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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1950)
umirm * ' • -s.-f ili-iSfei» PflfcM * iumpuit, will look llkn whon It It romplptod womotlmn thl» ypor. Tti* httlf-mllllon doltor, throp- K dhow* what tba now now bolng oonatruntml on tho whan atory Hava I »H* P«|tll| flltarn. nuntarom Half Million Dollar Job Rapidly Rising xssr ioum a MMaat lactura roam, sur^asaaS/ cienceMall Has 260-Seat Lecture Room By CHESTER CRITCHFIELD The vacant lot behind the old science building is rapidly disap pearing, and in its place the new science hall is taking shape. Even the casual passer-by can! nt>te daily additions to the structure. This $560,481 building is be ing built by the J. W. Bateson Company of Dallas and is sup posed to consume 225 work days. It was started last August and should be ready for classwork by 1 ; next September. Some of the improvements over the old science hall that will be most noticed by students lucky have courses in the new building next fall will be a fine lecture room, featuring built-in loudspeakers in the walls, a projection booth for vis ual aids, acoustically treate faces, and a seating capac 260 persons. In the alcove adjoining ture room will be a wall ae and a glass display case animals. Even the coke-fc its own little nook. Under the high end of ture room will be a w< where repairing of equipm^ preparing of specimens done. Along the hallway wal be attractive, glass display for unusual or excellent! pared specimens. I There is a cold-ropm on the three floors in whii plants, and preparations kept from spoiling. And| filter in the bacterid teriology keep the air free of dust particles and make miscroscopic work easier. According to Dr. C. Doak, head of the Biology Department, one of the greatest benefits of the new building will be the uniting of his department, which is now located in eight buildings on two cam- pusesj. Postwar Italian Film Selected Best Movie New York, Jan. 11.(A*)—A post war Italian film is the best picture of 1949, says the National Board of Review of Motion Pictures. Choice of the film, “The Bicy cle Thief,” was announced yes- terday by the boards Committee b. will in Exceptional Films. 11 ■ . j , | Graduate Students Hear Dr. P< Graduate M. Pomerat of the Uni’ on "Living sue Culture” In the Phyirii ture Room last night at 8. His lecture was sponsored by the Graduate School and the Col legiate Division of the Texas Aca demy of Science. Dr. Pomerat’s recent studies on which he spoke last night have been In the eultivalion of skin mu cous membranes cellular healing processes and cells of the human brain In tissue culture! with re* spent, to certain mental diseases. Movies of growth of tissue us* Ing the phase contrast technique were shown. Dr. Pomerat is president of the Texas Academy of (tcienee, He Is also known for his artistic abil ities and studies done in medieval architecture. ! Peniston Explains Sbisa Line Flows Irregularity of the flow of diners through the line at Sbisa Mess Hall was listed as the chief reason for not having three lines, [in a letter to Keith Allsup, president, stu dent senate, from J. G. Peniston, director of subsistence. Peniston explained that from 7 to 7:35 a. m.j during th^ breakfast htiur of 7 td 8 a. m., the line is practically empty. During the next fifteen minutes there is a rush and then it begins to taper off again. At dinner both lines are fairly full from 11:15 to 11:30 a. m., then one line is usually closed un til 11:50 a. m. as there are not enough people for two lines com ing through, Peniston continued. A rush begins and two lines are used from ll:50 to 12:30, after which time one line is again ade quate. At supper which lasts from 6 to 6:16 p. m., two lines are used from 6 to 5:45, then one line is again adequate for those coming through. British to Vote On Government Controls London <A*)—Winston Churchill says the big issue in Britain’s next national election will be steel nationalization. The conservative leader, already campaigning for return to the prime minister's post ho held dur ing the war, said last night the election will be "almost a referen dum” on whether the public wants the government to take over the nation’s giant steel industry. Books Books Books To many students, books maj be an ijiripleasant subject. Particularly when it comes to paying for them and u£ing them, Be that as it may, you are now con fronted with procuring books and supplied for Spring classes T ' , \ ' ;j We can’t buy them for you—and we can’t use them for you — but we CAN absorb some of the grief for you—HOW? — with our EASY, FAST AND PLEAS ANT LAY-A-WAY PLAN. HERE’S HOW IT WORKS -)- HERE’S ALL YOU DO—Drop by the EX CHANGE STORE at your first cjonvenient time — Give any salesperson a list of courses, for which you need books rind supplies — Indicate whether NEW or USED are desired. i NOW IT’S OUR JOB — All ybiir needed books and supplies will be gathered ■ *- ; L . • 1 I - - ; ii Ail into one package and laid away for y<j>u. At any time you want to pick them up, simply present your claim check at Package Window on the east side of the Ex change Store Building. A courteous attendant will deliver your package, check it with you, remove any items you doh’t want and add any additional you need. , ■-ii'-.. ' ' i. i ■ I I - HERE’S WHAT YOU GAIN-f-No fuss, no bother, no worry, no waiting, no sweating the line, AND REMEMBER—there is no obligation on your part, no de posit to make. 1 1 j ! . . \ . ii: jir y t Come in today, to the one spojb in Brazos county where you can find ALL the things you need. * i j i 11 hi j > \ | j i' \ | H The Exchange Store Aggie,- STORES— A&M Annex - : Ii Ld flimwsroUE aerenaae DAssewr nnvssKjH >r- Off TUtYU. THINK AH K WEA«-B*Ajyea -MCMBG? £F/ru. muy £/?-EXCOOZe. ME-AH* GOIM' ACHC8T TH’" What's Cooking CORYELL COUNTY CLUB, 7i))0 p. m.) Thur*<lay'January 18, Room 185, Aradomlc Bldg. Election of offiaera and tdxn* for party. ENTOMOLOGY SOCIETY, Tuesday, Jan. 19. 8 p. m., Room 10. Rciance Hall. Dr. E. E. Kipling will—xheak. EAYETTE COUNTY^ AAM CLUB, Thursday, January 12, 7:30 p. m., room 129, Academic Building. JUNIOR CHAPTER, A V M A AUX regular meeting Wednesday night, Jap. 11, 7:80 p.m., South Solarium, ^ YMCA. Election of of ficers. Lewis E. Young, national president of the AIME, spoke to the campus petroleum engi neering students this morning at 10. Exams to Be Given Ftb. 3 and 4 / Graduate Record Examinations will be given her* February 3 and 4, Dr. W. A. Vgrvel, of the De partment of Education and Psy chology, announced today. V Applications for permission to take the examination, Dr. Vat-vel mild, must be received at itho Princeton office hefbre January 21. Application .blank* may be ob tained directly from; the Educa tional Testing Servlcte, P. O. Box 592, Princeton,, N. J. or from Dr. Varvel; The Graduate Record Examina tion is required- of condidates for admission to certafn graduate schools. The prospective student should inquire of the graduate schools in which he is interested whether or not he wi|l be required to offer the Examination in partial satisfaction of admission, Dr, Var vel said. A&M does not require the Ex- aminatiion as a basis of admission to the Graduate School. . French Bus In Canal Mulhouse, France, flan. 11 •A’l— Twenty workmen Were drowned yesterday in a crowded bus that swerved off a bridge into a canal near here. Eruption on Santorini Athens, Jan 11 Tfhe volcan ic little island on Santorini in the Aegian Sea began erupting sul phurous smoke yesterday. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUfl, Thursday, January 18, ?T>10 p, tn., Ht, Mary a Chapel tn Haasnmnt, LAMAR CHAPTER UOUBTON CLUB, Thursday, January 12,7 lift p. m., room 106, Academic Bui d* BRAZORIA COUNTY CLUB, Thursday, January 18, 7:30 p, Room 24 Academic Building. BRIDGE PLAYERS MEETING, Wednesday, January 11, 7:30 p. hi., room 157, Biszell Hall, bridge play ers invited. BRUSH COUNTY CLUB, Thuriie day, Jan. 12, 7 p. m., Room 304 Academic Building. DEL RIO CLUB, Thursday, Jan uary 12, 7 p. m., Reading Robm YMCA. J : - f BUSINESS SOCIETY, Aggi*i land ’50 pictures, Wednesday, 5 p. m., steps of Agriculture/Bldg. BUSINESS SOCIETY^ Dinper Dance, Finfeather Club, 8 p. jm., Thursday. Buy tickets from club MANAGEMENT ENGINEER ING WIVES CLUB, Thursday. Jan uary 12, 7:30 p/m., YMCA so|uth solarium, elet^fcion of officers ifor Spring semester. NEWMAN CLUB, Wednesday, JanuaryTl, 7:15 p. m., ! CE Lecture; Roony i’i j 1 PANHANDLE CLUB, Thursday, January 12, 7:15, Lounge of Dorm T. Plans for picture and party will be discussed. RIO GRANDE VALLEY A&M CLUB, Thursday, January 12, 7:15 p. m., YMCA| meeting about pic ture. SUL ROSS RESEARCH CLUB, Wednesday, January 11, 5 m., steps of Agriculture Building, coats and ties or No. 1 uniform for Aggieland picture. ;j VETERANS WIVES BRIDGE CLUB, Hhursday, January 12, 7l30 p. m., YMCA, business meeting. WICHITAFALLS A&M CLUB— Wed., Jan. ill, 1950, 7:15 p. m. Room 224 Academic Bldg. Re freshments will be served. . situ, iSi -PRICE- (Continued from Page l!) / . ■* - f/ S as the experience you have aiid the knowledge you gain.” On the subject of raising cnpl- ital he suggented that purtiei|>ution in a business Where one man fur nishes the brains and the know, how and another man provide the money and retains control, the wise thing for thp man with briiins is to save his share and until he has capital enough to either buy out the business dr leave and start one with his own money. ii. Above all, he advised) "Sell yourself, acquire credit, and keep your name good.” His closing; sentences emphasized the need for) the human element in business, {trust in one’s] fellow man, and thp importance of em ployers keeping, or trying to keep an employee’s; viewpoint on the bus. iness. Prior to Price’s talk, officers for the coming semester were elect ed. Bob Flake was chosen to suc- seed Charles Goodwin as president. Roger Goforth was named vice- president, Tom Westervelt, secre tary, and Bill Forsythe, treasurer. Charles Kirkham was named re. porter. Bill Meyer is the Society’s representative to the Engnpef, stu dent magazine for the School of Engineering. Rail la lio n LASSIFIED WEDNI ADS E8DAY, JANUARY 11, FOR SALl^ _ Official Student - Faculty DIRECTORY ot run Texas A&M College 50c per copy Phone 4-5444 f j /' > or r : ■ , Mail 50c to STUDENT PUBLICATION S Texas A & M College Collage Station, Texas IM? CHKVnoT.K i0R,/U«irm 14, i hi «a«i ■ ■ i HMAI.I. tloVHK on larR* eornor IM. Clljl ^nmum Frio* pvfm i-oti mn; arronii l.Mksvisw Acfm. Oouth llywny Wrn* A lion, Box MHl HA BY CK1H, hljrtr-trtWf* tPPt«*r bniir, Iron* In* board. B«« at Apt. A-ft-Il.i Colldio 8RR US to buy. or s«ll ussd Phone 27067, Wood Furniture STATIONKHY Concession. Will **l) stock *t wholesale price. Your rarnififfri will pay your education. Sriijlora, ar«t owihth disMolvinr partnership at end of semes* ter. Contact G. C. Lareaii. Box 4242* Sale at Annex— SNACK BAB ft NEWS STAND Exaniiri Announced For C|vil Service The U S. Civil; Service hijR an nounced examinations for the fol lowing positionsengineer, buying $3,100 i nd $3,825 a year; civil engineer (trainee), paying 82,660 and $2,875, a year; and jonlor scientist (chemist, physicist, tnetal- lurglst) hnd engineer, paying from $2,650 a (id $3,826 a year, Applications will be dents w required than Ju or exumlontllons from college, stu- to expect to complete the courses of study not Jntor ic 30, 1960. Some of the KOUfiR with Karaite on corner IcA.^ Hard wood floors, built-ins. See at 404 jMarycm, Weal Park, after 6:00; ATTENTION SludrnU: I will i id»nttfr your plants at my home ut tpn cents each. H. H(. Parks. 800 Highland Street, College Station. Phone 4-H177. j EXPRRT reweaving done at mir .home. Damage by burns, tears, moth holes. Work guaranteed. Agnes Tydlncka, 2007 S. College oad. Phone 2-7120. j ROSS LODGE nL 1 A SlHl«<! On 1300 A. F. A A. M. eetina Thur.d.y, Jim. 12 »t 7:00 p.jr aminnlion. In E.A. in dSfrivm.. HARRY BOYER. W. M. N. M. McOlHNIS. 8«:. AOVERTIBINO BA1.K8MAN w«el.d tar Student Publications, Apply piornlnys ut BATTAI.ION Advartlslns Dpsll. • il 1 j : Dr. Oarlton R. Lee OPTOMETRIST , } Wtu» Your Visual 1’roblcma 203 S. Main — BryaS Phona 2-1668 ; Flavor tall* why ITs to popular position^ are trainee positions and lable to qualified sopho- 1 junior students. It ‘'Talks Texas" With a Million Facts j ' The . TEXAS ALMANAC and STATE INDUSTRIAL GUIDE / New 1949-1950 Edition —The most comprehensive and informative book dyer published Texas . . ./ W sll-indexed (you can quickly find what you‘re {teekingK . . . settles arguments j ,!. . L '■ J answers practically every question about Texas! that an*/on» cojuld reasonably ask ... , tells the tactual jitqfy oi Texas with pictures, maps ; and ! >rds . . . ; , ; i j] ‘ * . il I i ■ ■ Il * ■ * .if i -i * ‘ j I ■ THE DAllAS MORNINg'nEWS, DaflcJ 2,‘tJxJa " 1 *1 tease send me ( ;).copies, paperbound, ( ) copies clgih-l •. I bpind of THE TEXAS ALMANAC. Enclosed is remittance jin , , thi- amount $ | ( ' U: J- m 11 ‘•1. d •!•.*••’• •.* j * • •: 'I* • ■ ANdsjate L, v .fii*.; ; Tf there is one enterprise on earth that he quitter should leave alone, it is ad- rtlsing. Advertising does not jerk— j pulls. It begins gently at first, but .,..e pull is steady. It increases day by day, year by year, until it exerts an ir- restible powe: —John Wanamaker. f !• m ■ ;4,'i mmmim • i