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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1966)
tisiUii’fiaUilsi-.: Mlii liilLiiltiiiiiil' v •• 7 7. '- TA v- ' 'TJ; •. Che Battalion Volume 61 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS TUESDAY, APRIL 19, 1966 Number 299 EN rvict lotOR nue r Senate Voting Thursday Urge Drop s Matson Basketball TESSIES TO TALK MANNERS These three Texas Woman’s University coeds will partici pate in a “Man Your Manners” panel Tuesday night in the YMCA. From left are Cheri Holland, Suzanne Peters and Nanette Gabriel, Johanna Leister, the fourth panelist, is not pictured. Tessies Launch Manners Series Four Texas Woman’s Univer sity coeds will launch the first of three “Man Your Manners” programs at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in the YMCA. Joining current Aggie Sweet heart Cheri Holland on Tues day’s panel will be Nanette Gabriel and Johanna Leister, ★ ★ ★ Need Seen For Political Clubs Here By JUDY FRANKLIN Battalion Staff Writer Some schools are putting stu dents in strait-jackets when they deny them the right to form poli tical clubs or criticize the insti tution’s policies. Rev. Thomas J. Sealy, minister of the A&M Church of Christ, said last night at a YMCA “Edu cated Man” program he would like to see rival political clubs at A&M. “An institution,” he told the audience, “is training and not educating when it denies students the right to criticize and express their opinions.” How is a person supposed to know what his political prefer ences are when it’s time to vote at 21? Seay added that loyalty and obedience come when students are able to make decisions. “It doesn’t hurt to think — it doesn’t hurt to be challenged,” he commented. In advocating the need for political clubs, the minister said “Students need to be able to dif fer without being disagreeable.” Where there are marches and other public protests on cam puses, students are merely show ing an “educating desire” to ex press their opinions. “Universities many times, it seems, are afraid of men who think for themselves,” Seay add ed. “It’s more than the training of the mind,” he said. “It’s the training of the man.” former Aggie Sweethearts, and Suzanne Peters. The girls will discuss: 1. The ABC’s of letter writ ing with a 3-D effect (blind dates, thank-you notes and ask ing for a date); 2. Flowers (when and when not) and housing and transporta tion; 3. Introduction: Tactful con versation and small talk; 4. Dances: How to ask for a dance, when it is proper to cut in and what to do when the dance number is completed (walk her to her seat, talk to her and hope a buddy comes along or leave her standing); 5. Telephone manners: Ask ing for a date, confirming a date, calling to say “I’ll be late and guessing games (like “Guess who this is?”) A question-and-answer period is also scheduled after the formal presentation is completed. Tessies will also return for two more manners programs. Linda Mason, Jane Sullins, Carol Cater and Diane Patterson will present a discussion next Tues day, while Whitney Vickers, Judy Jones, Suzanne Gilbert and a fourth member are scheduled for May 3. By GERALD GARCIA Battalion Sports Editor Texas A&M track coach Charley Thomas advised shot put champion Randy Matson Monday to concentrate on track and drop basketball. Matson’s sub-par performances in track thus far this season prompted Thomas to advise his prize pupil. “Randy could be great, in fact he could be the greatest weight- man ever, if he just concentrated more on the sport,” Thomas said. “The physical strain from the basketball season still lingers on Randy and the knee injury has not helped him either.” Because Matson has not been able to regain the weight he lost during his fling with the Aggie basketball team, the world’s record holder has not been able to improve in his specialities. Thomas figures Matson has not worked enough time since the end of basketball and this has hurt the star weightman. “What he needs to do is workout with weights .during the winter and throw in the indoor track campaign and this way he would be ready for the outdoor season,” Thomas noted. “But be cause of basketball, Randy has not regained his strength and his form.” Thomas believes his prize pupil is capable of throwing the shot 75 feet and the discus 220 feet if he concentrated on weight training during the winter and throwing in the indoor season. The Aggie coach also brought out another speculation about the A&M wonder. “Football would not hurt him as much as basketball — except maybe only for the threat of him hurting his knee seriously — because after football he would still have a month and half to work out with weighs to get ready for the indoor track season,” Thomas explained. “But all of this is just my advice and Randy will have to do what he thinks is best.” Board Delays Vote On Doctoral Plan Twenty-nine students will be in the race for Student Senate and Civilian Student Council of fices in the spring general elec tion Thursday, Election Commis sion Chairman Harris Pappas an- announced Monday. Eleven positions will be filled in the contest, with no runoff scheduled. “We had a very good turn out on the last day of filing,” Pappas reported. “The Civilian Student Council was the only area that we couldn’t arouse enough interest in. A two-man race looms in the election for Student Senate president, contested only by Jack H. Pyburn and Wayne B. Fudge. Students filing for other seats include: Vice-president — Jack M. Whiteside, Joseph P. Webber, Leon E. Travis, Jack R. Cole man, Francis J. Bourgeois, Wel don T. Bollinger and Richard J. Adams. Parliamentarian — Larry Lee and Daniel H. Fischer. Recording secretary — Ben jamin J. Sims, Gerald A. Eliff and William R. Allen. Issues Chairman — Jerry Stev ens and James F. Baldauf. Student Life Chairman — Ter ry C. Aglietti and Eric Wiswell. Public Relations Chairman — Richard H. Franklin and Troy H. Myers. Welfare Committee Chairman —Fred J. Wright, Michael G. Bryan, Mark C. Berry and Don ald L. Allen. CSC president — James T. Oliver and Edward A. Salisbury. Two CSC offices will be one- man contests, with Lewis G. Ven ator running unopposed for vice- president and Michael L. Mc Afee treasurer. Advance Registration Underway For Blood Drive Next Week Texas Aggies will have an opportunity to donate blood for the eleventh straight year when the Wadley Foundation visits campus April 27-28. The Aggie Blood Drive will be sponsored on campus by the Student Senate and Alpha Phi Omega. The spon sors are currently registering volunteers in the Memorial Student Center and will keep their booth open until 5 p.m. Wednesday. In addition to the stand in front of the MSC gift shop, a booth will be set up Tuesday and Wednesday in front of the cafeterias in Sbisa Dining Hall. A record 565 pints were donated in 1964, with 503 pints contributed last year. Last year’s drive was hampered by 300 rejections from colds, shots taken within two weeks, headaches and the taking of prescription medicine. A&M is the largest single collection point for the Wadley Research Institute, which processes 25,000 pints of blood per year. Louis Sabayrac, APO president, said Roland Dunkerly will be blood drive chairman for that organizaztion, while James Morris will head the Student Senate’s participation in the drive. Council Chooses Committee Heads AUSTIN ‘A * 4 5 ) — The State Col- ing the institutions will move lege Coordinating Board, facing than double in enrollment by one of its toughest decisions, put 1978. off Monday until April 30 action Bo , yds , treated the councl1 on a proposal to eliminate Texas Three new committee chairmen were elected Monday night by the Memorial Student Center Council. The committee chairmen are David Willis, John J. Harris and Richard Franklin. Willis will head the chess committee, Harris the Flying Kadets and Franklin will handle personnel. Willis is a sophomore psychol ogy major with a 2.3 overall grade point ratio, while Harris is majoring in physics and has an overall 1.38 GPR.. He is also a sophomore. Franklin is a junior pre-med major with a 2.54 GPR. In other business, the council: Transfered $150 on the Town Hall committee and $210 in the Talent committee from profes sional fees to advertising. After a discussion, the council voted to change the policy of transfering funds within a committee. The old procedure required that the council had to vote on the trans fer before it could be changed. Now any amount less than $100 can be transferred without coun cil approval. Accepted gifts to the Browsing Library from Md. Akramuzza- man, the Matagorda County A&M Mother’s Club and the Bay Area A&M University Mothers. Accepted gifts to the Travel Committee from Bryan-College Station Business and Profession al Women’s Club, James Ray, Richard E. Marks, Dr. Harrison Hierth, Hackett Durning, Melvin Maltz and Edward J. Klein. Accepted a painting of the President’s old home by E. M. (Buck) Schiwetz from Mr. and Mrs. John H. Lindsay of Hous ton to be hung in the MSC. Discussed the MSC Building Studies committee report which will be submitted to President Earl Rudder in the future. This report contains a detailed study conducted by the council on the needs of the MSC for future years. The meeting was the last reg ularly scheduled meeting of the council and it was held at Dr. and Mrs. Charles L. Boyd’s home. Southern University’s law school % and East Texas State Universi- ty’s doctoral programs. •X A vote on both issues was g scheduled for Monday, but Tom Sealy of Midland, chairman of a :•:• committee studying the two schools, asked more time. Outlook Appears Bleak For Aggieland Orchestra with a barbeque. Peruvian Consul To Visit Friday Peruvian ambassador to the United States Celso Pastor and Edward Marcus of Dallas, execu tive of Neiman-Marcus, will at tend a bi-monthly staff confer ence of the Texas Agricultural Extension Service Friday. They will be accompanied by their wives for the morning visit. Chairman of the Texas Part ners of the Alliance, Marcus will present a project overview to the conference. Texas and Peru established the alliance through private indi viduals on a non-profit basis be cause of similarities of the two areas, especially in agriculture. Through the alliance, community development, education and other areas are improved through ex change of ideas and information. A role and scope plan for the 22 state colleges and universities is awaiting final action. The plan would limit doctoral pro grams to Texas A&M, the Uni versity of Texas, Texas Tech, University of Houston, North Texas State and Texas Woman’s University. The board voted to issue $20 million in bonds to finance the first phase of the $89 million college student loan program ap proved last November by the voters. Also approved were regula tions governing the loan pro gram. The regulations require that loan applications be sent to participating colleges and uni versities, which would forward them to the board for approval. In an action that will determine the amount of construction at 17 schools in the next 12 years, the board approved estimates show- By JAMES BASINGER Battalion Special Writer After years of service to Tex as A&M, The Aggieland Orches tra’s days appear to be num bered. Oygr the years, the band has been sponsored and directed by a faculty member. In 1960, Rob ert L. Boone took over as head of the band. He is also head of the Singing Cadets. “Mr. Boone is a choral man and his main interest is in the Singing Cadets,” says.. Jon Noxon. A senior and a member of the Aggie Band, he has been designated director of the band this year. He added that he fears the band may fold after he grad uates. Noxon said if a faculty mem ber, or a person hired by the Memorial Student Center works with the band, the band could probably continue to exist. He also expressed a desire to have the band practice more of ten. “If we worked twice a week end, we’d be happy.” The rea son they can’t is because they aren’t allotted facilities for prac ticing on two days. Noxon said the trouble with practicing more is that it costs the MSC to furnish facilities for the band. The band is nearly self-sus taining. It buys its equipment from the profits it recieves by playing at dances. Since 1960, the band has been losing ground but this year things are looking up financially if not organizationally. Business has been increased 300 to 400 per cent since last year. “We’re trying to get the band built back up,” Noxon said. He emphasized that even if the band doesn’t prosper financially, “it should exist just if to let a group of guys play together.” “The MSC puts out some money for us but not nearly as much as it does for its commit tees,” Noxon said. The Aggieland Orchestra has changed with the times. In the 30’s and 40’s it operated as a professional band. Kit Reid, who played with the band in the 30’s, is now a mem ber of the Houston Symphony. Ed Gerlach, a 1940 band member, now has his own band in Hous ton. Some may think that dance bands are out of style, but Noxon is quick to differ. “Ballroom dance music proba bly will never go out of style.” Noxon said rates charged by the band are reasonable. “Basically, we charge what the traffic will bear,” he commented. “Our going rate is about $200, which is a real good price for a 10 piece band.” The band will, however, play for anything a group can give them within reason. Band To Perform In Parade Friday The Texas Aggie Band will lead the “Battle of Flowers” parade through downtown San Antonio Friday. The 243-man marching musical group, largest in the nation’s re ceived word of their parade posi tion Monday. The band also will serve as escort for the King of the Fiesta in the 2 p.m. parade. Route be gins at North Alamo Street south on Broadway to Houston Street, past the Alamo. The bandsmen will be honored at a barbecue in Aggie Park fol lowing the parade. The dinner is sponsored by the San Antonio former students of A&M, the A&M Mothers’ Club and the A&M Wives’ Club. Music on-the-march will he limited to crowd favorites: “The Aggie War Hymn” and “Them Basses,” said Lt. Col. E. V. Adams, band director. First Bank & Trust now pays 4 1 /£% per annum on savings cer tificates. —Adv. Aggie Muster Celebrates 64 Years Of Pride, Honor By ROBERT SOLOVEY Battalion Staff Writer The 1966 Muster ceremony, to be celebrated Friday, will mark the 64th year Aggies have met in proud and silent honor of the men who have passed on and those who have died for their country through two world wars. Muster is one of the most sacred of Aggie traditions. The history of the ceremony relates the story of tens of thousands of Aggies who have met together in times of heroic sacrifice and extreme conditions of hardship. Roll call this year will be held in over 500 locations, including 41 states and 19 foreign countries. The first ceremony was held in 1903 when the 300 member Cadet Corps paid tribute to the Texans who defeated the forces of Santa Anna in 1836 at San Jacinto, in the battle that won independence from Mexico for Texas. The tradition grew in stature until World War II, when the ceremony took on special and added meaning in time of peril to the survival of this country and our way of life. In 1942, while under heavy Japanese at tack, 35 Aggies gathered around their com mander, Gen. George F. Moore on the island of Corregidor in the Pacific, sang the War Hymn and paid homage to their friends that had died. Gen. Jonathan Wainwright cabled a mess age to Washington on that dismal day in 1942 which read: “The Texas boys who are wearing the uni form and who are under daily attack still carry with them the spirit of San Jacinto. They are gallantly fighting the battle of the re public with a heroism comparable to that of Gen. Houston and his band, who established the independence of Texas.” Fifteen days later the island fell to the Japanese. The survivors gathered on that lonely island three years later after the island was retaken. Of the original men, 10 were dead and three were missing. The men answered “here” for those comrades who had died. The following year the ceremony was cele brated in Washington, D. C. by the National Capital A&M Club. During their dinner they broadcast an early evening, Eastern War Time show, over the Columbia Broadcasting Network as a nationwide observance. Later that night another show was broad cast throughout Texas over the Texas Quality Network which was titled the “Calvalcade of the Fight’n Aggie,” with “an inspiring and enter taining message.” Later came the “Roll Call of Heroes.” The only observance held in the vicinity of the college was a picnic held by the Brazos County A&M Club. In 1944, more than 1,200 cadets met in Guion Hall for the first commemoration of the Muster ever held on campus. It was called the “largest of Aggie Must ers,” and its theme was the “1944 Aggie Muster Follows the Sun.” By 1965 the Muster was being celebrated in liberated Paris and on the war torn out skirts of Berlin. By the time that year’s Muster was cele brated 450 Aggies had given their lives for their country during the war. The class of ’41 suffered the greatest with 64 of their comrades dead. The class of ’42 lost 57 among its ranks and the class of ’40 lost 54 men. The 1951 Muster was celebrated on the same day that the Memorial Student Center was dedicated to the men who had died during the war. All those present paid tribute to those who had given honor to their college, their state and their nation. Hopes for a lasting peace were shattered the following year as more Aggies died in the damp cold of North Korea. But the tradition of Aggie Muster was carried on, nevertheless, and men on the front lines met together to recall their common past and to share the spirit that is A&M. A contingent of two Aggies is considered enough for a Muster celebration. It honors those who have died, and it rededicates the minds, hearts and strength of men to the col lege, to each other, and, above all, to the country. Details of this year’s ceremony have not been released but cadets have traditionally met in front of the Systems Administration Build ing or in G. Rollie White Coliseum. The special feature of this year’s Muster will be the preview of the film “Focus on the Future.” The recruiting film was made here earlier this year and 26 prints will be dis tributed in the United States and overseas. Included will be the singing of the “War Hymn,” “The Spirit of Aggieland,” and the Twelth Man, along with a final rifle volley tribute by the Ross Volunteers. Again this year the United States is engaged in a conflict which has sent her men overseas to sit in fox holes and die in rice paddies away from their homes. Texas A&M men are there as they have been in the past when their nation has called, but Muster will be celebrated nevertheless with the hope that at the next year’s Muster• no one will have to answer “here.”