Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1956)
Tht> Bnttulion PAGE 4 ff . Colleges Station (thn*o* County), Wednesday, October 31, 1956 Job Interviews The following Job Interviews are scheduled for this week at the Placement Office: Thursday Foley’s —Houston —..will ihhdr- view m.ajqrs in. business admihis- tratibn, economics, .agriculturar economics, marketing and account ing for positions as junior execu tive trainees, both in merchandis ing and saies-supporting depart ments. Joy Manufacturing Co. — will interview mechanical, electrical, and industrial engineering majors. Socony Mobil Oil Company, Inc. — foreign — will interview petrol eum and mechanical engineering majors for positions with their Overseas Producing Activities. Ac tivities are primarily in South America, although the company has recently expanded its produc ing operations in Europe. Occas ional opportunities are located in the Far East. Thursday and Friday International Petroleum Co. will interview geology, petroleum, me chanical and electrical engineers, accounting, economics, marketing and business administration majors for positions located in Bogota; Cartagena and Barrance, Colom bia; Talars and Lima, Peru. Babcock & Wilcox Company— will interview mechanical, civil, electrical and industrial engineers, business administration, physics, mathematics and chemistry majors for positions in their -four # manu facturing divisions—Boiler, Tubu- .lar Products, Refractories, Atomic Ench’gy and Research Center. . Esso Standard Oil Co.—will in terview civil, electrical, industrial and mechanical engineers and chemistry majors who are inter ested in possible employment in the petroleum refining or petro chemical industry. Work is located at the refinery at Baton Rouge, La. Friday Sun Oil Company — will inter view men with B.S. or M.S. de grees in petroleum, mechanical, geological engineering, physics, civil engineering and M.S. degree in electrical engineering for work in their Southwest and Gulf Coast Division. Hughes Tool Co.—will interview electrical, mechanical and indus trial engineering majors for posi tions as Product Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering work. San Francisco Naval Shipyard— will interview civil, architectural, mechanical and electrical engineer ing majors. Texas A&M has conferred 28,526 degrees through August 31, 1955. TUNING & REPAIR GRAY PIANO CO. 314 N. Main — Bryan TA 2-1451 — TA 2-4148 (JETTING READY for Fall Military Day this Saturday, helmet liners for the Corps have been painted. A full Corps review will be held Saturday in honor of the visiting civilian and military dignitaries. Astronomy Club Members Form Satellite Observatory By LELAND BOYD Battalion News Editor The Astronomy Club last night took first steps in forming a post to observe artificial satellites to be launched by the United States dur ing the 1957 Geophysical Year. Official title of the post is the “Moon Watchers”. The observers will be observing moons, but artificial moons whizzing around the globe every hour and a half. The group has invited every body interested to join the satellite tracing. Dan Purrington, president of the Asti'onomy Club, says a person does not need to have any parti cular scientific knowledge. All a person needs to qualify is interest YOUR OKU) MUST HAVE GOOD SCHOOLS Good Schools MUST have Good Teachers Hwki A R E ¥ fi R -f M S M T P i A W To ATTRACT and HOLD Good Teachers Tte a/iefttefacfe— • 100,000 Additional Boys and Girls arc entering our Texas Public Schools each year. • 4,000 Additional Qualified Teachers are needed each year to care for* this great increase in enrollment. • 5,000 to 7,000 Qualified Teachers are needed each year to replace teachers leaving Texas classrooms. Provide an Improved Teacher Retirement Program Vote FOR Jm u k c teacher retirement November 6 AMENDMENT (Paid Political Adv.) in taking part in the observing and be dependable when called on the to scan the the sky for the satellite. Purpose of the post is to aid scientists in charge of the satellite project to chart an orbit for the “moon” after it is launched, Purr ington says. Then observers will track the satellite as it circles Earth from 200 miles to 800 miles in the strato sphere. The group last night discussed four problems in getting the post set up for official recognition. Purrington told the group they first needed a minimum 30 persons to act as observers. He says eight observers had signed up before last night’s meeting. Several others signed up after the meeting. Other needs include telescopes, a location for the post, a timing apparatus and tape recorder and a communication system. Purrington appointed Bill Thur man, David Jones, and Jim Arnold to check availability of instruments. He said about 20 six to seven power telescopes with a 12 degree field are needed. Bob Wimberly and Purrington will scout around for a proper location. They said an open area with proper lighting effects are needed. The location must also have a known latitude and longi tude for the group’s use but the Witches (Continued from Page 2) vest, thus bringing apples, nuts and corn into the Halloween pic ture. . Christians called the day All Hallow’s Eve-or the Eve of All Saints. Then the bonfires served the double purpose of warding off evil spirits and lighting the way of the souls from purgatory. Persons who left the fires to re turn to their homes in the dark supposedly were at the mercy of the evil spirits. They solved this problem by hollowing out pump kins and turnips and placing light ed candles inside to frighten away the witches and goblins. This was the birth of the Jack O’Lantern. The custom of “tricks or treats” also can be traced to the Druids, who on the eve of Samhain went about the countryside demanding contributions for their god. It is rumored that those who did not contribute wound up in the bonfire. HEY AGGIES For That Femme Fa tal of Yours . . . Order A “Mum” Corsage For The Game . . . She’ll Love You For It! SEE YOUR DORM REPRESENTATIVE OR COME BY THE FLORICULTURE BUILDING, LOCATED ACROSS FROM THE ENTRANCE TO THE NEW AREA. ' S T U D E N T FLORAL CONCESSION “Run By Aggies For Aggies” group is ready to survey for the location if it needs to, Purrington said. Don Arnold, president of the A&M Ham Radio Operators Club, also a member of the astronomers said he would try to get Ham ope rators for communicating findings of the observers to the “Moon Watch” headquarters at. Smith sonian Astrophysics Observatory in Cambridge, Mass. In charge of solving the timing problem are Michael Gill and. Peter Schaar. Col. A. L. Etheredge of Bryan Air Force Base told the group he would publicize the group’s activi ties at the base and help in getting persons to take part in the post. He suggested the group contact the base communications authori ties for sending information to headquarters. The group decided to meet November 13 for committee re ports and further steps in organiz ing.' Johnson Is AIEE And IRE Head Warren B. Johnson Jr. of Mar fa, has been elected chairman of the joint student branch of the A&M. American Institute of Elec trical Engineers ^nd , Institute of Radio Engineers. . . . Other student officers include William ,F. Osborne of Tyler, vice-' chairman; Warren W. Chapman of Amarillo, treasurer; Raymond H. Greene of College Station, secre tary of the AIEE; Ronald S. Mc Carter of Mt. Vernon, Mo., secre tary of the IRE; Robert L. Patton Jr. of Port Arthur, program chair man; John E. Brake of College Station, membership chairman. Corey C. Hawkins of Corsicana, publicity chairman, and Janies W. Martin of College Station, junior representative to the Engineer’s Council. Fashion Show Set A style show, presented by the Collegiate Shop, will be the high light of the Officers’ Wives Club monthly luncheon meeting Thurs day at Maggie Parker’s Dining Hall. Luncheon will be served at 12:30 p. m. Members of the club will model the fashions to be shown. Army Reserves Invite Students To Barbecue Men interested in learning about the US Army. Reserve are invited to attend a free barbeque Wednesday at 6 p.m., according to Lt. Col. O. D. Butler, Commanding Officer, 343rd FA Bn. The barbeque will be held at the Reserve Armory, two blocks south of Kyle Field. Brig. Gen. Graber Kidwell, Commander, 90th Infantry Division Artillery, Class of ’32, will be the main speaker. He will speak oil the advantages of being a mem ber of the US Army Reserves. A movie will also be featured. Invited guests are Lt. Col. Wat son, senior artillery instructor; Capt. Walker, artillery instructor; and Cadet artillery commanders. Invitations are being given to interested students by 343rd re cruiting teams. Anyone interested in attending the barbeque may call VI 6-4655 for an invitation and a ride to the Armory. The 343rd FA Bn. HdQtrs. Bat tery is sponsoring the baxbeque. ENGINEERS — CHEMISTS — PHYSICISTS The General Tire & Rubber Company Main Offices - Akron, Ohio Invites you to discuss your future WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7 Openings in Design, Development, Research and Management training programs for our thirty-one domestic and foreign operations in RUBBER — PLASTICS — CHEMICALS Contact your Placement Office for a personal interview. THIS I S A LEGAL ALLOT! You are a free Texan . . . You can vote any way you like. 'Regardless of what you may have heard, it is perfectly legal to split your ticket if you want to, just as it is legal to vote the Democratic ticket straight, or the Republican ticket straight. The purpose of 'the ballot is to determine what the people want. And if you want to vote for Eisen- Tiower and Nixon — then cast tlfe rest of your ballot for the Democratic jiominees — that is your privilege. Dpn’t let\ anyone tell you otherwise! BY LAW YQfJR VOTE MUST BE COUNTED. ; \ ' *, TEXAS DEMOCRATS FOR EISENHOWER W. *. "BOB” SMITH, CHAIRMAN .'‘‘A ’ . fPoi. Adv.—Paid lor Jxy leias Democrats for Eisenhower. Weldon hart, *PireetorJ