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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1950)
k \ {, Puhlhhed . Four Firm** Vlf^kly Throughout the Natton * Top Solely Hectioo '• 1949 Ci : \ Vi, « imam or a m*Ta aam coums N'limlvr U: Volume 50 Lse A tom ic Bom b ? Most Answer WO 9 Hy PRANK DA MS '•rift Dr Hay* Mid. J. R Cupton, nufMrvian# of ^ th * I niUxI SiatM o** *«»»*«») ^a we at»mi in tV Houiton tha ati.m b.mb for a qaifk rktorr h,hl»« VK«.U. .pandinf h» thiH . ^ vummar tm thr ratiagv ram pot, wifblr dforuaMfl War. _ bail*M« that tha raMtU of tha Tmtardar • aurwv »a» rotidur- tad in attempt to art th** opfokmi iM * af tha cwntutaa attampt u. rat tha opfownt u , rf ^ «r «Ht pawpla (Mi tha ARM tiatnii at thu time rarardinr tha quaation, tha Kor*-n' rat jffm favor ui*:nf tha at amit bamh Of Vi panMM* iafcarviawad* ni^a voiaad opimoiia Four paopla fail* ad la n+t) ba< aoaa thay had rta •pbOMi or difin’t want to la <jW’ta<L ft i. Hatamrhaahlar >aa.»r aaraaaatii *1 anrinaarinr •tadaat from DaMa*. balia.aa «a «haald aaa tha no* Ha faaU prompt anr> ml tha atom homh •••id awl oal. and hoatilitia* ftaiakai hut ••uld farawlall or praranl ManMa antarini I ha (••flirt. A majority of tha prople intar* via wad wara not in favor of tha I'atlrd Stataa uamr tha bomb flint unlaaa tha aituatutn lw«aina <h*i- parata IV I. l| Haytk profanaar ml Kupllah • ho rama to \AM in 1*2*. oaid. "If t« prav ant aa* athar liankirh by all ntaana aaa If Othanrlaa f*r Ha.yy faal* that tha ho'Tib ahuukJ only tn* u»a*l if tha OK (•>•«•( from tha VN. If tt M uami. w> run tha nak of makinf anamiar of othai «f»untria* in tha Doak Addresses Forester Meet AaMhrr optnion vaa vaVad by WOK; Joaaph c. fllWaa, la- fantr. Fartam af tha MitKary flrtraaa IVpartaaaat. aha aaM If tha bomb i» aaad arainat tha Worth Koaaaaa. tha Haaman pra- pagaada maahina oaald paaaibli eaa«a tha Sooth Koraaim ta aym- paihiar ailh tha aorthara ia < radar* Warrant Officar Thumaa t-ama^ ta AAM ia Scptambar of l*4t» aa a Sft lit riaaa. and m ratiambar- ad •« tha *p«naor of tha Ptwahman Drill Ta*m for thra* yaara HumutiK firm that tha I'nitad, Stataa (dtould not aaa tha homh oalang ahaolutaly naragaarbr was I. T Itari*. agmultural a<tiiomi<» mayor from AhRamd. Unrig rallad attantion to tha t HvHi of in- aoaant paupla who wouifl hr killad ami tajurad if tha bomb Vera uaari Mr* t.ariand Ktia af tha 4 3 N- ,i OOLLBOI STATIOW lArgMaag), TPUA THuksDAT, JULY 20. IWO Prfot: ■ E K 4 I'' 1: * a*' # *. Congress Gets Behind f Pres. Truman W athinfb^ folf I*—('on Praaidant any powar if nacaaaary to . and ha aaid he aa* m* umi grmmm iaadart tat iip a faat Uma arry out b>g praparadnag* propoa for taaUmoay bafora it Ukaa •*• 1 table yaatarday to writa into la* »l«." Taft want on, "but a quifh fton Praaidant Truman * proponal for axammatum of tha bill indicatag Priority and allocation authority fiphtm* tha Korvaui war and gat that it ig a »oud deal broader in tinf up a guard again*! Commun- «oma ragpatt* than tha war power* tat onalaughta in othat part* of art of the la*t war" tha work) Ami ha *ai«i a provi*ion giving Strang rvtdanc a of bipartiaan tha ptwaidant power to clamp down liar king for mo*f of hig plan built > on real aetata credit *eam* td go C Hur I IT ■and fill placed, a* AAM’a nawaal Imilding la rW «lowly I'pon rwmplatian tha will hauaa tha Campu* < leaner*, rieaniag faaaa* ataa aparalad by Iba \«aartalian af Formfr Atu damt* and nan oa the aacoad flaar of 'ha Ft change Siorr KuiWing HahMId lha canal met inn ■Ml# are tha amahawUcha. mma af tha raltaga'e a * ah know* landmark*. Tha aaw < Vanara ag U hetag hnilt hrtwgaa lha Tallata laun dry aad lha HA< t’ HutUAng. up «Hnin mmutag after hi» me* • a* r«ad to < ongre*- with an accaaional cnticiam re waa avan an audtbla under* tone of damaod* that tha nation go farther and fgnter toward a war footing than recommended Aa if to tlaar the way for lha program and for more help to nnn-Communirt nation* *which Mr Truman .aid ha will propaaa later, tha Houae compieta<i lagiatatlva ac tion Ml ta I oa tha «l JH.AtMi (MMi * Uu antono vote aftai t uahing Mam.mal Mbfory re*i , # ■ - [ . ft g \T • t x5£r,ris:: t*resident Speaks to Motion; the h*mb aaly if the Nacth Ka- ’ 'Get Ready to Tighten Belts' raaaa uaed if flral Both Iwliavmg now la not tha time for atom bomba ware (' M •urn*, junior tandaeape an-hita«t •tUiVat from (ollaga Station ami J% H ( roley. junior dairy huahan dry major from Huntaeilla. Hum* and t'lmiev «aid that if ww uaed ih* bo'^i tha North Korean* would certainly uaa it Mr* Otarle* Ruaaell, aecrttary : mgr Wl' tigh tening ba«»u*# Korean battle ami world at th* YMt A. voiced the popular condition* but *anl that opinion that we ahoukd only u»e tha atom botph if tha mtuation in Korea bei ante deappfhla. Mr* Ku**all came to Cottpg* Station laat Janupry from < or)m* ('hriati IV. C. C Ihiak head >if the Biology Defuirlment. addpetts- tsi the Huntsville, (allege Fta- t»on. and Houston !»ut>-grou|J of the StM wtv of American F*re«tcr* at a meetung hare M<m. da* aigbt The group mat in th* office of A I* Foltreiler. director pf tha Tf*a« Poi-«|| Sarvwa IV I»",ak Jim i«Had foreal gene Ha kmp given ioii»uieniMe t« fynrtic* of «outhrrn y*»- flfle mm ia recogn.aad at an tthority a* the gubjmt In hi« W agh.mri«»'. J»ly *0 ^ ftartigaion Dr D.«k compare.! the PrwwVnt Tr»m*n , » namaage U. hybrniinati n of pine* to th* by- i f«»gr»*a da.had ail pmapaat of a hridUaU..n of cm which haa V. idwln**# a* u»ual" approm-h to come to common in racent jroan. ‘ha fight xgainat I oma«uni*t ag- He ampha*</.••<> tha importanae of rre**nMt ware# findiah New Powers Asked •jTo Protect Nation . \ Waghington July M —*Kk— All Amoeican null* ami tola- Praealent I fumao told the Amen* eieion network* , amggl hi* wui*d» an people laat night they are in amt the aaice of Amerha and Bnt wh Hn>adaa*tiiig r«r*oe*t>#r ar ranged U> heam them arouad the globe TV i raaider t *aid leportg from tha natioN** top genafal* are re a**unng but ai*o *fe>* tie job ah.-ab of a- in Korea i* loag amt difficult a* the re*uit of “an a*t •f raw <i|f|tr-e»»w>fi" by ('ommumat forra* A* an extra safeguard again.t inflation gnd to help finance de fen*.- need* Mr Trugian laid hi* co^p try mail, “it vtU be neceaaarv to pnake auUUnttal incraapo* m * - •' ■aa^wy- buyipg and hoarding are ami aalfiah The chief eiacative gave much the «ame report he made earlier in the day to ' ongre** vtrwngthaa .ommor dofanae* Tha chief wmcotiee aaui that he ha* bean «unry to hear that aome Mople haea taller far rumor* and nave been buying thing* thay have heard would he araree Thia," ha kartured, “ia fooitaV - ami it ia aglfldh baaaaae hoarding raoulU in |n entirely anneceggary local shortOgga " foreign arm* bill Rot (AI.P-NY) ca*t tha *W KapaMiiadi ffojrct But within a Aw hour*, actual legialativa ftfipnaal* were intr«nlucad to (Wear the eeanomn nlmae* of the preaMient’* plan Republican al.jerlion* began to mount on particular point* Senator Taft (R-f)hioi told new*- man after a meeting of the Senate ^ GOP policy committee which he hernia that the propoeed control* are “Urn brrmd “ In the bill, ha *aid Mr Truman “aaked p».wer* that go far beyond any ne«e**ity we know of at the moment bevond any authority tha I reaident had during lha laat war vthaeey kwtT-Pwweew Senator Wherry fNebi. the Rc- inibUcan floor loader alno took, the 1 teatify. arul in th# view that Mr Truman “i* arking for power* that go twyond any that , a Pretidenl ever re«)u<**ted in war time ” Bv tern* here • the pictare which emerged almiwt a* *oon a* White Houae plan* were dire 1 rlooed fid billion in appropriation* not i • voice i ****-d in direct oppnaition to the hmount among early com menting .an*for* and repre*cnU- tivea though there were *ugre*- lion* that big military outlay* re jUire cut* m home .pending Sena* tor Hander* ' R Vt > dul want to know "what the hell w*» done with” the tit ruMumomm the .cr- vioc* got !a«t year plu* anauranee the new money won’t “go th*- *ame way ** Taking n|*n|*>wei eeihag off the arme*l forraa “I think we can do that »peedily," *aid rhairnmn Tyd- mga (It Mdffof the Senate Armed Service* Committee Tydtng*' com* Ini atrataftc material*, gotm(H|* ment backad financing for eaaRA* tial praducthm. and curb* <m m|* , ulatuan aad conaumer i re.lit.Wlla •are introduced la both tfodidg, provkling criminal penaiti## aajfo a year in pari and a fine of |)#,‘ into for violation. Hearing* ware art for today ta the SafcRte Banking t oanmittpa with Sicraiagy af Cammarra fogwyer a la ted to Houae Bank rag group perhap* at the aama t|»r "I’m hoping we ran paa* Uwg bill next week ” Said Rpeakei Rayburn (D-Tex > M<we taxea laker the natfoafc was for actum after | aiaaned nummer rex ea*. ami prohamy af* We are anxioa* to give thenilttee take*, the subject up t<rd*> Korea at a (Jlancr I H Bolton Returns From Visit to ter the November election*. I’oatponetnent of any actwn (Ml price control and rationing - a num ber of member* of both Houma took view they are not needed ip> w tnd the economy will work aatnptA er and faater without -them. b»H other* rxp'.aned diaappointmHIt Rerea* Still Planned A* for •otigram' own gendral program, the leadmhip i* report ed still planning AJWrea* but oplv after the InwmakrVa have cleaned up Mr Trutaan't present requaat* and the I'reaidmt ha* deeifod whether anything further i» wedd ed immediately. Rcea* would run until after th# election After that the lawmabdfd would come Pack and the ken at r would start work on tha Hauaa* passed tax bill to mwaart it hltd a tax increase measure. Aa H •tanda now without senate action, it cut* more than f).000,WQ^|W off the wartime excse tax** and makes up the Iona by Imoating V»- ies on big corporation* itldg- gmg l»w*phol**. sad othar change* .Senator l-ura* (III i, the the aalectkm of pine X I frofn the beat tree* for the next generation khiliaatien power* he re<)ue*ted are Ureal forester* attending the meeting included Folwaiter Amrt- or; D A. Anderson, head of the reaaarch and l>iucatH»n I b*pa n * ment; Bob Rhode* and E R Wag- onar, Kducatma Section; and E 0. Saif*# farmer Director of the Taaaa Forest Service. . D. A Anderson presided the bnff busine** meeting reding IV Doak'* comment* Re- freahmenta were served following the diacu ■ftlOfl by Dr Doak Kven if th# broad Industrial mo* Fift Over Fiction Atlantic City ‘T* The safest place to be* in a lightning storm ia to a met*II(y bed Kmmet Cox, Cforaga ftr# prevention expert, explained (hi* to the annual meet • iag af th# Madional Fire Protec tton Association A lightning bolt entering a room would follow tha metal bedstead and leave iu oerupant unharmed, ha said. posed only a* threats or '‘atandby’’ measure* to induce voluntary co op#! ation, bukine** now know* Mr Truman i* ready to use compulsion if toed t* StH-ratafy of ( ommeroe Sawyer, • ho presumably would ha in charge of any kyatem of prtorttia*. alloc* ov *‘ r tion* and civilian production cute, ia known to have hopad that ha can rwaet the need* through value ■ tary agreement* with industry Sawyer ia planning to set up a new bureau in the commerce de partment to handle tha allocation job. and to bead it with an execu tive from private industry Mr Truman's message a*id little about voluntary meuauraa Obvious ty. if he had voiced tha expects* tio* that theaa might afffica, Con* graa* might give'him nothing more The presided' did state that •serious disruption” of the econo my can be avoided if business, labor farmer* and <-«>n»*»wer* show t Fair Tax F TV™* ^ ' f h ' ,K# ' Ha said h« will tof a bakned. ^ThfpiLidatt^akad these federal fa,r U * V r '* r * m i * 1 *' ( <m§rmrn* The president aaked these federal n soon to it can be worked out. power* over buam«. : w|th (h , . jm # f el-minatm, 1 To allocate material* a* need- pn.fiteertna wi, tkat is te M.mark them for' THrr , vltAl|y n , v war-eaaential use* | |n .p^h Vyond what 2 To net UI» a pnonty »y»tem, ^e already bad told Owigreaa But ving the military first claim on he did melude part of p report that i liveries ,. ariw , n wttbm the lapt few hour* } S To limit the amount of ma-| from (top. Ibiugla* Ma< Arthur in ten*i* used in non-eaaential guoda. Tokyo TV general te'd our bold This might mean curtailment of j on Southgm Korea |p “a aecure automobile radio, televiaion and base” and we are tiers to stay other milian g<>eri* manufacture, until "the ronstitutiognl authority 4 Te outlaw inventory hoarding, of the (Korean I Repgbtic is fully This would bar firm* from ama*a- j restoredT mg more matenate than they need The (’etemuniat mvpsion of Ko- for current production ^ ^ „ •*, g.mmg that 5 To ixpuaition any .upplie*! mgf he afaiitor acta PtmutoBt KmentUH F Bolton hgg returned from a the Communiiit Reaerve (Kficen’ Training flamed again Corpd Conltrence at Fort IfoftmORtf, N J He wait one of ,11 repgmi ntative* from cn|- ieges over th# IJnited State* at tending th# three day conference Tokyo. July 20 ifr The army a king-Biw* bawK.ka - the new 3 5 indh ground rocket launchtr Kod an official aeven out of never Tommuniat tankx today in it* find battle field teat _ ___ Thm waa reported by General MacArthur • (Hibite in- rn ,tk~taader. tol' the dtordT for formation officer in a apecial communique tonight. i those who gave amqaaHfied pr*V# Frjnt 1m- di»|»ich«. t* ofkth Unk l.Ur «*«'"C*^M «. j kapocked out. \ ! "fiiwi, omiragaaaa and —padkC’ J. The wm*am wm ■iajiwUctare.1 aad traaapeefod from m-teytog dawn the rtowa the United States in only a few days w m Hack PaaaM—r ’ / Battle-teatad gunners of the 24th Division were supplied ‘'Congress and the great majrtr* C. with the new gun only a abort time before they tumd it or ity af the American pronto will m rK« CVmiMMftte# fanina indav when the battle for TaeKMI bM.h the Kretodrifti* he said. Predict iag "otrerw helraing ap- .>() Planen Deiklmxtl in 2 Dayn Tolyo. July 2tV Allied carrier and iandbaaed prwval” of the whole t>rogrwn to < ongre** I.uta* promised that the lawmaker* will stay in seaaien "until every aspect ha* been ctoi- *»demd thomugMy " (in the Hous# aide "f the rapft#l planee caught the elusive North Korean air force in the open f^*dei Mh ormaek (toject of the meeting w*. to ^ dratroyed at leaat 50 plane* in two days The figure was reported today by the Far East Aif and material* needed for defense 6 Restrain onaumei credit ex- panatoi Intoailmeat credit already i* at a record high The demand for new car* would be reduced, if a higher dow* payment and shorter repayment period were required 7 Put a Iwake on private In >ther pa' i> of the familtanar ooliege* with activ itae* of Si^ial Corpa and with the y - - eo «* | devaiopau'ig of bommumcation* Forcca. which said the curmy « total war loaac* arc iH It equipment. Dr todum said added that Allied plane loane* total 37, a big majority of Kighteen Aggie* are among the them lo«t in oiierational acodents SL’SSmX _ I WaKhmftim m-rt-l •" «« hisho R«l km TV Corpa engaMpment < enference IVfen*e Dejjartment aaid 60 North Korean plane* were de gression world “ So, Mr Truman s«id. w# must increase nur military Strength and preparedf*** immediately by Sending MacArthaf more men and material, building our armed speaker* ranee of c»>« am com hat. pparuneni stroyed on Tuegday alone. I All but three of the 50 Red plane* the PEAK naid were *-»“ *® ^ •' 4 B ‘^ .... ^ is n«d a |•n*<••m•*l (Ma*si aaid “In this < nttoal situation xae must go* the PreaMient * hadevwr ia needed Kuaaia respect* aaly imwer ami wc must make ourafhapa all powerful. The preside,nff* message pruvMtoa a fine wortt* bluepr> n< ‘ °f w h*t must he d 0 * 4 ^ Senator I yndon B Johrmo* (If*. Tex) apokc the view* of thoae wto» m to# ▼ sent at a review He visited friend* '•a Long lafcute for a day. Among the speaker* was Maj (ton S B Akin, Army tliief Sig nal During World War II, (ton Akin »v 'ton Douglas M ar A' tbur*s Chief Signal fWicer, from <'«vrr#gidor to Australia and hack to Tdkyo Tadet* #» (he Cl ■ the foerway? It’a the president'* heme, new wader* to WaahtagtoaV «ik# than pa “t ael# Tam s fslfo. to Mthtog. ^ V estote credit Yeaterdav Mr Tru- man ordered tougher financing K " r ** speeding Ip mir coop 'erma on goternment-tnaured mort- * vrative effort, with aur aRie* to gages; kia *ew proposal would *P- j ^ . ply atmilar rurh* on all other IwUNt Bottle r AilKUC housing credit ; Oucagm Arthpr (Julhrand M Land money tn imlustry to **„. 1», •*» naved h) a terttle finams any plant expansion >w and an empty hottl#. at that purchase, of material* and e<|Uip- He w*a in hi* gaiWge Hmider ment needed U> set up a concern , |y he felt faint from ethaost fume* in munition* production ; from hi* car He h«rled a milk • Make long-term contract* bottle through the garage Window This would assure industry that 1 Hi. *i»tor>in law Mr*, Irene Hum if It expanded to handle munition* mel, heard the crash, went to the Cadai* *» the emkmpment are work, the order* would not hr i garage and turned off the enr nennng thp #nd of tix week* of i ranreded suddenly and leave com- mntoi Figemen revived Gulbrand- ewmmuni coil ion* am! electronic* pnnie* with out-of pocket looses aen training ITf Only ProgrenM . . . ! Traffic Slows 9 Men Work- I All for Mew Water Supply home conspniption in the southern are* Th# neW system ha* a total capacity of more than UMM fsl* j Uma per *n|*ute from the fourj; •alia That is about 2.1 milliea gallon* at water per day The pre sent cons#n*ftion by the rollsf* ammante th about I millioa gal lons each d||r. After cotofsotion at the pipeline, other work which must he don# w the building ml reservoirs and pumping plant* at the well field siatton and a pumptaf ntont nt the Feeding atol Breeding Station IV teds far #ontract* for this work are yet to ka awarded. Haw pdtianri with tha Worked mtl atreeta Thu new action snfl p leonen the dangor ef water lew# during the hat earn mar mentis There wfll be water, toga hoofh' water frtea Brya* aad | water paaMlMa and Iota of it w tan kaM it te th* rity far te drtak If* all a part *1 profraa*. slxed the signlfi mmumcation* in mod (V <«*.,*.*"?. 7",^, KO d Tuendiy .nd W^„«l.y «er- c.««ht on IV gr^nd ". Tk „ „ ^ . ,. w ^ | ^ portMTu* in today's ikiontific by Ain^ncon md British fi^ht^r® and bomb^ra at airfieklft arK | j ^ )nr Wf . to full hm&I* I Army. north of the 38th jjarmlW Thean ftolda had beon tWrted nation a* soon as possible.*' Jte Dr Boi*>n noted that almost for daya. Then* wan no explanation of the sudden trapitoar-i mid. avery coltoqa with an ROTC unit ance 0 f enemy planes *. | ’ T .^‘ p ; ,, * r *'r 4 Jf fll was represented at the i amp Dur- ' excellent blue print for »ctte*/1M mg hi* ateBr there he saw various *.• I'l • ^ I,r f"***- Frfaonally f Wak Signal ( orpa exhibiU and wa. prw ! T ITPH F laillIllji 111 I Bf JOM we must go mueh farther. ptaiK ^ 1 J ' i faster '* ‘ ' / . ), An Amenoan Airbane m Korea. July 20- <jfh-Ameri- Teat Heavily''—< <win*lty can airmen aaid many fire* flamed in Taejon today andT the chairman ‘onaally (D-TsaHof whole valley west of the city waa ablaxe under a nteady Senate Fonriga Retettena Cma- Allied air attack. The battle for the key rail junction waa fierce PUota aaid Taejon was under steady Red artillery fin* from the Southwest Refugee* were idreaming nouthweat from the battle area mtttee, commented that the will he heavy hat added “W# n meml*er that the freedoa* .ectirlty nf the entile free wkrid at take needed military imaaur#* Vaa !•«* <R Fa) of ! i »Wl Z3 M G A Mustang pilot. Lt. John P. Md'arn of Jackaonville, IArmed Fla , aaid the center of Melon waa “burning away like mad" K9T at 4 45 p.m (1 ;45 a m Thursday •*g« to * Ry H F. ROLAND ! F#r aeveitaJ day* now North Gat# traffic haa been having to detour Men at Work“ alga* Why ar# theaa mu digging up*oui street* aad biockmc tivfnct v Litetolly. these mea are working their way throufk aoilewe. *u4. that m. Kven ku<m* are having I# ehsntre Ikeir usual routes fat thg new development of concern to *1 (allege and some 4 oltegv Station i NMrnto- * the teat phase to th# development ml the cottage's owp it water sapifo. Since hurt fall, when foot ne# well* Were begun northwest of Bryan Field, pteas have b^ laid far AAM to have Ms earn water aappiy for the first time ia it# htteery Ktech ef the wvlla wo# •unk at thf coat of |t*i «* ' hr I# Mite* of pipeline wkwh ia te fo < aaa# win te compteted by late fal of thia year E E Farruw (ompany. Itollas. waa the teweat bolder for tte pipe line ronatructhm job at iRte.ftha ( untract time for the project is I 12k ratonhar days Iwfrinning June r Reoiden t« tf (acted A supply rwaotenla from the pew well* a| th* Annex This f«*»dentinl atetinn is the only ana* ta be affgrtod la th* pate, th# city of < olegv Station, as wall *. Ih* college, has pur chased water from Brya* Tte northern #nd anatom ports ef town deolt dtrteUy with th# Bryan elf! for „ - u i. m i* a feeuit of th# new water >piy, anuthaide « <4toge Btotioa Mien la will receive their water took the pnwfcMpal menu that “w* are 4a an war.** “1 hop* th# Proaidimt wUI teuld ip our armed forre* te a point where we will not nnly give th* j Amertrai pi-opte the wcurity they ' are entiltod te but that wl# soft seriti a message to Russia aad t#M •hem that w# ar# prvpaiAi to# the next move ’* ■#i——t 1$ j PrcMidenf* Hoiiit* I ndrr^oin^ Work The president’* home. 10# Jamea ! St , ia b#my rv-pamted agi /fo* papered a. < ordfog t* the n#W o#y eapant*. Dr and Mr* M T Har* 'pp^Mid Mr». C. f. Ftesglk wRI orcapy the Harnngton*' former reahtetire at 41# TLrackianrteA tte. Fnarh haa been named tte# Saw dean of the <oltege. cfleHive A ag ate 1 1 AC. thaw Mm teaser right, raaaivte hie Kniemotogy at th* Jwh caaitoaMem C Mage*. teA, reretted Ma MS d#grwe William ka A. Magee haa *#• leg#, oerkiag toward af Ih# Afrkrahgrai ia tte W. |. Magcw Mil degree wttk a ■•(•# ml. la I9M tea fatter, from AAM. Tte yaaagar •i ml fowa Slat# C«i fatter b *a tte ataff At the -Aw Richard I 1 r t .w