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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1949)
fe -p •*- V Nation’s Top Collegiate Daily NAS 1949 Survey 'V, ; ‘ 9 ! i Li- ' ■' ■■ hii -t: Volume 49 . . ^ M : - ’ . ■ . i ;• ■ 1 : i ' ' ; [A p : ; 1• • • li ! -.rT !' .T-i ' : ' ■ ' ■ - - ' Nil r ' |- . , . V - ; ' , - J ■ : , : • ! ! Ml I ■ : t| , • Battalion r. PUBLISHED IK THE INTEREST OF A GREATER AM COLLEGE IP ; ■1 ': ! j. | . j ■ ; ! I i if tm t' . -1 : P ml -■'I ' ^ J. % [■' •4 n m m *4 ; mm Pianist Borge To Appear Tonigh t On Guion Hall Stage Of ji[ ! Number 34 St Houston Ex’s Chairman For Talk With Senior " j i: m 1 BY B. F. ROLAND Victor Borge, "Spike Jones of the piano,” will appear in Guion Hall tonight at 8. Borge is a renegade classical pianist who intersperses his serious music with humorous twists and droll comments which I convulse the audience. In the eight years that Borge has been in the United States, he ;has become a popular night club star, radio performer, and con- jcert artist. He appeared as guest on the Bing Crosby show when he [ |, first came to America, though he could speak little English, and proved so popular that he became permenent feature of the show for 64 weeks. During this period, he managed to learn English well enough to sehve as summer substi tute fpr Fibber McGee and Molly. Star In Denmark I Before coming i\+ir£E lurna t Ha jjj Victor Borge to America, Borge iwaa the highest-paid star in Danmark, where he'was an es- tablishjfd composer, pianist, author, \ r- New Phi Kappa Phi Members Initiated Here Monday Night \ 4 A college education is designed to prepare a student for the first situations which he encounters out of college. The continual process of education must prepare students for future situations. These were the remarks of Dr. Frank Kerns to newly initiated members of Phi Kappa Phi, nation al honor society. Monday night. Dr. Kerns, national president of the society and dean of the Grad uate School at Penn State, fot- mally installed the A&M Chapter. Twelve members of the A&M System, including President F. C. Bolton, and Dean of the College M. T. Harrington, were initiated along with 25 top seniors ' from all branches of the college. Se lection of ‘the 25 students was made primarily upon their schol astic standing. Compliments Faculty In complimenting the faculty and administrative officers and students, Dr. Kern said that about 85 per cent of the students have all but a few of the requirements needed to become fine leaders. The other 15 per cent were the ones who had all of the basic require* merits of good leaders. Emphasizing the need for a wfell rounded student, he said that tecjh- niea): training should be inter- weaved with qualifying students socially. He said that students should not be given a "dose or quota!’, of liberal arts, but they (the students) should be given what they really need to develop the better qualities of citizenship. DisciissCH Policies Prior to Dr. Kern’s talk, pres ident Bolton discussed the "Basic Policies of the College,” and Dean Harrington gave a brief history of honor societies at A&M. i I President Bolton said that' the policy in force was similar to the old philosophy of the college which a^ked that students "conduct thefn- eijlves as gftitlemen with due Re gard to the rights of others.” Dean Harrington, in his; talk, said that Phi Kappa Phi would be of great benefit "in helping to achieve the purpose for which our institution of higher learning was founded and to help stimulate mental achievement iri our students by recognition though election to membership.” Both Dean Harring ton and President Bolton have en couraged .the establishment of scholarship honor societies at A&M.] ■ : j . • j ! ■ Ratio Determined ^ The (selection of the students was determined by the enrollment <)f students in the various schools <jif| the college. The ratio called for five students from the School of Arts and Sciences, 13 from the School! of Engineering, seven from the Sdhobl of Agriculture, and one from the School of Veterinary! Medicine. Faculty members who were iii-) itiated included Howard W.! Bar- low, F. C. Rkdton, M. T. Harring ton, James D. Lindsay, T^F. Mayoj. Ide Pi Trotter, W. H. %laplane;, Walter W.'Varvel, Frederick W. Jenson, Edmond C. Klipple, and Chauncey B. Godbey. Student members from the School of Engineering are: Donald E. Jarvis, Tom D. Reynolds, Rus sell D. Brewington, Roy C. Gould, Deonys H. Drozd, and Otto R. Kunze; Services Held For L. P. Moore, Jr. Second Lieutenant L. P. Moorej, Jr., Cflass of ’49, was killed with three other flyerp Sunday when two training planes crashed in flight at Sa(n Antonio, Last year, Moore was a senior range and-management major in E Flight Air Force. Attending the three o’clock fun eral services this afternoon u,t lagers, Tuxas, as pallbearers were f. (I. Magruder, Jack Raley, Stan ley Southworth, Bob Farrow, Weld on Gardner, and Jimmy Burroughs. Representatives from the. Mili tary Science Department, a eolbr guard, a buglen and a firing de tail cjomposed of C. K. Landrum, Bob Pierce, Joe Pate, Robert Con- ine, Jack Shugart, Bill Mayo, and Cliff ! McGowan were present for the Services. i Other engineering students are Read Johnson Jr., Arthur B. Pow ell, William C. Myre, Kenneth W. Smith, James L, Schultze, and Richard G. Hutton. j Hugh M. Wallace of College Sta tion was the student from the School- of Veterinary Medicine. Students in the School of Agri* culture are Richard F. Holland, James G. Slayton, Thomas L. Pea cock, Richard B. Greene, John A. McKay, Lytle H. Blankenship, and Harold F. Blitch. Arts and sciences students in eluded David J. Kreager Jr., Joe H. Mullins, Frank W. Cushing, Kenneth Bond, and Mack T. Nolen. The newly elected officers of the organization, all faculty mem bers, are Robert M. Holcomb, pres ident, J. F. Fudge, vice-president, Dean 0. N. Shepardson, secretary, and Paul J. Woods, journal cor respondent. director, and comedian. When Deni- mark was invaded, Borge was in Sweden, mocking the demands Germany had made on his small country. The Nazis didn’t take to bis brand of humor, and he left for America "for his health." Borge studied at the Royal Op era of Copenhagen and won schol arships to the Music Conservatory of Copenhagen and the University of Berlin. Tutored by European masters, he soon became one of the foremost artists of the con cert stage. But he enjoyed satirizing the concert pieces more than giv ing straight classical programs. 1 * Playing a combination Borge- Bach-Boogie program, the "Un- meloncholy Dane” has always played to standing-room-only au diences on his tours of the country. He also appears in television, on the radio, and in night clpbs around the country. Recently he was fea tured at the Wedgewood Room of the Waldorf-Astoria. Not Town Hall Feature Borge is appearing tonight as an added attraction of the Guion Hall season and Is not a Town Hall fea ture. Tickets for his performance are on sale in the Student Activ ities Office ai|d can be obtained at the box office before the show begins. General admission is 70 cents and reserved seats are $1.20. Curtain time is eight. Pretty Lady Proves That Smile Can Work Wonders A pretty lady with a winning smile has proved that determina tion to help out a Worthy cause can work wonders. Her name is Pat Green, wife of Danny Green, A&M swimming star. Employed as cashier at the Cave, Pat read an article in The Battalian concerning a little boy in (Waco who was suffering from abdominal cancer. She took matters into her own hands. Her purpose: to raise money for the afflicted child. Bhe began her first drive at the Cave. ; , ,* ; j L -1 ' ■ ~ \ }$ She later extended the drive to the Campus Corner. Her campaign soon proved successful; more than $100 had been collected by Monday, and more was oh the way. Those who know Mrs. Green can readily understand Just how she has made such a favorable success out of her neighborly venture. Her friendly smile and ’’howdy” to everyone are undoubtedly at the bot tom of the mattrir. ; | { As one student! summed it up, "she makes you feel good to givri.” t $65,000 Laborator^ DedicationThursda) r n • • ,ii : ■ ’I BY Cf C. George Smith, chairman corps trip committee, will m ?et on the c the senior class’ yell practice committee. This latest development' ! hold midnight yell practice in tV:’ I m: HU: ere I M of the in! a senior 4 I , ■ I ;on A&M Club’s pus today with 1 campaign to ; Houston ;bef4re the A&M-Rice ; ♦game was announced last even- ■ ihg by Bbb Byington, class presi- • dent j | f Byingujm htftl a telephone con.- ‘ Versatibn ter noon. a past Stu itonl i pnt of the Former louston i ex, who is j withjSmith yesterday rif- i. The ires! udents Ass ome to A&M. or committed j T He saifl he jras very anxious to pppear before , the six-man group hey jpade (theii 1 trip to btffore Houstori council to di the iation, offered to i I talk with the sen- • •* I * I I ' i " 1 V ii cuss with that city's i pfssibility (if having - Beasley Laboratory, a $65,000 cotton research laboratory, will be dedicated at A &' M tomorrow af ternoon at 4. Dr. P. V. Garden, head of the Agricultural Research Adminis tration of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, will deliver the main address. The Texas Agricultural Experi ment Station has been officially Carle Gives Three PerformancesHere to pla he to thep Aggieland I949’s Arrive Tuesday Next Tuesday, Nov. 8, |the long- waited Aggieland 1949 will begin reaching the student’s hands, Ro- laqd Bing, manager of student pub lications said today. Now being bound by the bind ery of the American Beauty Cov er Company of Dallas, the bulk of the annuals will reach College Station early next week and be distributed immediately, Bing said. BY BRUCE NEWTON Fankie Carle and his nationally known band will come to the cam pus this weekend for three per formances. The Town Hall program will fea ture Carle Friday night at at 8100 and Saturdayy evening at 7, he will give a concert in Guion Hall open to the public. Tickets will be $1,00 for reserved seats and 70 cents for general admission. Saturday, Carle will perform at an All-College dahee from 9 to 12 p. m. The dance will be semi- formal, and tickets will be $2.00, stag or drag. Carle will feature Marjorie Hughels, his daughter and the band’s star Vocalist. ^larjorie has recent ly recovered from a serious ill ness which forced her to leave the band several months ago. v While he was with Horace Heidt’s orchestra, Carle did a benefit show at an orphanage. The children were entranced with his charm and ability. Many came to Carle asking how they could play a piano like him. Carle asked one particularly anxious little girl why she wanted to play the piano like her >hero. The tot thought for a moment and then replied, "Well, it sounds so nice. Not like an ordin ary piano . . i. but almost as though something magic were play ing . . , almost like, well, like a .-4 -» like a golden touchy” . i j. Marjorie Hughes became her father’s vocalist after he had re fused to let her sing professionally. She, unknown to her father, had a recording made which was played at an audition hqld by Carle. Carle, not recognizing her voice, ordered his managers to hire the singer and the next nignt, Marjorie joined the band. Later she married the band’s piano player, H)ughey Hughes. Carle has a npw radio show en titled “Carle Coipes Calling.” Some of Marjorie’s Cqlumbia records in clude “Oh, Whiat It Seemed To Bfe,” “Roses In The Rain,” and “Rumors Are Flying.” .. designated as headquarters for cot- tori genetics research for thri en tire cotton belt. This laboratory, named for u former A&>M student, will provide facilities for much of; the basic research, of the pro jects in cotton genetics. Killed in Action i£jj. 0. Beasley, ’32, was killed in action in Italy in 1943 when he was 34 years old. He discovered new methods of cotton genetics, opening new fields in cotton breed- ing. "Despite the comparative Short ness of his research career, there is (widespread appreciation of the grfeat contribution Beasley made to (science and to the (improvement of cottop,” Dr. R. D. Lewis, di rector of the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, said. "Some of.;the genetics stocks he produced here have become the foundation of new strains for the cotton belt.” The regional cotton genetics re search project to be' developed here is financed largely by USDA Research and Marketing Act funds. The resident instruction program already has attracted graduate students as research assistants from Missouri, Georgia, Mississ ippi and Arizona, as well as Texas. Outstanding scientists are to be brought in for periods of from six months to a year ag lectures with the rating of distinguished profes- soj;. The laboratory building houses a genetics laboratory, a cytology laboratory, a seed storage and gen eral work room and a potting room. The two greenhouses, with a total of ;4,690 square feet of floor space, wih make possible research on live ’cotion plants the year round. k i J. O. BEASLEY ] j A $65,000 cotton research labor atory In hln honor . . Delay Foresee On Aggieland Water System Schedule for Unit Commander Pictures Announced by Woodall (Beginning today regimental, battalion, and company command- era can have their full length pic- tujres made for the military sec tion of the Aggieland 1960, co editor Jim Woodall has announced. Tpe corps editor added that the The schedule revealed by Wood- all was as follows: >, Nov. 2 through 8: 1st & 2nd. Regt. Nov. 9 through 1.7: 3rd & 4th Regt. Nov. 18 through 24: 5th & 6th Regt. It is important that the unit commanders have their pictures uqiform for these pictures will be made during the designated period nqmber one with boots and going b ecause there will be no opportunity places . hat. for make-nns the annual en-ertitnr ■ ■> ' ||#ya 11 I - •J;'. ;■ ! : Pi! IIP ip - m ■■ ■ A Frank F. Johnaon surveys his 48-plp« division |. •• ii . r ' . -V 4/; ■' .c J- ; 1 J*" i ! hand he holds the seven piece matched Purex pipe set, top prtne for that division. Johnson Is a married EE major from Bancor, Texas. Iii ' ' \ /i; for make-ups, the annual co-editor explained. Woodall said that the present non-corps individual picture sche dule will continue through the twenty-fourth of this month, op erating concurrently with the mil itary commanders schedule. The schedule below is for the non-corps student pictures: Juniors Nov. 2 & 8: L through Z Nov. 4, 5, & 7: Make up for Jun iors. Sophomores Nov. 8, 9, & 10: A through N Nov. 11 & 12: Make-up for all classes. Nov. 14 & 15: O through Z. Freshmen Nov. 16,1.7,18, & 19: A through Z. Make-Ups Nov. 21,22,23, & 24: All classes. Non-corps seniors and graduate students can have make-up pictures made anytime in the period until November 24, non-corps co-editor Chuck Cabaniss stated. Many students who have had th^ir pictures made have failed to call for their proofs and many who have called for them have not re turned them to the studio, Cabaniss said. These failures of non-corps students to decide quickly on their desired proofs are holding up the whole class section, he aadeo and urged all students to act pomptly in choosing their preferred proofs. | A ■ | I ‘ | Letter From the Reaper and Editor... Reader Onstott and the co-pditor of the Battalion fin ally got together yesterday aftepnoon. . Jimmy Onstott and Bill Billingsley, who had been car rying on a fend in the Battalian’s f’Letter’s” column for three days met each other other for iihe first time. They discovered that each of them had been wrong. Billingsley realized he had beert too ma(d to think clearly when he answered Onstott, and had read some things into Onstott’s letter that weren’t really there. Onstott figured that he, too, had been just as mad as Billingsley and had said some things that on later inspection didn’t sound like he had meant them. After chewing the fat for a few minutes they concluded that maybe t|he entire student body was making the same mistake they had been making, j That, under the strain of a full semester’s work, the frustration of a long football drought, and the general turmoil of A&M’s change from war to peace, everyone was too overwrought and prone to tell off the guy next to him. They found out that, although they couldn’t see it, they had been blasting at each other with the same goal in inind —to get the most relaxation possible out of a corps trip to Houston, to do everything they could to beat Rice, and to do nothing discrediting to the A&M College of Texas. After they got it through their heads that they were working for the same purpose and the same Aggieland, they began making plans for the Rice corps trip. They decided they would lean over backwards to give the people of Houston a good impression of A&M when they were in publip. Whatever the city father’s and Houston exes decided on yell practice, they would accept cheerfully. They Agreed to yel themselves hoarse f Saturday afternoon support ing the Maroon and White—the fightin’est football team that ever played its heart out on a gridiron. Then at night they decided to go to the biggest Aggie party they could find and hang one on to celebrate the Ag gie’s win over Rice., \ We keep^saying “they”, bt^t we mean “we.” I’m writing this, which is my racket, while Jim gives me the plans on A&M’s proposed separate ^vater system will be delayed fpr:spnu‘ time, according to T. R-. Spence, supervisor of physical plants far! the A&M System. The, first IwaUjr 4vell drilled between Bryan arid' Bryan Field yielded water witjh; very high minerjal content. i * ■ I I S ,• j I, , Spence stated: Monday thgt itle; location for thfc waterwell. field, which was to Supply the collet el with water after the present con tract with Brygn expires : March, will not be set until an-: other test well is complete^. Th s! second Well is being dug approx imately on the : site of Bryt n Field. j j! I I . K I , ii; Until adequate production : is; ei-j tablished, the collecting reiervoin J and water pipe line to the cari-i pus cannot be located or construe H ed. Therefore, no estimaU* as ;b when A&M will! have its own writ sr system can be made until a pri-i ducing well with proper qurili ;y water can be found, i jr j 1 1 I j if i Original plans, authorized] by the Board of Directors, May 14; crilli id for drilling four veils at* fipst tvd and one-half miles southwest >f Bryan, with tjivo additional wells added to the field later. Thp Lane* Texas Company of Houston has tji# l.'midnighl yell -practice before the| j A&M-Ribe g«pc. , ] Byington aisiepted Smith’s offer 'land a It ncheo t meeting was sche duled at* Agjilclund Inn today at noon. { : j v , • liyingtin Impressed The ielilor fclass president, itf-j ! ter talk hg wl h Smith, saiiK to The: I Battalion, "1 (• really Impressed: me wltp his jincerlty and ougoir-: ness to i help i »< with thiij problem; of midnight (ell practice,” Smith told.'Byington that hej would contac f Mayor Oscar Hoi- combe if Hoi 8ton and try to ar range rin au< fence with the city council for tl|tc senior yell prac tice coihinittc i. ' j . |> He told Byi tgton, howpver, that,; after pi elimimry investigation, hi doubted if thelnieeting between thi seniors and fflouston city father could b<? scHeauled before Monda or Tuesday ojp next week. s At first tlj|s appeared to coni flict with tht jexpressea desire of "ihe senior cla| s that the yell praci- tice committ ie meet with thp Houston officials before the usuril I tl * ■Ii •' ’'III''' A&M corps tifp committee went t) Houston. . | Howcjver, Ik. Col. Joe E. Daviu, who is on th| corps trip commr - tee wl ich lejjrt this morning f( r Houstoi, saiiJithat his committees sole mission yss to make arrange ments 'or thl : corps parade Satur day morning of - the A&M-Rice game. The questron of yell practice will not be discussed, he said, v Mem iers of the corps trip com mittee which jvent to Houston with bs; He pns officer; ‘ “iblic -t. 'Ool. M. e Ayant, (colonel man DeLtdrich, corf and £. C. MunV information ol contract for the first four (yells i|»ri u low bid of $20,000 per wili.i l Col Dtjvis BPwder), Do the cor|)s; H operati roe, cqrps p ficer. CommBteo Appointed The lsix-ma|i committee which! was apthori Monday nigh paign |for was appoint Tuesday mo: In additiorf to, Byipgton, members are , :ames H. "Red" senior (yell h iider from B Troop;: Jack Miller, jitudont senator from! E Air' Force Bill Stoffregan, A- Ord.; Jfohn 'faylorj C Troop; and: ■ !l ittee id by the Senior cl* I to carry out its caih-i fdnight yell practifcc: by Byington eariy: i>ng. to Byipgton, ■ the j: ames H. “Red" Duke, I; •J f John Lj- Christensen', co-vice presi-, 1 °1 comm ee SENIORS, Page . .. r . W derit of the se ijor class of B Tr ThejcommUteo r: roop.j held ite first _ i) ' Ii t m M IWJirVv m the partying, iii m M y *» r i > ' i tl which is his specialty. We both! had to swallow our pride a little, but we think we’ve done iie right thing for ourselves and the college. We’d like to see everybody else sit down for ten minutes, alone in his own room, and think honestly to himself what is best for himself and A&M Coll Hi si liege. Then golto Houston, act accordingly, and let’s all pu team behind that Aggie team and beat the hell out of Ri ut our ce. ; t BiU Billingsley Jimmy Onstott 11 -1 ■ ■ ;.:L : i 4 H 4’. : v ■ I l 1 iii. 4 An 18 year native and a !: ; M | old sophomore i candidate foi Signal Corps, entered rj! 11 I ■ / 1 •.! O’Glee Is Dallas Joe Pike, ol >4 / A'