Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1948)
_ \K • j i: M- WEPNESDA ttal : T 1 j'Jf j, % ' AftM ' Kearkatii A&M LSD A&M Tul«ne Si. Louia Baylor v I'hftlipN Traa NYU TCU Utnver Baylor MInhouH IV • •;! •' 1 • l j f' In H ; I; n r'-'V l-t 15,1048 i t—rr Page 3 jil i/k ' • -L i : fij&k ) mm. '/'■ o- i iT -y. ': : A Mi;? V? I / !l ■ it r-r I m V'*, t i, Art •r H Howard l| Spoede EiRrlking 55 iO 111 ill I '.J.: E r-;•! i ; IS II I i « SSlI., [ Sv! ’ l n 1 ; ; 1] l^; *Hporta PubHflly; for A&M **■"' ' "'ll M "»i» ■" ij Dorm 17 fins Cage Crow| Via Protest Plenty of news ctune bearing out| of the Intramural Offibet, Tuesday night. j. ■■ -fVMl The climax to the Ndrt Military Basketball race bdeanife j: ! an anti- olimax. Puryear played .porm 17 for half of their'; championship game. Then* someone with a long memory recalled that Hugh Weber center from Puryear, tap partici pated in varsity basketball: way back in 1046. Dorm ltitljen put in a formal protest and waf declared the winner. Weber,waaiitaytoK h' 9 first game and Puryear^ athletic officer, as well as IntraSiiural of ficials, did not know that he was ineligible. The score stdod Dorm 17 9 and Puryear 7. ■ in corrected list of winners Cross Country, was'‘also an- r ■ In: •It -j-- ipfe ineligible “A*’ Infnntry was fdllowed by not)need and “A” Infant! dared team winner after letjes was found usiji nien. by wa arP'B" was de- Ath ASA, stand- h “A M Signal, “A” Transport, and “E" Infantry fn Uaiin a m ‘ j ' • L f fS This announrenent filled for a revised list of jndIVImisl win ners, Doyle Crlffin i* Htill first man across I he’ line, | Second place goes (o Jabk Brfokner of a A" Infantry, I'im Hdhulalher ut "B" Kiald was thlri) place man MW and behind him coat t Tur- rotfe of "A" Infdnlryt Norfleet i-' .1 Ijii • l I l 1 ■l ' • i; li'JI'B 3 W$ : lt!i» ] r| i .[.•[• “ ■ i Hr—a..- —• Hone of White Hand wan ftfthc Jo|in Carnimy, SJM. White, and C. C. White <if “B” Athletics were the disqualified individuals. The Intramural o; [flee takes all blame for the situation since these men were running only for practice but were mixed in with the winners at the finisih line Playoffs in nis, and Vol Flag Football, Ten- eyball continue this Fish to Meet Sam Houston B Squad iufre-Gameftl , By FRANK SIMMEN, JR. A&M’s renovated cage squad will meet the Sam ! ton State cagers from Huntsville for the second time this sea son in the DeWare Field House at 8 tonight. The Huntsville —"'ntet defeated the Aggies in a game in Huntsville last Wed- iday 47-43. The Fish cagers will meet the Sam Houston B adetjs at 6 p. ip- in a prelimin-' pearkate have racked up a m th ■ m i F - r ; is- ifSfi f,l it,-# m 1 > m t - fe; e Be m IPi _ total of two wins against one loan. Coach Jack Williams will probably start the fame five that took to the post for the first Aggie-Bearkat fray. Acher Hanks, the ex-AU- Amcrican from WMMfaottdf,; wfB be the man to watch In the game tomorrow night. Hanka, playing hia last year of college ball, scor ed IS of his teams 43 points in the last Aggie contest. Karow will probably rnbow, Jenkins for the Farmees. Jim Kirkland. week. This afternoon at 6 p. Dorms 16 a Non Military pionship. id 3 licet'! to decide Flag Football cham- Himding off the bail is JOHN DeWII Fl |! ’i j 7 Aggid eager from Waco Thursday finds Volleyball ^and Tennis playoffs concluding. Mit chell meets Dorm 3 in Volley ball and Derm lit and Dorm 16 tangle in Tennis for number one' t* / ' n am a 4 I < > - ET r\ m who hta played some fine defensive ball ffr the Farmers this season. iiomore who has crashed At the post position, Dewitt is the only the startihg lineup. spot. Came time is 5 p. m. 1; Jewel McDowell swept the In- rr tramural ha|i(lball tqui'nam e n t, meeting and beating all competi-1 final hprdle I Two Aggie Hunters Get Deer; I I ij L t ' ' L, f wk'I ■ .pj -j i 1 Another Gets Run-Around I,. 'irUC’Di^,lVT I ill.. l_i. ' ' Vf I tion. He cleared the by defeating A. T.- Papi McDowell teamed With Bt ston and cop so. El Campo 1 ]lub and By -THERON D. CARROLL I the law. ‘ : ■ ‘I I ! i ■ Wr 11 Now .that our football sea-: Tommy Steiner and Bill Jennings son has; reached a satisfactory i of the 'wildlife management depart- ■ rlimav Wp know that the com- ment b r ot atl eight point buck last and holidays ,K>arby county - Toni ‘ lovers in the field with gun J and reel. This ebliirtin is primarily for the Flag Football oon. The score ed off in a rugged game Tuesda / afternoon was u 7-7: :>c with penetrations i even. Jim Duon of El Campo club scored first on a run after his teammate,' H urry Otell ma<le a. set Meredith Hutto hunted deer all morning with Do luck. He locked who broke into the lineup for the first time last game showed he was determined to stay there hy racking up 14 poiata in the last contest and 13 agalnat the r' BwIrltiitSe • h * • | \ | Offensive specialist’s SchHckle and Tumbow uro slated for plenty action tomorrow night along with Summer, Mobley, Hruchovy and Allah. Mobley, who surprised the fans by making seven points in the tilt against Abilene Christian College, proved that he can shoot and will probably see more action in the near future. The game will probably be another thriller since both teams have already met oace this .sea son. The Bearkats, who ' are known to be a pretty rough team made fifteen points through Ag gie fouls in their last fray. The Aggies were gifted with 1,7 points th^odglL unfair play oh the, part of the Huntsville cagers. The Frekhfnar/ basketball squad will also perfolfn Wednesday night when they meet the Sam Houston B team in a preliminary aiatch at six. The Southwest Conference has just approved a twelve game fresh man slate in a meeting last week. This is the first of three mdre games that the Fish have schedul ed for the remainder of the ’48-'49 season. George Skipper, the 6’ 4” eager from Houston, broke his ankle ip practice last week and is now in positions will be Houser and Farm er. Bobby Fanner, the sharp-shoot er who seldom misses, will be in top shape for the game. He has been hitting the hoop with constat* enejp during practice, en the Allen Academy boys the Aggie he All first contest. will be the second newcomers, ime for beat* tbeit The leading scorns on the A&M basketball team in the first three games of the young saaaon ale as follows: NAME FG FT TP Jim Kirkland U S IS Sam Jenkins 10 4 i- if UHII Tumbow 6 7 SB i Gene Bchriekol 6 1 17 John DeWItt A 8 15 Ap JM* V 4 .5 IS up 30 yard r the point a! retaliated on ui. Jack Tuorcy made ter on a run. AIKK Joe Howell’S 20 yard yi. . run that wan stopped, the referee decided only iftoc Howell had crow sod the gp eonyerteo < could have , hut on the n| blocked a PU LruthniN, lino, T. D, Barnhill a run, [ j^f .Cmnpo won «m ponetratinim xt to last play, AIKK lit to even up pone- his rifle in his car; arid took his ] Houston with his parents. The s^c- shotgun for a try at dpeks on fhe ond string center will prove a great loss [to the squad for the remainder Vi MB f f 1' III 'I I ■■f 'll i i|l I Ijll hunters land fishermen who like to share with others their fortunate, unfortunate, pr amusing incidents in the field. It will also serve to help you get; .straightened out on some of; tha | game lawnj that you may ndK have clearly in mind and other rules bf the ^pqrtfinian In the field, -(1 ■ ! j We would like to hear from you, and w|> promise not to dlV vulge ^our favorite hunting or fiMhing; spot If you care to keep It a Neeret, We would like to know fust h»w you are faring,. Iteade}'* of thb lloUNton Post will | m'dli I fie eOitlrovecsial item dlij- cussed ill Walkec’s coluttin (he oik ec' day fonccMng the poWurs of n i t ^ ^ ! triit«SB «n!i & rtei/s * Mciitley, a 6' 3" player, win r Navasota—again no luck. As ho was cleaning the mud from ihis boots, using his cur Iminper for a scraper, a nice: big buck came up to investigate. Hutto managed- -to unlock tee get' his rifle and throw 1 four quick shots at abiiut two hundred yards; Ho says he didn’t draw blood, Meredith is a Range Management major, d * To I he mildcntifiod Aggie hunt ing ducks at Nornmilgee 1M w«s'k: That Jsnuill gt'kyiai 4»rowii diick that yotl called m p iitall lien ijvas rwitlly'M fymnlii gm wall, nr gray diick, Next tlnei uni ce llie hill jiml Is'gnllys the; gMita waiden cantHjt, i,, fense hy any pence nfflcer^ Slifce [ (nU( ,f, ei'day fui.cet'ning the lihwers of a . f.-m/A gadwai)[has yellow feet jtitii i tile njntMli hen will have i.L. | ny to tiluish; hill and fret, you fdr trespassing, but you f, l( . p () |nls liie young 1 kens i.»f thoao spedies look Very of the season. Skipper played jin only one game this season but gavij a very impreksiye showing. 1 Jewell McDowell, the all-stater from Amarillo,’will start for thb first time this season at a guard position. McDowell, who will be eligible for Varsity competition at the end if the semester, will he counted ftn heavily for the Fish, He will pro|i» ably tiake Ham Jenkins place in the varsity lineup when he beennius ‘ J* p eliglhle, Jenkins, Just year’s eap- lain; plans te gi'tuluaie at mid* term, j |' if ■ ■ ' ( "t'ltrus Fruit" er.i oince many of thulium! owneys afp dap- j ” r ' ': [ utlsed peujctj officers it’s pretty Rcinemlmi' We'd like to hear easy to. see iwhat a chance Vnu>o,| from you, Mr. Hportsman, Wd will the w »sy . Caking when you hunt on th«? on* j try to' answer ionte of ydur qijlex closed Iknd ctf another without per- j lions and we would like to make IV A Thoughtful GIFT ari|rv||an will appreciate il I j! missiohl—besides, you’re breaking i LAUNDER IN LEISURE... I' Laundromat Equipped ONE-HALF HOUR LAUNDRY —0|>en Daily 7:80 ajn.— Last Wash Received— Mon. 7:30 Sat. 8:80 P.M. Other. Days 5:80 P.M. STARCHING & DRYING FACILITIES AVAILABLE this » a ml yijur Cornet’. —4— BASKETBALL RESULTS f ! \ Telxas Wesleyan 59, Abilene Christian 51 Texas Tech 56, Arizona State at Flagstaff 39 Bice 68, Sam Houston Slate 66 (overtime) Brooke Medical 65, South western 57 [, Texas Mines 53, New Mexico A&M 45 The exact date of the first Greek Olympic game is unknown. v;i- receive; till:.: ; Yoq can |>et these gloveswiill heak-feit^welcome from the mjan who Wii .. • r wahts mister styling, conlfOrt an<|l ■ ' 11, ,me fc jwiuv *m tomorrow and sec these fmiidsutne fir e quality Gloves so 'or Gifts, so useful. Elate >r/s \!v Ik ES GLOVES ’4 f: :V Ilfi- , .1 • »AYS GWV'fiS Jil |l" LOrKICHS * 11 i i L;'Kl Brj’ua vi j ■ DRESSER SET DREAM | Hcret’i glamour for your boudoir! Elgin AwrruaH drrucr I leta »t« exquuttely dojigned, jewelry finiaM, end p it : i crafted. Each *t hu beveled cIim mirror, nylon Ui emon Each *et hu beveled glam mirror, nylon Uiitlei, \ mL. L. I'&rL-. -J’A, ' i : ! f 1 'll 1 ‘ .[I h md'cut comb,The perfect gift, wm i f?;l V < I: McCARTY JEWELER;: 'orth Gtt« — Collogc V IV/ • i f| |: 1 * I Pi./ I liv'i Ileal Icy, Hy h broken the lineup for the freshman, Meal ley, a 6' 3" player, has an Improved eye ami will he counted on for points ua well mm rugged defensive play. Along with Merit- ley in the Fish lineup will Ire Muddy Davis, the NelderUml kid who will start the game it the center post. Ait the other forward and guard t w f ■ A ||[| i ■ 4; ifil ^MmsiiiflinM^Httaa mmum* U. ' J-. ! Second on the list of the top Aggie scorers is Sam Jenkins, last years team captain. ' The young senior from El Paso will graduate at mid-term. Tom Paces Rice To Win Over Bearkats HOUSTON, Dec. 16 bD—Bill Tom scored 35 points to pace Rice to a §8-66 overtime victory over the Sbm Houston State Bearkats last night at Houston. ; /.. j The Owls trailed most of Uia . game, but Tom started hitUsji the goal and sent Rica ahead In the non-conference basketball game with a minute to play, Two free throws by Mag Hirteh* at tied the euunt at (Kh(H) in ten elmdng secomls, Noiiiioimire Joe MeDermoU Hit two baskets ami Warren NwlUer one to lump Mru Owls abend at the finish, 1 • // -- Give it ’49 aUa, FOR CHRISTMAS CHRISTMAS GIFT SALE IN TIME FOB CHRISTMAS GIVING . iv ij on i M i TODDLERS CORDUROY SUITS— 9 mos., 1 yi;, 18 mos., 2 yr. Pastel colors. INFANTS & CHIDRENS SWEATERS— | Sizes thru 6 vj . . V • pTI / : < •; . V.'l ' ■ SLEEPERS— | with feet in and cotton outing pajamas, one and two pieces, for girls and boys ... sizes thru 6. GIRLS COTTON OUTING PAJAMAS— \ Sanforized and pre-shrunk Sizes 6-12 . GIRLS WOOL SKIRTS— Plaids and Solids Sizes 1-14 it i j, l GIRLS HATS—; BOYS ETON SUITS— I K j Gabardine and Wool Chock r /J |F : ' _i, ■ HOYS GABARDINE OVERALLS- bima.« y . i < i ‘4 JOYCE'S TOGS 'N TOYS £ "Bryrtti’H Mont Complete Children'* Store'* 608 So. (Jollejnt Ave. ; ; Phont 2* College Ave, If Phono 2^2864 — 7 it /1\ , / : ' ■r . V r..4a y Kl' i't/ i A, / -I • m >y i: /I I!/ I / 1/ 1 for a , mighty but tion arm. the roal. might game against ' week the * Ed the the 'S oil | w« arts X •Il'MIg eneei t;r. C' St tiif w ,HC •na, com •inmon n op - wmi ■bead of TCI *• ^ • ve can BMU, fe;, u ■■ ■ — ■ taaale laat week i pulled a 57-48 r.rft fn* *- that Baylor and PhiUipe was^ortv;) i: i Coach Karow is working onj a fast breaking offense te offset teo lack oftecight on the Fitemed* team. He can get away with this tr|ek only if the first-strin^ '-cah stand the pace, because his reserves lie not up to par defensively.. They have almost os much firepower, ! 4s the starting five, but ,kr« Steiner- able defensively and prone, to get wild. T y If] Karow has been ti-ying to play a mixed team to keep thia from h'-'' |T" u. DAILY rr i v 11 4! 1: {! Of I roal tonmrow l trip* should W. 1 11 bvnw on ,a ^5ol take ■the <3 arc & Lud . handljA : be' crea <'• trip n He happy • four acha. h wilt rmilott four open Holbrook, JSryiD Jtchell and Emil have the upper e-c rede run will io select the MISSING -■ The Yorii More People are calling for ERVO enamel and ! ,:ku UMj .. DULAMEL forftnteri ! -a FT ti!4- il f in the A&M-Texas iginal copy was ■4* original copy tgq instead of ■ ^ ■ r m Tiim •vt • / ''ll l.roali 11 41 •H- N**/ /V tht EAst ■ . m r .xk.n>. u-d ir ‘WNnMMMMWi i 8 :|. !| j^ICBV I : YOUR P" iisu 115 Jr | | ! •Vi! j;' " , f , t /4 11 : f ; L J j:'', ; ■ |:i mm Policyholders insui ‘ participate in SA' qf policyholders ii check or credited^, termination of egi The insurance dollar youjjt losses andij expenses ; pany reserves remainder ! * NON-ASS ii yoUtjipro m ■■ i L M d must |r what .1 . I • ‘ provide cash premium, you pay. AU polici< reserves and an ade not only formally so abnormal and unexpect / is II ynniA ptyment I , • ' 1 required savings lens. ncy ! ijtion by the ll 1 ' pa ay adm- ■ ii f)3 So. Main factory or BER-B lH.f m i ■r. M il.v -l.- .' ’ M f 1 ' S | I I, m ;! It S ; il i! 1 ft! « : I -W'fl i 'M I 1 i :c yi ■