 years or over and have riding experience. Contact Larry M. Greenhaw, 846-8228. Waitress Wanted: Apply in person at The Ramada Inn. , 208tfn R.N. to work 3-11 p.m. and 11-7 a.m. and relief shift at Madison County Hos pital. Starting salary $350.00 and up. Meals provided; uniforms laundered. Con tact B. Tugger, R.N. at VI 6-6493 after 6 p.m. 187tfn 296tfn WORK WANTED REMODELING, REPAIR WORK AND 3ENERAL CONTRACTING, after 5:00 call 846-6918. DON MARABLE. 290tfn Typing, 823-6410. 207tfn CHILD CARE Child care, all ages. Baby food fur nished. 846-8151. 257tfn Gregory’s Day Nursery—846-4005. 218tfn HUMPTY DUMPTY CHILDREN CEN TER, 3406 South College, State Licensed. 823-8626, Virginia D. Jones, R. N. 99tfn SPECIAL NOTICE THE TEXAS A&M CHAPTER OF PHI KAPPA PHI will hold its annual initiation banquet on Tuesday, May 10, 6:30 p. m., at the MSC Ballroom. Our speaker. Dr. Gerald W. Thomas, Dean of Agriculture at Texas Tech, will discuss the topic: Diversified Excellence, the Challenge in Variation. Tickets are available from Dr. George Thompson (846-3731) until 5:00 p. m., May 6. 307t3 SLIDE RULERS OF THE WORLD UNITE! You have nothing to lose but — you can join the IMAD Club. Member ship now open. Liftime “professional” membership card with beautiful, gold- plated, hand-polished slide rule tie- clasp. (Engraved calibrations and numerals). Decorative and useful. Has that fine jewelry look. Nicely boxed conversation piece. Only $1.00 ppd. CUSTOMCRAFT CREATIONS P. O. Box 1111, Dept. 777C, Providence, Rhode Island 02901. 307t6 See WHITE AUTO, College Station, when you need hardware, household items, appliances, large or small. SAVE DOL LARS. 846-5626. HORSEBACK RIDING—miles off West 25th on Sandy Point Road. Children and adult mounts. Open Sat. and Sun. 8 to 6 p. m. 306t9 For your regular haircuts, razor cuts, or latest hairstyles. Everyone Welcome. Drop in or call 846-5541. JIM’S RAMADA BARBER SHOP, Ramada Inn. 300tfn REPORTS, THESES, DISSERTATIONS Miscellaneous Typing BARBARA ROBISON 332 Jersey Street, College Station, Tex. PHONE: 846-5832 AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 TUNNELL RAILROAD COMMISSIONER Pd. Pol. Adv. TYPEWRITERS Rentals-Sales-Service Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machines CATES TYPEWRITER CO. 909 S. Main 822-6000 AUTO REPAIRS All Makes Just Say: “Charge It” Cade Motor Co. Ford Dealer Unfurnished house with attached garage and fenced yard, 403 Nimitz. Call 846- 4465. 307t4 Large, cool bedroom, nicely furnished, single beds for one or two occupants, private entrance. Also, nicely furnished apartment, air conditioned, private en trance, private bath, near North Gate, 500 Main Street, College Station, 846-5544. 307tfn FAIRWAY APARTMENTS Two bedrooms Furnished or unfurnished Carpeted and draped T.V. cable connections Close to A&M, elementary schools and golf course Central air and heat Built in stove, refrigerator and disposal. From $99.50 3300 S. College 846-4713 after 5:00, 822-1289 306t4 Three bedroom completely furnished ie includes freezer and dryer, $130 per th, 846-6311. 297tfn housi mon STATE MOTEL, rooms and kitchen, day id weekly rate, near the University, 846- 262tfn and 5410. VICTORIAN APARTMENTS Midway Xi ay between Bryan & V&M University • All General Electric built-ins • 1 & 2 bedrooms with 1 or 1V4 baths • Central heat & air • Large walk-in closets • Beautiful courtyard with swimming pool • Carpets & Drape arpoi • Furnished or unfurnished Resident manager. Apt. 1 401 Lake Phone 822-2035 154tfn pes • Carports & laundry facilities OFFICIAL NOTICE OFFICIAL NOTICE Official notices must arrive in the Office of Student Publications before deadline of 1 p. m. of the day preceding publication. THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree Name: Edwards, Thomas Charles Degree: Doctor of Philosophy in Civil Engineering Dissertation : An Analytical Solution of the Impact Behavior of Sign Posts Time: May 9, 1966 at 7:00 Pli May 9, 1966 at 7 :00 p. m. Room 120 in Civil Engineering Wayne C. Hall Dean of Grad. Studies 309t2 THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree Name: Crocker, Marvin Carey Jr. ihy in ( Absorption Capacity to Exchange Ac tion in Selected Feldspar Minerals Time: May 9, 1966 at 2:00 p. m. Place: Room 104 in Geology Bldg. Wayne C. Hall Dean of Grad. Studies 309t2 THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree Name: Sutherland, Robert Carver Degree: Ph.D. in Plant Physiology and Floriculture Dissertation : Morphological and Physiolog ical Studies of the Foliar Embryos of Kalanchoe Pinnata Pers. Time: May 9, 1966 at 1:00 p. m. Place: Room 303 in Plant Science Bldg. Wayne C. Hall Dean of Grad. Studies 309t2 THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree Name: Sharp, Edward John Degree: Doctor of Philosophy in Physics Dissertation : A Study of Spin Waves in Alkali Halides Time: May 9, 1966 at 4:00 p. m. Place: Room 146 in Physics Bldg. Wayne C. Hall Dean of Grad. Studies 309t2 in Wildlife THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree Name: Michael, Edwin Daryl Degree: Doctor of Philosophy Science Dissertation : Patterns c Welder Wildlife Refuge Time: May 9, 1966 at 8:30 a. m. Place: Room 317 D in Ag. Engr. Bldg. Dail; Iy and Seasonal Activity hite-tailed Deer on the Wayne C. Hall Dean of Grad. Studies CITY ORDINANCE ORDINANCE NO. 460 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING PARA GRAPH (B) OF ORDINANCE NO. 312 PROVIDING FOR CHANGES OF RATES FOR WATER EFFECTIVE THIS DATE. BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas: Paragraph (B) of Ordinance No. 312 shall be and is hereby amended to read in full hereafter as follows. (B) Rates for Water For domestic, commercial and/or indus trial consumers using water within the corporate limits of the city: First 1,000 gallons $1.00 per M Next 1,000 gallons 0.55 per M Next 5,000 gallons 0.45 per M Next 10,000 gallons 0.40 per M Next 33,000 gallons 0.30 per M Excess of 50,000 gallons 0.25 per M Minumum Charge per Month $1.00 This rate shall be effective on all invoices submitted by the City of College Station to users on or about June 1, 1966. PASSED, APPROVED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED, this 25th day of April, 1966. APPROVED: S/D. A. Anderson Mayor ATTEST: S/K. A. Manning City Secretary INSURE TOMORROW TODAY EUGENE RUSH earnestly solicits your call when you want to talk about life or health insurance for your family. Now in I8th year with same reliable company. PHONE: 846-5800 (Days) 846-6121 (Nights) ATTENTION Graduating Seniors You may pick up your grad uation invitations at the Ca- cus Room across from the Browsing Library in the Me morial Student Center be ginning Thursday, April 28, 1966 from 8-12, 1-5. SPECIAL NOTICE TO THOSE GRADUATING SENIORS WRO DID NOT ORDER THEIR GRADUA TION INVITATIONS. The EXTRA INVITATIONS will go on sale Thursday, May 5, 1966, at 8:00 a. m. at the Cashier’s Window, Memorial Student Center. These invi tations are sold on a first come, first serve basis ONLY. THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree Name: Potts, Howard Calvin Degree: Doctor of Philosophy in Plant Breeding Dissertation: Parent-offspring relation ships and inheritance of certain morphol ogical characteristics in klein (Panicum coloratum L.) Time: May 10, 1966 at 9:30 a. Place: Room 303 in Plant Sci Wayne C. Hall Dean of Grad. Studies I- grass. m. ences Bldg. THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree Nam: Moeller, Herbert Robert Degree: Doctor of Philosophy : Dissertation: Some Physical Pn Solid Argon Time: May 10, 1966 at 3:00 p. m. Place: Room 146 in Physics Bldg. Wayne C. Hall Dean of Grad. Studies in Physics •operties of THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree Name: Capelle, Donald Gene Doctor of Philosophy in Civil neering An Investigation of Accel- Measure of Freeway level of Service Time: May 10, 1966 at 9:00 a. m. Place: Room 15 in Highway Research Center Wayne C. Hall Dean of Grad. Studies 309t2 Degree: Engir Dissertation : A eration Noise THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree Name: Hipp, Billy Wayne Degree: Doctor of Philosophy in Soil Chemistry Dissertation: Some Factors Controlling Potassium Availability in Texas soils. Time: May 6, 1966 at 9:00 a. m. Place: Room 303 in Plant Science Bldg. Wayne C. Hall Dean of Graduate Studies 308t2 numbe FENSE STUDENT LOANS will be for made ilable A limited number of NATIONAL DE- 3E STL Summer imited, Tying tc or coll Application forms may Student Financial Aid, 303 YMCA, April secon- ry or college level will be considered. Dpi icatic consn ained THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree Name: Stebbins, Frederick Jean Degree: Doctor of Philosophy in Civil Engineering Dissertation: Stiffness Matrix Solution for Shells of Revolution Processing Variable Thickness Heat Protection Time: May 6, 1966 at 5:00 p. m. Place: Room 104 in Civil Engineering 04 in Wayne C. Hall ie i Dean of Graduate Studies 308t2 THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree Name: Dunlap, Wayne Alan Degree: Doctor of Philosophy in Civil 'egree: Engin eer Dissertation : Deformation Characteristics ular Materials Subjected to Rapid re Loading :y 6, 1966 at 8 :O0 a. m. Conference Room in Highway Re- ing of Granular Materials Subjected titive Loading 6, 1966 £ Repetitive Loadi Time: Ma; Place: search Center Wayne C. Hall Dean of Graduate Studies THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree Name: Hall, Frank Foy Degree: Doctor of Philosophy in Bio chemistry and Nutrition Dissertation : The Proteolytic Enzymes of Bacillus Licheniformis Time: May 6, 1966 at 3:00 p. m. Place: Room 214 in Heep Bldg. Wayne C. Hall Dean of Graduate Studies 308t2 Regalia for the May, 1966, Commencement Exercise All students who are candidates for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy are required to order hoods as well as the doctor’s cap and gown. The hoods are to be left at the Registrar’s Office no later than 1:00 p. m., Tuesday, May 24 (this will be accom plished by a representative of the College Exchange Store). The Ph.D. hoods will not be worn in the procession since all such ndidates will be hooded on the stage as part of the ceremonies. Candidates for e Master’s Degree will wear the Master’s (egree will wear the Master s cap and gown. All civilian students who lidates for the Bachelor’s Degree ar the bachelor’s cap and gown. ROTC students who are candidates for the I J n V", 1 . _ TA , , . 1 1 .» » 4- V, « 1 are will optional with the uniform. Rental of caps and gowns may be arranged with the Exchange Store. Orders may be placed between 8:00 a. m. Monday, May 9 and 5 .00 p. m. Friday, May 20. The rental r’s p. m. Friday, May follows: Doctor’s cap and is as $5.25 ; Maste Bachelor’s cap rental is the i wn, :ap and gown, $4.75 ; id gown, $4.25. Hood rental is the same as that for cap and gown. A 2% Texas State Sales Tax is re quired in addition to these rentals. 307tl2 CORRECTIONS IN SUMMER BULLETIN Astronomy and Applications of Modern Physics, Summer 1966. Contrary to the Bulletin of Summer Session 1966 recently released, Physics 310, Modern Physics and Physics 314, Astronomy, are open in the first summer term to all students with the prerequisites, Physics 202 and Math ematics 103, respectively. Only in the second summer term is there a restriction, that Physics 314 is reserved for students in the NSF Earth Science Institute. 304tfn DAMAGED and UNCLAIMED FREIGHT (New Merchandise) Furniture, Appliances, Bedding, Tables, etc. A little of everything. C & D SALVAGE E. 32nd & S. Tabor 822-0605 SOSOLIKS TV & RADIO SERVICE Zenith - Color & B&W - TV AH Makes - TV - Repaired 713 S. Main 822-1941 Havoline, Enco, Ama lie, Conoco 30c qt. Where low oil prices originate. All brands Wholesale Parts Wholesale Too Quantity Rights Reserved Filter % Price (most cars) Carpet, Nylon Front & Rear $30.00 Value Now $16.95 Shock Absorbers Installed Most Cars $4.79 Latex interior paint gal. .. $2.59 Mufflers—Chevy, other many models $5.98 Brake shoes—most cars exchange $2.90 The Brazos County A&M Club is available for your graduation & other parties. Rental $12.50. Has been remodeled. Call Joe Faulk. TA 2-1669. Auto trans. oil 250 AC - Champion - Autolite plugs Tires—Low price every day — Just check our price with any other of equal quality. Your Friedrich Dealer Joe Faulk Auto Parts 220 E. 25th Bryan, Texas JOE FAULK ’32 20 years in Bryan