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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1966)
THE BATTALION Page 2 College Station, Texas Friday, April 15, 1966 Wanderin By Larry R. Jerden While I did receive a two-line letter of encouragement for my last column (see Sound Off), the only criticism sent to this office was unsigned, so could not be printed among the letters. It is, however, so entertaining that I will take the liberty to print it here: To - Larry R. Jerden. My fine featherbrained friend: My petty-billed Christian chirper; My war mongering warbler: My red, white and blue-breasted champion of mother country and yesterday’s apple-pied perfection: It has been so nice to note The absence of your column; Your droll remarks on world perfection, Coeducation and all tradition solemn. But now you’ve brought it back again- Why did you ever do it? You rant and rave like the John B group And there’s really nothing to it. Oh, Billy G., to learn by mistakes must make you blush, To err must cause your Christian cheeks to turn bright red. Like Minever Cheevy; you curse the present And long for what is dead. Oh, if you should run for Senate Pres, and V.P. too You could stamp out Non-regs, pacifists, beatniks, Moham- madens, girls, people you don’t understand and all that other vice. But the greatest benefit would be to allow us to double our pleasure by voting against you twice: The Penguin Now, as I re-read this little composition, I notice that it is mainly not worth answering. The author must agree, remaining anonymous. I would, too, writing something like that! But, it does reveal somethng of his make-up. He’s the sort who thinks that when a man seeks improvement, he means to look at the past, not the future. He also seems to relegate the American colors and national pride to the past. I do not like war in the least, and I’d much rather be on a beach with my girl than fighting Vietcong in a rice-paddy . . . but I hate to see America crawl . . . and I’d rather fight Communism 8,000 miles from that girl than from her doorstep. He also doesn’t understand Christ or Christianity. To err is, after all, human. I just hate to see America make the same stupid mistakes that have been made so many times before. Anyway, The Penguin would be better off at the South Pole, I’d say, where the warm scorches of truth wouldn’t singe his little tail feathers. I really hate to write this sort of thing and all, when that column was really written on the spur of the moment in the first place. I at least succeeded in getting some mail, and all Aggies love that. Even Battmen. Good news: the Peanuts book was found! My Batt-buddies weren’t the culprits, after all. It was the Battcave Kitty. She used it to defend herself from the Battdogs. Anyway, if you’ll just glance over under the “Slouch” cartoon, you’ll see the review. Speaking of peanuts, I wonder who the next Student Senate president will be? All seriousness aside, have any of the candidates got a platform? I didn’t file . . . the Buddhists were against me . . . Sound Off Editor, The Battalion, Your editorial 4/13/66 was very good, let’s have more of the same. M. Liny, ’65 ★★★ Editor, The Battalion, I have three points to air for the enlightenment of all! 1) How come all arts and hu manities are being “statiscised” and “mathamaticised ? ” Is this a fad ? Does the advancement of knowledge depend exclusively on statistics and mathematics ? Most of the original minds of the world did not care for statistics. 2) A brilliant student may not have any interest in statis tics. Why statistics should be “thought” on him ? 3) How about asking all science boys to study Plato, Aristotle, Hobbes, Darwin, T. S. Eliot, Ta gore, Sartre, Metaphysics, Latin, Greek, Arabic? Excellence im plies a well-rounded, balanced education. Education must produce excel lent human beings, not money earning machines. A technocrat or an engineer or a scientist or mechanic without a thorough grounding in the humanities is a human monster, a danger to a community. If an arts student is to be tu tored by statistics, I feel, the science students must equally be choked to death by the classics. Should we care for original ideas and thoughts or should we worship a jugglery of graphs, facts and numbers!!! Reflectively, A. Laman ★★★ Editor, The Battalion, Dear Class of 1968: I wish to take this opportunity to thank you all for electing me as your representative to the Me morial Student Center Council. I particularly thank those of you who supported me in this election. I will try to merit your confi dence by doing the best I can to represent each of you well. Sincerely, Ronald D. Zipp P.S. Let’s stay great—’68 ★★★ Editor, The Battalion, “The Love of a Student” A student’s love is one of fear— It’s loving a girl that just isn’t here. It’s waiting for mail—a hope for him— A mailbox that’s empty—a day that’s dim. It’s holding her picture and see ing her face— And wanting to leave this lone ly place— It’s a dream-troubled night of little sleep. An ache in your heart that’s ever so deep— Alone on weekends and hoping she’s true. Wondering if she’s alone and wanting you— It’s hearing a song you listened to then— The words bring back memories —you’re blue again. It’s wondering about her through day and night. “Did you know that the Lord up above created you for me to have ?” He picked you from all the rest. I had a heart and it was true— But now it’s gone from me to you— Take care of it as I have done— For you have two and I have David B. Cyr Class of ’69 NATURE? (cmtx f vieM roum Apprentice Cook Course Scheduled xn apprentice cook course is 3duled here June 13 through 8. ponsored by the A&M Engi- ring Extension Service, the >ol is directed by Fred Dollar, food services chief, jrty employes of dining lishments will be instructed )od preparation and in ng food service subjects, dsis is on modern tech- convenience food devices or saving methods. ;st A. Wentrcek, adminis- assistant for TEES, said \rse is to help meet grow- land for personnel trained ?ing and kitchen duties. Read Battalion Classifieds ? — LUNCH TIME — ? ‘‘Especially Designed For” CAMPUS STAFF AND OFFICE PERSONNEL Quick Service Tasty Foods Old Fashioned Ice Cream Parlor Leisure Booths and Tables Available Pleasing Decor Soft Background Music eOMWtit PLT026LNT With $2.50 . . and il* rcha * e name in to a More L DRINK AND DRIVE ON hT)—More than half 'n’s seven million drivers ing wrong in having “a two” despite government ida to the contrary, says •mobile Association club ust issued. [,.A, which has more than illion members, reports ■survey shows that about cent of British drivers rink because they are ab- s and 37 per cent make a f abstaining when driving. i who do drink and ays the survey, a third that three drinks is a sumption, one in 10 do and the remainder reck- p to six drinks is rea- ( rown YOU NEED HELP, CHARLIE BROWN, By Charles M. Schulz. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc. $1. This little pink volume is the latest collection of Peanuts comic strips to appear in book form. It’s great! Included are the psychiatry sessions with Lucy in her port able doctor’s booth, advising Charlie, Linus, Schroeder and the rest of the crew. A flip of the page and the tragic plight of Charlie mooning over “the little red-haired girl” comes into view. And, as summer rolls around, an examination of the world’s losingest baseball team, barring not even the Mets or Astros, is in order. It’s hard to say just where the Peanuts charm lies, but its presence is evident. It is “the” comic strip in America today as it appears in daily newspapers, and I can conceive of no more pleasant an afternoon than one spent with this newest of the Schulz books. Some of the book’s impact comes from the truths that are subtly slipped to the reader while he is chuckling over the inherent humor. Somehow it is easier to accept some lessons when they are taught by “Good Old Charlie Brown” and Company than when blasted forth in an editorial in a paper or delivered from a pulpit on Sunday morning. Then there is just “pure” humor. Schulz is a master of squeezing the most out of one line drawn on paper. He gives his characters a complete per sonality in one frame, and can change it in the next by merely drawing a line a certain way on their faces. But what, really, is Peanuts. It’s a look at life the way we live it., but can’t see it without Charles M. Schulz to guide the way. Of course, I’m prejudiced be cause I’ve been a Peanuts fan for years. But all that is needed, I believe, to convert anyone to this same fanaticism is to spend an hour or so in the world of the little people in YOU NEED HELP, CHARLIE .BROWN— Larry R. Jerden. The Source by James Michner now at the WORLD OF BOOKS SHOPPE 207 S. Main Bryan 823-8366 Professional Careers in Aero Charting CIVILIAN EMPLOYMENT with the U.S. AIR FORCE Minimum 120 semester hours college credit including 24 hours of subjects pertinent to charting such as math, geography, geology, and physics. Equivalent experience acceptable. Training program. Openings for men and women. Application and further information forwarded on request. WRITE: College Relations (ACPCR) Hq Aeronautical Chart & Information Center, 8900 S. Broadway, St. Louis, Missouri 63125 An equal opportunity employer DUTCH TREAT A&M East Gate “Conveniently Located” Hwy. 6 Please don't zlupf Sprite. It makes plenty of noise all by itself. Sprite, you recall, is the soft drink that's so tart and tingling, we just couldn't keep it quiet. Flip its lid and it really flips. Bubbling, fizzing, gurgling, hissing and carrying on all over the place. An almost exces sively lively drink. Hence, to zlupf is to err. What is zlupfing? Zlupfing is to drinking what smacking one's lips is to eating. It's the staccato buzz you make when draining the last few deliciously tangy drops of Sprite from the bottle with a straw. Zzzzzlllupf! It's completely uncalled for. Frowned upon in polite society. And not appreciated on campus either. But. If zlupfing Sprite is absolutely essential to your enjoyment; if a good healthy zlupf is your idea of heaven, well... all right. But have a heart. With a drink as noisy as Sprite, a little zlupf goes a long, long way. SPRITE. SO TART AND • RCoiSTrRro trade mark TINGLING. WE JUST COULDN'T KEEP IT QUIRT. “1 What you notice is... I wraparound triple taillights spinner-style wheel covers a quick downsloping root line What you feel is... “L the stability of its Jet-smoother ride the eagerness of a Turbo-Jet V8 you can order up to 425 hp now! the response of a 4-speed you can add THE BATTALION Opinions expressed in The Battalion are those of the student writers only. The Battalion is a non tax-supported non profit, self-supporting educational enter prise edited and operated by students as a university and community newspaper. exclusively to the use for The Associated Press is entitled republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneoi origin published herein. Rights of republieation of all othi matter herein are also reserved. Second-Class postage paid at College Station, Texas. News contributions may be made by telephoning 846-6618 or 846-4910 or at the editorial office. Room 4, YMCA Building. For advertising or delivery call 846-6416. Members of the Student Publications Board are: Joe Buser, airman; Dr. David Bowers, College of Liberal Arts; Dr. Robert A. Clark, College of Geosciences ; Dr. Frank A. Me Bowers, College of Robert A. Clark, College of Geosciences ; Dr. rTank A. Mc Donald, College of Science; Dr. J. G. McGuire, College of Engineering; Dr. Robert S. Titus, College of Veterinary A. B. Wooten, College of Agriculture. Mail subscriptions year; $6.50 per full sales tax. Advertii are $3.60 year. All Advertising rate fu Engineering; Dr. Medicine; and Dr. sales tax. Advertising The Battalion, Room 4, YMCA B er semester; $6 per school ubscriptions subject to 2% irnished on request. Address: uilding. College Station, Texas. May, The Battalion, a student newspaper at Texas A&M Is blished in College Station, Texas daily except Saturday, day, and holiday periods, September through nday, and Monday, and holiday periods, September through ly, and once a week during summer school. MEMBER The Associated Press, Texas Press Association Represented nationally by National Advertising Service, Inc., New York City, Chicago, Loa Angelea and San Francisco. EDITOR GLENN DROMGOOLE Managing Editor Tommy DeFrank Associate Editor Larry Jerden Sports Editor Gerald Garcia News Editor —.— Dani Presswood Amusements Editor Lani Presswood Staff Writers — Robert Solovey, Mike Berry Sports Writer Larry Upshaw Photographer Herky Killingsworth I What you call it is an Impala Super Sport Impala Super Sport Coupe CHEVROLET DOUBLE DIVIDEND DAYS! NO. 1 BUYS • NO. 1 CARS Now at your Chevrolet dealer’s Where you get it is at your Chevrolet dealer’s, and when is now—during Double Divi dend Days. There are Super Sports plain if you call this plain: Strato-bucket seats, console, carpeting and eight standard safety features like back-up lights. Super Sports lavish with comforts you specify. And Super Sports eager with things you add. Buy now! ^4-ox DISCOVER AMERICA All kinds of good buys all in one place... at your Chevrolet dealer’s: CHEVROLET • CHEVELLE • CHEVY n • C0RVAIR • CORVETTE PEANUTS By Charles M. Schub PEANUTS /ILL BE GLAP \ when i m UP, AND CAN MOVE .OUT OF THIS {^NEIGHBORHOOD!/ I NEED TO SEE NEO) PLACES, And meet new people Around here](^eryone"?) SORES ME i -y- 7 Especially ‘'e/eryone"ifi T SA 1 “1 “I i“3 < “V “I |“Y