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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1955)
Thursday, March 31, 1953 THE BATTALION ~~ Page 3 Cadets Figure To Place in Five Events at Relays By JERRY WIZIG Battalion Sports Editor! Some good showing in the field and distance events, but, barring an upset, no first places—that’s the Aggie outlook for this week end’s Texas Relays in Austin. Best chance for an A&M vic tory is in the shot put, where Herman Johnson and Tom Bonor- den figure for a 2-3 finish be tween them. But track coach Frank Anderson yesterday point ed to the four-mile relay as an event in which the Cadets also may finish in the money, say third or fourth. Bill Cocke, Bob Boles, John Whitwell and Verlon Westmore land will run it. The discus, pole vault and high jump are other spots where A&M figures to score. Kansas and Oklahoma A&M are favored to battle for first, with the Uni versity of Texas third. “There isn’t a first place slated over there for us,” Anderson said yesterday, just before persuad ing footballer Jack Pardee to come out for track. “Our best chance to place is in the four mile relay, but I think Johnson and Bonorden have a good chance in the shot put for second and third, or thii'd and fourth.” Pardee and Gene Henderson, another football player, were throwing the javelin, a weak spot for the Cadets this year, when Anderson spotted them. He watched while Pardee reached about 171 feet on one toss, farther than any A&M mark in competition this year, in street clothes, then invited him out for the team. When last seen, the two were headed to the locker room to get Pardee a track uniform. Kansas’ Bill Neider has reach ed 53-10% in the shot, while Johnson has tossed 53-1 in prac tice. Bobby Gross, who won the event last year with 52-8% for the fifth straight Aggie win in BATTALION WANT AD RATES One day 2^ per word Two days 3^ per word Three days Third day Free Four days 5^ per word Five days 6^ per word Ten day 11^ per word Minimum charge—30£ DEADLINES 5 p.m. day before publication Classified Display 70^ per column inch each insertion PHONE 4-5324 For Sale 1954 Austin Healey (100) 9000 miles. All extras. Victor Stock- bridge, 1600 E. 28th St. Phone 3-4546. 87t3 Joe Faulk Auto has pumps and Kits for your evaporative cooler. 214 N. Bryan, Bryan 83t7 Air 'Force Seniors—Lou has a complete Reg. Officers Uniform Summer Serge and Blues. Lou sells it for less than half price. LOUPOTS—North Gate. 83tf 1952 Mustang Motorcycle. In very good condition, fully equipped. About 4,000 miles. Phone 4-9753. 87t3 Attention Pre Med and Vet Stu dents — Inspect our Microscopes, German, American and Japanese made. Complete with case. LOU POTS—North Gate. 83tf Two 80 x 145 foot lots, in re stricted area, first street behind A.&M Elementary School on Anna. Inquire at 301 Timber, Ph. 6-6188. For Rent Three bedroom duplex well fur nished with washing machine. $70.00. Phone 6-4788. Available April 20th. 89t4 Make your reservations in ad vance for girl or parents. 3 extra nice rooms each with adjoining bath. Mrs. A. W. Reynolds, 2-2716 before 9 and after 6. 89t2 Help Wanted CLASSIFIED Wanted to Buy Set of weights. Contact in Leg gett 73. 87t3 16 M M Movie Camera. Call 4-9221. 87t4 SpecialN^otice COLLEGE STATION TILE CO. Beautiful and Unusual Domestic and Imported Tile. Satisfaction on work guaranteed. 311 Church St. Phone 6-8068 Will Aggies that picked up the bracelet in Lipscomb’s Drug Store Friday evening please return it to room 322, Dorm 12. 87t3 SCX, ROSS LODGE NO. 1300 A.F. £ A.M. College Station Called meeting Thursday, March 31, 7 p.m. Work In M M Degree. Members and visiting brethren cordially Invited. L. P. (Larry) Cobble, W. M. N. M. McGinnis, Sec’y. 88t2 OFFICIAL NOTICES Official notices must be brought, mailed, or telephoned so as to arrive in the Office of Student PubUcations (207 Goodwin, 4-5324, hours 8 - 12, 1-5, dally Monday through Friday) at or before the deadline of 1 p.m. of the day preceding publica tion.—Manager. THE COLLEGE STATION BRANCH OF THE AMERICAN METEOROLIGICAL SOCIETY Meets Friday April 1, 1955 in Room 301, Goodwin Hall A and M. College Campus Time: 7:45 p.m. PROGRAM: A Discussion of the Cold Wave of March 26. Major Ralph P, Osborne, Command ing Officer Detachment 2, 16th Weather Squadron Bryan Air Force Base. The Texas West Gulf Cyclone. Comments on a common type of storm which frequently affects East Texas. Dr. W. J. Saucier Author of Principles of Meteorological An alysis. An Analysis of Airplane Observations in the Vicinity of the Jet Stream Kenneth Brundidge, recently of the University of Chicago, now employed on the Jet Stream Project in the Meteorological Research sec tion of the Texas A&M Department of Oceanography. All persons interested In the above topic are cordially invited to attend. The meet ing order has been changed. The program is now first. R. A.' Gilcrest, Secretary. 89tl Want a Summer Job? Read Compton Encyclopedia ad in “Life” March 14. Call 6-2251 for inter view. 87t3 Found Pair of pink rim glasses. Phone 6-6598. 88t2 A wonderful place to buy or sell. Battalion classified ads. Call 4-5324 for prompt courteous serv ice. Work Wanted Experienced baby sitter — avail able either daytime or evenings. Phone 6-5356. 85t4 Pets Students: Board your dogs at special low monthly rates. The Ba yard Kennels, on Highway 6 south of College. 6-4121. 75tf K&B DRIVING RANGE IS NOW OPEN 10 a.m. till ? Fin Feather Rd. Bryan Prompt Radio Service — CALL — Sosolik’s Radio Service 712 S. Main St. PH. 2-1941 BRYAN CALL . . . “The House Doctor” MARION PUGH Lumber Co. 4.4236 6-5211 • ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURAL SUPPLIES • BLUE LINE PRINTS « BLUE PRINTS • PHOTOSTATS 3COATES INDUSTRIES 803 Old Sulphur Spring* Road BRYAN. TEXAS Graduating seniors are reminded that April 4, 1955 is the deadline for orders for graduation announcements and invitations. Until that date seniors may order these announcements in the Department of Stu dent Accivlties, 2nd floor. Goodwin Hail. W. D. Hardesty, Bus. Mgr. Student Activities April 1st is the last day on which sen iors may place their orders for rings to be delivered before the ring dance. Please place your order before April 1st if you expect to have the ring for the ring dance. H. L. Heaton Registrar 84t6 All currently enrolled pre-veterinary med icine students who expect to qualify as ap plicants for admission into the School of Veterinary Medicine In September, 1955, ■should file their application in the Regis trar’s Office not later than April 1. Forms to be used In making application !or admission to the School of Veterinary Medicine are available at the Information desk In the Registrar’s Office, H. L. Heaton Registrar 81t9 Male Help Wanted SALES MANAGER Immediate openings foi sales managers under 45 to grow with the fastest growing direct sales or ganization of its kind. Car necessary but no ex tensive traveling. Salary and bonus arrangement enables qualified man to write their own pay check. Benefits include profit-sharing, Hospitali zation, group insurance and pension plan. Write me in confidence if you believe you are the man for the job. SID CARNEY, JR., 4 10 0 South 4th St., Brown- wood, Texas. the event, is recuperating from an operation on his knee. Pole vaulter Winton Thomas, a 6-4 sophomore who pushed Rice’s Stephen James to 13-11 here, better than the Southwest conference mark, is another of the Aggies rated a good chance to finish high. Anderson said he didn’t know how much Thomas might im prove by his senior year. “I’ve been wrong too many times before to predict, but I’d be tickled to death with a 15 foot jump some day,” he said with a smile. In addition to James, however. Thomas will face the nation’s best 1954 vaulter, Earl Poucher of Florida. Poucher cleared 14- 7%. Jim Graham and Joe Springer of Notre Dame, both of whom have bettered 14 feet, also are due to enter. Fritzie Connally, rounding into shape again after missing sev eral practice days with a sprain ed ankle, carries Aggies hopes (See TRACK, Page 4) BETTER FOODS FOR LESS! THESE VALUES GOOD THURS., FRL, AND SATURDAY IN OUR BRYAN STORE—SOUTH COLLEGE AT HIWAY 6 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 PEACHE$ CATSUP SWEET PEAS Del Monte Sliced or Halves 4 No. R 1 /^ cans Del Monte Famous flavor 6 14 ox. battles Del Monte Early June 5 No. 303 cans Del Monte, Golden Cream Style CORN 7 No. 303 cans $1.00 Top Frost, Frozen Freestone PEACHES 12 oz. pkg. 19c Weingarten’s Own, Freshly Roasted J. W. SPECIAL lb. pkg. 69c Marvelous, Sweet Cream, Vanilla ICE CREAM V2 9 a *’ 79c Corn On The Cob Fresh, Tender 5 large ears 17 Street, nice size. Fresh PINEAPPLES each 25c Fancy, Texas, Golden CARROTS 2 16 oz. cello pkgs. 17c Prime Rib Roast u s ““Tui ma,ured ■». 59 Lockwood, Full lean slices BACON lb. pkg. 37c Fully Dressed, Beltsville TURKEYS lb. 55c Cooked Picnics $2.69 Armour's Star, Assorted COLD CUTS lb. 49c Wisconsin, Cheddar CHEESE lb. 55c Fruit Salad Cake Two 7-inch layers 51 Gleem Tooth Paste Economy 63c size tube 38 Of Ohe (ffreat