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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1964)
Page 4 College Station, Texas Thursday, April 2, 1964 THE BATTALION Oklahoma Dean To Discuss Future Of Agriculture Here Dr. Randall J. Jones, Oklahoma State University’s dean of resident instruction for agriculture, will be speaker at the annual Agricultural Convocation Thursday. His topic is “Facing the Future in Agriculture.” The dean also planned to address College of Agriculture faculty members at 3:30 p.m. the same day Bengali Dictionary Printed First printing of a dictionary in Bengali, a language most Texans have never heard, has been exhaust ed and is being reprinted here. Bengali, the language of East Pakistan and eastern India, is spoken by about as many people as French, Jack A. Dabbs of A&M University’s Department of Mod ern Languages, said. The Bengali-English, English- Bengali dictionary published here two years ago was the first to show Bengali words with both Eng lish and Bengali alphabets. “The biggest purchaser of the book was the Peace Corps, but orders have come from individuals and book dealers in European na tions, Australia, Pakistan and the U. S.,” Dabbs noted. ^~ciAliionA j^or ^yjotherA ~ to - Li See our magnificent spring and summer collection priced from $2.98 JOYCE'S 608 S. College TA 2-2864 in Room 146 of the Physics Build ing. He will discuss “Qualities of a Good Teacher.” Jerry Simpton of Port Bolivar, convocation committee chairman, said the meeting is held each year to bring faculty and students to gether and hear authorities speak on agricultural developments. He said the convocation pro gram, to be held at 7:30 p.m. in the Memorial Student Center Ball room, will include presentation of Awards of Merit to outstanding seniors in the College of Agricul ture. The awards are based on academic standing, activities and leadership. College of Agriculture depart ment heads also will be introduced, Simpton added. Jones was graduated from Okla homa State in 1936 with a degree in crops and soils. His MS and PhD degrees came during the 1937- 39 period at the University of Wisconsin. Graduate Student Selectei To Study At Oslo University ^ He was associated professor and associate soil chemist at Alabama Polytechnic Institute from 1939-44 and chief in the soils and fertilizer research branch of Tennessee Val ley Authority, 1944-49. In 1949, Jones was named associ ate director of the Mississippi State College Agricultural Experi ment Station. He became associate dean and associate director of resi dent instruction in 1951 at Okla homa State and was appointed to his present position in 1954. WILLIAM D. LEDBETTER A College Station native and A&M University graduate, William Dean Letbetter has been named a Fulbright Fellow for study at the University of Oslo this next academic year. Letbetter is one of eight Americans chosen to study in Nor way as Fulbright Fellows. The program provides living, educa tional and travel expenses. His wife will accompany him. The son of Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Letterbetter of Highway 6, South, Letbetter hopes to complete studies for a Master of Science in Physics Sears-Roebuck Foundation Honors Scholarship Winners The Sears-Roebuck Foundation honored 10 of its A&M University scholarship winners at a banquet here Tuesday night. Recipients of the 1963-64 awards are nine freshmen and one sopho more in the College of Agriculture. The sophomore scholarship went to the student who won one of the awards as a freshman, based his first-year record. Honorees were Alan Dreesen, Ronnie Clark, David Kinard, Fred erick Jungman, Frederick Karle, William Haseloff, Eddie Davis, Stanley Miller, Sophomore Wayne Hanna, and Robert Ginsbach. Representing Sears at the dinner was J. P. Plain of Dallas, regional director of the Foundation. A&M officials attending were President Earl Rudder; Dr. M. T. Always Shop Where You Get The Extra Bonus Of... * FREE BIG BONUS STAMPS ★ w WE KEEP PRICES DOWN PRICES GOOD THROUGH SATURDAY. APRIL 4. IN BRYAN ONLY. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT. Imperial—With $2.50 or More Purchase Behind Turnstiles. Sweet Cream SUGAR ICE CREAM PEACHES CHEFS OIL SALAD DRESSING 5 Lb. Bag Save 20^ y 2 Gal. Carton Food Club Sliced or Halves in Heavy Syrup No. 21/6 Can Food Club New! 24-Oz. Bottle Food Club Qt. Jar 39c 69c 25c 29c 39c j red ripe rR» eS iHT BO* U. S. Choice Heavy Tender-Aged Beef ROUND STEAK LUCY LINDA BACON BOLOGNA Thick Sliced 2 Lb. Pkg. Swift Premium Piece Lb. 69c 89c 29c Harrington, chancellor of the A&M System; Dr. John Hutchison, direc tor, Texas Agricultural Extension Service; and Dr. H. O. Kunkel, assistant director, Texas Agricul tural Experiment Station. Others were Dr. G. M. Watkins, director of agricultural instruc tion; Dr. R. C. Potts, assistant director of agricultural instruction; and Robert M. Logan, assistant director of Placement and Student Aid. Jack Nowlin, manager of the Sears store in Bryan, and his assistant, O. B. Kay, also attended. degree before sailing for Norway early in August. The elder Let- better is a professor in the School of Business Administration. YOUNG LETBETTER was grad uated with honors last May, re ceiving the B.S. degree in physics. Four years earlier he was vale dictorian of his class at A&M Con solidated High School. “We’re just elated over it,” Let- better said of his selection. HE WAS NOTIFIED by the State Department and also has received letters from two profes sors of the Anatomical Institute of the University of Oslo. Letbetter will be working in Oslo under Dr. Birger Kaada and Dr. Per Anderson, who has worked for two years under a Nobel Prize winner. His special field of interest both at A&M and as a Fulbright Fellow is the young field of biophysit the application of physical methoi in the study of biological scienct He now is working especially#, Dr. O. D. Sittler, assistant pn fessor of physics and biophysicir “I WAS INTERESTED in even] thing but my senior year in tiji school I enjoyed a physics com and decided I might try it in cd| lege,” Bill said. While a senior at A&M Ci solidated, he also was a researcj participant at A&M through National Science Foundation pi gram. The Letbetters already have gun a concentrated study of tl Norwegian language. They and other Americans goii to Norway will sail from NewYoi Aug. 8 and arrive in Oslo Aug, l| and will return to College StatioJ in about a year. Ma y Hickman Garrett Bryan — College Station’s Only Authorized VOLKSWAGEN Dealer CARS — TRUCKS — PARTS — SERVICE Seniors See Us For A Money Saving Machine For That New Job. 403 N. Main TA 2-0146 Coach ftinclads, week, wi the Texas urday wi' freshman Headini will be ir< ny Rober varsity c James W will lead Thomas Aggie va ly as thi the Cadel ers Pat I tin who \ Rice-LSU Mitchell 1 a bad km Slated ' in the vai erts, sho' Glover, d and bros broad ju javelin. Collins hurdles a open 440- in the Bilgutay. In the feature , Richard 440-yard lay will BATTALION CLASSIFIED FOR RENT Two bedroom furnished house, attic fan, wiring, all conveniences, large yard. 220 $60. a month, one year lease p call TA 2-7869. rge yard, referable, 22tfn three-rooms is and bath, apa furnished. Adults only, some util One room ooms and bath; one two- artments completely lities paid. Also two bedrooms for special events $3.60 per person. Phone, TA 2-1244. 22t4 For weekends rooms each with TA 2-6888. two very desirable bed- twin beds, adjoining bath, 22t3 CHILD CARE HUMPTY DUMPTY NURSERY, Li censed by Texas State Dept, of Public Welfare. Children of all ages. Virginia D. Jones, Registered Nurse, 3404 South College Ave., TA 2-4803. 61tfn Will keep children, all ages, will pick up and deliver. VI 6-8161. llltfn Typing, experienced, VI 6-6900 156tfn FOR SALE FEMALE HELP WANTED night shift at Tastee Freez located across from Sands Motel, College Station. 22t6 ite 1 loca Lady with experience in bookkeeping for local firm, good working conditions, salary open, submit resume of experience and education to Box 408, Bryan, Texas, in own handwriting. Replys kept confi dential. Our employees know of this ad vertisement. 18tfn LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 391 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE QUESTION OF REZONING LOT B, TAUBER ADDI TION PRESENTLY ZONED AS DISTRICT NO. 1, FIRST DWELLING HOUSE DIS TRICT TO DISTRICT NO. 3, APART MENT HOUSE DISTRICT. BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas the City of College Station, Texas: WHEREAS, the City Planning and Zon ing Commission has recommended tha- that land described herein be rezoned at P. M. on April 27, 1964, on rezoning tain areas within the city limits, more particularly described as follows: Lot B, Tauber Addition .Lot ts, Tauber Addition, presently zoned as District No. 1, First Dwelling House District to District No. 3, Apartment ■"ouse District. Notice of said hearing shall be published a newspaper of general circulation in paper of genera the city of College Station irior to date of hearin this 23rd at least fifteen lys prior to date of hearing. PASSED AND APPROVED day of March, 1964. APPROVED: S/Ernest Langford Mayor ATTEST: S/K. A. Manning City Secretary HOME & CAR RADIO REPAIRS SALES & SERVICE KEN’S RADIO & TV 303 W. 26th TA 2-2819 Corsages for the COTTON PAGEANT and BALL RAMADA FLORIST Located in the Ramada Inn Convenient to Campus AUTO REPAIRS All Makes Just Say: “Charge It” Cade Motor Co. Ford Dealer 1962 Chevy II fordor loaded including factory air and automatic transmission. Very clean with 21,000 actual miles. Call VI 6-8426 or see at 600 Luther, College Station. 23t2 SPRING REPAIRING AND REMODELING R. L. Jackson is connected with a fast moving repair company who makes free remodeling or 11 > ng repair compan estimates on repairing, re building you a house. He a choice lot. Call R. L. Jacl y< choice lot. Call K. L,. Jackson, Bondi Real Estate Broker, VI 6-7248 c Box 3066, Bryan, Texas. led write 22t3 1967 Vespa 3-speed motor scooter. See 12, Room 221 after 22t7 1967 Vespa 3-speed Ernest Petrash, Dorm 6 :00 p. m. Various priced homes for sale, R. L. Jackson, VI 6-7248, Bonded Real Estate Broker, Call us and make appointment 22t3 10 month old Ocelot, ■use pet. Housebr ain claws removed. affectionate house pet. Housebroken. Eyeteeth anc TA 3-1865 after 6 :30 2212 SINGER TWIN NEEDLE AUTOMATIC makes all fancy patterns without attach ments. Sews on buttons, monograms, and over-casts. 10 year guarantee, $39. or $8.00 monthly, phone TA 2-7020. 22tfn SHOP AT WHITE’S AUTO STORE In College Station For Air Conditioners, Water Fan Specials New and Used Buy, sell and trade. 22t3 Baby Stroller. CV. Good condition. B-20-C • 21tfn ’61 Chevrolet pick-up, excellent mechani- al condition. VI 6-7986 after 6 p. m. 17tfn TV - Radio - Hi-Fi Service & Repair GIL’S RADIO & TV 2403 S. College TA 2-0826 • ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURAL SUPPLIES • BLUE LINE PRINTS •BLUE PRINTS • PHOTOSTATS SCO AXES INDUSTRIES 608 Old Sulphur Spring BRYAN, TEXAS SOSOLIKS T_ V.. Radio, Phono., Car Radio Transistor Radio Service 713 S. Main TA 2-1941 TYPEWRITERS Rentals-Sales-Service Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machines CATES TYPEWRITER CO. 909 S. Main TA 2-6000 MASTER’S TRANSMISSION SERVICE Complete Transmission Service TA 2-6116 27th St. and Bryan Bryan, Tex. CASH AVAILABLE FOR BOOKS, SLIDE RULES & ETC. 5,000 AGGIES CAN’T BE WRONG LOUPOTS New Store Hours — 8 a. m. ’til 5:30 p. m. — 6 Days A Week. WORK WANTED Baby sitting, anytime, TA 2-3691. 22t!l SPECIAL NOTICE SPECIAL $1.99—Expert cleaning, oilii id adjusting of any make sewing machii and adjusting of any make s All work guaranteed, pho The m Runge, Nelson. Aggie meet are Mike Scl in the h will be ir Buster ] ta mlthe 100-: 22tfl| Frozen food lockers—only 20 drive. Check our meat specials. Hear Lockers, Hearne, Texas. leaml l9t!il 2NC TYPING SERVICE-MULTILITH PKlNlI ING, thesis-dissertations-yearbook-brochura] p -term papers-business letters-job resunll j 11 nf-O applications-blank forms, etc. REPRODb'Cl LlllC TION: masters ing, slides - paper photo finish!] jectors repaf J. C. Glidew. 2007 S. College Ave., Bryan. REPRODBCJ prints-lanteril metal plates-custa , __ Camera and movie p:ij 1 i 'I •vice. PHOTOGRAPHY|/\I J[ Copy negatives and pri tal pi; and movie M en ell’s PHOTO LAB. TA 3-«| 1211: | AUST AUTO INSURANCE—place your M * i | former insurance with Farmers Insurance Groill 1 1 Dividends increased 60% over last yer l Bill Mill We accept persons, single and under apf , , 26. Call today FARMERS INSURANCi Meet la GROUP, 3510 South College Road, Bryitl:. „ phone TA 2-4461. 146tlt:| 1:1 d S P ( the Texi OFFICIAL NOTICE “We 1 I in Ame Official notices must be brought t'l _ m mailed so as to arrive in the Olfal , ’ 1 e of Student Publications (Ground Flocl director. VI 6-6416, hours 8-12, 1-5, dailll YMCA, pul tio set a w broken The English Proficiency E.\ammatiM-| •— required of all juniors in the Educatwl Vanesya and Psychology curricula, will be offerdl from 3:00 to 5:00 p. m. on April -I vltTHpiC time on Apria. , Qft , (Thursday) and at the same time on Apni 24 (Friday). Students may take the ttS| in Academic 404 either day and shotil JfjJJgj in Academic 404 either day bring pen, pencil, composition dictionary. paper, a»|, 22tii| broad 26-4% TO ALL STUDENTS OF ARTS AMI SCIENCES WHO ARE ON SCHOLASTIC! «I0rt £ PROBATION: You are reminded th at rJNCAA, are required to arrange a confereniS wi'-l the Dean of your school after each gra^l College, report is issued. 2MI Application Forms for National Defetsl Student Loans for the Summer term:'I 4 and the Academic year 1964-65, obtained from the Student Aid 1964 be Boi later than 5 :00 p. m., April 15, 1964. iSt'd Sta Those undergraduate students who hadj 95 hours of credit may purchase the Ai>| ring. The hours passing at the time “I the preliminary grade report on Marnl 23, 1964, may be used in satisfying t*| 95 hour requirement. Those students QUW'I fying under this regulation may It**! their names with the ring clerk in 1*1 Registrar’s Office in order that she mMl check their records to determine th« ; l eligibility to order the rings. Orders 1*1 the rings will be taken between April "I and May 29, from 8:00 a. m. to noon. Delivery for these rings will »| made on or about July 1, 1964. Transfcl students must complete two full semeste^l at A&M University before they are eligi’-l to order the A&M ring. The ring cle»| is on duty from 8:00 a. m. to 12:00 no»| Corps newed 12th r schedul April lettered eligible team. ty from 8:00 a. m. to 12: Monday through Friday of each week. ,, lot!* AGGIES Do you change your own oil—? —or work on your car—? Worl throug] the ga in G. I will be Coliseu furnish equipm Then, why not save more on | your parts at JOE FAULK’S DISCOUNT AUTO PARTS Chev-Fd brake shoes 36-58 List $5.851 set of 2 wheels $2.90 Gulfpride, Havoline, Pennzoil .. Qt. 3"( Your choice — Enco, Amalie, Mobil- Conoco Qt. 33< Texaco, Gulflube-Opaline Qt. 3M SAE 30-40 Recon. Oil Qt. 15< Seat Belts 3.95 Filters-Save 40% RB Spark Plugs - - - Ea. 29t Wheel Bearings 30 to 60% discount We have 95% of the parts you need price or less. we n Deale lex ii 2 Gals. Latex inside paint Gal. $2.98 $5.49 4 New 670-15 tires $36.00 plus tal 750-14 $44.00 plus tal Kelly Springfield Plastic Vinyl trim seat covers $19.95 value now only Shock absorbers as low as _ Not off-brand $13.8! .. $3.8! 12V at dealer price. ?s 6 rice $12.95 B. F (28tl ME gior LE( “B E Plenty of Prestone at our usual lowest price. JOE FAULK’S 25th and Washington :U2: