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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1950)
City Of College Station Official Newspaper Volume 49 "P r PUBLISHED INTEREST talion GREATER A&M COLLEGE \ i ^ f——; ■■ - .. COLLEGE STATION (Aggieland), TEXAS, THURSDAY,; JANUARY 12, 1950 Ml :Wrmt ¥0iW *■ Am,.. '"■A, * ni 1 Sonio of the recently elected freuhman claw* officer**: . John YnntlH, secretary; R. O. Ander son, treasurer: Kent Markey, nim'IuI Mecretmry; W. C. n-porti r-hss parliamentarian; and M. R. Dimmit, rian. Wonder If He Cheeked On The frights in Pago Pago?- The «trnnff0*t thinKs happen at The lint,talion • office in the wee, small hours. Sometimes people come thfouKh moving thinits, there's usually a hot nr throuRh lunlly a hot argument go on, and Occasionally its so I * II ' [' quiet you can ' hear points beiiiK lost. ^Tuesday niRht, thouRh, ■ there was variety. Promptly v at 11:55 the telephone rang, interrupting the co-editors fthe only stalwarts remaining) from their typewriters. C. C, Munroe lifted the phone to hear the operator’s voice sjay, “Dejposit $1.95) sir.” and, after the tisulal coin-dropping pause, “You may go ahead Sir.” “What” demanded a fuzzy voice, “is? the score of the ball garnel” -‘‘Which ball game did. you have in‘mind?” Munroe countered, cau tiously. “The TCU game with SMU”, the muffled baritone came back, “What’s. the sebre ? ” Munroe explained patiently that the AP wirfe had long since; gbne of, but that the inquiring-onh mi^ht possibly call th^ morning paper in jBryan. | j ,!■ •^Where are you calling from?” Munroe continped, thinking if he were close enough he could save a nickel by dashing, down the street. “Pennsylvania”, said the voice. Slightly taken aback, Munroe be gan figuring ways to get the dis- tantr-but-questing erne in contact with the down-town competition, whose wire runs 24 hours a day. That’s when the operator inter ceded, offered to transfer the call to the. Bryan paper, and proved that operators are indeed thought- Deadline Nears On Poll Taies The final deadline for pay ing the 1.9B0 poll tax in Jan- uarfy 31. Bjattha have been net up In both (hr t’ullego Station Bunk anil the Hryitn ImnU No that all pcimimi May pay their $l,7ft tax convient- Kveryonn between thethe ages of. 21 anti 5(1 pay muxt pny a poll tux to- purtlclpate jn the general elec tions to .bo Tteld this year. The atate exempt* persons 0(1 years of age or over, but requires them to apply for an exemptioit terti- ficute at the County Tax Collec- t<|r’s office. --Apy person who reches the age of 21 during the" year 1950 may also obtain an exemption certificate from the collector’s office. This certificate will, permit the appli cant to yote during 1950 without paying a poll tax. Uniforms Sought By RV Commander All inactive members of the Ross Volunteers who wish to ; sell their uniforms to new members were being sought today by D. P. Mc- , Clufc, commander of the, RV com- jjany. ■. I • : 4 “Several of the new members would like to buy second hand uniforms,” McClure said, “and we can probably sell those which are in good condition.” ' Men who wish to;,offer their uniforms for sale were asked by McClure;te bring them to Room 120, Dormitory 8 sometime this week. ' !*' . - 1 T r—^ ;— Filipino Heads Meet Manila, Jan. 1 '!!' •AS—Top Phil ippine comqianders met yesterday to discuss plans for strengthen ing defenses of the republic’s 7,000 - jiriiinda. ' i - ful people. The eo-tfdltors were eti the little drama at that they couldn’t help wonde^ how it ended. Did the determined cltilii find out the score? Did! enough bet on the out make it worth his askiil last, but most horribly unthinkably not least, did the Rryan papers .tell him they were fSbrry, Hut since their wire reports weify conring by way of Pittsburgh, I that ;he should phone down the Street Iqnd find out for Himself? iride Redskin’s Ready for ROTAN, Tex., Jan. li —fAb— Old Sam Baugh — the pride j of Washington—talks like tye's about to grieve that city’s football faith ful deeply. Slingin’ Sammy as much as said last night he’s ready to quit' the Washington Redskins and gdj to coaching at Baylor. There are till a couple of items to be, taken c ire of—such as getting a definite! of fer from Baylor and a release fji om the Redskins. But if the deal goes through, it couldn’t .be a lot worse—for W sh- ington fails—if the othjer 10 - ten on the Redskins’ first string all broke their legs. Sam has beeji a- round Washington longer thg. i a lot of Democrats. Baugh said at his ranch ji ear here that officials from the Baj list school at Waco have asked hit * if he’d be interested in a job as f ead coach. They need a jreplaceiji ent for Bob Woodruff, who quit last week to go to the Universitj of Florida. "I’d be Interested in the job all right if I could get things fixed up With the Redskins/’ the at - ng- beun passing wizard said. That meant he’d have to fix 1 up with George Preston Mam mil, laundrymun owner of (the Washing ton National Football:I-eagini * lub, to get out of hts ronfraet to day next season. Baugh said he didn't know whether that could be done, (In Washington, Marshall he Did n't Ite reached for comment, Ity as sociate* said he hadn't hegi' l of Baylor's advances, I Anyhow, said Ham, "I ill ntre they’ve talked to about a jilpaen other gtiys, too." j He's right. But tb* i wor <tJ rom Waco was that the then Hi ylor would like most to get are ft* ugh, Backfleld Coach H. N. (Rkstyt Russell of Southern Methodist and Head Coach Don Faurot of [Mis sourl—with Baugh tn! the lead Other reports from Waco that friends of Homer No who resigned as Texas coach under Ex-student's sure after the 1947 season, let it be known he’d be bite hea ted in the job but didn’t wanj: to make a direct application. The only Baylor official could be reached for Comme|iJt President W. R. White — wasn't abreast of the situatio: i but “Baugh should make a coach.” He also said there been a definite selection. It would be Baugh’s firsl test as a coach. He’s never paid to do that, but he has in the Redskins’ backfield, ing Harry Gilmer, the foi bama passer, to succeed As a player he's hah eno ' perience to get by. Baugh 36 next March 17.- He sta high school player at Tei Sweetwater and at Texas tian University. He’s kept thi skins rolling for 13 years 15 all-time national football Hague passing records. Contacted at hio ranch last night Baugh said the Baylor otjoicials “came out here and talked thing until they meeting.” 1 ’■ Top Dolly Survey Number 73 Veto Group Elected $21,000 Damage Done To Phi Kappa Phi Aged Disposal Plant Blasting Set for Sunday A n abandoned concrete sewage disposal plant on the site of the planned A&M golf course will be demolished Sunday afternoon at 1 by a dynamite squad from the 386 Ar mored Engineer Battalion national guard unit. The structure is located about 300: yards West of highway 6, and 300 yards South of the main en trance boulecard leading up to the Administration Building. Most of the structure is under ground, according to Col. Walter W.' Parsons of the Military Sci ence Department, and it will be “blown down” rather than blowp up.. After the wall structure of the abandoned plant has been broken down by successive dynamite char ged Parsons said, it will be filled and covered over with soil. The plant lies in the scheduled rough area of the golf course. About 300 pounds of dynamite will be used in the separate deton- atioins, Parsons continued, but there will be no danger to sur rounding areas, f Plans for the demolition were worked out by juniors in the mil itary science classes. Parsons add ed, and a number of cadets in the class will take part in the actual explosive operations. The concrete wall average about 10; inches in thickness, and stand about four feet above the ground ami five below. In command of the operation will be Major Clarence B. Hewitt,- executive of the 386 Battalion. Rupel Will Address Dairy Short Course Dr. I, W. Rupel, head of the Dairy Husbandry Department, will discuss “Present Statu* and Fu ture Outlook for Dairying,” at the Dairyman's Short Course to bo held on the campus January 16-17, Dean C. N, Shepardaon of the School of Agriculture will give the welcome address at 9:30 a. m, Jan. uary 16. Sessions will he held In the YMCA assembly room. Seven graduates and thirty-four undergraduate students were re cently meted to the local chapter of Phi Kappa Phi, according to i announcement by Robert M. Holcomb, president of the chapter. Initiation exercises for the new members will be held on Tuesday, January 17 at Bp. m. in the lec ture room of the Civil Engineering Building. Phi Kappa Phi is a nationally known all-college honor society. The local chapter was installed on October 31, 1949, by Uie national president, Dr. Frank Kerns of Pennsylvania State, College. The new members include 31 January graduates and three June graduates. Other June graduates will be elected to the society at a later date, according to Holcomb. Elected from the Graduate School were Harold N. Ballard, Fred F. Crawford, Ahmad T. G. Wakeel, Oscar D, Ferris, Charles M. Hohn, Allen F. Johnson, Jr., and George W. Kunze, The following students were elec ted from the School of Agricul ture: Lewis F. Newtoh, Edwin M. Whittington, James M. Sullivan, Jr., Alvin G. Imhof, Paul W. Deep er, Alfred L. Wheeler, Harry C. Lane, Wilbur R. King, Jr., Lester C. Alley, John P. Bene*, Henry A. Simpson, Don H Stroop*. and Bill J. Varnado. Student* elected from thc School of Arts and Sciences were Glenn R. William*, Charles D. Cabaniss, Bruce B. Newtoh, Jr., Marion Hensley, Jr., Donald I Ogden, and John V. Halick. Students from the School of En gineering who were elected includ ed Henry A. Kpipht, Gillis L. Fromme, Archie H. Kotara, Aug ust J. Otte, Billie L. Dickerson, Lloyd R. O’Neil, David E. Hoob- ler, James A Hunter, Jr., Robert W. Carter, Joseph L. Haywood, Robert L. Street, Wayne D. Tiner, Frank H. McClain, and Darwin R. Hamilton. Paul P. Brandes of Weimar was the only student elected from the School of Veterinary Medicine. Previous to the election of new members, the constitution of the A&M Chapter of Phi Kappa phi was read and adopted. Other officers of the local chap ter are J. Franklin Fudge, vice- president; Richard L. Patrick, sec retary;- Charles N. Shepurdson, treasurer and Paul J. Woods, journal-correspondent. Landrum Made Ag Mag Editor Bee E. Landrum, senior farm management major from Alto, was elected as edi tor of the Agriculturist Wed nesday evening in a meeting of the Agricultural Council. Landrum, who has had previous journalistic experience with the Battalion and the Agriculturist, replaces Jim • Park of Amarillo Who is to be graduated thia se mester. Preceding the editorship elec tion, the council voted in favor of having an Agricultural Council Room in one of the agricultural buildings rather than in the new Student Center Building. This council room is also to serve as a lounge for agricultural students during the day. The exact location of the room will depend on the future building program of the college. The information on the profes sor rating sheets two years ago and this past year was discussed and compared by Dean Shepardson in the council meeting. He spoke very favorably of the former rat ings and praised them as being clean and constructive. However many of the ratings this past year, according to the Dean, were not proper for anything but a waste paper basket because of the language used to express opinions. Dean Shepardaon empnaaized the benefit of the ratinga to the professors as well as to the de- partmenta in saying that the prof* deaired to have these rat- Inga regardless of how harsh the criticism received. But he also said that If the students resort to the use of low-grade language In filling out these rating iiheeta then the rating* have no value. Schedule Released For Contest Rules The schedule for the cotton contest examinations, which will determine the men who will go on this year’s cotton tour, was released today by Ely Whiteley of the Agronomy De partment. ' ^ Whiteley of the cotton examin ations - will be announced at the Cotton Pageant which is to be held pn April 28. Whiteley recently replaced Prof, jj, S. Mogford who has been Fac- iulty Advisor for the Cotton Pag eant for the past 15 years. Mrs. Bill Turner will aid Whiteley as director of the Pageant. The funds Used to send the winners on the Cotton Tour, will be derived from the Cotton Pageant. Any agronomy undergraduate who is in A&M during the Spring Semester is eligible to take the examinations. All who are inter ested should register with Prof. Whiteley in Room 309 of the New Experiment Station Building be fore noon February 4. Several tours in the past have been conducted in the U. S. and Canada. Foreign tours that have been conducted were to Northern China, Korea, and Japan; Spain, Portugal, France, Italy, and Egypt; Norway, and Denmark; England, Mexico, Central America, South America; and Belgium, Ger many, Holland, Switzerland and Franee. A foreign trip is being planned for this year Whiteley said . The schedule for the examina tions is as follows: cotton produc tion, Feb. 9: cotton insects, Feb. 16: cotton diseases, Mar 2; cotton machinery, harvesting and ginning, March 16; general field crops, March 23; soils, fertilizers and soil conservation, April 13, and grad ing and stapling, April 20. All examinations will be held in Room 209, Experiment Station Building at 7 p. m. on the date scheduled, except grading and stapling which will be held in the Textile Engineering Building at 7 p. m. on the date scheduled. Whiteley also give a short re port on the work of the 1950 Cot ton Pageant Committee at the Ag ronomy Society meeting which was held Tuesdty night. He stated that a committee had recently gone to Dallas to confer with officials of Sanger Bros, concerning plans for the style show which, will be pre- esented In connection with the an nual Cotton Pageant. Dr. Luther Jones showed a movie entitled “Sage of the Soils” at the agronomy meeting. The film show ed pictures of the agricultural life throughout Europe and Egypt in contrast to that of the U; S. Ag Eng Present Distinguished Student Keys Distinguished student keys were awarded to Jack M. Pokes, Dan C Huckabee and James H. Long at a meeting of the Agricultural Engineer ing Society, Tuesday evening. These students were selected on the basis of scholarship, contri butions which they had made to ward society objectives, attendance at club meetings and general in terest in the society. Fred R. Jones, head of the Agricultural Engineer ing Department, presented the awards. “Job opportunities in the farm structures field” was the topic of a speech delivered by W. S. Allen, Extension Agricultural Engineer, who was the speaker of the even- ing. ‘ i ’ i Allen stated that the Housing Act of 1949 would create a number of jobs in the Agricultural Engin eering field if Congress contin ued to make additional appropria tions. Four organizations that of fer job possibilities under Section V-Farm Housing are the Farmer’s Home Administration, the Agri cultural Research Administration, the Bureau of Agricultural Eco nomics and the Extension Service, Allen stated. At present, only $1,500,000 have been allotted to Texas for loans for farm buildings until July 1 of this year. However, plans are to increase this amount each year until 1953, Allen pointed out. Many private companies are realizing the need for better design in farm structures and afe hiring agricul tural engineering graduates for this job, Allen concluded. Leroy Shiller was appointed chairman of the program com mittee and Fred Repper was ap pointed chairmain of the social committee for the spring semester by Charlie Modlsett^ president of the society. ■ Coffee and doughnuts ware served to everyone at the close of the meeting. Airmen Take Cuts, Take 48 Croups Washington- (Al—Tha Air Force still thinks at least 70 groups of warplanes are heed for defense, hut Is bowing to the fact that the money to buy tketn Isn’t at hand. Secretary of Air Symington set forth his ideas yesterday In a general ne**s conference of the entire pentagon high command on the budget. Among other things, Secretary of Defense Johnaon said the $13.6 billion budget proposed for all the armed services was trimmed down from an original $20 million estimate of needs: Symington said, “We’ve always said we wanted 70 groups. But we recognize that there is not enough money to have seventy.” ROA Meeting Set In Lecture Room The Brazos County Chapter of the ROA will meet tonight at 7:30 in the Chenustry Lecture room, chapter president Grady Elms said today. Guest speaker for the meeting will be Capt V, J. Hornak, Infan try reserve. Capt. Hornak has re cently returned from two and a half years service with the export- import agency, foreign trade di vision in Munich, Germany. Reserve officers attending the meeting will be given credit for one point for inactive duty train ing, Elma concluded. Contest Slated For Students ' ' JP| - | F . <** ; ByNewswriters The Texas Gulf Coast Press Association is spohsoring a contest among Junior and Senior students of Journal ism in Texas colleges and uni versities for the purpose of quick ening interest in the publication of non-metropolitan newspapers in that section, as well as other parts, of Texas, D. D. Burchard, head of the Journalism Department said today. All entries in the contest must be accompanied by a statement from the student's department cer tifying *' ' * ‘ " nalism 105 B March 1, 1960. The essay of thoais treating some phases of non-ihetropolitan newspaper publishing will be judged on the origuiality, ade quacy of treatment, land contri bution to the nonmetropolitan pub lishing field. The scope, length, and treatment of thO submitted material will be at thfe discretion of the contestant. The award will be a cash award, token award, and an expense ■om me sruaent s department cer- fying his eligibility to the Jour- ilium Department Office, Room D5 Bizzeli Hall, not later than England Has Quake Dover, Sngtand, Jan. 11—— Earth Tremors shook the Straits of Dover coast Monday. paid trip to the association’s an nual convention tn Houston on Mar. 12 and 13, 1959; The total award will not exceed $100, and m advent of failure of the presence of the winner at the: convention, the second place winder gets the award. The contest committee will con sist of Tom Whitehead, Brenham Banner-Press, Chairthan; ; Frank Zeiske, Bellville Time*; Pphn Man- they, Jr., Cleveland Advocate, and Burchard. | The announcement) letter and contest rules were isent to the Journalism Department by R. S. Telvis, Secretary-Treasurer of the Texas Gulf Coast Press Associa tion, and may be seen there, Bur chard concluded In Boomtown Area Fire Accounting Machines Destroyed, Building, Papers Add to Losses ‘ damage to temporary classroom building B, was gutted by fire of undetermined origin Wednesday ing, is estimated to be in the neighborhood of $21,000 T. W. Leland, head of the business and accounting department^and *" " "—ce, supervisor of the department of physical plapts the building was estimated to be around >g machines and caluclators lost in the blaze were t an additional $10;000, and $3,000 loss in furniture ained. A considerable loss in books and papers, both ; ?—♦■of the department and of dephrt- ment members with’ office* j in hat building was reported by)Le- ? 1 • that build limd. Th^alai ■ Harley T. May, sophomore at Sul Ross State College, Alpine, Tex as, who ’ Was recently elected president of the National Inter- te Rodeo AatediowMi. Ex-PW’s Receive Compensation Pay Ex-prisoners of war in College Station have begun to receive ap plication blanks from the War Claims Commission ito be , filed against the offending country for failure to provide adequate rations to prisoners during | the time of interment. i f Rations in Japan were considered inadequate entirely, whereas pri soners in Europe wpre considered to get complete ratiort* one day out of every [10. Underf tihe provisions of law, prisoners in Japan will receive one dollar per day and Eu ropean prisoner* 90 cent* per day for the duration of their impriaon- ment. Claim* are to be $ald from the frozen usseta of the offending na tion that have been held In thi* country *lnce December 7, 1941. Claim blank* for living ex-prL sonen* and next of kin (military and civilian) and rellgiou* organ isation* ; are being furnished through the V. F. W. POW As sociation, and the War Claim* Com mission. Anns Help Due Foi’ Tito Army rm was turned in at a. m. by Glenn G. Eimann, engineer of the college power who first smelled smoko, then the fire. Within 16 minute: volunteer fire department the scene with two pumper and the hook ami ladder tru Fourtaan fireman fought blase for approximately un hour and a half before bringing It un der control, said C. H. W ijran, chief of College Station’s file de- partment. As yet no definite plans have been made either to repair the building or to tear It down, t pence aeld. At their lest mealing the iBoard of Directors authorised a $100,- 000 extension to Francis Hull j After comptetlon, the entire bulldjing la to be turned over ,U> the Bdsines* Department) This building will be ready for uae by January of next year Spence concluded. j Classes have been changed to other buildings for the time be ing until some more permanent arrangement can be worked out. Two classrooms j and two la being equipped I in the Building and a number of will be assigned there at as those rooms are ready, stated. Rom schedule, chang classes formerly held in B are listed below. V FFA Chapter Meet# To Install Prexy . the spring semes- tne Collegiate Officers for ter were installed at Future Farmer Chapter meeting held Monday night In the Agri cultural Engineering lecture room. Members taking office were J. C, Welburn, president; Steve Lindsey, vice-president; E. C. Wil lis, second vice-president; Malcolm L. Fluitt, third vice-president; Har ry Rutherford, reporter; Sterling Lindsey, treasurer; Floyd Kerns, secretary; Henry Spalding, advis or; Macyl Orman, historian; and Tom Peacock, parliamentarian. Other business included reports from Michael Brown on the chap ter conducting demonstration at Waco and from Newton Lewis on the group of members who judged farm skills and chapter conduct ing contests held at district con tests in Flatonio thi* past week. Vernon Boykin spoke concerning the Agriculture Council, its pur poses, and problems being discuss ed by the group. Club Meet Postponed The Robertson County A&M Club meeting ‘was originally planned for tonight has been postponed until next Thursday, Jan. 19, according to J. H. Merchant, president of the club. shington, (AP) —r The 1 States probably will imited military assist- ;o Marshall Tito if the loc begins W Unit give ance Soviet-Communist bl using armed force to try; to crush “agoslavia’i independence. Whije officials hope this independence. joron’t neciessary, the National Secur ity Council; is reported j tb have cleared a stand-by, program of measures the United State* might take. These' aim at the. military field, ; supplementing aid already being jgiveij Tito in the economic and pblitic*! phases of his strug gle. ' e. In the light of the coupqir* ac- >n, the St«te Department ha* de mined what specific steV* it suld recommend to President *um*n if an emergency arose. The Security Council,: headed by the P^esldant,' is the nation'* top policyi makhig body in foreign pel- lay. The members Include secre cy. The liiembere include tary of 8t*te Achaean and tary of De To date slavla has — T , limited Ite' mlc ami political assistance, secre- Secre- *e Johnson,'rS.;. American aid to Yugo. l—_ ttrwcorto* , ^ |. American limitation* nn cNjiort- ing ((iduatrlal equipment to Com. munlHt. eastern Europe have been relaxed for Vugn.luvio, An* air transport agreement ha* been signed with fito'* government and American Influence ha* been u*cd with Wc*t»rn European countries on the to e**e economic pressured Yugoslavs. American aHsistanrn hn* been given! Tito in line with ah American policy derision that his existence as ap independent /national com munist leader is a severe handicap to Moscow and a souCco of strength to this west in the cold war. Board Reelected By College Bank . The stock holders ; of ' the Col lege Station State Bank held their annuli stock holders meeting last Tuesday evening. The present board of directors was ; re-elected. This board con sists: of S. A. Lipscomb, Harold Sullivan,' H. E. Burges*, R. K^’afWRj® T.; W. Leland, head of the De partment of Business and Account ing, was elected as an additional member to the board of directors. The present board of: directors also met and cre-elected S. A. Lib- acomb, president; Harold Sulli van, executive vice president, H. E. Burgess, vice president, and Tho- w. Lee, cashier. ?r m ; Class 101-501 101- 502 102- 503 407-324 409-270 409-345 409-378 409-500 409-501 303-214 303-227 303-231 303- B03 304- 228 304-229 304- 500 305- 226 306- 227 305-319 305-501 305- 503 306- i229 306-602 310-228 322-600 418-232 418-500 420-325 420-329 425-320 125-500 428.500 480.500 L Tim*; MWF8 MWF10 TThSlO TThSSj ’ MWF11 TThS9 MWF9 MWF1 TThS8 •TThS8 MWF1 MWF8 MWTI0 TThSlO MWF11 TThS9 MWF8 TThS8 MWF8 MWFU TThSlO TThSll MWF9 TThS9 MWFi MWFl TThSlO TThSll MWF10 MW! MWFi M W Pit) MWPJ0 c 24 A 21 A 21 Animal Ihd. 115 Animal Ihd. 217- , Aero. Eng. 2 Academid 127 Animal Ihd. 217 Textile 102 Academid 129 Textile 102 Chemistry 306 Chemistry 320 Chemistry 9 Chemistry 306 Academid 106 Animal Ind. 115 F ■ 23 Chemistry. 306 Bolton 206 ■Chemistry 320 Chemistry 306 Textile i 102 Academ Chemist! Chemist Chemist! Bolton Animal Chemlai Ag Seniors Sought As Stock Showmen All A. H. toresteil In working at Doming Hnu*t<m Fat Mtork Hhow DtilOis who |*r* In- th«t forth. are rcqueNtod posted on the 1. buWdlhg before this weekf ’Di*. of the Anlntal ment said, j "The applies have a 1.0 g! better, and the roster floor of the J. C. Millet; Husbandry !l nts must be seniors, grade point mitio ' or mist not klnd’V hatlon of any eluded. Eight men will be chosen ct as clerk the applicants to assist the various way*, divided into two group each so that m one will bo to miss more tpan a week of from to act as clerks and f superintendents In These men will be tjwo groups {of four caused school. Miller added. I The wages will be $l.p0 an hour straight time and the students will be required to work 10 or 12 " hour* a day, he said. The show, which will run from February 1 through February 12, will be the ■ largest of its kind ever to be h^ld in the Houston area, according to W. 0. do*, gen eral manager r of the show. Bryan Manager Named Bryan, Tex The Bryan Chamber of Commerce’s secretary- manager storting Feb. 1 will be N. Leslie Kelley Jr., now secretary of the Atlanta, Tex., chamber. He sucseeds Harry L. Logan, sec retary here for three year*.