Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1949)
: ■ ' i V : : -* ■ * \ V . ' ' i- <■*-•• • •- 1. U. l - ' / ' \- ■ V i ) ' ' .* : r — 1m ' Volume 49 ■ - Ft' F ■ r w •' r .y' L i-. ;>• ■ ' i.\ 1 ■i, . r r’k \ ; i « ; • r -I!i 1 ■ ip [!■ ' ' ' w- r «s ' ■/ .i r" p: t . • ■. 11 m I Jl-' if' -1 I ji nr> H . ,i-.r 1 •i SUB PUBLISHED IN THE J: 'I COLLEGE STATION (| OF A GREATER A&IH COLLEGE "t ' I !" ■ - m-: : • ii 'fz FRIDAY, AUG. 19, 1949 'v I A. ff ; !■ ii i 1 ' — ii!, i, i K (T ' / < . ! • ’ . Y s ( ~.J«i ■ r i/r. 4- I ’* * 15 fit . v ' enalors Visit Rice '’_.iTk» ^ ! ¥Tk _ ; / / Dam *■ I O U1SCUS Four student senators are in Houston today di, plans with Rice Institiite representatives for a joint body dance after the A&M-Rice foottatl game on N< 12» • ■• { : y I In the group are Charlieji! Kirl^ham, A&M’s Senate president, Keith Alteup,4^^ ~ j—-—— m ^ Ted Copeland and Harry Rainey. ’ Grady Elms, assistant director of student activities, accompanied the stndents. The srroup, left A&M at ndon today: .! 5 The student senators will meet with various members of the Rice Student Association of which Ben Hammond is president.! They will listen to the Rice proposals and after looking over the situation the student senators will return to A&M. The proposed dance -will be brought! before a meeting of th$ A&M Student Senate this fall. ; y. Cameron’s Letter In ^ letter to Dean W. L. Pen- bftrthy, JlfUgh S. Cameron, Rice Dean of Men, said thht all 'large dance areas in Houston are en gaged forihat night. He suggested that the dance be Ij^d on two large basketball courts iin the Rice fieldhouse. j “We have received several es timates for orchestras from Dick Ballftw, Shep Fields! and Jimmy Dorsey," Cameron wrote. None of these are definite however. Additional Dance Space •Cameron went on td say that the lounge 1 and examination room in the basement of Fondren Library could be. used in conjunction with the basketball courts. Music for these areas could be “piped’’ elec trically to a snack bar ■ adjacent -td the locations. 1 ■ T , ,A bush-covered walk, connecting the two places is about one eighth of a mile long. Spreading the dance in such a manner would add somle variety to the situation, Cameron said, i Kirkhatn said "'that the group vlould return tonight. I ing lent mber J i „i; r udent | 7, v ; .i A&M Grads To Enter Harvard - : • y- •VJ-; • j - ■.I Marion N. Williamson and William N. Williamson, both A&M graduates, will enter Harvard University this fall to do graduate work on their Doctor’s degrees, j * Both have been awarded fellow ships from the General Education Board which grants' men |of ad vanced standing in their profes sion ope year of study toward Doctor’s degrees in their elected -fields.—l loore, ibandman, irse Six ; A&M then are on the staffs o fthree turkey 1 short courses scheduled for widely separated Texas points in Sep- T, W. »ultry h ced today. Thej! turkey short course? will be held in Brownwood, Arlington, and The staff consists of Wi. J. Moore, associate poultry husband man, J. C. Williams, ^assistant poultry husbandman, F.| Z. Bean- blossom, poultry marketing special ist, F. M. Stockton, assistant poul try mirketina specialist. Dr. W. siotrvete super- _ rove- in Texas; apd! jTi A. reta Street repairs begin on the campus. The corps area streets are the first to be improved! in a program scheduled for completion by the open- mr.lof the Fall term. -: M • h ^ C. Banks, extension veterinarian, all of; the ,Texas Extension Serv ice; G! H. Draper, poul A ^ visor, [National Turkey ment Flan in Texas; t Hensailing, executive secretary of the Texas^ Turkey Improvement Associatioif. | 4 rNA The first day’s program of the short i courses has been designed for anyone interested in learning the latest practical information on turkey production in Texas. the! second day’s program will be devoted to flock selectors and pullorum tester?. Those desiring to recfualify as flock selectors and pulloram testers will! be required to attend both days ami pass all examinations, in accordance with the National Turkey Improvement iPlinJ l ■[’ ■ i , U j S. A. Moore, poultry coordinator, National Poultry Improvement Plan, Washington, D. G.J! will be on the program at Arlington, Moore said. m -i ii ship/i. The two are not related although ■ thejr names are very similar.; In fact they didn’t even know epch othfcr before they were notified that they had been Awarded the fellowships. _ J Marlon will work toward a Di in Farm Management. At pres ent he is assistant professor and farm management specialist for the Experiment Station Depart- ‘ ment of Agricultural Economics and Sociology. William will work toward a Ph. D. in Public Administration." He | is If now diatrjct agent for the Extejn- i sion Service in the Lubbock area. ’/ ’ 11, i .. - v- . this heylare the only two men from area, to he granted fellow- } pac 74'T7 Bull Loses 190 v Pounds in 13 Mila Fond Du Lac, Wis.—tffi—Joe King left fdr mafket yesterday with a; 1,600 pound bull but got paid fty only 1,410 pounds. That’ll teach Joe never again to walk a bull to town. • 3 King lives iir the town of £m- ire, 13 miles from the packing ouse. Joe has a truck but de cided he and the bull Would hoof ^ ' ii.' 'Hi “It was kind of cool," he said. “And it seemed like a good idea at the time.*’ j Six hours and 15 minutes later -Joe and the bull arrived at the packing house. The packing house paid King $274.05. The bull lost 196 pound? en route. That cost Joe about $30, P l ho If to say nothing of the wear tear om hilR disposition. “I’ll fcatn,” said Joe. and i'- j WEATHER \ East Texas—Generally fair this afternoon, tonigfht /and Saturday. Not much Change in tem-! ! 7 : ' M. V % perature. Mod erate southerly winds on coast. FAIR the Pecos Vallej mu?h change ,2 West Ti Geherally/f a i r this afternoon, tonight and Sat- except a widely scat- thunder- >wers from "westward. Not lesson.' re' temperature. Jf”. -.rr = - Eu'..; •: -ii u Jr m Hens at A&M ffloulfry Farm Kept Cool How would you like to be in a oom 30°—35° copier than the out- idp temperature 1 That is the hape jy fate of a group of hens at the A&M poultry farm, Johh L. Skin ner said today: Skinner, a graduate of Universi- tyjof Nebraska who is doing grad uate work in poultry husbandry at A&M, ha? refrigerated these hens to test the effect of temperature changes on the fertility of their eggs. All ; factors are constant ex cept the temperature. Six heris remain in the box, six other remain outside, and two oth er groups' of six are alternated for a week.iji and a week out of the Some facts which are becoming obvious, according to Skinner, are that the hens which remain iii thei box are laying fewer eggs and eat ing less feed. The effects on fertil ity will not be known for some t me because of the time element involved in hatching the eggs. Profs Design Ag Study Device ♦, J! '• I'l r j * ■ A device which shows what happens when it rains on land under different types of soil treatment has been de signed by Jack Gray and Wal lace Hawkins, assistant pro fessors of agricultural educa tion. Cadet Colonel Louis A. Eubank iwil command the Cavalry-En- gii leering Regiment next year. Ei bank is a geological engineer- im: major from Dallas. By simulating rain oh soil der different types j of cultural practices^ the device makes it pos sible to study visually such princi ples as water infilteraition rates, water run-off, and splash "erosion. Gray and Hawkins saidij "j ■ as h visual aid for soil erosion principles, it much interest from men interested in soil erosion pro blems, they added. The de agricultural education reading room located in the Agricultural Engineering Building. ice is on' display in the Two-Bii DALLA Hudgins, received Paid 4 <*> — Charles MJ perator of al drug store, is letter today: Some time ago I took some thing from your store. I’m sending you the money to pay for It. Please forgive m*. A boy who teamed a if T • Tri " i *■ h .. VA Taking Old Pension Claims Washington, Aug. .18—(TP)—The Veterans Administration said to day it- is accepting retroactive pen sion and other claims from persons Whb were unable to file, war-time applications because of enemy ac- jtion. ■ . ’ | *“ The claims are from veterans &n<j[ dependents of deceased vete- raiis who became eligible for pen- sioh compensation benefits after jth<! outbreak of World War n. new law—Public Law 195 of jthd 81st Congress—authorizes re troactive awards to qualified recil- [pieints who were unable to apply at i the time, or within previous time limits, because of internment or other preventive action by ap enemy country. ‘ Visual Aids Projection Gets Improvement by A&M Profs. ij j- ' • I •' I ! ’; * * An improvement in method of projection of visual aids such as slides and motion pictures has recently been develop ed here by two professors in the course of their industrial duties. D. W. Fleming, associate professor, Mechanical Engine ering Department and Bob M. Gal-’ laway, assistant professor, Civil ’ Engineering Department, have de veloped stationary and portable models of a screen which permits daylight showing of motion pic tures and slides. By use of the screen the projector is used ih front of the audience. The pictures projected are re flected by means of one or more mirrors to the screen which stands alongside the projector. “The significant.i advantage in Use of this screen,” Callaway said, “is that persons can be in structed in the classroom, the shop or in public under the conditions of the moment.^ There is no need for darkened auditoriums and dis rupting movement of persons from one area pf a building to another. “Also important is the fact that with the use of the screen the lecturer can himself operate the projector from his usual position in front of the audience,” Galla-i way said. Visual aids are an important instructional media of schools, civic groqps, industries, institu tions and governmental agencies in presentation of educational in formation, Callaway points out. Complete details of the screen are given in a research report en titled, “Daylight Movies for Shop Classrooms,” available at the Tex as Engineering Experiment Sta tion. il’/. Local 0RC Men At Camp Hood Three College Station men are in training at Camp Hood for two weeks with the Or ganized Reserve Corps 22nd Armored Division. They are 1st Lt. James M. Har ris, Lt. Col. Sidney L. Loveless, and Lt. Col. Lucian M. Morgan. They started training August 8 and will continue through August 20. The training of < the Reservists is under the supervision of the 2nd Armored division, commanded by Maj. Gen. A. C. Smith. During their stay at Camp Hood, the Reservists are under going a training program that includes everything from tanks to carbines, and from close prder [drill to classroom work. They will receive regular pay, plus traveling allowances, for the two weeks. | The 22nd Armored, never act ivated during World War II, wai [established as a Reserve division early in 1947. - 1 ' ’ | While a majority of the camp training is being handled by 22n0. division instructors, units of the •famed “Hell on Wheels” 2nd Amii ored are providing demonstration^ for the benefit of the Reservists, Ready for the Finish By ART HOI Battalion European ( A&M Architects 9 Tour On Last Lap; In London Now /ARD orrespomlent LONDON, Aug. 14.—(Spl) — A&M’s first post-war European stpdy tour ts on its final lap now.. Friday, August 19, we will board a ship for the trip home. [n the last 10 days we have torched fiVe countries, Switzer land, Belgium, Holh.nd and Eng land. ’ \ \ ; Our trip across the English Channel deserves mention because the variety of experiences. The 16-man group split up iA Paris. j j ; •; V: \ K Bill Bilsing of College Station took off alone to visit relatives iin Germany.;'Two of ti e men stayed in Paris—one Waiting for money fram home and the other being doctored for a caie of trench- mouth. Then Don Jarvis and Mermen Ji .ccard bought bicycles in Brus sels and took off fo : Calais. The remainder of the |Toup stopped one night!in Antwerp and two in Amsterdam:. % ■ I came across the Channel with silx others in the daytime—night passage being filled. It was a rather rough day for five of the seven hours. At least 75 percent o the entire ship hit the rail at ope time or another, y , I I know that I was green ;wice, but stood in the spray o soothe my stomach. Not me of air group got sick. But t was a different case with the night pajiy. Russ Lown of S&h Antonio was •X bunked in the very prow of the ship, with ah • odorous cargo of onions below him. So he and Pro- fessor Joe Meador were the only ones to drop their cookies. We have now seen enough of Europe to begin comparing the /countries. Switzerland is probably the best of them all. It is clean, industrious, modern and not too expensive, ilf! 1' - ' Also, it is an ideal honeymoon spot with plenty of scenery, good food and excellent hotels. Haris is without doubt the most enchanting city we have seen. It has everything—good food, transportation,, climate, women, and .fair hotels, plus many other things to do and see. V; [ [ j / - • Venice,; I was amazed to see, has not been ruined by the tour ists and is enjoyable for four days or so. The canals were much cleaner than !(had expected, and the city Was Very interesting. Holland had one very nice town, Helversum, - Which would have been a credit to the U. S. You would have thought it was a new addition to one of our larger cities had it not been for the high-pitch ed roofs [Of the houses. r- Belgium is undoubtedly the most expensive country in Europe. Our meals cost around $1.50; and everything was j correspom But we had a way of the high cost of living here would like fad explain to pros pectivi In Swi zlt.j European visitors, witzerland we wer were able 1 I a to buy Belgium francs at a 20? per cent saving; British pounds, sold at $2.70 instead of $4.08 here;! guilders could be purchased for four to the dollar instead of the; standard 2.87 per dollar exchange In Holland. Swiss francs are the most sta-> ble of all European currency, and Switzerland has an exdess balance of trjade with all other countries and operates a free market on ex: [chanfe. [. I ■' i l: j In addition, the tourist can casl American Express Travele: Checks and get a bonus of $7 pe: 100 over the exchange for dollars! Thus he can cash $200 worth of checks into Swiss francs, buy dol lars, and come out with $214! But we got a bigger saving by stock ing up on other currency in ex change for Swiss francs. So I save the difference be-j tween $4.08 and $2.70 for every pound I spend in England. Several members of the grou] have gone to Buckingham Palao to see King George VI leave foi church, and to see the of the guard there. We or less on our own to see Londoi as we please. Jack Crook of College Station is leaving tomorrow for Ireland to visit some relatives, and sever al of us are contemplating | a trip to Scotland soon. In spite of the experiences of this trip, most of us will be ready. tAiffn hnrlf v T.ikp thp Ktn- ■ i. or m -j- Husbandry Department staff is return ing to normal strength as the members return to the cam pus after trips to widely scat tered points. Duncan H. Reid, professor, and James R. Grubbs, poultry super visor, made the longest trip. They visited poultry facilities in Ark ansas, Missouri, Iowa, Illinois, Pennsylvania, New York and Ohio. They attended the International Poultry Improvement Association Baby Chick Asociation convention in St. Louis and the Poultry Sci ence Assocation convention in Guelph, Ontario, Before returning to the campus, Reid visited for a week with his son in Paris, and Grubbs attended the convention in Dallas. Professor E. D. Parnell made a combination business and pleasure trip with his family. He attended the Poultry Science Association Convention in Guelph. After leaving Guelph, he and his fhmljy visited at Nlgara Falls and began their return WP through New York City and Washington, D. ,C. Parnell visited the Universities of Indiana, Maryland, and Tenn essee while on his trip. | H J\, F. Z. Beanblossom, poultry, marketing specialist, attended the Poultry Science Association con vention in Guelph. He also visited other poultry facilities. Ho and Dr. Briles made the return j trip to gether stopping off at Oklahoma A&M College. Beanblossom at tended a committee meeting of the “Chicken of ( Tomorrow” contest, and the Texas Poultry Improve ment Association Convention in DiUfajsY.. " ! { !■•!( Dr. W. E. Briles, professor, also attended the Poultry Science Asso ciation in Guelph. Shortly after returning to the campus, he left on a three-week vacation trip to California: [W. J. Moore, and B. B. Bailey, poultry supervisor, attended the International Baby Chick Associa tion convention in St. Louis. Other members of the poultry staff who attended the Texas Poultry Im provement Association convention in Dallas were W. J. Moore, and George H. Draper, poultry super visor. 4 ' -—;gj-- .Y N jf Railroads Change To Diesel Power Ennis> Tex., Aug 17—(-^—Two more passenger trains on the Dal- las-Houston run of the Texas and New Orleans. Railroads went to deisel power yesterday. - The Night Owl from Houston and the Day Hustler from Dallas used the new locomotives. Deisels already are in use on the After noon Sunbeam from Houston and the Night Owl from Dallas. They are to be installed soon on the last two Dallasr-Houston trains, the Day Hustler from Houston and the Afternoon Sunbeam from Dal las. Assignments of corpsijuni cording to Lt. Department. This years Col. F. SYVaden o LlrdU imeni M \ ts in rH-4 ents ries have been made for t^e coming Fall semester, ac- thd Military Science orps -'.Is ts to their; respective dormi- lerman. major Walter W. Zimi eum eirgineerin McAllen, has beqn appointed ecutive Officer ] of. the C Corps with the ^ank of Colo; u ILi petrel- fr«qn Cadet' Shakespearean Comedy Will Be Given in Guio| W i 11 i a m Shakespeare’s, ! ( The Taming of the Shrew’’ will be presented at Guion Hall December 15 by the Nat ional (Classic Theatre of New York, C. G. m the Gadet f Corps is expec to be [greater than that of; year as is ievidenceij by the corporation of dorms 1 and, whfch jwere formerly used for Vet eran sjtudentp^ into the corps area. < Assignments assignments are: Dorm 1, “**. —"flHi loor, ; “B’’ are: Transpot second floor, “A” ‘' portatiOn Cqrps; third and floors, Senipr Company. Dorm 2, fjrst-floor, meld in res- I “A” Cavalry; vajry; fourth ! of '.stjudent Activities, fjan- hou: hitej manager ctiv ourtedd yesterday. Whitj sai^l that the v najtural Style of playing Shakespeare/ de- velope'd under [the direction: of 1 Glare Tree Major, founder of./ the Classic -Theatre^ will bring: its listeneis exciting stage enteftain- kmt r '1.1', “Few stage [plays have ; everlJiT 8 * equalled this Shakespearean mas- 0 y ’ jterpieci for sustained hilarity,” he noted. Prom the first scene w/here Petrucrio undertakes to woo i and wed the sharp-tongued virago,!, one riotious situation follows swiftly upon the he^ljs pf [another. White commented that Shake speare’s genius for gathering to-/ jgether all the threads of a comp licated plot in one climax hring* the curtain djowii on a .happy Katherine paying homage tp mas culine superiority. ; , !j] ; or, Corps Staff; second floor, “Bl” Veterans; thin floor; “A" Veterans; fourth floor, “D” Veterans. /ho are going to be 'liyinjg jh the Cadet Corps may se cure thein room assignments an Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs-, gust 23 through 26. Ipl ojrder that studflhts may move . into ; their new rooms, the dormitories' which are now closed Vwkvrtiinnnd registration/day, I II h/Ljl • GRdVE Friday, August 19—Square danc ing. . . r i ii Saturday, August 20—Dance with Aggie Compo. , Sunday, August 21—Skating.; to go back Friday. Like the stu dents on the campus, we will be the summer session to . I ■ • . ready for end. .4 r. .11 i The, first Corp; rta 1 <-■ • Cl. I JAa I an 2, fjrslt-floor, ( erye)j; second floor, third floor,; “C’\ Cava] floors “B” Cavalry,. Dorm 3, first floor, ‘‘‘B’’ Quar termaster; ; second ;loor, “A” Quartermaster; third floor,, “A” Chemical Corps; fourth floor, “A” Ojrdinance. i / •_ ! I: Dorm 4,! first floor. “I” Air Force;', second flodr, “H” Air Force; Uhinf floor, “3" Engineers; fourth floor^ “A" Engineers. Dortnl 5, first and second' floors, “A” Army Security Agency, third floor, “E” field Ariilfery; fourth floor “As" Supply Gofps. Dorm >6, ! first floor, “G" Air Force; sccpnd floor, “E” Air' Force; third floor, “D” Air Force; “F" A|r Force. Dorm 7] jfirid floor, “A" Field Artillery; isecond floor, “D" Field Artillery; third floor, “C” .Field Artillery; fbujrth floor, “3" Artillery Cjjm^s; second floor, “A” Artillery. ■!; j -Ii it -T fj Dorm 8: 'fjirst floor, “G" Air Force; second floor, “A” Air Fom‘; thir 1 floor, “8" Air Force;- fourth floor, I “E" Veterun|s. Dorm 9, [fiyst floor, “B" Coast- - P Coast Artilje “E" Infantr; Infantry. ; | . ' j I;'--’[I' Dorm 10; first floor, (held In reserve); second floor, "A"|lInfan-. try; third floor, f‘B“ Infatnry; fourth floor, “C" Irtfantry. -.|K Dorm 11, first and second floorn. Maroon Band; third and fourth- .floors, White Band. Ddrm 15, first Corps; third floor, fourth floor;" will b^No; August 27 Station Cafes Closed ■ / - 1.1 ■ Licenses for two North Sate eating establishments vere revoked Wednesday* ac- :ording to J. C. Jones artd E. Winder, Brazos County ealth ihspettors. [, [‘ •f- The A&M Grill .had its Ucejnso [revoked because of tho low,a lat- j ing, Winder said. In the, case of the Creamlind, in addition to other items, tiey. •were vio nting state, laws and rity prdinanccls requiring bacteric dal treatmen Ipf eating and cooidug utensils, Winder said, adding that . charges had been filed in City 1 Court agkteat Creamland for; serv ing hamburgers made from spoiled meat. % , The cusp agafmt Creamland is being heMiin the City Cbuilt foday. v ' ' + ■ ! ' Ag Exhibits Now Being[ Displayed There at/e several interesting Xf- :ultural exhibits on display Iin e lobby pf the Agricultural Edu- rlcultui ihc lobbj cation „ Department, W. W, Mc- Ilroy i assistant professor of departmw, announced today. "Disposing of Crop Residues”, “Overstpcliting of Ranges”, “Use of’ Trashy Tillage”, and 'What Happen? When It Rains" are only a few of {the. exhibits oh display. piese series tlon dc public McRroy added. for i; M „ Szigeti, rated by over thrjse violinists, will appear as the 1949-50 season. > .ii; ■ f I i r! '. • : - Jj m • i L : |! r i ■- i'j ■!i. M i i i ■. j j, i • i : .ji ijejji /j ; t’s Cooking suL moss researchI club, p.m., Friday, August 19, YHCA 7 . Chapel, plans raising VET] CLUB. | 8 20, Sou party coupte; General meeting. Fall be discussed, including * dues. J NS’ WIVES BRIDGE i.m., Satorday,. August larium, YMCA. Couples 60 cent charge per and refreshment*. j i! r . I’L