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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1950)
*■ : / — Battalion I PiftS )AT. JULY It. ItW ki' 1 1 Thf PopuUt ion Crav .. . Since thi first toUk were tnaounced. Houston an* km* tarn poradtaf the ■Oeeto with exfontM ctaoto and with rye* well off the ground, willing to tell tnyone of their prominence so far a* pop- nlattai b ctmcomod. f If knot entry cfty that etn tteim an increase In population of over 209,000 in a period of ten year*. Toe, the constant fund between the seaport city and other Texas and southern cltiea has been given added impetus following the recent cen sus Houston urns, m comparing themselves with other cities, refine to do it on any other bahae than equality The basis for obvious pride and civic joy is ill found. With her seaport position and ml rich aurroundmg lands. Houston formed the logical place for the first oil refineries and ralatod Industrie* These industries served to bring m laborers, followed by other Indus trie* because of the cheap labor I mised Third Attack . . . One of the main esuses of American reverses id Korea m the apparent inability of both ground and air forree to stop North Korean armor. Three types of op- pduftion are possible but at present we are restricted to ground opposition and tacti cal air opposition Ixmg range strategic bombing, however is im|>oriant from the Standpoint of logistics II * (iround opposition has been based on terrain, mines, basookas. artillery, end perhaps a small farce of American armor Worth Korean troops have Russian-built tanka which can withstand fire from al most everything but our 90 mm armor aniuMMsaanaw saaaml Iss jut 11 iiifk Miri ip Tactical air opposition has c«ntered around F-80 attacks with rockets and as palm (jeiherf gasoline • bombs B-2P'a have carried out raids on supply lines and depot* In N«rth Korea But all this has been of little avail available. Still the great city was popula- Ci vie-minded leaders decided It would bet good ides to annex surrounding sub urbs Of tours* there was a vote en the issue lb i| how a subi of several thous and coult vote down the dediree of the much larger mumcipalitiea in a democratic manner fc still to be questioned But fee belligerent suburban rsmdsnta ware Voted ■to Houston. the city hmits expand* ed Previowky, the war and ha labor man ifssUtioos had provided another consid erable increase in the city's t>opulation All the natural advantage* as well as those brought stx ut incidentally, form the basis of Houston's great population not just because ‘Houston m Houston Therefore, We q kv ion the obrisws glost mg with whkh eosse of Houston’s citi zens art concerning Long range strategic bombing, if per nutted, could reach thousands of miles be- hmd the front lines to destroy the refiner ice and factories which supply the North Korean army. Uabbt ether installation* oil refineries caanot be phued under gmund or diegiiinsd The effects of stra - tsgk bombing are net tawsdiste. but the lack of fuel would 'be decisive in stopping the North Korean arm.*. Such action night taustve war instead of • United Natums pohee action, but com idete evacuation of Korea appears to be inevitable uniem these three types of op position can be used The question is: la the United State* or the Orated NiUotia wdlug to utthar the third step in warfare" Should this be done, overt war with Rumus wuppiy line for the North Koreans-would ai*o be mevitable He (ould Be Iroiq;. But . . . A Wisconsin senator who failed tn his recent attempt to show that member* of the State Department were cunaeetrd. some of them very closely, with the Com munist party waa called a "fraud and a hoax" before his fellow senator! Monday. Republican Senator Joeeph McCarthy formed the basis of the report in Febru ary when he was reported to have said that he had a hat of 206 names (4 |<er»on« "made known to the secretary of state as being member* of the (ommumst party and Who are still working asd shaping policy in the State Dejiartment " When no immediate action was taken by Dean Acheson the senator proceeded to make the (Aargss imbrtcly Hut no similar list or evidence of the accused (ersnos ever having been con nected with tbe Communist partx was to be found in the State I Apartment files Whether there actually was a base for McCarthy'! accusations or whether It was an attempt to caune increased party backing remains to be proven. Of the five men os the investigating committee which formulated the report, only the three Democrats signed it. This make* us wonder whether the other two senator* refused to sign A because of party loyalty, or whether they ten were convtncsd that there was truth m s<sne McCarthy’s se- cufistioni. One of the ftefuibltcsn sens tor* said that he was convinced that Mc Carthy had presented aufftnetit evidence to prove that his chief suspect Owen Lat timore was connected with the Commun ist party If IkCarthy had in mind |>osMbic per sonal advancement when ha began the seemingly fake accusations on data and information that he knew could be found it State Department files, he should cer tainly hsvt used a different method of at tack As It was. his accusations served naily to shatter pabtir opinion at a critical time id our history. This no doubt, would not have been hw purpose, bad Ins state menu been true However, if the Demo critic senator* have 1st their party influ mi or their investigation in possibly over looking some of the unfound evidence that would lend aid to McCarthy they are even more guilty than the Wisconsin senator As citiasas whe cannot personally re view records of our Btote Department, we dsn but hope that Senator McCarthy’s ac cusations were false. Fur if they weren't not only k our government at stake with so many believers <4 Communktir ideal* m j*iwer but the surcess of an entire na tion faces utter defeat if we cannot dc- ir own snagressmea to reveal governmental groups The Battalion "UUm, SiMotmm, Kjugbtiy CmmltmmT Lawrence Sullivan lorn, Founder of Aggie Tradjooai Th» Battalion, official newspaper of the AarvuNural arai Morkanirai O * * Pm pmaa • *w * City of (V41oec KUtkn, Tea**, ia pubMta TV Iktuho, i, four ftervoo*. 8vl*ornptn*t> ratoo PUftUH 4 r Friday • HW p»r i of IWaa nod tbo •rhool year fhir- eMry Turaday funiiahad oa ra- fMt TV Aawriatsd Fraas ia ostitlad eaalas»*|p W th* oaa f«r »*p*Mieatioo of all nowa diapatebM -vxl t* it or not othonriM arrdUad is tbaTp Cirditod to ft to cap** unc local now* df of ropuMication of all otbot aiaf’-f *»• row at* alo* n ay bo madr by telst fiad ads way bo pkcad MS. OooOwm Hall (4-S4U) or at tho I) ar at tbo — Tta L 0 <0-1 s s r yuwao ? ^<^. r ;r»> nr. Without - MoreThan ‘Hold Their Own' lirutONSKt • *9* any *tw By C L 8BLPR :r i hassl M ■owothsaa •rvoo of ahw ao a The Today. . . ‘Foolish’ Claims President By M«l» MABI/m Waabrnglan ^ tf you *a* * ■»an tbnrwmK hia money «»a> rm a straot rornw. you’d thiak Kr ouglU lo pet bk Haad omapiiaad But aomathiav like that M hap pvm*» naw Kaparu at baaoy buying and firu-a’baaattna aroond Uw rauatr> arc MulUplyinr (tame aaa»oor» arc trjrmt Ao lay in Mppboa of Ursa, raff a*. rUth in* and otbar tbinra Tboy’rc afraid mtiontaf t row >*c and they want to W aui* they ?ei thwm. no matth-r what hapfH-o< to the country or anybody «4im* tty Stain nr thtn** •carrt-r. they ftvo certain < unacrvipuioua and *horlirt|rhtrrl bu*ttr**mm in r«- « ua» for larkm* up pruw* TV hnardoni. Frcmdant Tru* arc food ah And V «aid Mtmc nf the h***»>♦»«n>c* art kirk* in* up prnw* b> profiteer Ho' h words- foollah and |>r»« fitote—were »nM once \*H it'4 aaM to acc Sky <•»« rrniactit ( aatrwi Bpaaiso l <>*imii*i«rTi mcaSr rov- ►•rn*»c*t rontawl awl owacrkip of almost cwmnhtnr trmak fUrial- taw moan* «<**# ivwi* tmi and owuorahTp Hnti«fc Ror- laliaaa'c i-tiacrol* fr» mink milder th« toad** 1rhun« W T.4 K 1IM i Prafraw KitaryrWw t* U t A > W ararcacaM i-aa pawfi SMccbaaM 5t !•»«. n iertAW mm a Umamr 9i I than Cammuniani« Bui thi» <-0untr> meaniSr iwopic, ha* farvmixed < oOnmurv. iaai and faci« ao •tronrlv that now wc arc actively it Aad there m atronr facUar Vro ttramat even Bntain'i BtiOiaJiam. la abort, the tradition it tint country ha* Vcn armnat govam- meat control, intarfrronac at own ership And wp *hi*ut to th* world tV wondem of five ootcrpnac WnaM Porte Ratioain* Yot. widcaprcad hoardntr and •oaring prirco in thi* prwadnt *it* iwtlon will t! time rertabd) do two thutr* 1. Force th# government In »tep ia and »lap <>* ratmoing ai*t pnr* ronirala 2. And b) bringing higlpr pn- rra, make tho dollar worth ju*t that much lea*. thu« damaging tho foundation* of the free enirrpnt# ocnOowy i TV rationing of courae, would lie impooed to give evert ocx a fair ahiarc of what can hr ktuaht; the pner roMrol# would »*• «lap- pe.1 on to k«op the acononw fru*t bfiag ruinmi Mtogotkcr » If we got gito a war wi|h Rua- •la or the pfaaent aituatiSri get* very bad, the government will have to atop in with >ntr*lU any way horauae then there Will he Bible Verse “I thank Wy (i<)P »1wWt* on ymwi behalf for the grace pf I.OT whirh ia fivun nm by JEBUB CHRlFT; tkSt in mery thing fe are annehed by HIM. in ai utter- anre and ia fell knowledge/* -4 t o* \ \ b Kaily AFBCm < .«p {mm at ataatlg doroga- ory > paid ctaarr atteniioa t b a n uaual la awrk cotniwauda aa **waleh yawp *1*1 swinf” aad “diwaa is nsts” IstSPiay. li wton Proa ideal M T. Haryingtor aad I Wan W L Poaabartky viaited hero la obaerve tho Teiaa Aggioo in eomr netrtian with atudewta from IP othor laaUtBtion* Up to sow the ASM boy* aktarabiy ad around hiw. clone aacawdi W Bartia Bcbniak claim* fame M S miani of and aporU play-hy-piaya Lmiia fighla and Aiggi* lia mtaod the only two/Yanbaeo crowd af Aggie* and ahfc U told thatr own without difficulty, winning tho only Wing mmioa that far by a --ony f gktNkkhAil^Sb MbrnSt^B^Bh / Casusaadkg the Whm * bptar (to* IBS radata dwnag the Shaw troat, grab* bta baaka asd pap-r off parade w*a Jaaa L iUtaf. and head* for a gutat apot H»'« wmaer of the Air Fartw Aaprx-latioo taking a auwaaer aanaapandince award at AAM loot year Another raurwo asd if dtligosc* papa off in high ranker tkta week, ia Hilisor goad ■ higk rani SchpaMie •f tto nor wh. off war •car it ir* due to War production Sit uattwa Nat t Irar Bui at thia laOMWnt it lan’t clear that well go to war with Kuaata or that the govarntMtit unleaa thmga get wore*, will h**r to -tep m with ronUola. Even if thinipi don t get worae abroad, at hamg heie the hoard ers and praTitO^U, by their reck ■ lea* performance Sow, could create * situation of edamty and too. high prices Than the government would Have to ntap In Bo the hoardm ami profiteers are like the MM on the street comer throwing gw ay his money TVy stand at fiil moment in the midet of a fairq hound economy, the kind they undoubtedly want to preserve I nw sated F>naaai« It’s the kmd of economy which ha* given 1 The hoardOTi ao much money that they can afford to buy more than they need, out of their <gvn -elfish ness 1 TV proftoers a4> much fr • nfbefm tM^ aatwfWd •ell at a fair p-tgit. they can sell at an unfair |>S>f1t But by their hoardm* ami pru- fneenng they nr* emlangt nng the safety of the economy And. aime tActYi* !>art of that economy, they'tp Mdanger iig their own wHfare and future pmaiwrtly The man on th* Street comer isn't doing w»n*e. MacArthur Orders Japan To Keep Ban Tokyo. Jufy 19- —Oso- eral .MarArtbUf yesterday or- derwd the Japanese govern- ment to rnaiatain indefinite ly’ the ban on the Communist party aewspapel AkahaU (Red Magi MarArthur imlemi the |»a|>er yhti! down for Rd day* on June 2* Hr advise.) pr|» Minister Bhi- gam > <iahida ii a letter tmlay that international Oo*imun»m had aa- •umerl "an m <S more sinister threat to thp preaorvation of peace aims- M* temporary order ‘■Passing evgnlk." thr letter said, “aarn uf dtstTidt -Unger in the uae hy rommfNlam of the media ef public idorpiso— ta> propagate its tone' - of ^ubveraion and viol- omo * MacArthur Radiated Communist propaganda would have no effect on mast JapiSwOr but the Reds would a- th* super to incite the irruaptdwible gnl tawto** minority elements ” “la theee rt*rums(*iwua." he wrote. “It hafogiM Aeiawa that the free and unrest nr ted uae of the media of pwhli- mformatma far the diaaemlMtion of propagan da tn auck Mi *o4 kjr a minority aa dedicated ia Japan would he a travesty upon th* concept of press tautoai... Ti » w aaapuuve ai Group frith the af Wit lor / hj < ommander of |he AAM Suuad run last week ga* kobart “l)or ,r , Blaoehard, whd lead the Aggies by the reviewing aland Flight leaders for tne review were Nor man Francis. J. T. I-enamor and Oiaries Neely Though the complete list of • ward wianem for the camp is not yet out, there is oae man here named "lb-ad Kye". Ray Smith who should definitely have stop- lied up for an award He knocked out 1*3 -if a possible 2lNi with the the carbine. The accomplishment t n-ught bttn the rating of expert with that weapon Though tn a sofhewhat unor- th-alo* fashion, another man has definitely been outstanding He is Stanley Joe Schepps, a Falstaffiaa »eit of individual who has tamed out to lie the unofficial court jes ter of the Aggie Squadron m gets a* the pvesaal second lieu tenant class in* tolerant, his structoV, la his ability to sleep Mar ia ana- through almost any gfiwa situation by those during classes j • Three boys have bucume so pv*>- _ fkient in certain fbAMU of «ur who dasa work that they art Oun img is of joining the ngataw i* onder se to make their k owtUdgc pay *ff- ill The firat of theM if Ghpm Nil- ( liama. who has pfuhabiy wri (on more military letter* in class nan ment ( alonels do m a lifetime. • Another WilhaaM, this lime James has filled <mt SO many morn ing reports that he has begun to sprout first -cigoMit stripes on« his ahirt sleeves. The last of this profit lent trio hi Bill Stmigth Report” Price Af ter filling out enough of these - report* to maintain a oquadroi) for several months. Bill diacowerrd that he had done about twice as much work <»n each one as *wi t _ , , necessary He haah’t recovcrW grade* Bill ahowid tobe thorn , from the since he hod- A nothin duet who tort ontomi the raaim ef troop entertainme t arr luin Joseph and Kiaooy Rail mark Their versiaa of “MounU 1 Dejk" as a pn-imiaiag film ap- towe prttflar' brought load applaum from Bill Richardson, while tto rest of tto boys lake out for town, a •tow, or a boor after evening re (Ttoaon by voie within tto unit, chosen this partuuinr report be- Henry “Bolus" Phillips. Douglas- cause it was easy to d« . Heame, sod Don Joseph were Thought* of joining tto regular* named the moat outstanding cadet# wrrr on tj^ tip.wmg thi- week in the Aggie Aquadron Gold and a ft«.r the siiuadVoa vrnt (he great- silvor leafed hitoo m secret coun tT p mrt 0 f one aftrraoon wachiag •el chose nh.n Joseph as the moat two ^ fighters doing *ir antics outstanding of tto three f or a movie earner*. > Phillip* rlaima one distinction (Me ^f th*ir trick# wa* to »wwr»p that the other two haven’t equaled ovw - the Kelly flight line at aboul Uat week, on open&g hi* laundry 4541 miie* per hour, but oaljr J6 bundle, Phillips discoevre.1 *ur- iH .•*) f Mt off th* ground. TVy prisingly gnough for a Gl laun- arv f a „t that (toy paw an oi> dry, that the anrrect number of Y oprroct pairs of underwear had been re turned There was iu*t one catch— one pan was the w rung sex William Kay. one nf the few < laas of boy* at camp, has distingumhci himself in two rath er unrelated field* The mo*i honorable of tAe two was hi* skill in pitching the Ag- nr» to the camp softtail champion ship The ser-orxi aceomplishment. looked on lather corny by our well- server before he can hear the aound cif their engine- Then to top it all off they suddenly '‘stand on end” and climb straight in tv he sky Truman Orders Credit Measure Clamp-Down PALACE Bryan 2'$879 LAST DAV ^Bri^ht Leaf* TMI RM. • Fill. - s \T Washington. July 19— Ptvs- ideid'* order to tighten up on the government’s housing credit Wrm* 1* sure to apply a brake to the nation s record -mash ing homk-building boom official- -aid last night The pfi'-nteot. in issuing hio or- |*ain carBied out with FHA loan* The Veteran* Administration lawyers a/r. at work to pro«iucean opinion <m whether it can carry out the*# instruction* from Mi T niman 1 To inquire a cash down pay ment of at least fiv- percent on dor, said it was necessary to curb *"****» pUnhased with VA-guar ^ jnfktn •d W Ikon t and »ave material* need national defense One imimrlant effect will be to increase the amount of cash dnwt payment on house* sold withvnort- gHge* insured by the F'dera Hou* mg Administration Fm example, the minimum dov n payment will he !«oo«ted 25 |x*r cent, from the prevent 12.0(4) to I2.WH» en a 110.000 houst Another |Rh iential di H'Uoti was to require a «#sh down t»a> ment of at least five percent an houaes sold with m mortgage guar- j an toed hy the \ eteran* Admin- j istmtion—if present law |»ermit# | VA offirial* were uncertain im* ! mediately whether thh law would, permit it. F'irst \ctnm The president • rrrdit-curbm* notice to federal agvm le- wa# the first government action directly cutting down on the civilian econo my since the Koreon crisis arose June 25 Officials said it was aim to curb the record-setting vinstjructxm ar-1 tivity which has t>oen j producing homes at a rate topping a million ant.-ed Iqkn, ‘‘wlierever p«rmi»aaide under existing law ” , 2. Incrpuee the required cash down |«ym<-tit* ir ‘‘amount# equal U> any mcreave ia apprais'd value nhat is, purchase price 1 mra- sioned hy rcoyniied increases m ! * construction cost# over th'we exist*! mg July' I, IBM ' \A of)ri<-ia)s said the lawyers’ opinion proimhly will b«- delivered] tomon QUEEN m/j LAST DAT •Ticket to romahcTM k THI KK. - FBL - NAT. » praoi dirertions. FHA ( hief Frarklin D Rmtord# Wir«-d FHA field of* fievw over th* cmirtry these in- strucions I. I’se construction costs pre vailing July and exclude all later advances a- the **a*t« for apprai sals of the value nf property tn determine the amount of mortgage it ran carry. 2 Cut five per cent off the maximum for FHA insured mort gage# That meona. for the mast part, dropping the top home mort gage from M per rent of the value to 76 per cent thus ratting the minimum rash down payment hy 25 per cent t. Reduce the tap dollar mart gages far single family hooees from flft.000 to 114.000 TODAY thru SATTHDAY h FIRST RUN y-Feature* Start 1 rd) - 3.0O - 5:55 - T M 10:00 itmUIWUSSI \^gSSCBW Ptl Ht CABTfMlN—N EWS iMavoer MIM Pay* If 4 Raqutw • rash down payment of 1# per cent ofteetive August 1, on tto cost at Ml property im Imoderwiaatton and re- ^1* I mill* Our Irtfiidh l o N ihit ( m at . • • . The North Gate Barber Shop I Kortnrrty Jonr* Barber Shcqu R H BaJkrsfedt J. M Smith UX ASNEB TW MM Kr*!! =r By *1 <•## turn. 10 More AU