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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1950)
3. GC ^ tC Y^\ 3 Go?^ e5 ^ E,. Nation’s Top Safety Section Lumberman’s 1949 Contest The Battalion PUBLISHED IIS THE IIS TER E ST OF A GREATER A&M COLLEGE The Battalion’s 1950 Safety Section: See Pages 3 Thru 8 Today Number 65: Volume 51 All Dormitories Except Bizzell Close Tuesday All dormitories except Biz- zell will be closed and locked at 5:30 p. m. Tuesday, Dec. 19 in order to conserve util ities and protect student prop erty, Bennie A. Zinn, assistant dean of men, announced today. Students, dther than those living in Bizzell, who wish to remain on the campus during the Christmas holidays, should contact students in Bizzell who will not remain during the holidays, concerning the use of their rooms. To secure rooms, students will bring a note of permission from the occupant of Bizzell to the Housing Office in Goodwin Hall, where each student will sign a ros ter showing his location for the holidays, so that he may be located in case of emergency. This should be done by noon, Tuesday, Dec. 19. If students do not desire to use this arrangement, they may secure rooms in P. G. Hall by signing up for them in the Housing Office. Students finding it necessary to gain entrance to a dormitory which is closed for the holidays, should check at the Housing Office for clearance. All students are reminded to close the windows and lock the doors of their rooms. First floor windows pai’ticularly should be locked for security purposes. The dormitories will be unlock ed at 1 p. m., Tuesday, Jan. 2. COLLEGE STATION (Aggieland), TEXAS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1950 Price Five Cents Guardsmen Visit Campus “My office’s over that way” Lt. Col. Taylor Wilkins, National Guard battalion commander, tells members of the 36 NG Infantry Division inspection team that visited the campus yester day. On Colonel Wilkins left are Col. R. M. Ise, commander of the 143 NG Regiment, and Maj. Gen. H. Miller Ainsworth, 36th NG division commander. On the right are Capt. Atidie Mur phy, senior aide to General Ainsworth, and W-0 J. M. McGee The group was on a “routine” statewide command inspection. In First Home Game.... AgCagers Lose To Cats, 55-50 By RALPH E. GORMAN Coach John Floyd’s Aggie quin tet will be out to split the series with the Southwest Texas State Bobcats tonight at 8 in DeWare Field House after accurate Bobcat shooting from outside a tight de fense defeated A&M’s cagers 55- BO last night. It was the first home game for Ihe Aggies and some 2000 specta tors saw the Bobcats from San cat Buster Gillis for runner-up. Marcos take an early lead on one Davis and Gillis led the contesting »f 22 gift shots, and the Cadets quintets at halftime with 10 and never recovered. eight points, respectively. Coach Milton Jowers ’Cats ex hibited amazing coolness in sink ing 17 of 22 free throws, as it was a cniick break offense over the controlled-ball game of the Ag gies that made the difference. A&M’s all-Conference guard Jewel McDowell counted 17 points to be high point man for the night, before fouling out in the final per iod. This was the first time for McDowell to foul out in a college game and the third time in his basketball career. Buddy Davis, 6’ 8” Cadet center, tallied 16 points to tie with Bob- Charity shots, the one-pointers which are scored as the stands are shrouded in silence, was the decid ing factor in the Cadets’ fourth loss in six starts. Fouls Costly Although the Cadets moved with machine-like precision, fouls were prevalent and costly. The officiat ing received strong disapproval from the fans, as the field house rang with jeers intended strictly for the men in the striped suits. The Bobcats attempted 51 field goals and were successful in 19, as compared to the 20 times that 48 Aggie field goal attempts swished through the net. The Cadets were successful in 10 of 19 gift shots to show a small er percentage in this column as compared to the Bobcats 17 out of 22. Top Board Proposed exas Colleges By DEAN REED A single board of regents for Texas’ public higher edu cation was proposed by the Texas Legislative Council, in session in the Memorial Student Center yesterday. The board would be composed of nine members with staggered terms of six years, appointed by the governor and confirmed by the State Senate, not more than one of whom could reside in any one residential district. “The recommendation is strictly tentative, however,” An Open Letter... To The Student Body: During the present world situation, I feel it is very necessary that all students continue with their college educa tion and make every effort to do their best in their programs of studies and training. A college education will enable a man to serve his country better when his services are needed. Many unfounded rumors are being spread. We have every reason to believe that the ROTC program will be strengthened rather than curtailed and that if a program of universal military service is adopted, the ROTC program will be maintained. The College administration feels that de ferments will be granted by Selective Service for students enrolled in the ROTC program who are making satisfactory progress. Details for deferring non-military students after June, 1951, have not been made, but undoubtedly some plan will be evolved if this country is to have the pecessary man power trained in technical subjects. I urge that all students remain as calm as possible, con tinue with their college education and make every effort to do their best possible college work. I assure you that definite information will be made available as soon as it is received from government authorities. M. T. Harrington President Report Form For Accidents In This Issue Have you ever been involved in a collision? Did you know the proper procedure to follow in re porting the accident to the Depart ment of Public Safety? Enclosed in most of today’s pa- Employees Honored For 25 Years Service Twenty-nine veteran employees of A&M will be honored Saturday night in Sbisa Hall at the An nual Christmas Dinner sponsored jointly by the A&M System and the College Employees Dinner Club. Gold pins and citations signed by M. T. Harrington, president of A&M, will be presented the hon- orees by Gibb Gilchrist, chancellor of the A&M System, for 25 years pers is a card that will give you ! service with the college, that needed and required informa- j The program will follow a tra- tion. ' ditional pattern with Joe R. Moth- On one side of the form will be ! eral of the Agricultural Economics found instructions as to what to and Sociology Department serving do when there has been an acci-1 as master of ceremonies, dent. Chancellor Gilchrist will deliver Accident report forms may be' the Christmas message. The invo- obtained from any of the follow-1 cation will be given by O. Byron ing: Highway Patrol, Driver Li- j Richardson, pastor of the College ,cense, Sheriff, Police, Tax Collec- j Station Baptist Church, tor, Justice of the Peace; or by j The singing cadets, under the writing to the Department of Pub-, direction of Bill Turner, music lie Safety. | director at A&M, are presenting a Remember, you may be involved | short program, in an accident. If you are, follow “Auld Lang Syne” will end the the proper instructions. Ignorance 1 dinner, after which the group will of the law is no excuse. • attend a dance in Sbisa Hall. Some 600 people are expected to attend the dinner at which the following are being honored: El- dred H. Gibbons, Arthur L. Wil liams, Nestor M. McGinnis, Rob ert P. Ward, Carl Birdwell, Dr. Fred W. Jenson, Dr. Marion T. Harrington, and Dr. Samuel R. Gammon. Other honorees are Joseph J. Woolket, Thomas R. Nelson, Fred Hale, Kenneth L. Kirkland, Henry G. Wickes, Harry F. Morris, Dan iel Russell, Thomas L. Berdine, Edward H. Templin, Miss Viola McKenzie, Miss Kate Adele Hill, Miss Nettie Smith, Mrs. Clara S. Hall. Edward L. Williams, Henry L. Alsmeyer, Dan D. Clinton, Parker D. Hanna, Charles M. Heald, James F. Rosborough, Vernon E. Hafner, and Preston S. Goen will also be presented awards. Red Chinese Continue Rush On LastHungnam Defenders Tokyo, Dec. 15—(£*)—Red Chi nese infantry and cavalrymen drove a raging major attack into the allied northeast Korea beach head today under high command direction to destroy the U. S. Tenth Corps defenders. The Chinese were reported with in 2 1 /4 miles of Hungnam port. The first big assault from the 100,000-man Red force ringed around the Hamhung-Hungnam area began in darkness—as expect ed—and was continuing through the daylight hours of Friday. Lull Broken A two-week lull on the Eighth Army’s western Korea front above Seoul seemed also about to be broken by the Chinese. U. S. Third Division outposts six miles southeast o f Hamhung fought desperately to ward off an initial attack force estimated at more than 2,500 mounted and foot troops. Reinforcing Chinese still were swarming down the valleys. The Chinese warmed up for bat tle in a drum-beating, bugle-blow ing and singing mass rally at Or’o, a town six miles northwest of Hamhung abandoned by allied forces 24 hours earlier. Dough boys heard the racket and steeled themselves for attack. American artillery and planes pounded at the Red forces. The Tenth Corps defenders were fighting with their back to the sea in efforts to hold the beach head where some 60,000 allied troops had been gathered on their general retreat from northeast Ko rea. All Tenth Corps units were re ported safe within the Hamhung- Hungnam perimeter on Monday Two light probing attacks preced ed the heavy jolt being launched by the 2,500-man Chinese van guard Friday on Maj. Gen. Ed ward M. Almond’s backs-to-the-sea forces. The attack reached major pro portions Friday morning when Chi nese infantrymen were reinforced Though no investigators were with cavalry, a Tenth Corps present at the time a Battalion re- spokesman said, porter checked the incident this morning, it was believed by dormi tory residents that the phosphorus was placed in the hall by members of a rival cadet corps unit. The dormitory is occupied by Air Force Squadrons. Burning Chemical Disturbs Dorm 6 Students poured out of Dormi tory 6 in underwear and pajamas at 3 this morning, coughing from fumes in their lungs that had come from a can of burning phosphorus placed in the first floor hall. stressed John D. Moseley, executive director of the council. “It is only a tentative rough draft, and has not been offi cially approved by the council.” Copies of the recommendations of the council, in its latest report on higher education, will be sent to presidents of state-supported and state-aided institutions and to mem bers of a citizens’ advisory committee. This committee is working with a committee of the Legislative Council on the problem of higher education. If adopted, the recommendation for a top board of re gents would prevent expansion of existing programs of the various institutions without the approval of the proposed board. Existing boards, such as A&M’s Board of Directors, would still be in operation, however, but coordinated by the statewide regents. The council’s recommendation came after a survey found that Texas has no coordinated statewide sys tem of higher education resulting in uneconomical opera tion and unnecessary duplication of programs, overlapping functions, competition among the institutions, and general inefficency—from a state wide system viewpoint. Standards Revised Standards for creating new junior colleges would be re vised under the council’s recommendations, by raising the present standards in the state statutes to provide for a more efficient size and more potential financial support. This could possibly mean, the report read, “1,000 high school scholastics and $24 million valuation.” This recommendation pertains to creation of new col- +leges, and not to those now in ex istence, said Callan Graham, state representative from Junction who heads the “higher education com mittee” of the council. Applying to both old and new colleges, however, would be a part of the recommendation reading “to make participation by a junior col lege in state funds be on condi tion of adequate local tax sup port.” Equality For Negroes Active Status Now Available For Reserves In regard to Negro education in Texas, the recommendation hold:; that “to provide equal facilities at the graduate and professional level would cost the state beyond Authorization to transfer Army Reserve Officers from inactive to active status with out regard to vacancies in the Volunteer Reserves has been received from Texas Military Dis trict, Capt. M. B. Findlay, ORC In-: a i] reason.” structor for the Bryan-College Sta-! , ,, ,, . tion area, announced today. That the problems of Negrd TT , ,,. education are not so much ques* Under this new policy many ti f tion as prol ? lem . Texas Reserve Officers who have f h t sp B en | the avail / ble mon . been kept on the inactive list for f Negro education in order lack of a vacancy in the Vohmteer * { the ! most edll cation to meet Reserve will be enabled to become +1 > —, » Mao . v „ active and participate in training activities, receive credit in longev ity, retirement points and better prepare themselves for active duty, Captain Findlay said. Dance Scheduled In MSC Tomorrow the needs of the Negro popula tion of the state.” “That the state make no at tempt to provide graduate and professional training in separate Negro institutions beyond that in existence on Oct. 1, 1950.” “That every effort be made to raise the standards of existing sep arate Negro facilities that then may more adequately take care of! present and future needs for Negro education.” Expansion Urged The recommendation pointed out that “the state avail itself of thi opportunity to utilize the board of control for southern regional edu- to gain additional facil- Traveling Troubadors Aggieland Orchestra Plans 1800Mile Christmas Tour Co-Captains and graduating All-Conference guards of A & M’s 7-4, win-loss football team, Carl Molberg and Max Greiner, who were elected to captain the Cadet eleven against Georgia in the Presidential Cup game, hold the trophy won by the Aggies. Well over two-feet in height, the trophy will be kept by A&M until next year’s annual cup game at which time they will receive a minia ture of the trophy and the original will be returned. By ANDY ANDERSON One group of students that will not be homeward bound next Tues day is the Aggieland Orchestra— at least not for a long time. This year, as in years past, the “traveling” musicians will spend the major part of their holidays on the road, providing music and entertainment for other vacation ing Aggies. 1,800 Mile Tour Their 1,800 mile tour during the Christmas holidays will begin at Port Arthur Dec. 22 where they’ll be playing for the Port Arthur A&M Club dance. From the coastal city, the or chestra will travel the 348 miles to Uvalde for a dance sponsored by the Trans-Pecos A&M Club members Dec. 28. Then comes a brief rest period for the bandmembers. After the one night stand at Uvalde, they will head to their homes for Christmas eve and Christmas it-1 ahead of him when he leaves self. I Uvalde for New Orleans. Murrel But on Dec. 26, they will again I Bauman, piano-man will journey to be on the road, Corpus Christi bound, to provide music for the Aggie-exes and students in that locality. Aggie Dances The next night will find the group in Harlingen for the Rio Grande Valley Club dance. Lavaca County Aggies will play host to the orchestra at the Community House in Halletsville on the 28th. Abilene will be the next stop for the “sight-seeing” musicians Dec. 29, where their night’s work is sponsored by the ex-Students club of that city. The next stop is Wichita Falls, where they are scheduled to provide music for the local A&M Club. The holiday tour will end with a New Year’s Eve dance at the Pleasure Pier in Galveston. Wayne Dunlap, one of three trumpet men, will have the long est “home for Christmas” trip Orange. Members of the band from the Houston area are Ted Gullette, baritone saxophone player; Gordon Keller, trombonist; Ray Reid, ten or sax; and Dan Hanna, another trombonist. Other South Texas bound musicians will be Bill Walk er, bass man from Pasadena and Barrell Nickerson, trumpeteer from Baytown. North Texans There will be four Dallas men going that way when they finish I at Uvalde. These will be Lyndal James, tenor sax; Dave Lawson, trombonist; Glen Torrence, trum pet; and, Joe Pike drummer. . Vocalist Tommy Butler will head toward Waco and Doyle Thomas, alto sax will spend Christmas in Odessa. Director Bill Turner says he is going to McKinney for his Christ mas. Bill Turner and Lt. Col. E. V. Adams look on as the recording experts begin a ‘playback’ of one of the numerous recording ‘takes’ in Guion Hall Wednesday afternoon. Jimmie Stewart and Edwin J. Goodman, producer and recording engineer respectively for The Recorded Publications Company, handle‘the equipment. The recorded A&M songs will be available in a two-record album to students, and former students sometime in February. A juke box dance will be held tomorrow night in the MSC Ball room from 8 until 11:30. The dance is sponsored by the MSC Dance committee particularly for local couples. No stags will be admitted. Admission has been set at 25 cation cents per couple. | Jties for the education of Negro Sponsors of the dance are Mr. j doctors, which would be supple- and Mrs. James M. Walker* and m entary to available education Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mayfield. 1 N e g r0 doc tors within the state of Texas.” After sending these recommend ations to the college presidents and o the advisory board for study, Moseley said he would receive comments and suggestions from, those groups by January 2. The Legislative Council’s com- , mittee would then meet with the advisory board and thrash out ! their differences, he said, within the following week. Should an agreement be reached, the recom mendations would go before the mtire council for final approval 'heir meeting the day before the tnte Legislature goes back into ession. The council’s recommendation? vould then go before the legisla ture, Moseley said. Legislative Committee Composed of 10 representatives and five senators, with the lieu- 'mant governor as chairman and he speaker of the House as vice- ■hairman, the council does mos; T its work between sessions of he legislature. The group deals with problems if the state which require consid- rable research and makes recom- nendations to the legislature. In addition to the higher educa- ion report, the council also dis cussed education for mentally-re- arded children, decline of the tate’s revenues from the petrol- ■um industry, and telephone rates. Instructions were made by the •cuncil to prepare legislatior to abolish 19 “dead” bureaus in the tate government. Most of the legislators left for \ustin this morning, with tho phone rates committee meeting this morning.