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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 13, 1966)
Page 4 College Station, Texas Thursday, January 13, 1966 THE BATTALION Campus Briefs TK BATMAN STRIKES AGAIN Batman, that legendary hero of the comic book wars, the Gaped Crusader whose very name strikes fear into the heart of Gotham City criminals, sets out with Boy Wonder Robin in his super vehicle, the atom-powered, parachute- braked, multiweaponed arsenal, the Batmobile, on another crime-stopping adventure. The two masked marvels made their television debut last night on ABC’s “Batman”. The color show will appear on Wednesday and Thursday at 7:30 p. m. | Geosciences Dean In Paris | For Geophysics Meeting Dr. Horace R. Byers, dean of the College of Geosciences, left Tuesday for Paris, France, to at tend an International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics com mittee meeting. Reorganization of the Union is the purpose of the 14-man com mittee of which Byers is a mem ber. As past president of the International Association of At mospheric Physics, the A&M scientist represents one of sev eral disciplines encompassed by the worldwide Union. The future structure commit tee meeting will require three or four days, Byers said. Astronomy Course Set For Monday Secondary school teachers gather at Temple High School Monday to form an astronomy course offered through Texas A&M. Jack Kent, associate profes sor of mathematics at A&M, will meet with teachers at 7:30 p.m. “A Survey of Astronomy” is offered to 25 secondary school teachers Feb. 7 through June 14. Public school teachers can apply the three semester hours credit course toward a master’s degree. College algebra and trigonom etry are suggested prerequisites to the course. Book, travel allow ance, tuition and fees are paid by the National Science Foundation, according to C. M. Loyd, NSF programs coordinator at A&M. The Monday meeting will set class times. Dr. Nelson M. Duller lai'l the course in Galveston nw] during the fall semester. NATIONAL EDUCATORS LIFE Estate &; Financial Planning For Seniors and Graduate Students Office: 3803 Old College Rd. 846-5654 CASH for USED BOOKS Help Lou Help You 20 Executives Scheduled As Instructors In Industrial Security School Feb. 7-11 Twenty men from several states are expected to participate in an industrial security school Feb. 7-11 at Texas A&M. More than 40 topics are cover ed in the course, including patrol activities and related problems, laws of search and seizure, case preparation, industrial thefts, sabotage prevention, riot control, security clearance problems and public relations. Staff instructors include Beas ley and Ira Scott of the PTD; W. B. Mansfield of TEES’ Super visory Development Division, and John Rauch of the Texas Fire men’s Training School. Guest instructors are T. D. Trackler, assistant security direc tor, Alcoa Aluminum, Pittsburgh, Pa.; George B. Connell, general superintendent of industrial se curity, Reynolds Metals Co., Cor pus Christi; Inspector Larry Fultz of the personnel training section, Houston Police Depart ment. Also Graham Kitchel, security director, Hughes Tool Co., Hous ton; A. T. Deere, general superin tendent, Dal Chemical Co., Free port; R. B. Miller of Dale Simp son Investigation Consultants, Houston; Joel Tisdale, Criminal Identification and Records Divi sion, Texas Department of Pub lic Safety, Austin; C. O. Layne, inspector - coordinator of police resources and Civil Defense Ac tivities, TDPS, and Tom Smith, chief, office of industrial securi- C-1613 Take your pick of these 3 1 famous yif$$fQtf$ tires SMEW CHMAP'Ol* ImiuxechmwionI Bu Y the first tire at P rice ,isted below... get the 2nd tire for 1/2 THAT PRICE! SIZE Tubeless Black | Tubeless White j Tubeless Black Tubeless White Tubeless White | 1st Tire 2nd Tire 1st Tire 2nd Tire 1st Tire 2nd Tire 1st Tire 2nd Tire 1st Tire 2nd Tire 6 00 13 *15.80 *7.90 *18.65 *9.32 *19.85 *9.92 *23.15 *11.57 *28.10 *14.05 6.50 13 17.15 8.57 20.05 10.02 21.00 10.50 24.35 12.17 29.85 14.92 7.35 14 (7.00 14) 7.35 15 (6 50 15) 23.35 11.67 26.65 13.32 32.90 16.45 7.75 14(7.50 14) 7 75 15 (6 70 15) 20.45 10.22 23.20 11.60 23.80 11.90 27.05 13.52 34.80 17.40 8 25 14 (8.00 14) 8.15 15(7.10-15) 23.10 11.55 25.90 12.95 27.25 13.62 30.50 15.25 38.20 19.10 8 55 14(8 50 14) 8.45 15(7 60 15) 25.35 12.67 28.10 14.05 29.90 14.95 33.05 16.52 41.90 20.95 8.85-14(9 00 14) 8.85 15(8.00 15) 28.85 14.42 31.50 15.75 33.30 16.65 36.45 18.22 46.65 23.32 Some additional sizes and tube-type tires also included in this offer. HQ MONEY DOWN W AU Prices PLUS TAX...NO TRADE-IN NEEDED Charge Payment $50.00 5 per mo. 75.00 7 per mo. 95.00 9 per mo. NATIONWIDE GUARANTEE No Limit on MILES... No Limit on MONTHS FULL LIFETIMEGUARANTEEagainst defects in workmanship and mate rials and all normal road hazard in juries encountered In everyday pas senger car use for the life of the original tread design. Replacements are pro-rated on tread wear and based on current Firestone retail price at time of adjustment. LIMITED TIME OFFER...DON'T MISS OUT! Priced oi shown at Firestone Stores; competitively priced at Firestone Dealers and at all service stations displaying the Firestone sign. FIRESTONE STORES Phone 822-0139 HOURS 8 A. M.—6 P. M. Corner College Avenue & 33rd Street BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES One day 4<- per w -1e per word each additional day Minimum charge—50c DEADLINE 4 p.m. day before publication Classified Display 90c Per column inch each insertion FOR RENT ly fui blocks Area. $110 823-8181. bedroom brick furnished, centra apartment, il sit.. per month, available Feb. 1, 266t2 Two tely two blocks from University, Noi th. available corn- air and heat. North Gate One bedroom, air conditioned house, located 5 blocks south of Kyle Field at 1004 Welsh Avenue. House is completely furnished and has nice yard and carport. $67.50 per month. Call 846-4803 or see after 5 :00 p. m. 255t2 Two bedroom brick apartm and refrigerator furnished. Fi ment call 846-4005. ent. Stove appoint- ppomt- 255tfn Unfurnished, two bedroom, roomy apart ment. Near Crockett School. Available February 1. Call 846-6660. 261tfn Room for rent—with or without meals. 405 E. 27th. 206tfn VICTORIAN APARTMENTS Midway between Bryan & A&M University 9 All General Electric built-ins # 1 & 2 bedrooms with 1 or baths dose Large walk-in Beautiful courtyard with swimming _ _ JW Central heat & air La Be; Carpets & Drapes carports & laundry facilities Furnished or unfurnished Resident manager. Apt. 1 401 Lake Phone 822-2035 154tfn WORK WANTED Sewing of all kinds in my home. 403 Ash street or call 846-6063. 255t2 REPAIR WORK, patios, awnings, addi tions.—G&L CONTRACTORS. Phone 822- 1635. 247tfn Typing, 846-8375 before 5 p. m. Typing, 823-6410. TRANSMISSIONS REPAIRED & EXCHANGED Completely Guaranteed LOWEST PRICES 118 S. Bryan —Bryan— 822-6674 MIDWAY CHILD CARE CENTER Complete Facilities State Licensed Open Every Day Except Sunday Evenings by Appointment 846-6906 106 North Avenue Bryan MAJOR BRAND Motor Oil25c qt. Filters Vi price All Brands Motor Oil Wholesale Prices We Still Have PRESTONE Anti Freeze .. $1.39 per gal. Limit 2 BRYAN OIL, WH&E. B05 N College (Highway 6, N.) at 19th AUTO REPAIRS All Makes Just Say: “Charge It” Cade Motor Co. Ford Dealer SPECIAL NOTICE SUL ROSS LODGE NO. 1300 A.F. & A.M. Stated Communication Thurs day January 13 at 7:00 p. m. W. W. Spurlock W.M. M. wXy Joe Woolket Secy. 256tl My Dear Friends and Customers: I am pleased to announce that I am again located at the Southside Barber Shop, 326 Jersey St., College Station. Bill Moon and I invite you to visit us there. 25U10 Alpha Parker Hall We buy, sell, and trade new and used bicycles, tape recorders, radios, stereos, T. V., refrigerators, air conditioners, etc. WHITE AUTO STORE, College Station, Bi-City, Ink—Complete typing and print- ig service. 1001 S. College. TA 2-1921. 85t20 FOR SALE 8’ x 38’, two bedroom trailer house, air onditioned. 167 Lakeside, Bryan. 256tfn Air cooler, excellent condition, graduat- 11. Mrs. Sackett, ing, must A-13-C C.V. gradu; 846-7707, 256t4 TO TAMU STUDENTS WHO ARE PRO SPECTIVE DROP - OUTS (Because they don’t know what their health insurance policy says) : Does your policy cover nursing care, blood and plasma, prescrip tion drugs at home, dental work, phys iotherapy? Would your new baby be covered from birh for surgery or inten sive hospital care? Is your policy guaran teed renewable for life? ... If you don’t know, then you owe it to yourself to find out . . . For details on a major medical policy which includes these items offered by Texas’ largest life insurance company, call RUSH at VI 6-5800 days, or VI 6-6121 nights. 234tfn For Sale by Owner: 3 bedroom house at 213 Pershing, hear Campus and public schools. Call 846-8322 254t4 Toy Terrier pups for sale, 537-6711. 250t8 ’64 Honda 90, $287.60, 846-8950 after 6:00. 232tfn ROOM FOR RENT bath. desirable, outside door, adjoining ir conditioned, huge closets, quiet, Thursday and Mondays, 822-6888. GIL’S RADIO & TV Sales: Curtis Mathis, Westinghouse Service: All makes and models, including color T. V. & multiplex F M 2403 S. College 822-0826 AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 HOME & CAR RADIO REPAIRS SALES & SERVICE KEN’S RADIO & TV 303 W. 26th 822-2819 • Watch Repair • Jewelry Repair • Diamond Senior Rings • Senior Rings Refinished C. W. Varner & Sons Jewelers North Gate 846-5810 CHILD CARE Experienced care of children in my home, equipped for infants too. Call 846- 8608. 253t8 ca information. 8 to 6; Call 846-6636 for 262tfn Gregory’s Day Nursery—846-4005. 218tfn HUMPTY DUMPTY NURSERY, 3404 South College, State Licensed. TA 2-4803, Virginia D. Jones, R. N. 99tfn EMPLOYMENT NOTICE Designations as to sex in our Help Wanted and Employment Agency columns (1) to ir icy made only (1) to indicate bona fide occupa tional qualifications for employment which an employer regai sary to the normal or enterpris r reade ns rds oper (2) : 3 r< itio: our readers to let them k tions the advertiser believes would be of .bly ne; is busii mie ow which posi- easona >n of his m< be. ore interest to on a convenience to know w ulc th. es tha any advertiser intends or practices any un lawful preference, limitation, specificatior or discrimination in employment practices HELP WANTED WANTED—two medical technologists Can mon EXTRA MONEY week or rn $28.00 p. working 15 hours per week Fullerette. Call 822-7686, 7 - 7 :30 only. $112.00 per p. m. 260tfn Waitress Wanted: Apply in person at The Ramada Inn. 208tfn R.N. to work 3-11 p.m. and 11-7 a.m. and relief shift at Madison County Hos pital. Starting salary $350.00 and up. Meals provided; uniforms laundered. Con- B. Tugger, R.N. at VI 6-5493 after 187tfn irovided; tact B. Tugger, 6 p.m. SOSOLIKS TV & RADIO SERVICE Zenith - Color & B&W - TV All Makes - TV - Repaired 713 S. Main 822-1941 DAMAGED and UNCLAIMED FREIGHT (New Merchandise) Furniture, Appliances, Bedding, Tables, etc. A little of everything. C & D SALVAGE E. 32nd & S. Tabor 822-0605 WANTA SAVE MONEY? MOVE CHEAP! SEE MR. “U-HAUL,” ANDY ANDERSON, 2010 South College. Expert hookup, free in surance and road service. Local or One Way Trucks and Trailers, Call ANDY, 822-3546 For Information. TYPEWRITERS Rentals-Sales-Service Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machines CATES TYPEWRITER CO. 909 S. Main 822-6000 “MOONEY” The Name To Remember When You Wish To Bu; ment. Domestic and Imported Instruments Of At MOONEY PIANO & ORGAN CO. Expert Repair Service 1208 So. Coalter Dr. Bryan Phone 823-5045 — Res. 846-3538 Buy Any Type Of Musical Instru- Outstanding Quality Are Available OFFICIAL NOTICE THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for thee Doctors!ft Name: Slowey, James Frank, Jr. Degree: Doctor of Philosophy in Cte Oceanography Dissertation : Studies on the Distrik of Copper, Manganese and Zint a Ocean Using Neutron Activation 1 ysis h Time: January 18, 1966 at 2:00 p.n 305 i Place : ri Wa ! 5 in Hall Goodwin Room ayne C. Dean of Graduate Studies THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral W; Taliaferro, Chari of Philost ing Dissertation : Genetics of Reprodu. Name: Deg; tii M. octor of Philosophy in Plant Breed?- - Doctor and Fennisetum ciliare Time: January 14, 1966 at2:00p. Place: Room 303 in Plant Science Wayne C. Hall Dean of Graduate Studies THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral! Name: Reddy, M. S. Degree: Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering Dissertation: Quantitative Evalunti the Effect of Merging Vehicles on way Operation Time: January 13, 1966 at 1-3:00 Place: Room 15 in Highway Center Wayne C. Hall Dean of Graduate Studies l, -JO Final Name: Degree: Doctor erinary Patholo Dissertation: plasma Infection Time: January Place: Room 206 D in Vet Science!' Farrel Ric of Philosophy in' logy Pathogenesis of tion in Swine :: J W; 13, 1966 at 10:00 a.n; 5 I ayne C. Hall Dean of Graduate Studies 2 • :galia For The January I Commencement Exercisi All students who are candidates ft| degree of Doctor of Philosophy : to order hoods as well as the Doctor^ 1 and gowns. The hoods the Registrar’s Office s tne pochk-'V; are to be it ' 10 later that; than; m., Tuesday, January 18 (this *3|| J by a representative of ' . Exchange Store). The (• j not be worn in the ,j accomplished University I hoods will n since all such candidates will be the stage as part of the - _ Candidates for the Master’s Degree j, the cap and gown; all civilian^ ho are candidates for the Bach wear dents w will wear the cap and :ud ir its who rgree wi uniform. All military person e de: ache lifor i are candidates 1 ree will wear the appwjl ilitary personnel w »! candidates undergraduate, il c Rental of with the placed 3 and rental for the will caps and gowns may De ; Exchange Store. Orders grees, gradin'.! ir the unifom^ umion y be si he Exchange Store. Orders fflj between 8:00 a. m., Monday, J-! 5:00 p. m., Friday, January lb | is as follows: Doctor’s cat 1 * as foiiows gown $6.25, Master’s cap and gown™ Bachelor’s cap and gown $4.25. ^ rental gown, tio and same as -i gown $4.25, that for the ntl| 2% sales tax is required it JI on to these rentals. Payment is rKwj at the time of placing order. C. E. Tishler, Cairman Convocations Committee PRESTONE $1.39 Gallon ; (Limit 2) * Shock Absorbers Installed J Most Cars Latex interior paint gal Mufflers—Chevy, others many models Seat covers low as — ^; full set. Brake shoes—most cars J exchangee Oils — Quaker State, Pens Amalie, Valvoline, RPM, Triton, Havoline, Enco, Uiw" Mobil, Gulf, Sinclair Cos ( Shell and others. All a 1 low prices. Rerefined oil M Auto trans. oil —•' Filters AC-Lee save AC - Champion - Autolite pi' Tires — Low price every Just check our price with **1 other of equal quality. Your Friedrich Dealer ■; Joe Faulk Auto Pai^ j 220 E. 25th Bryan, Joe Faulk ’32