Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1948)
I 1 II s I B, 6E0I ait. jswite t£F' moBt of .... t»klnif tlmo >1 f w '■i M2 li» butt Mt* wt. loot U C«NB, ilM »nd on* fur Hflod Ho \n woll oquip^pod tho coming Entering thorroom, he Is. con our buro walla, « dboetMtwo bull.' r throo bt>do, * bai one tin ; dda/two or three freda, i boain l mirror, and; most important, a door. .From that tinte to ppmeater end many changes take place ip the room — for the bettor. Aggie* .place i photographs -all of their ftrue maroon” irt: their besit an. females cla. |V "■a of other in their least. i|^j ]||| ' Th ' y r. e S tupcu and clad jitts, everywhere $ 'i' the design^ - Bookends - !r* .'ll (Continued from Page 2f) specialist—and Wants him to build a “modem” underground factory so he’ll be safe from Itom bombs. Peru is in the book: too. Wilder says in his preface, “Peru is beau tiful, mysterious, frighteningi hos pitable, friendly, fascinating, and at times dangerous, like a well rounded woman.” Grandfather has other gems lik the’l! want to tell your friends about -f- if ; book. ! feu read the mill ST^t FOR THOSE ' WHO ’ DEMAND THE BEST . . . College Shoe Repair North debt i 2L — Head “Aggieland Forever** in the ’*9 CafmJat WML. —Office— I B . PlMthO -■ ' Over Canady’s Pharmacy ' ll ■u. NE^M54 WL — m . W« Hava tha na*; patterns ki Cheney’s tainaus Man 6amt liri imt CALDWELL'S .!. a #* —' ir Home; if to ma- Thebed Is adorned with' flashy cover* and “joint is geenrally decorated On the bulletin boards are rem- nants of TU sign* selected and ac* rom varioua ‘♦forty acre*” ired frat hok*e» C**soric* Bartlett beer can. But, arou: are ac- Quotation*- to an y old 'Ilf, year the “ho|# r . ’aisu Uk,” pd inis |i lo'. ’aisun namely Chrl*. "'One room, a rlaeuic ixampU, wag elaborately decorated w th maroort and white crepe paper hanging lb semi eludes around the ceiling. In place* jwhere the decorator had run sho t Aggie substituted. U The Corps th year gets into the Ch and a* i[re*uH the Y ed with the best in paper bells; colored painted windows, and cololred lighti lut no matter room and hulls holidays; it’s sti place where he ci PERTILLO 1 ^ LIFTED FOR ad beep time of a spirit deck- tions-*- mes C. Petriollo’s American Federation Of Musicians ended their 11% month recording Y0R1 fibers of soon. in yesterday/’ afterm The signing of a new five-year contract between the union and the feet an agreement reached last October but held in abeyance pend ing a government okay on the le gality of a union welfare fund fin anced by royalties on records, i The government gavO its bless ings Monday night, jhf;, AGGI$ CHRISTIAN FELLOW SHIP, 7[16 p. m., Wednesday, YM- CA Cabinet Room (Bible study). BASTROP-LEE COUNTY CLUB 7:30 p. Wedne; Academic Buildin ture and! final plarjs for TVnXZ %!: ins for Christmas „ , A , 7:10 p. m. f ‘0, Academic irtstmas par- ture a party. BA Wednesd(ay, Building; Plans for i )WN CLUB Room 10' Ch BIG SPRING CLUB, 7)30 p. m. Thursday, Room 1^7, Academic; DEL Thursday, YMCA Reading Room RIO CLUiB, 7:30 p. m. :l * ■i . |i;. ■ r 'i'"7). i r k; -I' i-Cto JUBaUMm ISSIFIED ADS l 1 Page 4 WEDNESDAY, DEXEMBER15,1948 J’.j! lr! ; m: ABNER ~V~ BwDy Worth HWflfcuhg R^DiROftV of 4sr i{t AaUfitlw OttLm. \ in by lOibo n.m. TYPINO-Phon* 24!»S((. B.M, Mry«n FWd Vll)n*«. CUnneo Jrff»r«un Prim Um •bow st Campos. [4 ! / -. I i , yokllAMbprt Crosliy. poffooi soBdmoiiri Orlylnal bwnsr. 14-W. Wllsy. ^ -f- Fliial pl»n« for L PAKO AA ristma* dance, o.i.. CLUB. 7:16 n. m.j Thursday, Room 320, Academic B FAN&IN’C0UNTY CLU_B, 7:16 domic Building. FALLS COUNTY p. ;m., Thursday,! pool domic Building. Hfr WORTH p. m., Wednesday, Science Hall Lecture Room. FLAT COUNTRY A&M CLUB 7:00 p. m., Thursday, Room 126, Academic Building. GALVESTON A&M CLUB, 7:30 p. m., Frida Budding. p, |tn., Thursday, Room 327, Acn illdlng. N A&M CLUB, 7:46 CLUB, 7:30 m 228, Aca- m Bu Friday, Room 129, Academic Thursday, Room 324, Academic DLL COUNTY CLUB, 7:80 adding. H.J.S.K. CLUB, 7:30 p.m., Wed nesday, Room 325^ Academic Build- 10 LAMAR COUNTY’CLUB, 7 p. m., Thursday, Room,206, Academic Building. LAREDO CLUB, 7:30 p. m., Thursday; Room 126, Academic, LUTHERAN STUDENTS AS SOCIATION, 7:30 p. m., Wednes day, Lutheran Student Center, duistmaftbarty. | NAVARRO COUNTY CLUB, 7:30 p. m„ Thursday, Room 228, Academic Buildin NO RTH CENTRAL TEXAS CLUB, 7:15 p. m., Thursday, Room 301, Goodwin Hall. Plans for Christmas dance. TEXARKANA CLUB, 7:00 p. m., Thursday, Ro Building. \NS-P ay, Room 106, Academic TRAfrS-PECOS CLUB, 7:30 p. m., Thursday, YMCA. Tickets for Christmas dance will be distribut ed. TYLER CLUB, 7 p. m., Wednes day, Reading Room of the YMCA. Longhorn picture and plans for Christmas party. THE 305TH COMPOSITE SQUADRON (Air Reserve), Mon day, 7:00 p.m., Room 301 Good win.; Training films will be shown. SOCIOLOGY CLUB, Wednesday, 7:30, YMCA Cabinet Room. Xmas program. ,{ j UPSHUR COUNTY A&M CLUB 7;30 p. m., Thursday, Room 304, Academic Building. !. M HAVK . _ FOR 8AU-1S41 PontlM Silver Str.*k ■fmi. ,Tr • nr SRPARATtt COPIES o( P. H. Clark'* Mmly of T»«m KUftion Uw«[ Mr* now WANTKD >klil» CtirlHtinM to Raton, N«w , nr M*nv«r tor vvtrran, wlf* him) jinlry. miwii*##, Hi* al IMS-G, i’ 1 jF *' 1 hOSt Orran nrrtn pant*, belwwn IKirm Ut and ()h»ni. IIMh., Saturday oVonlna. Reward. Sm R. t. WIlMin, l><»nn ft III. v , L’rtar CoOn Sullivan frr«opn»< to Cam- 4 ^ FOR, SALK -llomv nrar rolleyr, Two bedroom*, lante fenced In yard, aarden plot. Inquire after 6:00 p.m., 440.! Col- ' ielfe Avenue. Llin belnp orpanized, unllm- for one yehr. Stearman air craft behta . u*ed. $100.00 per’ member. H«4 at Timberlake Airport pr pHone K. R. Menefee. 4-6861. , FOR SALE—1947 Ford, perfect condition^ low mlleafe. Priced to aell. Phono llllr To|bert 4-S794. • /i NA7CHERLY, WE CAlKfT GIT MAH CARCASS^QJ^BOTTOMLESS. Pl'r-BUT T^/ WE KIN GIVE HIM A DECENT MOOSlG SEND OFF.rr OWN-TJ-E'S PUT A lTI MARCH.*:' FLY I NO CHII . Ited hour* fo craft beina < fi i : 44. it m M£X 'tear pO*T RECCNERING^ THERE WAS THA' HAND- — KERCHIEFS Geo. W. Buchanan, D.C. COLONIC XeRAY l! ■ 806 E. 28th St. Ph. 2-6243 SEAT COVERS jj ■ | ' ; Plastic or Straw |i JOHNSON’S i. 11: . UPHOLSTERING SHOP. -IT IT Back of “Eagle” Office Bryan i r -i Phone 2-1639 FOR IMMEDIATE SALE-U? Chevrolet A«ro Sedan, low mileage, white aide- wall*, radio, heater, very reasonably priced. Apt. B-I7-D, College |View. Box 684, College Station. HOLIDAY SPECIAL! Good for One Month Only! $10 Permanent for only $2 BRYAN ELITE BEAUTY SALON 106A North Sims Ph. 2-1625 (1 block west of Post Office) —I- SUL ROSS LODGE NO. 1306 A.F.AA.M. Called meeting ’ Wedneaday, December 15, at 7:00 p.m. Work in E.A. degree. Spe cial meeting at 6:00 for Ej A. examinations. J. J. WOOLKET. W. M. W. H. BADGETT. Sec. IfFpfyklaii* «,% Aatomatic Washer >KlP te-tVATlKr/KTtM j: •! 1 I'll ' : i .. /jut fUAty' COME/t/f SEE* VEMOMSJMftON( SaHissI Ordsrs Will Ost Earilstl Dsllvary CE.GRIESSER Electric Co. ; | . Jj ! .1 j . . I : ; ■ Frigidaire Sales and Service Since 1925 ! I : ; 212 N. Bryan * 2-1423 EXPERT SHOE REPAIRS f !i ■:! j!' While You Wait jj Cowboy boot* made to order i 4 JONES BOOT SHOP th ■ n ^ 1 : Southslde j! . CHRISTMAS SPECIAL! Decca Radio-Phonograph COMBINATION Portable Carrying Case Only $34.95 SHAFFER’S*'BOOK STORE North Gate Phone 4-8814 The Sheaffer “Admiral” PEN AND PENCIL SET Gift Wrapped FREE for Christmas at SHAFFER’S BOOK STORE North Gate Phone 4-8814 BUY YOUR G. H. RADIO TODAY • jl Portable*—Table Models—Console* T H i * i! ■ $19.95 and op j] j I 1 f I! MeCULLOCH-DANSBY APPLIANCE STORH ! | W.8.D. CLOTHIERS College Station OLD FURNITURE MADE NEW We Specialize in Refinishing Antiques and Venetian Blinds F; L. SUMMERS Furniture Refinishing Painting Contractor 8200 Highway 6, S. Ph. 4-4681 MONOGRAMS! One day service—Names and initials in gold, silver or colors engraved i in leather goods, stationery, etc. i j SHAFFER’S BOOK STORE North Gate Phone 4-8814 Assorted Selections of CHRISTMAS CARDS Gay Christmas illustration^ with name or monogram printed in gold, silver or color; | SHAFFERS BOOK STORE North Gate Phone 4-8814 FOR SALE—ROYAL PORTABLE TYPB- WRITERS. Small down payment, imall Hi. -i A I Small down paynwt. monthly payment*. “Give tha gift of; a lifetim..'* Bryan 209 North Main. Texaa. , . Dial 2-1828. Bryan. FOR CHRISTMAS ’49 New M'odel Parker “51” Fountain Pens SHAFFER’S BOOK STORE North Gate | . Phone 4-8814 ; Give a ’49 -/4aaie (Calendar rggie Calendar FOR CHRISTMAS r -',11 . .■Sifei Electric Shop fill (j Toasters And foijcthrislraail Gifta, 013^6 selectioi: of— ;!j iLECTHtCAL f Waffle | lth * 4 fWDm Bee our Jr r a U--41- i —^ c ii’ film tl.i any jotlie|’ ifeiii ('ES Oof 1TTT T •' ili i^»s — L 4r mm ' 9l wpp,n 8 ays mlm MsgfMiNUf& W* SrVttZfSnZFi . I’l f : EK J:Ii: n Mato 1 ii ik \r , CATALINA SWEATERS—^ from GONWAY & CO. m ; !’ ’ I i J Christmas Specials! 1 S Large Selection of Solid Brass Lamps of all kinds A BCTURE FRANftS CHINA VASES l | : • FANCY GLASSWARE PIECES jL at real bargains CALL AND BE CONVINCED ' i I • I j ' ' 1 i 4 8 | ii 1 • • I : ^ Caldwell's Jewelry Store i FINE STATIONERY— from The Exchange Store 1 VALLEY PINK GRAPEFRUIT, GIFT CARTONS Send a Dozen or a Buehel Shaffer’s Book Store 'North Gate Phono 4-8814^ GIFTS FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY frc^i The The CAVE & CORNER a TAILOR - MADE SUITS From CORK V’S HliJ L |. ^|/f jj'e • -ijlj For rhrlNjman Complete line of Eat Anaep, C Cameras. h Gate . .— —Mini M 'Au'-- X’S HiWTERTAifimcnr; Bed Radios PERSONALIZED LEATHER GOODS Station REPAIR College SHOE n \& Lamps from «;• [■. FRANK SEALE Electric Go. * ’ i 1 \ ; J' / OENIE at i.. • I LEON B. WEISS ilfttle Down Swefttem . \ "1 i Beltm ami Bill- Beat for a Man’* ELTS , r 1 Gift Wrapping ; Attic ■ I I ,•/■: | l!|k Rxrhangfi Store ooNTOitrosra Shaffer’s Book Store ^ v™” 1 ||North Gate Phone 4-88l4^JONES BOOT Si 'fine lamps-- > from HENRY A. MILLER FABRIC SHO JiL Nylon IIo«c ‘ni;. ittlK •a.eo m OMMWday. IEATER tf PEN AND SETS >k Store 4-88I4J SIDE rket to Get You Tailored iflSokM at | • I SONS Irchards &CO. North Gate ^BARGAIN m THE EXC1 y TV ''J W / : / VI H y, ■; \ VI •- ■ ■ f '/l [j 1 I. MS V : | vi;' 1 * tit k JM ■ • ■