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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1964)
h 65 rt pro. Id favor 't under frictions untries, m 4 5? PTA Was Never Like This The movie required a strip teaser, so the Hollywood Pro ducer found Patricia and other strippers. She’s a divorced mother of three—and a former member of the PTA—who became an exotic dancer to support her brood. (AP Wire- ptoto) Fire Departments Learn Rescue Aids Twenty-one men from fire de partments and other agencies are learning to rescue victims from practically every type of disaster. They are enrolled in an 8 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. week - long course sponsored by the A&M University Enginering Extension Service. Tools that rip through brick walls or others that dig tunnels to trapped victims are part of the equipment being used as “disaster village,” located at the Brayton Firemen Training Field. Rauch said the students will rescue volunteer “victims” from a building especially constructed for the exercise. The partially destroyed brick structure looks more like a pile of rubble, although the frame is sturdy. The students are issued special protective clothing and equipment for use throughout the course, but they may don suits and ties for Saturday’s presentation of certi ficates. ;vj Students at the Texas Rescue Training School are studying dif ferent types of fires, for example, in order to learn the proper tech niques to rescue persons as well as to extinguish the blaze. They will aid persons trapped on the upper floor of a burning building or in the bottom of a well, Instructor John R. Rauch said. He is one of six persons who will serve as instructors during the course. A highlight of the school will be a combined rescue operation at 6 p.m. Friday. The trainees will organize rescue squads and aid persons trapped under rubble at disaster village. Historical Society Hosts A&M Profs Six A&M University history fac ulty members attended the third meeting of the East Texas His torical Society held Saturday at Huntsville. Associate Professor John T. Duncan is a vice president of the regional society. Also attending from A&M were Associate Professor Herbert H. Lang, Asst. Professors Allan C. Ashcraft and Garland E. Bayliss, Instructor A. Ray Stephens and Dr. J. M. Nance, who heads the department. e N* m d fea- )uy! cur this )P Just time to get that second wind. Have a Coke. Coca-Cola — Its big, bold taste never too sweet, puts zing in people... refreshes best. things gO better,! ^with Coke Bottled under the authority of The Coca-Cola Company by: Bryan Coca-Cola Bottling Co. NSF Director Will Aid India On Education A&M University faculty member C. M. Loyd who coordinates Na tional Science Foundation pro grams here has been chosen as an educational science consultant in India this summer. Loyd is one of 32 American pro fessors selected for the aid pro gram directed by Columbia Uni versity. Loyd and another American pro fessor will conduct 16 summer phy sics institutes for Indian secondary school science teachers. As NSF coordinator, he arranges A&M’s institutes for science teach ers. He will begin orientation in New Delhi June 3 and expects to return to the A&M campus Aug. 15. Dr. O. Dayle Sittler, also of A&M’s physics faculty, will serve as National Science Foundation co ordinator while Loyd is away. Loyd joined the physics faculty in 1953 with high school and col lege teaching experience and pro fessional experience in industry. He has degrees from Nebraska State Teachers College, Wayne State University and A&M. Contest Deadlined A&M University students in terested in the Department of English Shakespeare essay con test were reminded today that deadline for entering is Mon day. Dr. A. L. Bennett said stu dents may submit essays to any English instructor. Cash prizes are offered, he noted. Presidential Images Told The images of Presidents Tru man, Eisenhower and Kennedy as developed in Time magazine are analyzed by Associate Professor John Merrill of the A&M Universi ty Department of Journalism in the latest issue of “Nieman Re ports.” “Three Presidential Images” summarizes briefly the stereotpyes developed by Time magazine in reporting activities of each presi dent. Dr. Merrill wrote that his study showed Time presented an un favorable image of President Tru man, a favorable image of Presi dent Eisenhower and a “mainly neutral” image of President Ken nedy. Supersonic Transportation Talks Set Here Technical, social and economic problems of the supersonic jet transportation will be outlined dur ing the sixth annual Transporta tion Conference Thursday and Fri day at A&M University. Presenting industry’s viewpoint is William C. Mentzer of San Fran cisco, senior vice president for engineering and maintenance with United Air Lines. The government’s viewpoint will be taken by Nathaniel Goodrich, general counsel for the Federal Aviation Agency in Washington, D. C. John E. Stephen, general counsel for the Air Transport Association of America in Washington, D. C., will moderate. Another discussion area is fu ture transportation needs of Texas. Leland Smith of Stauffer Chemical Company in Houston will moderate a panel composed of Harold D. Ward, traffic department manager for Humble Oil and Refining Com pany in Houston; E. R. Tanner, traffic manager of the El Paso Freight Bureau; and Ellis B. Mar tin, traffic manager for Texas Farm Products in Nacogdoches. THE BATTALION Thursday, April 2, 1964 College Station, Texas Page 3 THE EXCHANGE STORE Serving- Texas Aggies With Books Since 1907 n -o GROUND HAM BURGER 3i89 BABY BEEF TENDER SHOULDER ROAST » 39 c BABY BEEF TENDER SHOULDER STEAK u, 49c BABY BEEF TENDER RIB STEAK u> 59c LEAN BRISKET STEW MEAT Lb 33c EXTRA GOOD PURE PORK SAUSAGE 2 Lbs 75c HORMEL DAIRY SLICED BACON , h 49c RATH ALL MEAT SLICED BIG BOLOGNA 39c RATH ALL PORK SLICED PRESSED HAM u. 49c OLD TIME LONGHORN CHEESE Lb 59c PURINA GRADE A EGGS 3i98 MARYLAND CLUB COFFEE* 49 With Purchase of $5.00 or More LILLY or SANITARY MELLORINE 3 "t- 98‘ WINN'S The Super-Market of Bryan - College Station That Brings You The Best Over AH Bargains In This Area, Our Rosedale Brand of Assorted Frozen or Canned Foods, Packed By Libby Is The Best Buy. ROSEDALE CANNED or FROZEN FOODS FRUIT COCKTAIL 4 BARTLETT PEARS 4 98c 303 Cans 303 98c Cans Large PEACHES SLICED OR HALVES 4 2 !;7.;.98c ENGLISH PEAS 6 c 3 198c C 3 198c C 3 198c 7 cl 98c 7 cl 98c 303 9 g c 98c CUT GREEN BEANS 6 SOLID PAC TOMATOES 6 LIMA BEANS GOLDEN CREAM STYLE CORN WHOLE KERNEL CORN POTTED MEAT 10 7 Cans Qtr. Size Cans FROZEN ORANGE JUICE 4 6 Cans 98C MIX ANY 6 ^ 98 Butter Beans Mustard Greens Leaf Spinach Cut Corn Green Peas Yellow Squash Chopped Spinach Chopped Broccoli Cut Okra Peas & Carrots GOLDEN BANANAS u> 9 C Fresh California Lettuce 2 heads 25c Firm Green Cabbage Lb. 5c White Potatoes 10 Lbs. 39c New Crop Yellow Onions Lb. 9c New Crop Sweet Cantaloupes .... ea. 15c MIX ANY 5 98 French Style Beans Mixed Vegetables Brussel Sprouts Whole Okra Broccoli Spears Cauliflower Baby Limas Blackeye Peas Crowder Peas Scotties Tissue.... 4 boxes of 400 , s 98c Banquet Meat Pies.. 5 - 8-Oz. Pkgs. 98c Libby's Tomato Juice 3 46-Oz. Cans 98c Hunt’s Catsup .... 6 - 14-Oz. Bottles 98c Blue Seal OLEO Bits of Sea—Grated TUNA Hi-C—Assorted DRINKS 6 Dm. 98c i: 1 O Cans Fla ‘ 98c 3 4 cl 98c Borden’s Biscuits 12 Cans 98c Skyway Peanut Butter .. 3-Lb. Jar 98c COUPON 100 FREE BIG BONUS STAMPS WITH THIS COUPON AND THE PUR CHASE OF $10.00 OR MORE. COUPON EXPIRES APRIL 4. ^ WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. PRICES GOOD THROUGH SATURDAY, APRIL 4. r —5— * 5 **i "YOU CAN'T LOSE AT WINN'S" | Save Winns SUPER MARKET BIG BONUS STAMPS 3800 TEXAS AVENUE (FORMERLY MILLER’S) BRYAN, TEXAS