Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1955)
T-Sgt. Buford, Fiancee Announce Wedding Plans Thursday, March 31, 1955 THE BATTALION Page 5 v A- : ' ■ > ' g 1 Miss Dorothy Sue Hardin HILLCREST HARDWARE Offers the Following HANDGUNS FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY K-22 Masterpiece K-38 Masterpiece 22-32 Kit-gun 357-S & W Magnum, 4 in. 357-S & W Magnum, 6 in. 38|S & W Military 38-44 Heavy Duty 4 #S & W Special, 4 in. Colts Match Target Colt Woodsman Colt Challenger ‘ Colt Trooper 22 Colt Trooper 38 Colt Officers Match 38 Colt Officers Match 22 Colts Cobra, 32 & 38 Colts 357 Colts Super 38 Auto. Colts Super 45 Auto. Hi-Standard Sport King Hi-Standard Elite King Hi-Standard Dura-Matic Hi-Standard Field King Hi-Standard Super-Matic H & R 22’s Ruger 22 Autos. SMALL DOWN PAYMENTS EASY TERMS An April wedding is planned by Miss Dorothy Sue Hardin of Beau mont and T/Sgt. Turner M. Bu ford III of the air science depart ment. The announcement was made by the parents of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Hardin of Beau mont. Buford is the son of Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Buford, also of Beaumont. Buford attended the College of Military Science at the University of Maryland and Sam Houston State college in Huntsville. Miss Hardin attended the Lamar State College of Technology in Beaumont, and is now a junior student at the University of Tex as, where she is a member of Nu Phi Mu sorority. She was a member of the Beau mont Melody Maids for six years. The wedding will be at 7:30 p.m. April 16 at the Robins Memorial Presbyterian church in Beaumont. Social Whirl Thursday The Aggie Wives Bridge club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the Me morial Student Center. WHAT A DEAL! — 1954, All- steel constructed, box-tubular frame, 35 ft. House Trailer— “Rollo Home" (Modern Wise.) Under floor heating — 2 bed room, modern bath & shov/er, picture-type windows, like new —sleep ''7" — Purchased and lived in for 6 months—New it cost $4995.—will take $550.00 and you pay the balance of $2675.00—it can't be beat! — you can see it at Sunset Trail er Park, Lot No. 4, Bryan, Tex. Phone — 25672 after 5 p.m. • WORRIED Here’s the answer to your problem BRING YOUR CLOTHES TO THE CAMPUS CLEANERS • Fast Service • Expert Workmanship • Use Our Sub-Station For Convenience NOTICE / We wish to announce the opening of the College Station Tile Co. Inc. Office in the Dale Construction Building, 311 Church St., Phone 6-8068. We invite y° u t° come by and see our complete bathroom display and beautiful and unusual domestic and imported tile samples, also this display may be seen at night through our display window. This corporation is formed of men of long standing in the community who stand behind their work. We stand ready to serve the sur rounding towns & communities as well as locally. We employ a special service man for this locality in repair and remodeling in the home of drain boards, tile baths. To the contractor we can supply a top notch job at a suitable price with good service in installation and up keep. Thanks. The Management. Family Favorites CartI Pa, ‘ l > Planned By Mom, Dads Club By Mrs. Fred Ablon (Ed. note: Mrs. Ablon was the Family Favorites guest writer last week. She prepared a meal of pot roast with celery, onions and potatoes, peas and mushrooms, and iced tea. Her salads and desserts were not included in last week’s column and are being published today. Mrs. Suzie Ablon is married to Fred Ablon, a senior business administration major.) LETTUCE AND TOMATO SALAD WITH AVOCADO DRESSING The salad I serve with this meal is called a lettuce and tomato salad with avocado dressing. I use a lettuce leaf and two slices of tomatoes for each person. Place the tomato slices on the lettuce leaf and put the following dressing over them. Take one large avocado, peel it and mash it with a fork. Add 2 tablespoons mayonnaise and the juice from one-half lemon. Mix and add one-quarter chopped onion and garlic. Salt to taste with plain salt. Mix together in a bowl and serve on tomatoes. BANANA PUDDING PIE 2 boxes of Jello instant vanilla pudding Box of vanilla wafers 2 bananas Follow directions on Jello boxes, being sure to add 1 teaspoon of vanilla. Line bottom of square pan with vanilla wafers in rows. Place thinly sliced bananas on top of vanilla wafers in more rows. CHOCOLATE ICE BOX PIE Crust: 11/3 cup of sifted flour 1 teaspoon of salt 1/3 cup of Wesson oil 3% tablespons of milk Sift together flour and salt. Com bine Wesson oil and milk. Mix to gether all ingredients until doughy. Place dough on a floured board and roll out. Place rolled-out dough in an eight inch pie pan and bake in oven at 475 degrees for eight to ten minutes. Prepare one box of jello choco late flavored pudding. Pour two cups cold milk in a mixing bowl. Add contents of package and beat with an egg for about one minute. Let mixture stand until it sets. Pour into the baked crust and put in the ice box. Let pie chill before serving. When you are ready to serve, slice and put whipped cream on top of each piece. It’s always a AVinnei'/ Newcomers Show Set For Later Date The Newcomers style show and luncheon has been rescheduled to April 20 instead of the original date of April 6, according to Mrs. John P. Barlow publicity chair man. The Newcomers next meeting will be Wednesday, April 6, at the home of Mrs. George Huebner, 1010 Walton. The meeting will be a bridge and canasta party. Hostesses of the last bridge party were Mesdames Henry Rak- off, A. Steve Gillbert, Ralph Zin- garo and T. S. Berkhalter. Mrs. Jerry Claiborne won the traveling prize, Mrs. Gillbert the high and Mrs. Berkhalter the second high. Mrs. John Freeman was low and Mrs. Maurice Halstead won the beginners prize. The last meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Clark Allen, 1210 Walton drive. Cookies and soft drinks were served. Church Council To Meet Thursday The College Station Council of Church Women heard Mrs. R. E. Miller talk on state projects and migrant work at their meeting today at 9:30 a.m. at the A&M Presbyterian church. Mrs. J. H. Bass, president of the council, gave a short report on the state meeting in Waco, which she attended recently, and Mrs. Robert Monk led the devotional. Is your family tired of the same old French toast? Try substitu ting pineapple or orange juice for the milk in your usual recipe, and dust with cinnamon-sugar before serving. ibw\€.TlKAE-S \ ASf OIR.L. T SO Inuo 4 e>ouT ME- ? ( Tuauiasi^xaAp v ) Qirls cbxi'-r eestST TUESE #l LCLQTUesf) Spread prepared instant custard on top and let it run down into cracks. Repeat layers again and end up with the layer of pudding on top. Sprinkle two crushed van illa wafers on top to decorate or you can squirt whip cream on the top. Let the pudding chill and then cut into squares to serve. A benefit card party has been planned by the Mom and Dads club of A&M Consolidated school Friday at 7:45 p.m. in the school gymnasium. There will be thirty door prizes donated to the benefit by parents of Consolidated students who will also donate the cake and coffee, which will be served during the * CHI10BIH UNDER 12 VRtt TODAY and FRIDAY “SHARK RIVERS in color with STEVE COCHRAN — A L S O — “MALTA STORY” starring ALEC GUINNESS Lets Trade Tires Tubeless or Conventional — We will give you the maximum on your old tires. We give you a written warranty. Guaranteed against all road hazards. We are equipped to give you the best service on Tubeless Tires. LET US BALANCE YOUR TIRES McCALL'S SERVICE STATION East Gate — Phone 4-8884 ' — College Station, Texas party. Pxocecds from the card party will be used to buy furniture for the teachers’ lounges in the schools. CIRCLE TODAY thru FRIDAY — ALSO — IGift Next Door . 'Dan DAILEY -— -n jifinif i J June HAVER • Dennis DAY y*j TODAY thru THURSDAY starring r ” jgjBfata TONY CURTIS 4Jl JULIE ADAMS J A UNIVERf Af .INUfiNATIONAl THURSDAY ONLY rrrrr ALSO STAAPINQ, / ^ WAYNE MORRIS - JOAN WELDON Sctmci Pt** by TOM BLACKBURN Directed by ANDRE <Je TOTH Bryan Z'M79 TODAY thru SATURDAY 20th Century-Fox presents KIRK CQUGLAS • BELLA DARVI • GILBERT E10LA?, ! D in CINEM/vScOPE Color by DE LUXE TODAY thru SATURDAY Randolph Scott in Corner Creek*’ Specials Starting Thurs. P. M., Fri. & Sat., March 31, April 1 and 2 GROCERIES Pint Miracle Whip Salad Weeds Rath Sunvale Bacon lb. 39c Hormel Big Bologna lb. 29c U. S. Square Cut Shoulder Roast lb. 39c Dressing ... 29c Bewleys Best Flour Del Monte Catsup 5 lb. bag 2 bottles lor 29c Swift Prem 12 oz. can FROZEN FOODS Jumbo Breaded 10 oz. pkg. Shrimp Birdseye Cut Green Beans 10 oz. pkg. 2 for Mortons—Apple, Cherry, Peach Pies 5Viz oz. 3 lor 49c 39c 69c p,u wee Cello Carrots 2 pkgs. 15c Fresh Crisp Celery 2 for 15 c Green Cabbage 2 lbs. 5c SOUTHSIDE FOOD MARKET We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities