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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 13, 1966)
4 :e to' THE BATTALION Thursday, January 13, 1%6 College Station, Texas Page 3 Emergency Care Course Scheduled March 23-25 A three - day course, “Emer gency Care and Transportation of the Sick and Injure d,” is scheduled March 23-25 at Texas A&M. Two days of instruction have been trimmed since last year’s pilot course. The steering com mittee axed them to emphasize first aid instruction since am bulance drivers should already be proficient in that subject. A tentative ten-hour course in first aid is scheduled March 22. It will be scrubbed if fewer than 10 persons enroll. Program Chairman Tom Rob inson, instructor in the Firemen’s Training School of the A&M En gineering Extension Service, said enrollment will be limited to 100. Theory classes will be in the Memorial Student Center. Dem onstrations and class practice will be at Brayton Firemen’s Training Field. The course is available to fun eral home personnel, ambulance service companies, fire depart ment emergency crews, police and sheriff’s emergency teams, and individuals actively engaged in emergency care. Sponsors include the Texas Medical Association, American College of Surgeons, University of Texas Medical Branch at Gal veston, and the Southwest Medi cal Branch at Dallas, Baylor Medical College in Houston, Tex as Department of Health, Texas Hospital Association, Texas Board of Funeral Directors, Tex as Funeral Directors Association, Texas Board of Morticians, Texas Public Health Service, Texas De partment of Public Safety, Texas Police Officer s’ Association, Texas Education Agency, Texas Firemen’s and Fire Marshals’ As sociation, and Brooke Army Med ical Center of San Antonio. Ji ». 15c >. l9c . 10c os lag y IRCLE TONIGHT 6:30 P. M. | Lee Marvin & Jane Fonda In I “CAT BALLOU” & John Wayne In ‘RIO BRAVO” PALACE Bryan 2'S#79 Lewis & Curtis In “BOEING - BOEING” ' * CHIU)B(N UNDER 12 YEARS' IRc I 1 sat 0 TONIGHT 6:30 P. M. Frank Sinatra In ‘MARRIAGE ON THE ROCKS” & Connie Stevens In “SUSAN SLADE” GREn FOOD WIES HfRVDIfeBv PRICES GOOD THUR. - FRI. - SAT. AMERICAS MOST VALUABLE STAMPS U. S. D. A. GRADE "A" FRESH FRYERS CACKLEBERRY GRADE A LARGE EGGS49 WHOLE ONLY Cut and Boxed Fryers lb. 29^ Silver Spur Sliced FLOUR Pillsbury RATH’S — COOKED SALAMI OR SPICED LUNCHEON Sliced Meats BACON TOMATO JUICE Libb 1 MARGARINE C-f PORK & BEANS cam b 19 TOMATO KETCHUP Sliced BEEF LIVER ,,19c Rath’s, All Meat WIENERS 12-Oz. Pkg. 39c 46-Oz. Cans 1-Lb. Ctns. 16-Oz. Cans $ Heinz 14-Oz. Btls. Rath’s, All Meat Sliced — Jumbo BOLOGNA ,„59c Freezer Queen BEEF STEAKS P o k f g I0 , $1.00 “SHOPPER STOPPER SPECIAL” IMPERIAL PURE CANE &U6AR Limit One With $2.50 Purchase or More # Drug Specials! $2.50 Value — Hand Lotion SILICARE 89c $1.00 Size — Skin Cream NOXZEMA .. 69c Childrens Aspirin BAYER 5# 1 Rbg stt 29c 79< Size — Cough Syrup PERTUSSIN 59c COLGATE Dental Cream C 79^ Size j/r i PICKLES SPINACH .. Shurfin l TOMATOES G “ ld T,p . 7 Cans 303 Cans $ EXTRA FANCY, GOLDEN OR RED DELICIOUS APPLES...19 YELLOW ONIONS If V RF A IVDevious With IV* \ • DtiiTLl i New Potatoes NEW POTATOES F, ! rWa 3 ^ 19c Lb. 19c Lbs. 19c TOMATOES QUTNTITY RIGHTS RESERVED n SHURFINE FROZEN ORANGE JUICE 6-Oz. Cans 6°89 G VINE RIPE PUTS FLAVOR IN ANY SALAD SNAPPY WITH FLAVOR RICH IN VITAMIN “C” ORRS Affiliated Brand MELLORINE 3 Half Gal. Ctns. 2 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS Downtown Ridgecrest 200 E 24 Street % 3516 Texas Are