Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (July 14, 1950)
f V ' I 'J NriMM Four Tiiim Highly ThroiiKhout thr Summer 1 * l -■ v! \, \ * Nation’s Top Section I Lumberman’s 1949 Content Nmllrr 34: VrJurne f» «4-- 4— MUSHED IN THE INTEREST Of A (.HLATER ASH COLLEGE COLLEGE STATION (AgreUnd), TEXAS, FRIDAY, JULY 14, 1000 Pries: ffr« CtmAM \ Tiedt,Sid Abernathy Sh itcli Positions In Batt Staff (Changes 'Mfi w; Second Semester Starts Monday;Finals f^ily-two major change* will take place oa the Bettal •oo • ata/f for the wct>n4 summer ^metter Roland'F. Bmg manager Student t*ublicationa announced today. Oeerators for the wcond aemeattr will be liear pnwent c(eeditor. and Sid Abernathy^ present feature •UhI ta.a junior )»»uina!»»m maj- | or from |*iiw».i. i* AWrn«th> i« a', jutior afru'ultiirat «MrnaUtin mar or from Raak I. O pr< < »**n| <<i-<*«h!«r ; • •Ml acrirultaral m*J*r from Iji Ciratiar Will tak<* .»%o>r th*. duties of iMtart a»,l < Kt*f Kditnrial W rrt*r iuftt Bifcf «aM Tirdt takoK 0%*-r li»* tHl>tt>rtiti IMioittoH fornwrlv K. 14 l»> Clark C. Vlonrt» m Km fumImoU*-' at :llo ►n»1 of ik'* pr»M*rt •♦•m«**t*r H* hI*o takra over tb** r» >»i .,f Kcaiarc Editor varatmi k> tlernoOu '*i n au Linal Scouts Return From >* (V * Final examination* for the first summer semester began Una morning at 7 a. m. Other exams #ere held at 14 A at. and 2 p. m Tomorrow's schedale will be at the same boors except there will be no finals st 2 p. m. No conflict exams are being held. ■- ' ♦ Racial ratio! foe th# »e« <m«l ssnv r r t*m will ba helj from 1 a. w. 12 noon Mondav. H L Heainn. Gkasas Nat’l Uaborer Su PP lier S,rikt If4 k. Kt'maMinf Siaff l mhanaMl Met|> 4i Vi » Ann Pot Ur, d*mrht*-r of l*r and Ur* Ikmir* t' A»l'er of. Cwik*»* 'tlatimii si^l mnttmja a* Sm-H'ty R«lit<»r * B< tty. a nwlki l«riia<W*a«iii,(f tia »»>i. atten'if th* I nteersit' of Tina* ckirinr i^irular > aenawwm J‘el A Satin, |i^*a< it « it^J.ditor 1 • ill cwntimt* to •ervv in tbat pcmU ! lion, Rmr •nl** Ali*tin i* a jiopk- ' om ir* perxwnnel mnnatfr'A* nt maj or frmo A'tro -• « TH<* A>t»'iw*m*Tt« K<MU>r p-wition will i-ontn in t*> la* ftlWn! li> Krml Walker, tho (Uibliration* man:i*t*r •niil Walker i* fk* «•>•» of V r ami Mr* Wnllwr of Coll.-irv Sta Hon Frank S Ma>i't**» v j>rr«*nt Sfaift| F.-tflo|. will loOlltur to nerve in that po-ot iim H m a ,two- ior biMofy maii»r from San An jrrlo. Bine a Med Poaitiim* are «ti!l <*|wr for per- | aom« «ini ar»- inter**«t*il in report •of or fen tun* writ n« Hme *nu|,' Anyom* intrreyted in ihi* trpe of work may rnntart Him in the FluHeiit Artlvitiea offn-e m <i>>ad i win Hnli ><r by rallinff 4 - t^A. L Specimen Parts! [nested Bv A ildlift Unit laical hunters are .isked to turn in game S|»ecunen ]»arts aloug with other hunting In formation to the Texas Co- ofierative Wildlife Tmt locat- ed w th* campus Wendell (■ >waiik. fnatris tor in the WiMlifr Th-partme* t. M«k> hunter* to turn into hi* offire. when the «p***n oppfia in the rear future o>te a my from each dove that i* killeil Kith *pecir»»en ahooUl l*e laliele<l to *h< * lh«* date and ivainty where kilfipd •!*« the nutoUar kilie.1 and how many tune* you hunted ea<h .p' v ve* Frotp 1he*e pwri* the aye and ae* of * peri men* ran la* d«4rr- ni»ne<l, Thi* information t* uaed ta deter mi n« th* relative value *{ young bird* (a the hunter. th*, month* of nesrtuiK and the eitent of carry over of adult* frvn* Mat year Swank alao <tafed that tnteraat- ed pef**ifi» who dent re mme in formation coticerninir thi* program vould reefive the detail* by con- ticting Mm TWo boyi (rom CoU»», CgUSCS CoUCCm Station attended the Second Nationol Boy Scout Jamboree m Valley Forxe. Pa. laat week They are Philip Buchanan I tun of Mr and Mr*. 8. J Bu< h Detroit, July 14—(API ianan. M' WalUm Dnva. and Bill Supplier Stnke* and a short- (WnU with aurnanw-* Ueftwiung 8w«»*r. •«" uf lisut ( «l. and M [ng 0 f gteel gave concern Mitk E. F. (i, H. I. J. K. may Mr* Frank Swuggr of S«l Fer*h- * • - mg Street In Auto Plants pegiatrar. *aid. iPMi v tueaday mormag a* nehadulsi. Keaiatratioa Vhedwle All *eoond term tegiatraiinn wUl b* in 8M«a Hall. Students whoa* S maihe* begia with 8, T. U* V. I X V and Z. will re voter from * to J» orlork TV L M N, 0, f.< W- and K‘» will register frdm 9 t« 10 o’clock From 10 to II attt- < ham peon* ■ modi aharpcchowtera al the Fart Sill (Artillerc) KtlT( camp la Oklahama are AIM t a4*U heari* H < airman (far left) and ( harle* Kathmell (far right). Other rarMne aharpahool erg are Jafcn R. W alker ( Jack H TarWt, hath af and Theadare R Starkey af ta San Antamw. I f. Army Photograph i'alemaa) and a t Mveraity. I'nlcrrslt y h vesterdav for the biKimmg [•wr. from 11 u» l» .tudenu whom* liv production of I hr unto ,ndu. * »• A 1 ed a**emhly line* in some plant* at (wmp "“PRlj' problem how Hul llmmath) Abernathy Feature Editor af the Halt far th* (inch *amm*r vemewter., ha* been ahmed (• \orlh Korea's Finest Men Replaced A long A uni River edrtor far the H\ the t■■MM'ialrd I'recai Tokyo. Friday, July 14 N'irtb Korea'* fine*! division ha* lu-es mauled by l'. S. troop* end re* f’SjJ jk piaeed <*n th* firing line along lh* Jn!.* 4 Vital K uni river, tieneial MarArv th* long push s*«th, had h«en re placed Th* t4th Infantry a battalion from the Division were credited Thirty-two boys from Brya.... Summerville (alvwrt. and Hearn. ry _ were among the 4«.M4 Scmt* st I T "‘’ * inktn * lrrm,iv hl,vf ,low ' the Jaml>ore« The boys a»*esihled at (amp . Hu*i»on in Houston on Jun* 24,^' ~ M “ r,>u * They left by .parial trnm th* next 1 H, T> "» mdustrv gen- day fbr New Orleans where they ^ ”** c .' ,, ,nt0 •toc'ks Unm-d the city and were made 1 ^* uU ’ ,n,iu, ;} ry ,U * lf *“» honorary dtisans. PfMKseWf at all-ttme record rate. 1 U U * .. „ „ _ i President Truman wa* said to be In jAashmgton, the College 8ta | conaidering a rec|uest to Congreaa tion Scouta saw gevernment build | fo , , Und hy , M1W „ u , aUoc , tf tag* from atofi the Waaktagton gtsel and cRhei critical materials Monument They Rise* toured other I because of th* Korean war national buildings. n»unded by |at>rel branch^* on a After leaving Pennsylvania, the f. blue field-*ii the “ay»nhc»l of one boy* visited New York City, and , . , . o . j i ;— w— — —? rmm ™ ^ ‘ ‘ “ bave to eliminate Satuniay over-j particular room, including the one now occupy, should have slgr for these room* prior to & p. , T today, in ordwr that the Hnus* would continue overtime produc Student* who hate not paid their fee* by Monday mumuw itWf Pay them at that Hme in Bbtag Mall. Prior to that time they Rpg / be paid at tha AdmmistraUan BuiMing The usual proeeriure wiii be followed for registration. Heat* On said e Second Term Fees F.xpen*** for the »econd term ‘ total $:W Ml Uf this amount, ltd is for the mRtriculatinn f»w tad room rent, |4 SO for laundry, tt.R0 , ., , ». »4udent s< Uvitie* fee And Mg The hord Motor ( © th.Hight for g^po^t. Mm | f j iVfl for medlsal few. brief tame vesterday it might j Students who wish to Twaorve a HegimWd and «•< the grea^t effurt. -nan ha. ^ured M.nh.tUn On ,h* w.y ^ Cr list Irtfantiy m »de to fr#w himself,” MacArthur home, they visited Niagara. Or- . . _ ^ 4 .WmI Wi t Glared Be I N, commander tro.t, Chicago St. Lou., snd 1st **el suppli*» But after reehecking gg f t ZZkZ the f.r the Ko^p. war as well a. C.8 tie Rock 1 K »! <fi mum m * i r * r ' rilat 1 t.-o».rardy ^t^rracSm i»«wma^r*lli»dof and chief of At Valley Forgo. BUI and Ph.l I *" uM . 7’ ntl “ u * i L n * ()ffi, ' , ‘ may "“ k ” ^ .iJt' $ * ,,n,>u *A , These a*nai blows vontiiaiod to the Allied Ograpation of japan [traded horned-toads for goods, and j 0 " ** i° ,,f il f 1 ^ •***-'"hly f (ir new itudeatl prior to fwipl. *(■-— . lh , Thyni.,, UH«4* til* n. w. yrveyur k, 0«. ««*r H.nU .III. It U. ynt-1 m.r, .h,.h n.... L. W .» '*«• *» Or 3 *. k > Uflon l oti*. T * Army chmf AJiml »h.t Ih.y Ihou.k, of Jk-' „ 1.1"! IS mile* from atrateg,, Taep.ix *”"* thun .MM) Iona uf of staff, .a a brief rervmony at tnp. the hoy. agree*! they had blasted a*n> and l.daf b'lnhs wore dumped ug**n N*rthern Supreme AI Rod HeiMh|uart.ra. “fine time at th* ('ommumsts on lh* nortl ■ l. lam dowa Thursday, including the Th* flag was pr biggest B-19 laid s<i f|r of the K » ;Lawton ( olid*. U l “ W... ^ ak.«-a CJMI dLm^. ^ L \ ; Seedsmen Short Course Fo Bt'mn Here Monday ~ # **—iimw. t dM NHRty 0 * - F r a a' lear ai> as by the Sugerforta hunk A wide Communigt egptwurd (.h»ce about l»l» North KoreaR "mvement, believed derngOad to infantrymen showed uu at th* *ever the American comipunic* North approach to one of the biaat* • t ' 11 “u* pnigress. the cornmun ed bridges over the Kum Thef j uwr e parted wewihven off by l it. small arm* 1 Front AtaMRaed } fire. It MwcAh horewn arMUry fU* wm /W-MWM* Mteg JtMirtl. Im* 1 rv-lati * i gb' front rep*.rtj m3. *."♦ ' n, nt " «• hFw*^. tl«t the ' Yet it was sufficient to indicate th* Bouth Ksrean defenders had gen ! North*'rnei-s were moving up th#’ rr *^V stahilifed this part of the nvwr barrier in force. Communist f r " nt - gun* fell silent this morning after Two Northern a heavy hamge from American ar* knifing eastward L a TVdt I *edl • n editor lor the firgt ••ammer term, will fill the psud lion >A Fealare Kditar snd ( hipf Milorial d filer during the sec ond semester Draft Kxanis Begin Uig. 7 The Sci-dwnae 8hnrt Cnurae, Taking part in this portion of i^^| cut in tru*’k pnatuctioci start Mnmsored Ry the Ad M System, th# aoura* will b* Dr. R C Potta in | , n g tmiay Ford depends on Budd Texas Seedrfnen Asaoriation. and charge of forage and pasture in- f or track rbmrs and other sfamp- the State Dgpartment ®f Agncul- v*stigation* in the Agronomy De- 1 tn g V division* were lure, will bfgH. Monday, accord- partnsent; T. E. McAfee, pmfeasor; . t,.i^ n w.iiw. rv j. j taward Ham mg to De, ;R C Pott* of the of agronomy; Wynoiui Rohhms; , <|r , k ' . f . n Itillery, fmnt reports said j rhong and Andoli, 44 and Ri nulea Agnmomy department a ml Shorthand deorge C Warner, agronomist 1 V7, • , . .. ,1. ,wir DiMMon Replaced V*** snd llight^i north ( i»urae i haiitnar for the Ruhmann (Jram and Seed y * on - P n 0 Barg arner t ration day Student* wishing to rhalvfp plant* each Saturday on overtime room* for the neeond term nMp ( thi* year sign up for a new room bg gee-' Ford said its only curtailment Venting s room change slip fignrd would lie a reduction from five to by the hmi-otnMtrr of the dbrwt- four days a week for the n-mamd-j lory to which they intend fo mohe. er of thi* month at it* Meturhen. N J., and St Loui* Mercury plant* At th* «*me time jLrd wgid a Bud* I fnT plant id would fo**e a fh per »tnk* at the I - i a^4 rifAfsnwpfim y tv ».• i7a*-)<m, the pr*iv*ionaJ South] Approxiig^Mly -VI leedsmen are < ompany of Waco The communique *ai<1 lh* North Korean eupital, the communique expected Ul gsguter ftir the course I Metho,U nn>*-Mdiir»< K**rean hirst Division which had said. ( jin the Fxgnyiment Station Build These two menaciag arms are mg Monday morning The Short borne the brunt of th* fighting it Moral: Put )our Money in Ranks "mag Minn s magi* tan of th*- year'' did n't fool a New York burglai _ . , MUfai>uma Chriatopher. who w«*i Auatm, Tpx . July 14- that titi ►f magician*, left hi* Manhattan about M) mile. North of Taeju, Courwe i* wbeduled t* end Friday which lift between the fr*nt and To offer »*«lmei! and thoae in- th* southeast supply gort add baa* terested in gted testing an oppor- *>f I'usan. If field re go its gre tru* tunity to fwt first hand mfnrma- that thaae two arnig haVe been tion is th* ptrpoae of the Short ch**cked for the mom*nt, then c»>n Coura* sid* rable pressure ta lift#*! fn*m 1 the wide curving fmgt luly 1 - Texa* draft phyncal exam ihations will begin Aug. 7. Thg state aelectlve aervice heaiiquarinrn annottnred yea- teiday the e*am period will run through Aug It with firtl indue tion* sometime in Septemhei. Kegistranta will go t« mam army Seed law*. «tate and federal, ill he orp* *f the topics taken The Communiat First Division up during the meeting e at s < *t>nven.iag U p p*i*jt|ons on the aeateiyi flank i W R ( figpin. of the t S Ile- I„#. VI. »s-_v-vk_v the Kum flow* five miles partment of Agriculture, will *|>eak 'Why ate Seed Law* Nere* KhI- Corp. in Mtlnrie, Ind . would forte a shutdown gf it* final assembly f" r j lines u*day. making purity analysis and ger , M W|U#V Kun nMf ^ mmation tests of laith crop snd vegetable seeds will concern the seedsmen on Wednesday and Thuta Thursday Dr E O Hmwvi. t T S Impart meat of Agrirultur*. Soil (A>n»er *er Fraaer r*rp already ha* halt- e*l one of Its two final assembly line* because of the Warner strike Warned make* transmissions for Imth Willy* and K F The Wariiet sink* wa* alao ; , .. me wartici strike was also a vation Service, San AntPmo. wilL ,, , , ... , *• v u. • v l .^.-v -.t *.- v- , threat U> < hrysler, Nash, studebak- •peak on 'Testing Native f.ras* I ... .. T. » # *T . e i» iwii- / w-_.»•■ «*r and idher auto firms It force*! Ford for the past several days b> recruiting station*- in Texas and "bow apartment for the weekend „f Taejon A* He dten ,»**•«. he use*l one <d Th ” ** ,h *» his prop* to hide some extrg, ■ l « n ^ of gUemptiftf a cash H. put Wo in . Chineag ,h ” of ^ 8 c**nfett- Ij*awI that ha* a «e( r*A artillery. wmpartment -originally ile*igned MscArihur Accepts Hag to fo*l audiences at his magic Seed" “Testing [Wills (,ra»* Ses»d will be discussed by Mrs R ( , ... M Msuld.n Southwestern Seed Ser- n ’“ k " ***% ,nd vice of Waco ‘cars without overdrives, which are Wynon. Robbins will talk or fr «" "Punty Analysis’* and “Gefmma dia* ussion will bon Test* on' Small Seeded le- | W amer j*ouisiatia for the exlnw.. The state headquarter* is now working on quota allpcatiotis f*r tbit state's Dri Uwal b*ands l\'s ' 'ning stations are ia Am anltu, Kl I'aso. Ran Aatomo. Dal I ia, Houston, and Shreveport, La. When he got home the apartH ttona ment appeared undisturbed But someone had solve*! the sec ret of the ('hioewr Confetti bow I The money wa* gone he total indue yesterday sju y ”' A pa follow In RW panel, Crispin will diw-uaa fe<k>tal #e*d laws R V. Seed cleaning and artificial dry Miller and Wynon* Rohhina, also mg will he the main topic of dis- of the Stage Department of Agn-j cussion Friday culture. wdl| discuss state seed (ieorge C Warner will speak '**'• on “Seed Cleaning" “Artificial A greater jpart of Tuesday will Drying and Storage of Seed" will he taken up an the identification be the subject of J. W Soranson. “do all ig its power tn uphold this of importer! vsneti*. and kind* Department of Agnmltural En- n**bl«- ideal I of teed c#n|raonly found in the gmeenng. Texas Agnmltural Ex- < ieneral MarArihuC today ar rept**d the flag of th* ('ailed Na and s said his command would The flag —a whit* globe aur teed trade., penment Station. College Station Operation Conflagration . . * ~ j- Fire-Fighters School in 2^1 Fnd Largest Years Today Grove Dance * Postponed The usual Saturday a I g k t dance in The C*r*ve will not he heid this Weekend, Grndy Elms, assiatant manager *f sludent ac tivities said yewterday. The m'Olpwnixrnl was made because of final exam* and atu- deal* leaving the rampua for the weekend, he added. However, the usual program will he continued nett semeoter. Elm* said At The t.rpve Monday night, a moiie. *( ily Acrnoa the Sea." ■larrins Steve McNally will he *h*wn. A schedule of c.taasfs may he found in a summer school bulletin. They may Iw pick cl up gt 0m Magfetrar* t>fflee in the Ailmln- iatratma Building or at Sbia* Hall mfIImMMp 1 *** • * Heaton said that hd egpegta an attendance of arinind J.fkili for the second term. ‘Bupi Prevent Jel Finer l sage Ixns Angeles July 14- 1 - (API— Aircraft dcnlrnBra muai come up with miltRjonB ' to nevcral Haftty prt.hlt'mii be- fore high-altitude je4 fifopel- led pasaengei aiHiners can h* uaed rommerdally, sap* an avigtion ex* iP* rt - -fj ' / Addressing the afwiugl aaMpMRr meeting of the Imditule of Akrw / nautical s« lencea, tieorge |f. Haldensan said yesterilay thgt thy plane of the fuUMfe mo*t have cniei^ gency egits, H*ttei brakes ^id • merfency oxuRcp syatema, pit aa i yet undesigned. j Exit* through which a p^aefi- ger a second can lie evaroapri In / case of fir* art essentia/, said Haldeman, who ia chief of fh* Clw* i|M Aeronautic* Ailminiftrationh 1 aircraft divi»ian. Also need.ll ia a means of *up- Plying passenger* with oxyfegi In the event a preeagriard'cabtn sh*uW develop a leak, which could re sult in exploahm d*comprwa*ion. Thi* could he done m throe ways, iJ*e said by agppifmg pas*«ngers with oxygen «aMU. by carrying enough oxygen In flood th* pa* seng* r comportment farter than air leak* out. or hy mukiHg sire 'Aft cabin* nifficiently reliable an emergen^ equipment will not h* iinemM . *T i- W; •u By HID ABERNATHY v\ ARM as the U-*t firefighter in building* Materiala Farnintaed '"Die ('.Hillcli is og Fire! Holy Sroofcv" 1* the firemen'* akugan for this afternoon. 0ie final day of the list and laggee^ annual Firemen** Tmming Schoei ever held no the ARM campus ( From bundled* ofiTnxis cities , and esght foreign states the fite I *** ■•te men cam* to participate m the In Brayton *h<> “never fought a dust rial Extension lervinr spun fire i* hi* Jif*” has ha r <4 led the sored *«ho..l Some dam* fmm a* W's mfam-y He was a far at Connect nut pmfaaaar of inorganic chemistry Rome XTR men cam* here to leem when i hoM to head the Drat the latei* pmvea techniques in the »*b«oi 21 gefra ago nrt of fhe-firhting They prartieed everything from ho*r to carry a I .j g. . flrv hogs to the art «f tracking' Appiwxih^Wiy 7*'4 of the rtn- iMVa aiwaiaU j denta hem 0u « year are here for Thrtr ethicalinr consisted of surf tH# U *A Jy * m ^ ,r » 9^ men's andl girv Marshals' Assn- i tiona seaaion was held in the | nation of 1>ta* ci«iperating with field at night and the public was th* State 0uard of Vocational, invited to attend Many expres»e«l Edwat on. 4 amaxement at the ease *nd mol Dimeter <4 th* Finrmwn's School deliberation with which th* fire- ' is H K %nvt»>n who has ac- n,# " ^ r,,r * °( burning oil, gaao quired the iigdisputesl titia around butane, rubber tiree, and '-'7*7—— .. - / Nsw “Btudents* >s(elex year partaeea and around you ge" far aished the theme for square dancem at the aeeaad J (wmmuaiti pieair Reid oa the rnfttnM0* Hlab. TV P»««K. «Va I* ail (alWg* Htatiaa reaideata. •reisa aa a get-legether affair fee lacaMtiea. who pfc*4e. daoevy and make merry far aa rveuiag'a aVttainmmd. T'lh routine task* aa handling ladder* making forcible entry, rolling hoar and mate acimtific studies «rf BMppPPi > ape rations, re m hunt i Me gaae*. ar*«r investigations and ■Magg in th* fe»*e as the *My«irf are aaeigVf I hasie morse where- end third year men to th* advanced public H Th* school, inaugurated ia l!*9 with lt8 student* i* haadiaii hy the Industrial Extetmon Service under the auafMces of th* Flra- dicg% daring tha days of rk-fogg eeuraa, billowing Pariad tha black clog^ »f smoke could be seen rtaiitg* from tV open area northweet gf College View. This was tV a*|na of the fire-eatan mm bine. I egr ration* practice WednmS, a combined ooem ' ompeme* f irnished thousands of dollars worth of equipment snd product* — cx'.iUgutoVr*. trucks, oil. gnsoltne. foam, paint, dry pow der. salvage rovers needed for the practical classes On hand to lend advice and in- • true tier to the firemen from city fire «te port ment a were engineers from the Boren* of Minas and otVr men who nr* respected as experts in their specialty. Tqdpy these man end their R-day training period amd will ratorn to their respective cities ready ta ap ply their newly aequirwd know La*4wMa 4 as m m# ■ i m 1 AenmmwuMMaa^ssmm mi|rr to Ecxuai A written ixamtoatieu ia (toon at tV end of the coarse city hy lowering tV rat* by thru* p-''.-ni *A .•4»* L * ?■ . course and, if IVp 11V RR# a fire insurance 0 J. Pud gorsho of th* U. M. part* to lift tV cap aa an ei tv valve Which cute eff tV sepaly fee tV tank to keep M auai ar* A. Evans Dali**, and Fire Chief C P. (kueehwe 474 firemen hare far tha