Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1949)
: 'M V i * r, L [. -.n i. • i ill mi ^ By BILL POTTS inch, 175 pound jupipr from Waco.ij «W»4 ! is expected, to see a lot of servkd, lot of action together at End Coach J. T. King -will have a t an end position ttys fall. He was positions on defense. 15 men "from jwhich to man the) on e of the smallest linemen who) : Also slatfd to twd itorpiinal positions on the Ag* played in the Southwest Confer- . gio line this fiill. I encc last year. > With *ctuming Ifftermen such Dick Callender, n 170 pound ehd as Andy Hillnousej Wray Whit- from College Station, will See a ' ~ * ’ lot Of servke as a defensive taker, Cedrick Copeland and Dick od:^: . pears that the end slots on the Callender, to bnim/around, it ap- Aggie eleven this fall will be the strongest on the line. - i '. Besides the four lettermcn who *• wiir be back, King wil have such ( ^outstanding sophomores as Jaro Netardus, Carl Hill, and. Jerry Crossman gunring for the posi- tions.i-i' , i Missed most by King will, be •Charlie Wright, who was second in the conference! last year in pass r receptions. ' i .. Andy Hillhouse, a 225 pound jdtyor from A|vin, is one of the Aggie.* outstanding prospects for 'all-AmdriCan honors this year. He made honorable men tion on the limited Press^aH* America! though he end during tl . .year. /. \ , Standing si; hjgh at right biggest end in • feretvee this y. i Fully vecovei [iaw that sidelf after the SMC '• /, Whittaker is ex the starting atfs «/nd position., 1 •standing six f( Whittaker was !;• Playing uniil hd fall. season, al- oflly a substitute early part of the ! feet,, three inches id, h6‘ will be the ie Southwest Con*' from a broken him last year ime, Senior Wray rted to take over _ imept at the left Weighing 1195 and t, .two inches tall, cr in his ned last outstinding in his s/sidclfi Cedrick Cojleland,-4jlivc feet, U a defensive! man this-fall. He'* notdd for his lough, bang-up defensive tactics. . Netardus, Hill ! and Crossman worq the freshmen in spring train ing who showed the most promise in the ciid positions. Netardus, a 196 pounder from El Carnpo, was one | of j the out standing performers on the Fis|) team last tail. Six feet ta 1, he wHli " MW) s changed from probably se< action. Crossjman fullback to enjd in because he show promise at dhfit played fullback on the Fish lea offensive 1 r _ rr _ L pring drills so much Uion t lie am last fall.-A 19^ Pound six footer, he sparkled i s a Rp»« receiver in the spring nt ra-siquad games. Hill was ini ligibty last season but showed \ p well in spring training,; 4 75 pbunder from Denison, he vr fense this fall Also iiyailajb e fop .‘Wi vict* at the! terminal Barton, ijt junikr from Fort Stock- ton, Charles (Davidson, a junipr from Port A_r|hu'r, Dan Si>ears, n may see a those Also slatfd to jsec duty at the enter posi ion n -e Hugh Meyer, ne of the more n lutstanding soph nters in tapring \drills, and Jim Fowler, Pat Diff e, Hulin Smith, and Van Hgtherlj. DuBose pould aptly name the guard and tackle slots the “head ache’’ positions <f the line. Gone are such [performers as tackle Marion Se-ttegahjt, all-conference tackle Jim Winkler and all-con ference guard Odell Stautzenberg- er. Three letternn n guards, Greiner, Cm-1 Mo berg and Micki Spencer ! arc re urning but positions v ill be shallow in cap able replac<>ment i. 1 Greiner is expected to be giv en the nod as the starting left guard. A 90 ppund junior from Ptyye6 a lot at the year bnd is expect- imfch service there again. j.j Molberg, a 195 pound junior from Fredericks berg, will relieve him a lot'at the position. Elo Nohavitza, a starting guard on last ye iris Fish team and One of its ojfstanding performers, junior from BHtoh, ami Don Nlch olas, a senior I from San Angelo. * Sophs exported to sec some scr- I I! (WHAT'S youa PmiCM? Squawwwk There’s alwalys some smart “egg”/ or ^crcep to 1 , crack about the food you keei) But when you eat at HOWARDS - iit • you’ll hpver hear a ‘peep’ HOTARD’S sjjrvicfc at th sitjjdns will be Porbant looked gojod at the position in ■ri, Stoc)^- spring tra ning. At the right guard slot, Spencer is Expected to start. A 205 pound junior from Pasadena, he will al ternate ini the position with Jim Dugas arid Will Rush, both 200 pounders from Forth Arthur and Lampasesj respectively. To holster the guard positions, DuBose bps sophs Bod Davidson. Ralph Dresser, Eddie Holley, and Denny Hutson to fill in when nec essary. j Dwayne Tucker and Tuck Thapin are the two returning iettermeu at the tackle slots. Be cause of inexperience, these pos itions a^e expected to be the weakest i on the line this fall. vice arc c inton Guinn from Shjrevcport, La.. Charles 11 from Dallas, Jack Jones Breckcmtidge, and Edsel Jon frOityCollege Station. ' Height/js very much in evi dence dt the bnd positions thty year. Djnly .three men,.Dick (>1- lendar, Cedrick Copeland J and Carl Hill measure under six. feet, (And they all stand fivef- elevenf 1 ; I • -i . i ; : U. Four olhop, Dorbaiit Barton, Charles Davidson, Clinton Gwinln. Andy Sdiuhouse stand six- tfiree. The list of the candidates! tackle lakt fall but not enough to arc in betuecin these measure-1 get expedience necessary for the nients.! |;\. * *) position, j 'At the inier positions on the j Tucker; a 210 pounder from line this full rest the troubles | Waco, wi)l probably start at right which will muse Line Coach Bill tackty. Like Chapin, inexperience .oaf n.*■ i.v.....r ■ .... mm m »A kjB f mn fell HiW mm m fcS' H m Hr m IP m mmM. h c mmk , »'.v' >.> HHbi M m ■ SMILE QUEENS-1 contest at Collese their big football I Shirley McIntosh of Giddings i for trophies in a baton twirling Jet and VUIanova Wildcats start itsville. Marie Love of Navasota. I . , to be credittMl with the loss. Rosen College Station Swimmers Win ! C7 1.1 IT Barclay, g^je Junior Olympic Swim Meet DuBose no 1 ttle amount of worry. the leentef.'; position, which will be fillod by capable nien like Jim my Flowers and Bob Bates, will perplex DuBose the least. Gone is .starter Hpb Ellis from last year’/i team but Flowers, ’ an all-stat center at Highland Park in 194 isNixpected to take over and hand le thKposition capably. .) pi Movetkfitom tackle wherej hb played las'b s year, the 212 poaind howers is je^jected to makp th .•enter position N tty.' strongest t 14ias been ,m a long while, j Right behind and expected t< share yiotj of the pivot pbsitior dpties With Flowers is Bob Bates a 208 pttynd junior from For, AVorth. He and Flowers are twq of the betjtet. linebackers, on th^ r "di" ^ r-i— L -H- team, coached by Aggie swimming (roach Art Adamson and sponsored by the College Station Recreation Council, won five first places and placed six othet* tubes in 12 events Thursday in the Shamrock Hotel pool in Houston to win the Mc Carthy Junior Olympics team title by eight points ! The College Station team com piled 113 pointH in the tw< .meet. Golfcrest of Houston /second .with 106 points. Okla ma City’s seven-member team had 71; Tyler; 43; | New Orleans. 36; Houston Y, 29. and Nacogdoches, 22. j i 1 Chapin J a 215 pound junior from I B‘» KarOw chalked up his sec- in Antoiiio, saw some service at* 1 on< l and third first places Thurs day in trie 50-meter free style and the 100-meter breast stroke events to play a big part in College Sta tion’s victory.; Ho won the 150 meter individual medley in Uie boys’ 17 and under division Wed- nesday. . ! ^ Golfcrest again had at least one place In nearly; every event Thurs-i day, but couldn’t hold off the Col lege Station crew add their val uable points in the delays. Here are the point results in. trie four age groups; Boys 141 and under: College; Station, 30; Houston Y, 29; Golf- crtfSt. 23; Tyter. 23. Boys 17 and under; Oklahoma City, 41; Golfcrest, 40; College Station, 37; New Orleans, 14.' Girls 14 and junddr: Golfcrest 21; Tyler, 20; Austin, 18; Nacog doches, 18. Girls 17 and under: Collegii is his bigpeatidrawback. Sam Moses and Percy Burk jaiie also slated to see some seh’icq in the’leftj tncklc slot. Moses, a starting tackle on Just i'ear'(s>.,fl-eshman team, is big enough—R20 pounds. He might come- along fast enough to make the position before the scasoij js over.,' ; [ . • . • - -j : • Burk, who weighs 205, is a Sen ior whose squad experience will rate him! a chance to see a lot of service, i j Russ Jludok and Alex Stroblc,! both sophomores, will sec some: service it the right tackle posi-, tioh.,;' - '■ Hudek, the heaviest member of the! Aggie squad this fall, Weighs 220 pounds, and accord- | College Station's swimming her, New Orleans. Time HLSuec- onds. 200-Meter Relay: 1 - Tyler (Blakely, Oliver, Benson, Camer on); 2-Collegc Station; 3-Nacog doches: 4-Golfcrest; l»-West Uni versity. Time 2:16.7. , Girls 17 and Under Diving (3-Meter); Billie Arlene Biggs, unattached; 2-Jean Lander, Houston OC; 3-Ann Johnston, Wharton; 4-Pat Hostetler, West University.;. I ‘ ■ Boys 14 and Under : 60-Meter Backstroke: 1 • Bob Karow, College Station; 2-Davc McComb, Houston Y; 3-Emil Tej- m>. Golfcrest; 4-Dickie Frazer, Ty- ler; f»-Scott McGall. Dallas. Time: 3613 seconds. 50-Meter Free Style: 1 - J o c / Fifazier, Tyler; 2-Warner Merritt, Shamrock; 3-Hubert Molanders, Nacogdoches; 4-AJ Donahue, un attached; 5-Daye McComb, Hous ton Y. Time: 30.0 seconds. 200-Meter Relay: t -College Station (Helyey, Boyette, Bonnen, Barlow); 2-Houston Y; 3-St.)' Thbmas: 4-Reagan; S-GoRpreat. 200-Meter Free Stj Colle Time: 2:19.2. Boys 17 and Under New Orleans; 3-Tom Ke- ew Orleans; 4-Bill Beggs. Southside; 5*Bob Barlow, College Station. Time: 2:3*3. ! v Diving: 1-Bobby Brodnax, Golf- creat; 2-Dave Olandu. Oklahoma City; 3-Larry William*, Oklaho ma City; 1-Roger Brooks, Kilgore. 100-Meter Breast Stroke:; 1- B111 Karow, College Station; 2- Buddlo Hoyt, Fort Worth Y; 3- Claude Hooter, Golfcrest; 4-iBurt Bowen, New Orleans; 5-Dick Weick, College Station. Time: 1:18.9. ’ 1 50-Meter Free Style: 1-Bill Karow, College Station; -2-Robert Morris, Texas AC;, 3-l4Try jGiia- ham.. Southside; 4-Bob Leonard, Oklahoma City; 5-Eugene Kelly, Southside. Time: 27.9 seconds 150-Meter Medley Relay/ Golfcrest, (Kilgore, staff); 2-Oklahoma lege Station; 4-NeW Wharton. Time: l:40.0i '"if ' - ■ ••tt"—>' r'-jn >re, Hooten, Buck- oma Cltjy; 3-Col- -New Orleans; 5- »• i 'An n Bij T r Meet SBrt Untier the management of Jihi Sullivan, the Milner Hall Tigers came through for the .second consecutive time to win the campus intramural /softball championship this summer when they defeated the!oft-beaten Mitchell Hallers 6^, Friday afternoon. In winning, the Milner earned the undisputed right to play the mighty B-Odders, the College .View champions, to de termine wbo will v^ear the College Intramural Softball Crown. The playoff will be at [6:45 this after* noon on diamond six. ' A. L. Von Kosenberg gave up seven scattered hits for six runs, in chock until the fifth in- e runs. . round man, George for crived credit for the win a«. 18* pitched a slow spinning ball that no one could seem to hit. : It was in the big Ififth inning and Neal. This only started things. Warner Lindig singled and by virture two consecutKe errors, Sulljv and. Bob Fitts wfre resting .s*fe on the bags. Waymond Nutt then stepped up to the ptyte to blast pl^tu out a beautifur triple tli the base runners. The game started off Mitchell scoring first when Aaronson hit a beautiful drl deep into left field that went ove the fielder's head for a well home run. Fitts was acclaimed the Icadi hitter of this game full of erro as he got two hits for three trips to the plate. Score by innings: II it E Mitchell 120 000 i) 1 3 8 Milner 000 060 x 7 ^ 6 J3 that scored with nt over earned leading errors, team got its 8-0 in four ii LAW pitch) fjMT tening game for Project House/ while.’ Uchle of Law Hall ‘ ‘ i hits for right rum?, t House boys started Bonner and Van Wagner ff in the b L a w| wa8 singled to n, with Va third when were waikled. send both m«i\ in. Then, With Van Wagner and O'Quinn; on base on slngw, Raper alami center field. “ ter 1 the ityed a home run! to rl t single. 'I It SPteruSn singled Sparks talked. WaJdrip knocked both” bat. once moi f . . 49ers Release Cotton HoweU ■HliH have released Howell, end, who came Texas AA-M last season. I; Howelj, who came to 8a« Flrqn* eiaco with a ; reputation a* a great pass catcher, saw little action Inst CISCO,]Aug. 22 neisco 49er8 of Football ( Clarence itAcl Um|r The impi eV Station, 31; Oklahoma City, 30; Nacogdoches, 22; New Orleans, 22. Girls 14 and Under' '25-Meter Breast Stroke; 1-Shir- ley Walker, Nacogdoches; 2-Patsy Cameron, Tyier; 3-Lpuiise MfKinn- Icy, Nacogdoches; 4-Diana Hester,' WTuirton; 5-Nancy Hale, College Statiohl Time 21.2 seconds.. 25-Meter Frco Style; 1-Diano Derrick. Austin; 2{Deloria Andcrr son. jctoifcrest; 3-Ann Copeland, CpUego Station; 4-Pat Wilson, Houston Tentys club; 5-Gayle Ber ing to last reports, is still grow- ing. Standing six-four, he can fill quite in ( he line. .. Stroblc was ineligible last year because‘he was a transfer. Weigh ing 210 pounds, he is given a chance to see much duty at the position. Also slatedi to sec some service at the tackle positions are senior is ’Johns and Billy ProtL Dick Scott, a squadman from last year/ and -sophs ‘Johnso Phares With the guard 1 and especially i the tackle positions rests the fate i of this year’s Aggie eleven. Iit- j experience is the biggest draw- back. If the men who man these posi tions come through better than ex pected, then the Aggies will have a good season; otherwise, not so good. I " • j ’! [ j j | 1 - j 1 | 1 ■ : • < Join The Parade / i ") 1 'J : of Well Dressed People | Taking Their Clothes hmm r{:. r, \ * : i ' > r ' ■ ' i ‘ ! ' fl! 4^:! tl :' H • j %: • M 4 : - .;r M . ■. j K if y -j. ^ 1 , i, : / . i [ v • L ■; f. ; j / y • , i ■ / •. i , . .>•1 ’ j l jjl \) 1 ; v j youngest,U. $.'Open golf champion was Horace Rawlins,] who Won the second open at New- ! port, R. I., in 1895, at jthc age of 19. Trophies won by the Station Su inunlng Team are display at jMadeleyV They Inriinle ten large trophies won at Houston, Rosenberg ami (•ollege Station^ r J i T" r •. ri.,1 X-T-2 Reserve Your Books Now Beginning ljuesday morning, August the Exchange Store will inaugurate a lay-away plan on books and equipment for the Fall semester. I : ,1 ;■ ' ;| n ^ j ' .■ H ' I j^Jlyou have to do is give oik‘of oujr sales force a list of your courses hcJforeyouleaycIthc campus. ¥oiju* hooks and equipment will be collected into one package and labeled with your name and number. ' f 1 UT ' When yoa return for the FaR can fthort circuit the waiting lines. Simply preisent y««r chi. ckeck at tkc eart wmim with your GI orders or cwdi and the supplies wifi be delivered to you, ... mS There is no ohligation on your j jChme in chool opening. I i (fj tftes wliat may take houns at ■ ! -j ^ . I- i:7 ; i .' It!:! i | • I |:| , ; ;; J. ' • • | ,4] All reserved packages not called for 24 will be return' I flHrvTf stock. The Exchange Store “Serving Texas Aggies” ■ !' . . I' TTTTU ii j-’ •; | ! j 'J -v !;ii