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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1949)
J s . . : ' • Si Nation’s T< Collegiate Dj NAS 1949 Survey ! ■ i •; j. ! Volume'll \ ^ — X n ■ ;!N; J Battal r; \ I. i?t • i : i : r rt** r r PUBLISHED IN THE tNTEREST OF A GREATER A&M COLLEGE ; COLLEGE STATION (Aggieland), TEXAS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1949 'I 1 College Sta tion Official Neji'spa; i i ■y !' . u .‘ Number 35 .f ■ge’s Piano and Humor Smith Says Letter Houston’s Okii Charm Spaijge Guion Crowd J BY JOHN WHITMORE From the moment Victor Borge first fell off the piano seat in Guion Hall last nisrht ’till he fin ally walked off the stafre, his aud ience was in "stitches." "What are quizes?’’ Borge asked one of the students who was back staire after the piano-humorist had finished his concert, “Maybe they are the cause of the lack of people ih the audience?” I M • The Danish musician played to a crowd of approximately 600 people 11 n U Beasley Dedication • Program Set Today This afternc dedicated by Dr tural Research j facilities for basic research in cotton genetics for the entire Cotton Belt. ‘if T . ■ , ■ ♦ A commemorative plaque will be VW '1 R"! presented by friends of the late Poultry Expert Outlines Inbred Hybrid Raising i I . £• r.H, B. Wallace general man ager of the Hy-Line Poultry ’ Ifarms of Des Moines Iowa, outlined the inbred hybrid system of poultry breeding to .the Poultry Husbandry Club at - their regular' meeting Tuesday night, at the YMCA. . Wallace said that he had been •j interested in poultry production Since high school years when-he "kept a back-yard flock. When his father went to Washington as Sec retary of Agriculture in 1933, the ' back-yard flock had to be abandoned. ' ' In 1936, Wallace, following the practices of his father in the de velopment of hybrid com, under took the task of producing a hy brid chicken that could be pro duced commercially. Many of the i, standard breeds were used in ex perimental work during the first years, according to Wallace. A rapid system of inbreeding was followed for four generations, using almost entirely the brother-sister mating. “Mortality was high and discards came quickly, especially in the third and fourth genera tions," Wallace said. The inbreed ing after that became less intense;, ending with a final cross between two inbred lines to produce the Hy-Line. ^ Wallace said that selections were made on 19 characteristics and in cluded such things as exterioregg quality, interior egg ! quality, broodiness, maturity, and 1 j?gg spots. I; | The present breeding ; program is conducted on three farms near Johnstown, Iowa and one in New York, and the testing program is carried on in 14 states. In 1942 thiire were 125,000 Hy- Line chickens produced. In 1949 the production reached 15,000,000. .Wallace says they do not feel that Hy-Line chickens are the best that can be produced, but he feels that they are the best that have been produced^. In discussing the future possibiL (See POULTRY, Page 0) J. O. Beasley and accepted by Chancellor Gibb Gilchrist on be half of the A&M System at ,the dedication ceremony. The plaque will be hung in the 1 aboratory. Beaslej^, who graduated from A&M in 1932, was awarded a tra veling scholarship by the Agronomy Department while a student, and he visited the outstanding cotton merchandizing, processing , and growing areas in the United States and Europe. Service With Experiment Station He served - as assistant in the Texas Agricultual Experiment Sta tion’s division of agronomy until 1936. He received his Master’s De gree from A&M in 1934 and his PhD from Harvard in 1939, and returned to work with the Experi ment Station that year. Beaslfiy was interested primarily in the genetics and cyto-genetics of cotton and specialized in the field of interspecific hybridization. He pioneered in the technique of doubL ing the number of (^iromosones in cotton and by this means was able to obtain fertile hybrids between many species which previously had produced only sterile hybrids when crossed. These discoveries opened k new field in cotton breeding. Contribations "Despite the comparative short ness of his research career, there is widespread appreciation of the made to science and the improve ment of cotton,” Dr. R. D. Lewis, director of the Experiment Sta tion, has declared. "Some of the strains he reveloped Jiave become the foundation of new stocks for the Gotten Belt.” Beasley was killed in Italy in 1943. His memory is to be perpetuated by the Uew $65,000 greenhouse and laboratory unit on the A&M Cam pus, which will provide facilities for instruction, as well as basic research, in cotton genetics and cytogenetics. The laboratory building houses a genetic laboratory, a cytology labratory, a seed storage and gen eral work room, and a potting room. The two greenhouses, with a (total of 4,500 square feet of floor -hpace, will make possible re search on live cottop plants the year ground. ! The resident instruction program hasNalready attracted graduate students as research assistants ^tSee BEASLEY, Page 6) at his first visit to A&M. All of them (enjoyed a side-splitting time with Borge’s quick monologue. He! started 1 off with a themef— ‘Happy Birthday," and played” it like (such composers as 'Chopin, Bachj Brahms, Wagner, Mozan, and other old masters would have composed the melody. All: during the show Borge made reference to the empty seats. After his first number he said, "I feel happy for those who weren’t here,! they will be so happy in the morning.” ’ Before he played the sonata (he composed at the age of seven, he explained the four movements. The first movement consists of a boy and u girl. The boy is in love with the girl, but the boy’s father does not approve, so he tells the boy to change. The boy goes into the next rooni; and changes. The second movement finds the couple in a canoe—fishing. In the fourth movement, the boy is saving the girl’s life, by pulling her to shore. The third movement, natuially, was made up of the boy standing up in the canoe. “If you know the plot there] is no need in playing it,” Borge said. So be didn’t. Ori'the serious side, Borge play ed ‘’Claire de Lune,” (which , he translated as “Clear the Saloon”). After his reversal to serious form the audience realized why the critics -call his playing: the ’’per fect touch.” Back in the natural swing, he played the “Blue Danube”—back^ wards. Ap unscheduled joke in the pro gram was provided by the piano. The pedal started to fall off. Borge made it seem like a part of the show, but later apologized for his statements. But as he said “Its the truth.” Another highlight of the pro gram was when the Dexterious Dane played and sang the tenor, sopwino, baritone, and bass part of ahe ojf Mozart’s operas. During the second part of his shove he read from Shakespeare. He Used his system of pronouncing the marks of punctuation. This camp out making the Bard sound like :a hive of angry bees. iln addition to his musical abili ties^: Borge is a cook. Tuesday night, when he ariyer, Borge cook ed up some Danish dishes and American steaks. When he travels he Carries a portable stove and re frigerator, according to his mana- gtfr. i When asked bow Jie likes student audiences in comparison to those in night clubs, Borge said, "they are quicker on the pick-up.” During the backstage interview matiy of the students asked him to come back next year as a Town- Hall guest. Borge seemed in favor of this when one student remarked that next time he would play to a packed house. j? ~ Patrides Granted Leave Dr. G. A. Petrides, head of the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service at }\.&M, has been granted leave from the college to go on tempor ary duty with the U. S. Navy. Dir. Petrides left Thursday, Oc- taber 27, for Bethesda, Maryland, to go on temporary duty with Nav al Reserve. He is expected to re turn around November 16.. At present, he holds the rank of Lieutenant in the Reserve Corps. Strikers Endanger Corps Parade Pla^s March Permit Cancellation Looms t j~ ■ ■ T Senior Talks With City Council ± ‘is! IIP, If Bt|8 Driver Walkout Continues By C. C. MUNROE There is a definite possibility that the Houston corps parade may be cancelled if the Houston Transit Company bus drivers are on strike Nov. 12, Col. Melvin Smith, Hous- toosMilitary Affairs Committee, baid yesterday. Col. Smith spoke to a five-man corps trip arrangements committee which went to Houston yesterday to map plans for the corps parade. Houston is already coping with three serious strikes, Col. Smith said. Workers in the local steel mills and in the chemical plants are on strike. In addition, every cpmmon laborer In the city Is out on a > $100 million construction strike. If the bus drivers vote to strike, and if that strik^ continues into the corps trip weekend, Smith said, then there is little hope for city council approval of a corps parade. Smith said that the Houston city police force was undermanned for even normal work. And a bus strike would tax th^ resources of the already overworked police de partment. . There is a possibility, Smith said, that the parade might be authorized even if there is a bus strike. Hov/ever, he indicated that such a possibility depended entire ly upon the seriousness of the bus strike. “This would be the first strike of this kind that the Houston po lice have ever coped with,” Smith said. They will be the ones who de termine whether or not we can have the corps parade.” Two parades, ihcluding a huge Shrine parade opening the annual Shrine circus, were called off this weekend. Parade Plans Mapped Smith said, however, that he be lieved plans for the parade should be completed. Arrangements neces sary for the parade would then be ready, and the corps could plan its operations on the assumption that the parade Would be haid. ^‘If (the police force says no par ade,” Smith said, When there is nothing we can do. But, if they authorize the parade w r e’ll be ready,” The route of the planned parade has been approved by the city (See PARADE PLANS, Page 6) ■' d' ■ Miss Pat Andrews of Corsicana, sponsored by Bill Price of the Aggie Band, is one of many con testants for the title of queen of the ABC Ball. Engineer Delayed By Lack of Ad Plates The Engineer has been ready to go to press for some time, Charlie Schwab, editor, announced today, but tho failure of certain advertis ing plates to arrive, which must be included, have beeh holding up the printing. The make-up should be complet ed within the next few days and the first issue will be distributed before the cnjkof the week, Schwab said. full Agenda Faces Senators Tonight The Student Senate will face a full agenda this evening at their regular November meeting at 7:30 in the YMCA Assembly Hall, reported Keith Allsup, senate president. The agenda fixed by the Executive Committee includes (1) consideration of a campus Chest campaign which would -♦similarly to Community Chests, Drivers Strike HOUSTON, Nov. 3.—CP)— Industrial Houston was with out bus service today as strik ing drivers and mechanics post poned a vote on a company wage dispute offer. En Guarde ~T~ ■T Bait Waiter Risks Life and Limb For Story of Aggieland Gay Blades \ : ■) BY BOB PRICE “Knock his sabre out of the way, then, get in and slash him up.” punting old cigarette heard these words. I stopped hu butts wnendJ What was cpini 1 Coming off? Was some one trying 4> get even with the military department? Feeling it tny Aggie duty to find out who the assassins wen* plan ning to kill, I listened further. “My new epee is raally sharp. Yesterday I drew blood from three ^men.” What manner of men are these, I Mked myself. Curiosity got the best of me. so I met the men — Oua Minatrot and Gerald Monks. They were discussing the fencing team. Trying to hide my leelinka about missing a scoop on A killing, I asked them a few questions about J the sport. _ They Invited me up to the fenc ing room on the. top floor of Dorm 16. I weht In amSsaw a group of what looked like" men from Mars slashing about with swords. They had queer looking heads, with compound eyes that looked like those on a fly. Gus caught mt . i s I tried to get out of the dorm to call the KK’s, the Na tional Guard, Orson Wdla, or anybody who could help. He explained {hat they weren’t men from Mars, but fencing team members with their helmets on. We went back in and letterman Carrol Bell took off his mask just to show me he was human. I asked him to( put it back on. I gingerly felt one of the foils. Gus said it had a blunt point on it. Then he showed me it wouldn’t hurt if he touched me. It didn’t! Maybe that’* because it went in only two inches. ; Gus next showed me one of the epee*. “This is what is called a dueling sword” he said. "It does n’t bend so much when It hits." It did I’t! I nursed my wounds while he ‘ ed the nomenclature of this er. “This is what is called groove. In the old dayt the blood (idripped down thU grove and wasn’t so messy, this also made it easier to pull out of a man!" “Ah" Gus said dreamily, "those were the days!" Gus was a warm hearted man. The next instrument he showed me was the sabre. The purpose of 1 this instrument was to slash an Opponent, (j U8 told me p-not just tb gig him, as with the others. There are two catting edges on this weapon, allowing yon to cut either backwards or for- i'. l:..- liv- wards. All during this time he was showing me how to hit with Uj. .. “This is really a nice clean sport, full of interesting situations. You have to out-figure your opponent constantly," he said while he mop ped the blood from the floor (by accident he had made a slight gash in my juglar vein). Trying to get him away from the weapons, I asked him inno cently, “Did fencing just start this year?’’. He turned a lovely color of rdd, with his ears turning an al ternating green and blue. "No," he said disgustedly. "There has been some kind of n fencing team ut A&M since 1908." The only period that (here hasn't been a fencing team was between 1941 and 1946. The team was started again in 1946 with no couch and only five men who had never seen a foil be fore. Before the season was over, three of the men had to drop out for various reasons. “I coached the team and taught them all I knew in about three weeks," Gus said. i In 1947 the team would have folded up If a professional in Hous ton hadn’t come down to help out. The name of the man was A. B. Rolner. i! In 1918 the team won five out of the seven duel meets in the State competition. They lost to the Galveston Buccaneers. The Aggies were the only team that Galveston beat. Out of the 1948 team there is onlyi one letterman, Gus Minstrot, left on the team. J. C. (Sueck) Fails wouldn’t enter competition this year because of the time eli gibility rule. “Last year (Spring of 1949), we came in second in the conference, and we placed first second and third in the individual competi tions," Gus added. Minstrot won first place in the open sabre events. I. J. Buries won first place in the open foil. Speck Fails won the epee event. The only meet the teams has, had (his year was with LSD. The competition was not for con ference poinU, but the team won in all three weapona. By this time I had lost a lot of blood, and a team member Flank Ragusa applied n tourniquet and started telling me about the PE classes the team was sponsor ing. “These air^ to create interest in fencing.” My condition had turned worse so the other members of the team carried me across to the hospital for a quick transfusion. (2) discussion of Dead Week reg ulations, (3) and a report by James McGrudder on date tickets for Aggie football games. Meeting Tuesday evening the Executive Committee elected Jimmy McGrudder chairman by acclama tion. The Executive Committee met with Allsup and three above men tioned items were considered in detail. Campus Community Chest Reasoning of the Executive Com mittee to recommend favorably that a Campus Community Chest fund be raised was expressed by Jimmy McGrudder, chairman. Heretofore campus drives have been carried on in the dormitories through personal or outfit solicita tions by student senators. The Campus (fhest fund would be raised during a single campaign and all contributions to charitable organizations during the year would be taken out of the Campus Chest fund. The executive Com mittee favored that the fund be ad- inistered by a student committee. Dead Week regulations and ob servances were introduced to the Executive Committee by Walt Zimmerman. He cited examples of departments ignoring the optional Dead Week ruling. The ruling pre- ■sently stands that each department lias the choice to observe Dead Weak or ignore it. j . j Dead Week has come to mean that no major quizzes v)ould be given during the lust meeting of a course during a regular semester. Date Ticket Policy Executive Committee members appointed McGrudder to gain infor mation from the Athletic Depart ment on date ticket policy. Con- sidcrobl Criticism has been direct ed toward the Athletic Department because date tickets arc being sold for $3,60, McGrudder told the committee. He will present to the Senate the reasons given by the Athletic Department for the sale of date tickets at this price. Listed also on the agenda were the regular committee reports by the chairmen Of the various standing committees. 30 Students Plan; to Attend BSU Meeting j ' c i ; - i } Some thirty or more Aggie students are expected to leave this weekend for the annual Texas Baptist Student Con vention which is being held at the First Baptist Church in Dal las. November 4-6. Two of the Ag gies, Earl Glenn Rose, Texas A$m B. S. U. President from Abilene, and Drexel Toland, A&M student from Dallas, will appear on the convention program. Earl will be one of the speakers in a student group telling of their summer work, and Drexel will pre side over one of the general ses sions pf the convention. Jackie Robinson, All-American basketball' star and youth speaker, will deliver the keynote message Friday evening. Other prominent speakers will be Dr. Raymond J. Seegev, atomic scientist from Wash ington, D. C. William Hall Pres ton, Associate Secretary, of the Southwest Student Department, Dr. J. Howard Williams, state Bap tist Secretary, Dr. Hugh A. Brimm, sociologist, Dr. W. A. Chiswell, pastor of the First Baptist Church in Dallas, and Charles Wellborn, youth evangelist. To ( blend in with the keynote messages, six choirs will appear on the program during the con vention. Along with the Phyllis Wheatley High School Choir, which is making its four state conven tion, will be the Baylor B. S. U. Choir, the Southwestern Singers, the Hardln-Simmons A C a p e 11 a Choir, the Wayland College Inter national Choir, and the East Texas Baptist Cpllege Choir, Soijne 3,000 Baptist students are expected to register for the con vention according to Prentis W. Chunn, student secretary in charge of Baptist student work at A&M. Registration will begin Fridayt November 4, at 1 p. m. Students from A&M planning to attend the convention are: Wil- man Barnes, Lytle H. Blankenship, Billy Ray Boling, Charles Bruch- miller, Steve Bryant, Charles H. Burk, Harold Chandler, Taylor Chandler, Jr., Tom Curens, Tom mie Duffle, Robert Eaglesom Ed Grounds, Thomas E. Henderson, David Howard, A1 Johnston, Rob ert C. Jones, Floyd Kernes, George Laing, John Lewis, Edwin P. Lloyrf, Bob Moore, Ed Moser, Jr., Paul Neff, Stanley Nelson, Ray mond Roberts, Earl Rose, Ralph Shannahan, Irwin Shields, C. Q. Smith, Elwin Thedford, Drexel To land, and Arlton White. ND Scholarships Given Southerners Scholarships to the University of Notre Dame will be awarded to high school graduates of j^ix southern states under the term§\of the wiir of the late Augustus F. Meehanj of Chattanooga, Tenn- nessee. r Meehan, in his will, established in 1936 six tuitional and residence- expense scholarships at Notre Dailne for one student from each of the states of Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia. The scholarships are available to students who have completed high school with a 90 percent general scholastic average and have not attended any college level j jifehool. Any white, native born boy from these states may enter competition for the scholarships by taking the' scholastic aptitude test and the re quired achievement tests of the College Entrance' Examination Board. : .IN'’ ; J Interested students may obtain full details by writing the Com mittee on Scholarships, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, In diana. Talks (With City council ■± i Face Delay With Crowded Agenda ’ ■MMliilHillllliln! ly, stating the itic j' ! I I l ; .vl j : I- *tj-- j BY BILL BILLINGSLEY. George Smith’s letter to Dean Pen Houston A&M Chib’s objection to a midnight yell practice in Houston, was entirely voluntary !and was in no way solicited, Smith, chairman of the Houston A&M djub’s yell practice committee told the Senior class's yell practice Committee yes* terday afternoon! ’ i • , Meeting for lunch with the five-man group from the senior class, Smith discussed with them the problem of con ducting a midnight yell practice! in Houston. Smith assured the group that his one desire in the yell practice issue was it. j.#i. i .r . . will p|k' 1 ! hci* the m*pior claw's committee* ni^etlwith the! Houston city officials i fjelect n yell practice timfl ipui ce; that w 11 work for the i>ef»t ijijterCst of the college. [Assuring the group that he did npt want to inject his peraon- al opinion into the issut 1 , Smith 8|id he wouhl do anything In his iw<jr to arrange a hearing for fhe with h»« ITniinInn rlfv! ** u ij He returiicJ to Houston with the list of t ic seniors to urrailgi (the .earnest* possibly appoint it with the Houston' ofmf ' IH Jean Kochner is from Dallas and sponsored in the ABC ball qdhen competition by Bill Richardson of A Flight. he Houston city ql- ■' Jt qu)t*st of the seniors t)o arrwige appoint- Hpuston officials, mith assured senior class prasi* .lent Bobby! Byington that he *jvou|d phony him (Byington) the audience cptUd be m - V! ; Singleton, ’29 New Ford Executive j ! Ft a |*l ■ William D. Singleton, Aggie-Ex, has been appointed production: man r ager of all the .Ford Motor jGohvjj pany’s Division assembly plants un-^i der M. L. Wiespiyer, manufactur ing manager, L. D. Cusoe,: vice- president and general manager of the Ford Divisipih announced tow day. A mechanical; engineering; grpdj uate of '29, Singleton joined the Ford Motor Company in 1931 as a maintenance helper in the conj- pany’s plant in Dallas! Later hC was transferred to the Kansas City plant as assistant mainten ance foreman. In 1934, he returned to the Dallas plant, and ift 1936, he was promoted to general hotly foreman at Fold's Memphis plant. In 1941, Singleton joined the; Army as u captain in the Armored Corps. He was discharged )n 1946 as a lieutenant-colonel. 1 ♦ i j, ' ' | On his return to the company! Singleton was appointed : equip ment engineer] for the Office of Ford Assembly Operations at Dear born. On February 1, 1948, he was promoted to manager of t)ie Ford Company’s plant in Chester, Pa., the position he held prior tp being of all moment an' an^ed. Tfie seriioi committee which )pet was appointed ekrly ^ rning by senior class president; Bvingi[.on, after he was mtl'iorized (o do so at a, setyiiorj glass meeting Monday night. ;( j | Members of the committee arej Janies “Red” Duke, senior .[(yell leader froml B Troop; Jack Miller student senator from E Air Force Bill; Stoffregan, A Ord; John lay* • lor,: C Trpo]); John L. Christensen, Co- vice p esident of the senior named praduej-ion manager Ford Division assembly plants. I ] jcla*8 of B roop; and Byington. r After thp noon meeting, Jj5mita ’issued a carefully worded fitato meht to emphasize his openiri marks on fthe„ motivation o; first letter.) ' . . j IBy inpuendo and.informal con- versatiom With students” amit) I said, “it wns indicated to me that ' Defen Penlerthy made no , sue i request c}f the UoustOU A&M; Club I or to any individual of thaticlul. j “In fact, no official of this co - legie made i|ny request of the Hour- tori A&M “lub, or any individual of I the club ” | “The decision for the rl’quctt (that there' be no midnight ye I practice, contained in Smith’s or - girrnl letter to I’enberthy)” was formulated! and prepared by our yell practice committee*, Sinit i concluded,representing youtr hoists, the Houston A&M Club.” Through j-ari oversight, Smiti said carllfer, his title as chairi- mriiv of tjhe Houston club’s ye 1 practice committee wak not writtc i- below his signature. ;He attributed much of the coi]. fusion suirounding the letter this ommlssion. . I 4 rr ;. I ■■■..n -.>i— .,.i» ' j j • ■! it : ' p*. "Tlj; j Cartoons and Girls ABC Ball’s Theme The theme of the decorations for the ABC Ball will be eartoona of Airforce, Band, and Composite outfits, Jack Happy, of the Ball Committee said today. A committee of seniors will se lect five girls as ABC Ball queen candidates from those whose pic tures have been submitted: Curley Broyles will pick the qiieen of the ball from tne five girl*. ’ Those eligible to attend the ball arje cadets in the ABC group and corps seniors with dates. ■ N _ “ . ii V'-.'-.-SOF \ - *' i • I , ! • . , - * J t : *; ■ 1; I ; . • L k] ’ ■ : I »' « i Barbara He entry in the i H. letermine II Vi : }/ 4 'ii 41ili 3 i'i . . , I* Bill Holland's the ARC Ball queen. V N [ i \ ' i; \ \ V I-..: ir i <*■