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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1955)
Page 4 THE BATTALION Thursday, March 31, 1955 Play Baylor Saturday Improved Aggies Lead SWC Race By RONNIE GREATHOUSE Battalion Sports Staff “Improved all-around” is the way the Aggie baseball team stacks up at present, says Coach Beau Bell. Behind the hurling of Joe Hardgrove and Jerry Nelson, the Cadets have tumbled two straight league foes, and jump ed to an early lead in the young Southwest conference season. A&M’s 7-2 season record is also tops for the conference. The Aggies challenge Baylor, a strong SWC title con tender here Saturday in hopes of keeping their perfect con-* ference record intact. “Our infield is smoother this year,” said Bell, “and it seems we’ve already gotten more double plays than all last season.” *■ A slick fielding trio of shortstop Dick Bleckner, sec- Intramurals Virgil Morrison pitched no-hit ball yesterday to help his C infan try teammates shutout C armor 3- 0, and highlight freshmen soft- ball. Twelve men came to bat for the white band in the first inning of its game with squadron 6 to score six runs. White band went on to win 13-0 in the afternoon’s most lopsided contest. Bob Clark led D infantry to a 13-2 victory over A engineers with three hits. D infantry scored 10 runs in the second. In other freshmen games D field artillery edged squadron 4, 7-5, get ting all seven runs in the second frame. Maroon band downed squad ron 5, 9-4'. Carl Zeitler got a home run and a double for the winners. Fred Galley’s homer with two men aboard got A transportation off to a good staid, as it beat A ordnance 7-2 in upperclassmen ac tion. In two slug-fests of the day, squadron 7 outscored squadron 13, 12-9, and squadron 19 downed A field artillery 10-7. Squadron 7 scored nine of its runs in the first with Jack Thomas, Bill Keen and John Vass getting three successive hits. Squadron 8 squeezed past A sig nal corps, 6-5, with all six runs coming in the last inning. A infantry shut-out A armor, 4- 0, and squadron 20 beat squad ron 14, 5-0, to round out Thurs day’s card. BRING YOUR CAR TO US FOR . . . Best “TUNE-UP” In Town BRUNER BATTERY & ELECTRIC Bruner ’44 28th & Main • PHONE 2-1218 CO. one! baseman Joe Boring and first sacker John Hoyle has turned five twin killings so far this season. “Pitching is good, as I expected it to be,” said Bell. Hardgrove and sophomore right hander Dick Munday have 2-0 rec ords, followed by Wendell Baker, another sophomore, with 1-0. Nel son pulled up to a 2-2 season mark by twirling a win over TCU Tues day. “I’d put our staff up against any in the conference”, said all- SWC catcher Jimmy Williams. Hitting was supposed to be the sore spot on the team this year, but the scrappy Aggie nine has shown the ability to produce runs and hits when needed. A&M has scored 17 runs in its two confer ence games. Last year they man aged omy 19 in the first four. “lies Byrd and Joe Schero ap pear to be two of the most im proved players on the squad,” said Bell. Leftiielder Byrd leads the Cadets at the plate with a .357 average compiled in nine games, and has led all season. Senior third base- man Schero ranks next to Byrd in hitting yyith a .294 mark, but is steadily improving. In the last six games Schero has batted the ball at a .409 clip. Track (Continued from Page 3) into the high jump. Another of Anderson’s men who took a roundabout way to a track uni form, he has done 6-4 twice this season, but it took a 6-7% to win at the Relays last year. Connally, a high jumper on the San Antonio Brackenridge team which won the Relays high school title in 1953, came here as a basketball player. One day after practice, he and several others were jumping for a “pot,” Anderson saw Con nally clear 5-8 in fatigues and street shoes, and that was that. — Legal Notice — ORDINANCE NO. 202 AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO THE SOUTHWESTERN STATES TELEPHONE COMPANY ITS SUCCESSORS, OR AS SIGNS. A FRANCHISE TO USE THE STREETS, AVENUES, ALLEYS, AND OTHER PUBLIC PLACES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION. BRAZOS COUN TY", TEXAS, FOR A PERIOD OF TEN (10) YEARS, WITH THE RIGHTS, PRIV ILEGES, AND AUTHORITY TO CON STRUCT, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN ITS TELEPHONE LINES ALONG UN DER AND OVER STREETS. ALLEYS AND PUBLIC WAYS OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUN TY, TEXAS, AND REPEALING ALL OR DINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS. 1. That the Southwestern States Tele phone Company, its successors, or assigns, shall be and is hereby granted the right in the City of College Station, Brazos Coun ty, Texas, to conduct a business of furnish ing telephone service and any business inci dent thereto and to install, maintain and operate a telephone system, to maintain all construction consisting of poles, wires, ca bles, and other fixtures and such other tel ephone aparatus of whatever nature neces sary for the furnishing of telephone service on, along, across, over, and under all of the streets, avenues, alleys, and other pub lic places of said city for the purpose of I conducting such business. The grounds of j the Texas Agricultural and Mechanical Col lege System are specifically excluded from the places where the telephone system or , parts thereof may be installed or maintain- 1 ed under this ordinance. 2. The term of this franchise shall be for a period of ten (10) years, dating from i the date of its passage by the City Coun- ] cil. 3. That the poles, wires, cables, and un derground conduits, and other apparatus ; used by The Southwestern States Telephone Company, its successors, or assigns, shall, in the conduct of its business, be so placed and maintained at all times as not to in- j terfere with the travel on or use of said I streets, alleys, and public places of said City, or with the flow of water or any j drain or gutter. The location of poles. | wires, cables, underground conduits, and ■ other equipment placed within the city t limits (excluding the grounds of the Texas Agricultural and Mechanical College Sys- ! tern) shall be so placed and maintained as j to conform to all existing regulations that | Southwestern States Telephone Company, | may hereafter be passed by the City Coun- | cil of the City of College Station, and Th its successors, and assigns, agrees also t hold said City of College Station. Brazos , County, Texas, free and harmless of any and all damages arising from and abuse or : negligence of said grant in this regard. 4. That The Southwestern States Tele phone Company, its successors, or assigns, shall, at all times, after the granting of ; this ordinance, keep and maintain its j plant in first class condition, act of God, , the public ene svoidable accid strikes, and other un expected, and shall fur nish and render service to all individuals, firms, or corporations within the corporate limits of the City of College Station, Braz- as County, Texas, in accordance with the reasonable rules and regulations and in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas. 5. The Southwestern States Telephone Company agrees that it will, effective with the granting of this franchise, pay quar terly to the said City of College Station, an amount equivalent to two and three-fourths per cent (2-%%) of its gross revenue de rived from its exchange station service rendered within the said City of College Station (excluding the revenue earned by the Company for service rendered The Texas Agricultural and Mechanical College System,) such quarterly installments to be | paid within thirty (30) days following the expiration of the quarter for which same are payable. In consideration of such pay ments the said City agrees that the com pensation so received by it shall be paid and received in lieu of any tax, license, , charge, fee, exchange service, street or alley rental, or other charge of any kind or character for use and occupancy of the I streets, alleys, and public places of the I City, or the privilege of doing business therein, other than the usual general or ! special ad valorem taxes now or hereafter ! levied. •>. This’ tax will be effective April 22, j 1955, and shall be due and payable quar- - terly in arrears. 7- The rights herein granted shall be ! subject to all exising police ordinances of j the City of College Station, Texas, not in- j consistant herewith, as well as all other ^ ordinances hereafter passed not inconsis- j tant herewith. 8. That The Southwestern States Tele- i phone . Company, its successors and as- j signs, in further consideration of this fran- ; chise ordinance, agrees that during the life thereof the City of College Station, Texas, shall have the right to use such space as may be necessary on the top cross i arm of the poles now owned and those ; that may hereafter be erected by The j Southwestern States Telephone Company, j its successors and assigns, for its police and fire alarm system wires, provided that i no high potential wires, electric wires, or ■ other class of power wires shall ever be ! placed upon these cross arms by the said j City of College Station. Texas. 9. If any section of this ordinance is for any reason held to be illegal or unconsti- j tutional. such invalidity shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions i of this ordinance. All ordinances and parts ! of ordinances in conflict herewith are here- : by specifically repealed. 10. The Southwestern States Telephone I Company agrees to file with the Clerk of the City of College Station.- Texas, its i written acceptance of this Franchise-Ordi nance within thirty days after its approval. Passed by the City Council of the City j of College Station, Brazos County, Texas. ; this 21st day of February. 1955. APPROVED: s/Ernest Langford Mayor ATTEST: s/N. M. McGinnis City Secretary A yr° c e r !/ 2) e jj ci r l m e tr 49c Lilly's V2 Gallon Mellorine gm imperial ipa Sugar 5 ibs 39c 405 M Brookdaie Tail Can -fm. mm Salmon 3 Sc Rose Dale Pears 2^/2 Size Halves • Del Mon ‘ e | 'M 4^ Spinach c!nlUc 303 Can Texsun—46 Oz. Can Diamond—80 Count—PAPER GRAPEFRUIT JUICE . 19c NAPKINS .... 2 pkgs. 23c 3 LB. CARTON s ma n Easter Vegetole SHORTENING 55c BASKETS only 13c Welch’s—Reg. .24 Oz. Size GRAPE JUICE 29c A Large Selection of Brack’s High Quality Candies. LIPTON’S TEA-*4 lb 37« CORN Le Grande Cream Style a, l n 10c a h e r <2^ e p ct r t merit Cake $1.00 Size Chiffon Praline 79c ^11/ ci r L e t Sp e c i cl i 3 Cudahy’s Gold Coin—Sliced Bacon ,ib 37c Fresh Dressed Hens ib - 37c Armour Star Pure Pork Sausage 1 lb. pkg. 25c jf^roclitce ^j£)epcirtment Firm Green Cabbage ■b. 2c Small & Tender—Fresh YELLOW Squash lb. 5c Sunkist California Oranges Ib. 2 C r o z e n cl3 Libby’s—10 Oz. Pkg. CHOPPED BROCCOLI . . .... 15c Gorton OCEAN PERCH . 1 lb. 39c ru cj 3 Reg. 50c Size MILK OF MAGNESIA . . 29c Economy—63c Size GLEEM TOOTH PASTE . 39c V '' l ' 1 ~ Maytag Washing Machine J a st come in and register Drawing Will be 8 FREE - - Nothing to buy p. m. April 2 MILLER S SUPER MARKET FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE . . . .WE ARE OPEN 7 A.M. TO 8 P.M. — MONDAY THRU THURSDAY 7 A.M. TO 9 P.M. — FRIDAY & SATURDAY — CLOSED SUNDAY Specials for Thursday P. M., Friday and Saturday - March 31 - April 1 & 2