Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1949)
‘Black Marie.’ • l ' ■ v By HERMAN C. GOLLOB Black Magic (UA) starring Orson Welles and Nancy Guild endless chainofA-analities^(|exam. a frantic Madame t (Palace) • - j \ The only two fepts of black tjilgic accomplished the same name, taken; from Alex ahdre Dumas’ Caglic|stro and now • antagontzihg moviegoers at the Palace, are (1) the j near setback "of the film;.industry to jits early -beginning and (2) the mass coma into which the film audience is ; thrown by the eloquent boredom of "the production. “Black Magic” isl j truly a tale ; told by an idiot, who in this in stance happens to be producer-di rector Gregory Ratolff. < ■ V It chronicles the l|fe of the fa natical -Cagliostro, (played by Or- son Welles) eighteenth century gypsy charlatan who essayed to f .parlay his gift for-hypnosis into -mastery of France, involving him- ■ self in a nefarious plot to turn public sentiment against Marie ‘ 1 Antoinette, court favorite of Louisi 1 , )• xiv. • • ’ Sly director Ratdff has cun- j . ningly sought tq^eaJaouflage this , .jf sublime atrocity’s ! many blem- • ki J 8 * 168 hy making scanty use of light. The resultaht : murkiness ' /makes it virtuallylimpoffsible at lines to see what’s going on, hich in itself may be consid- sldered somewhat of a 1 negative - i M ■ [ J The mote Sonvcntjional among us argue that the quasi-absence pf light is used as an'effect; but ow’better. ! absurd plot complexities, the minute to lose!”), the grossly rt; the film of i aggerated performances of a ted performances of a Mi- poor cast—all keep the film r at the fast! clip of a miler „ Jing through a layer aled tar. What puzzles this revk le ! appearance of the df-confessed genius, i ; ‘•If: , V we knc Welles, in a part which! any would consider demeaning. | , We had heretofore considered Wellesr whose first denture into films in l“Citizen Kane” was as writer, producer, director, and star, onje of filmdom's most finishc fobmers. His unintelligible ijhQtter- ings through bored teeth in “Black Magic,” have now planted t|ie seed of suspicion in our mind. ]) I i A dual role is handed Nancy Guild, seen as the girl who unfor- tonateld becomes the apple of Citi zen Orson’s evil eye and as Nau jhty Marie. She, therefore, has the distinction of turning 5)1 two insipidj characterizations, j ( Akim Tamiroff, Tamara Shayne, Berry Kroeger, and Raymond Burr are also on hand to take part In the melodramatic claptrap. ; j The evening’s entertainment was further enhanced by the spasmodic croup of an anonymous young lady seated directly behind me. With a little more effort, I’m certain that she could have succeeded In arous ing Alexahder Dumas from the hereafter to see this pathetic trans feral, of his book to the screen. Tested Friday e latest ty control eq tested by the Service, A&M Syi near Cleveland f the.most effecth equipment fdr foriest fire line construction. , [:\ i Approximately 100 spectato followed the tractors and plo\ through the test strips which were 20(1; yards in width and one half mile in length. The strips were laid out in three different pine- and hardwood types commonly found in East Texasl. guzzl£ ITIH HOOfVN company, sol «JT5 GC rc/r fAMALYZ£D SCCMSTTC NYAR IN TN‘FOODS' AT LAST' AH HAS DMCOYOtCD rO Ot rAULT tMfTAULr.y WHUFFOTDttYO' DUMP ALLTTCT UKKEA IN TirWVER?? ByAlCapp U’L Sam O. j Pate, senior business * bm Sweetwater, has ointed cadet colonel in of the Infantry regi- Offers Reserve Officers Duty Today is the last opportun- ? ble ,0 in, " e,tol Small tractors and plows were matched with units weighing many tons. I'Speed and effectiveness of line construction we *e the two im portant factors thqt were being tested. I ij . I j : i Records were prepared on such factors as loading time, unloading time, plowing speed and effective- nefes of line construction. One time keeper was assigned to each piece of equipment. An inspection team checked ' the line construction' by each tractor and plow to determine its effectiveness. These records will be compiled ard made avail- MXASl" LEIMAfTW suajecK.'-iTv - MooHiuorwr IT! disgraced IN TX LAST TOWN AH uved iN.r-rr ALUM DttMnCSg ml, cuss rr.r jAipNw , Love Me—Love My Dogpatcher 1 sreck i.'-AM'Lucjve Ttwass whut am UP TOf ^IN' T-ftND . IALUIS ‘SATS^-WHUT OUT WjHUT YO ONC /EFAHHA»ONE U'L FAULT TMET ALLUS WRECKS MAH LIFE-TMET AU.US SHAMES. " MOOMIUATES,Atf DISORACCS ME? whv bother r otscuna it?— IS,COUSIN *ONE-n ux: a»tep .V/MV BOTHER ‘ONE U'L tn* ABNER . ' I- a Frigidaire Vr '• : 4', r ity for. Organized Reserve Corps officers to accept 90 days actively with the Army to participate with the Invasion Forces and Umpire Group of! “Operation Miki," Col- nnel Oscaf B. Abbott, executive for the Texas Military District, an nounced Saturday. “Operation Miki” will be a joint Armed Forces exercise near j Fort Lewis, Washington, and will he conducted beginning September 1. Quotas! for Texas Reserve Of ficers exist for company grade of the Arnaorcd, Medical Service, Chemical; and Ordnance, and for field grade Reservists of the In fantry and Artillery. “The Army considers thii) ex ercise of! utmost value and places it in priority one of all training activities of Reserve Officers,” Colonel Abbott said. ’ “Due tjoj the short notice gi the Texas) Military District, must hayei applications for ‘Op< tiori Mikil in the hands of Organized Reserve Corps Instruct or’s offke at the PMA Buildh College Station, by August 22.” Those selected to attend the i ercises will be notified immediatle- ly. They; will report Umpire, Joint Exerc Lewis, Washington. — j '• —.r- j Features of the Frigid jL I - Home Freezer , Put« a yMr-'round * F4mous Meter-Miser Mechonlsint An.rk.t In y.ur h.m.1 -1 f ’ l !' W " Z.. • Dqlax-Fioilhed All-Stwl Obrnn V.”? 8 * “ p * t " > • > . • Extra-Thick Sealed -Tight tusoladon CgjPJ llM your FREE «opy of "How To Keep It Frogltn^ Consult Dr. Carlton R. Lee OPTOMETRIST With Your Visual Problema 203 S. Main — Bryan Phone 2-1662 The forest products industries and the j U. S. Forest Sendee co operated with the Texas Forest Service in the trials by providing equipment tested. As a result qf thje trials, public agencies and private industries can determine the most effective com bination of tractor and plow for use in the chnstruction of fire lines. This, it iw pointed out, will provide more! effiejient fire ptoj lection for , the 11,000,000 acres of valuable timber in East Texai^ i, AH WOULD i UKE T'SEE DAISY MAE. AH AiM*i r PROPOSE rHEh. r A Marriage Has Been Arranged ! ! WILLIN' TWOOPP ! ■ 1; ’ Battalion CLASSIFIED ADS Page 4 1 SELIa W1TU A BATTALION CLASSIFIED . AD. Rates . . .3c a word per tmertton wlUi a 25c minimum. Space rates | In Classified Section . . . 60c per colujmn 2 Inch. Send air classifieds with remit tance to the Student Activities Office, All ads should be turned in by iq:O0 > a.m. of the day before publication. | • FOB SALE . FOR SALE—One year old 7 ft. Philco refrigerator. Vtry Reasonable. D4-X College View. •' ■ 1. i ■ 1’ . ; L_ FOR SALE—7^ Ft. Ward Supreme. C C-6-W. ‘ Refrigerator, 3948 illege View, Apt. ! | j.’ f, 1 FOR SALE —3mall 20 inch exhaust fa c.y.v. tefrigeriftor SCG.00. n $25.00. C-19-Y Robert (Red) R< in 18 consecutive New York Yanke American League : i— —4 )lfe scored runs games for the is in 1939, an •ecord. U AH-n WILLIN'/. PTT / By A1 Capp used c> HEADQU/ Your Friendly Ford Deal BRYAN MOTOR Do. N. Main St. I \ ialer MONDAY, AUGUST 22, 1949 a i! • -i FOR BALE—Three room home at 402 Cooner Street, College Station; nice lawii amt walks, fenced tn back yard. n « i id PRACTORI Geo. W. Buchanan, D.C. COLONIC X-RAY 805 E. 28th St. !•> {; Phono 2-6213 jL r, j FOR - SALK—Student house Number 7, between Tennis , Courts ' and ' Projedt Houses, • MISCELLANEOUS • : .j New York ji Cafe ; “Urir /f I; I AUCTION EQUIPMENT Greisser Electric, Company FRIGIDAIRE SALES & SERVICE SINCE 1925 212 N. BRYAN ST. Bryan / Phone 2-1423 JERSElj’ STREET Cqllege Phone 4-9876 . IISKI) BOOKS He pav the highest priees lor I '-eil Hooks— He maintain wholesale and relail lists the year 'round. (iKT OI K I’KK KS Itl.lOKM N| I.U\<; THE EXCHANGE STORE "Serving Texas .Angies” Room for one, or iprobably two people, to 1 Boston, or vicinity. Write Box 842, College, for inforhiation. ! ’ AFT^R September first I Will Identify plaint;’, by appointment at my heme 309 Highland Street. College Station. Pride 10^ each. H. B. Parks, Phone'4-817f. .—,—I, ^ .it WOULD LUCE to Interview boys interestdd in I carrying papers next Kail between 8-9 o’clock August 16-August 20tb. Room 209 Goodwin. ENROLL NOW for new classes starting September 12th in shorthand, bookkeep ing Jand associated subjects. Registration limited.' McKenzie • Baldwin Business College. Dial 2-ini. r >f,. • FOR RENT • AUCTION AUCTION LAND ! LIVESTOCK ■ j 1' i - 1 N. i L'l ii\ ■ ■ ■ . r , i • ,i ,| Approximately one mile of frontage on new Highway 6, nine miles south qf College, buildings, livestock and equipment, tp he sold at public auction Friday, August 26th, between 4:30 and 7 P ,m. l j : > !;> i : 1 • I j ; , \ ; ■} N ' _L_- LAND WILL BE DIVIDED INTO TRACTS OF THREE TO FIFTEEN ACRES, each tract fronting on the highway. Good building sites, plenty of trees, some fish ponds, and plates for others. REA lijnesl to be extended under loan Bryan system received this year. \ : ■ i Ll j 1 1 . 1— - A—— FOR RENT—Refrigerator call 2-JB723. , S t ,.. .. y , . - s4-. LAUNDER IN LEISURE Laundromat Equipped . . . One JEialf Hoar Laundry Open Daily 7:30 a.m. r Last Wash Received Monday ; 7:00 p.m, — Sat. 3:30 p.m. Other Days 5:30 p.m. Starching & Drying Facilities Available. Livestock purchased and bred of A & M stock together with other (stock, palominos, quarter, saddle and work stock. x .M ! / • Terras of Sale: On land, 10% or $50 down and balance $10 or 1% per] month (whichever is greater), with interest at 0% on unpaid balance , only. Note for balance payable at College Station State Bank, j \ ALL PROPERTY WILL POSITIVELY BE SOLD )AND TITLE; GIVE** AT TIME OF SALE. Owner leaving state and rrhist BelljNOW. j In case of rain sale will be held at later date. Property can be inspected any evening after 3 p.m. r | f v|i|' 1 I ; ' I Ifc—rUr !;•: |j- WANTED - ISED B00KS BUY — S ELL OR TRADE ■ t i i I r-i 1 - • i i I \ i. I.-. p ■ J ' !•' 1; . 1, j;') : V ‘i ■ i ■ .! * . • ! I- ‘ ■■ ■ ji ii i : i . ! •i- ‘ * -t i j •1 i Old Lou Is STUCK With the Following Books — Now Is the Time to Trade on Your Terms YOU AGGIES HAVE MADE OLD LOU ONE OF THE LARGEST USED BOOK DEALERS IN COLLEGE STATION . r,, -rr , n-- , . .„r-„ ■„ ■ .. n...„ r, wi-T I If Sophomore Specials Ogbome klibkoff +- Sociol -Beckman — Ma Maynard- I 17 * I * ^ ^ Ise-Meyers — Economies 203 - 204 Russell-Jude — Education 121 i ' ' ”?T T Talbots Quantitative Chem. Analysis — Chem. 207 Marketing 205 j Junioc Specials ■ * i Ji j • I J. .1 1 |! ’ - 1 r Marketing Agriculture Products — Clark-Weld Business Law — 305 - 306 ■ T . : : 4' \j i j—j '!• V -r •[ 1 f .1 NORTH GA1 • Roll • Samuelsoi — C •• !• : i! ■ . I I u # Olson — Elements of Dairying i English 203 — Seven Modern Plays Understanding Fiction j] Senior Specials Industrial Management History of Rural Society Problems in Retailing Cases & Titles — Aioler ■ ■ - Hi-' ! HH;. WE ARE OVER SUPPLIED IN THE FOLLOWING BOOKS - IF YOU NEED ONE- SEE LOU ' ■ H er -4.. Sociology ^|Bri Buy- Sell or Trade Your Old Book, for New Books Thai You Need While They're Available 'll Full Cash Refund Given Until September 24 — If Books Are Not Used LoudoI’s Trading Post He’s Right With Yon” # Economics 311 I Management l!. ’ 5 ' : il- . I 'V ! j neering 46 ■ * ■ * -•r —i •' .a | r I IV v; j •I I I' t.! J , lV , ;.y • j.'' IwwwS y,.- 1 r A ™>N la : ! 1 I /! •■•I _ ■H 4 * •Hi - 1 r. ■ 1 » 1 w] .v'' i/ ; fi: L .ij ■ •' ■ j; ‘ !■ ... ir ^ : i si I;:/' 4 _ * ilij ill;