Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1950)
Cadet Fish Control Balt 9 Game To Win A&M’s freshman basketball team ern Oklahoma A&M, 53-54 grabbed the ball and the lead early in the opening moments of the ball game last night in DeWare Field House to open its season with a slam-bang 51-35 win over a strong Lon Morris quintet. Controlling the ball and their shots throughout the game, the Fish never let up a steady pace of “Sinking” — driving the oppo nent player in toward the middle so as to get closer to the basket and hence have a better shot— which gave them the chance for 53 field goals, 22 of which were good for the well-quoted “two- points.” Lon Morris was only allowed 27 trys at the basket from the field, and only 12 were good. Pete Ramirez of the visitors was the high scorer with 19 points, as he completed seven of his attempt ed 14 field goals. Gallemore—Sharpshooter But the sharpshooter of the eve ning was James Gallemore of Pam- pa, who sank six shots in nine attempts. James Addison of Lipan and Col lege Station’s Bill Williams helped Gallemore in setting up the shots which showed that the freshman were better ball handlers than the varsity- Lacking only “savvy” the Fish are quite a ways ahead of the ma jority of freshman teams that A&M has had, and the basketball situation for the coming years looks"'bright. Worst Lon Morris Defeat In defeating Lon Morris by a 1G point margin, the Fish handed the losers their third loss in seven starts, but it was the worst defeat the junior collegians had faced in the past few years. Among the victims of Lon Morris were Alvin JC, G8-49; Paris JC, 54-37, and G6-40; Kilgore JC, 63-4G; while losing to Kilgore G5-G7 and East- * Box Scores We Won.. a Halftime score: SWT 27, A&M 25. Free throws missed: McDowell 4, DeWitt 1, Davis 1, Miksch 1, Farmer 2, Gillis 1, Brymer 1, Bea ty 1, Sutton 2. Officials: Bubba Gcrnand and Dwight Parks. Perhaps the biggest reason for the Cadets win was the gaining of almost 95 per cent of the re bounds which gave the Aggies more opportunity in shooting. Addison led the winners of the board in rebounds as he grabbed 12. Roy Martin, who played un der the basket consistently for the Fish, was credited with 18 assists and seven straight rebounds which helped make the difference. Add box score. Player Fg Ft Pf Tp Williams, s 1 0 2 2 Montgomery, f ....1 0 2 2 Dwyer, g.. 5 1 4 11 Addison, f 4 2 3 10 MiksCh, g\. 1 0 0 2 Martin, c. 2 3. 0 7 Ncderer, f .2 0 3 4 Gallehiore, c 6 1 0 13 McCroy, g 0 0 1 0 Swatzell, f 0 0 1 0 Davis, "f 0 0 0 0 — — — — Totals 22 Lon Morris (35) 7 1G 51 Player Fg Ft Pf Tp Skillom, g Ham mitt, 1 2 4 4 0 0 0 0 Gand'/, c.... 0 0 1 0 Ramirez, f 7 5 4 19 Ausley, g.. 2 3 3 7 Dickson, 1. 0 1 0 1 Menking, g 1 0 1 2 Alec, f 0 0 0 0 Paynd, g.... 1 0 0 2 Totals 12 11 13 35 Halftime Morris 15. score: A&M 21, Lon Officials Segrist and Wilkins. 9 0 9 And Lost A&M (50) Player Fg Ft Pf Tp McDowell, g G 5 5 17 DeWitt, f.. 1 1 3 3 Martin, f .. 1 0 1 2 Heft, g' 2 0 1 4 Walker, g.. 0 1 0 1 Davis, c .... 7 2 4 16 Miksch, f.. 1 1 1 3 Farmer, g\. 2 0 2 4 Carpenter, f 0 0 2 0 — — — — Totals . 20 10 19 50 SWT (55) Player Fg Ft Pf Tp G'illis, f 7 2 5 16 Berry, f.... 3 1 O o 7 Maze, c 5 5 3 15 McDonald, g 3 2 1 8 Brymer, g 1 G 5 8 Gillcrease, f 0 0 0 0 Beaty, L... 0 1 1 1 Sutton, g.. 0 0 0 0 Totals 19 17 18 55 Haste in Traffic Endangers Lives WhWT you arc in a hurry to reachlyour distillation when tra veling, stop and think for a min ute and ask yourself if you are doing the wise thing. Decide in your own mind if your need for added speed is worth your taking an added rish of having an accident. Your Texas Safety Association states that more accidents occur at high speeds and that these are much more severe. It is not worth the chance of death or injury just to gain a few minutes of time. SLOW DOWN | AND LIVE .... Thirty-Five Football Men Given Letters Thirty-five members of the Texas Aggie football team this season will receive var sity letters. Nine of those receiving let ters are graduating before the 1951 football season, leaving the Aggies with an array of 25 let- termen returning next year. Those not lettering include six graduat ing seniors and eight sophomores and juniors. One other player, Andy Hill- house, a junior, lettered this sea son, but he will be ineligible next season. Graduating lettermen include end Dorbandt Barton; tackles Tuck Chapin, Mickey Spencer and Dwayne Tucker; guards Max Grei ner, Murry Holditch and Carl Mol- bery; and centers Bob Bates and Jimmy Flowers. A&M will be two-deep or bet ter at all posts next fall except at guard where there are only three returning lettermen. Lettermen who return next sea son include the following: Ends: Jerry Crossman, Clinton Gwin, Charles Hodge and Walter Hill. Tackles: Alvin Langford, Sam Moses, Jack Little and Russ Hu- deck. Guards: Dick Frey, Elo Nohav- itza and W. T. Rush. Center: Hugh Meyer and James Fowler. Quarterback: Dick Gardemal, Sikes and Darnnv Hooper. Halfbacks; 1 Glenn Lippman, Charley McDonald, Yale Lary, Bill Tidwell, Gary Anderson, Robert Shaeffer and Augic Saxe. Fullbacks: Bob Smith and Ber nard Lemmons. Not By Percentage Accidents Increased In Number— on By BILL DAYTON Head Trainer—Texas A&M College At the present time, schools have the largest .athletic teams since the inception of the sports. With the increase in sport participation, accidents have increased, not necessarily by percentage but by number. It is quite evident that safety plays an import ant part in the athletics. When injuries occur in sports, it usually leads to unfavorable publicity which may bring about the abolishing of the sport. On the percentage of accidents that occur in a school system, 1/3 is contributed to the field of play. Breaking it down, we find that the largest per centage of injuries occur in the unorganized and unsupervised activities and to remedy the situation we must see that qualified, competent, and well- trained personnel are in charge of the activities. Improper Equipment—Factor Improper equipment is also a factor which caus es the injury rate to be high, hence the next step would be to provide adequate equipment and also see that the equipment has a proper fit. If proper equipment can not be obtained or provided for, the activity should be eliminated. Many times we see individuals in fields that are nothing but glorified cow pastures. We find many About the author: Bill Dayton came*to Texas A&M as head trainer in August, 1949. Since that time, the physical condition of the Aggie teams has improved with the improving of the training facili ty situation. Bill has enlarged the training room and has had new, modern equipment installed as well as arranging the room to be comfortable for the athletes. The condition of A&M’s team, vouch for Bill, who this year was chosen by the National Athletic Trainer’s Association to write the first article in their series of training information which is hand led by the organization. He was the trainer chosen from District Nine, which covers the Southwest stones, large holes, and other hidden injury hazards, but this condition can be eliminated by a little in genuity and a little effort. In team play, the squad should number twice the men needed for the sport. This will give the needed substitutes and lessen the necessity of play ing men who are not ready. Sufficient Physical Condition Adequate training for the men who are parti cipating shall include sufficient physical condtioning so that injuries may be prevented. Good conditioning is the best insurance against injuries. Many well-organized programs are seen in nu merous parts of the country, and many good games are the results, but as a rule, the problem of offi ciating has been put aside, and the games are al lowed to get out of hand. Officials in many w r ays factors, since they will see that rules are adhered to, thus protecting the participants. Oft times, the officiating will be left to specta tors or someone with a smothering of rules. When this happens it results in a sloppy game, and injuries may be the result. Matching of Teams In competition, especially in intramurals or a small league, considerable time must be put in the matching of teams. It wail not help the program if the competing teams do not have boys of equal age, height, and corresponding sizes. It is always wise to limit competition to schools of the same size. Over or undermatching just opens the door to accidents. Going into further detail on the above, one must be able to realize and understand what consti tutes a hazard in competition. Leaders must be well acquainted with the sports or the understanding will not be there. The contact sports, football especially, is ob viously more hazardous than non-contact sports. In touch football, for example, the incidence to injury is greater than the game itself because of the cockiness of the individuals, the lack of equip ment, and usually the lack of physical condtioning and leadership. Use of Outdated Equipment The use of outdated equipment is definitely a hazard. Using too much equipment in too' small a place will also act as a hazard. The inspection of fields for defects is a must for the prevention of injuries as is the use of a non-slipping compound on floors. Personal safety rules for those participating in school athletics can be based on the following: ® Stop when fatigued. © Do not attempt new skills without proper instruc tion. ® When you jump, be sure the area you intend to land on is clear. @ Wear proper and personal equipment. ® Use good judgment if fields, floors are dangerous —even to the extent of not playing. © Be alert—beware of flying bats, balls, javelins, discuses, etc. © See that injuries are properly attended. © Do not swim unless another swimmer is at hand. ® Select activities in your skill range © Don’t take advice from others except trained in structors. © Always have sufficient “warm-up”. In 1949, 1,5G4,000 Americans' were injured in traffic accidents. An ounce of precaution saves tons of wreckage. A good driver is a goou citizen; you can be both and be safe. A minute saved at the price of an accident is not a bargain. The left Side is the right for pedestrains. Alcohol belong in your radia tor—not in your head. A Study In Arrow Shirt-o-logy D Campus-favorite collar styles . . . made as only Arrow can make ’em. Every shirt Sanforized-Labeled . . . less than 1% shrinkage! Long wearing fabrics. Mitoga tailored . . . cut with easy tapering from shoulder to waist ... no waistline bunching! Extra durable buttons firmly anchored on. ARROW SHIRTS & TIES UNDERWEAR • HANDKERCHIEFS • SPORTS SHIRTS J "DART" ! ; You’re Always Right In an Arrow Oxford 3.95 Broadcloth $ 3.65 You’ll always be dressed right in an Arrow white shirt . . . first choice with college men everywhere! Regular, bt v don-down, and wide spread collars. Sanforized-labeled, of course. Come in for yours today. COLLEGE at BKYAN FOR ARROW UNIVERSITY STYLES U’L ABNER Them What Dies Is the Lucky Ones By A1 Capp f-7 GOT H/M STOPPED COLD, Mr A DOUBLE WHAMMY- SQ NOW / GIVES H/M TH' GRAND FINALE- MY MASTER- P/ECE-TH'TRIPLE WHAMMY.?j -NOBODY'S LOOKIN'-IT'S SAFE rREVEAL MY THO/D EYEE rJL ) A? hold ?- thet city FELLA,DOWN THAP"'-HE'S UNCORKIN'--.':''-??- NO - -ITCAIN'T BE—BUT-BUT -G^P/'&sPa.'vIT ISA' 1 - Last year, 31,800 Americans were killed in traffic accidents. /THIRD EYE.'/' S^DDER.Y qAsP.'Y- LOOK WHAR ITS G-GROWIN'"’. DAID AS A DOOR NAIL—BOTH OF 'EM/''-AN', WIF HIDEOUSLY FRIGHTENED LOOKS OKI THAR FACES/''- North-South 11s Include Ags Carl Molberg of Fredericksbui’g and Max Greiner of Houston, sen ior guards and co-captains for the Texas Aggies’ post-season game with Georgia, have accepted invi tations to play in the North-South football game on Christmas day at Miami, Fla. These two players raise to three the number of Aggies who will participate in All-Star tilts. Andy Hillhouse, junior offensive end who has used his last year of eligibil ity, has accepted an invitation to play in the Shrine East-West game in San Francisco. Greiner and Molberg have been two of the top line players on the Aggie team this past season. Play ing both on offense and defense, the two were singled out by Geor gia Bulldogs as “some of the best tlockcrs” in college football. Greiner was the only four-year letterman on the Aggie team. He enrolled at A&M as a freshman in 1947 and lettered on the varsity that year. Weighing only 185 pounds, Greiner played high school football in Beaumont where he made all-district and all-state hon orable mention. He now calls Hous ton his home. The friendly guard was general- Battalinn SPORTS FRL, DEC. 15, 1950 Page 5 ly conceded to be one of the nat ural leaders on the Aggie team. He was named to the Associated Press’ all-SWC second team, HP’s all-SWC second team and made numerous newspaper’s all-SWC teams. charm” guard, was. all-district three years and all-central Texas one year in high school. A 190- pound business major, Molberg made the INS all-SWC first team, several major newspapers’ first teams and AP and Collier’s all- Molberg, the other “watch ! SWC Honorable Mention lists. DANGER-HOLIDAY AHEAD! Spirits, both liquid and otherwise, seem to soar during the holiday season. So do traffic accident rates. Remember, if you drink don’t drive —if you want to stay alive. Caution pays near holidays. Ill Be Careful —the life you save may he your own! Sponsored H ths interest of your safety by W. C, Holmes Insurance Agency Varisco Building BRYAN, TEXAS Sure way to mi pur May! Passing on hills or curves, dodging in and out of traffic, failing to use proper hand sig nals ... all help swell the mass massacre on our streets and highways every holiday.When you plan your holiday trip this year, plan to take safety with you. More cars will be on the road, more inexperienced drivers will be behind the wheels than at any other time. Drive with extra care. Share your half of the road if necessary. Don’t let insistence on the right of way end your holiday. Drive a little slower and live a lot longer. The safer your car—the safer you are! Have a reliable mechanic inspect your brakes, lights, battery and tires regularly. Accident statistics are loaded with ex-motorists who didn’t. Careful drivers carry the most insurance. And because they anticipate danger, they usually have fewer accidents. Look out for the motor ist who is sure he’ll never have an accident— he’s headed for one! Be Careful- t/ie life you save may be your own! THIS MESSAGE SPONSORED IN THE INTEREST OF YOUR SAFETY BY by The Advertising Council in cooperation with the Na tional Safety Council. The Battalion i’hone i-5444 Classified 4-5334