Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1948)
RAYBURN WILI, 8! RECORD A8 SP! Rep. Sam liny burn net a new record speaker of the Houn month, Rep. Cannon .. ■ rules, customs and former house purllumei house records reveal : ever served more 1 than as speaker. Hf f Rayburn is one at who held the ^speakership 1 terms —or eight; years—and he is slated to step tick into the chair when the Democrats organize the new congress January 3. “Sam will be the first speaker in the history of the United States Congress to serve mor^ than eight years in that job,"'Cjhnon said. LOVETT SAYS CHlAljfG exas will a becomes t,") a 1 •I on House ry and a rian, said man has ight years e six men hip four TRIP IS FAIL! WASHINGTON Undersecretary dicated today tl Kai Shek has here in her miseionf stronger Americi Chinese Nation*' _ Lovett indicated tHi conference at which, that American JS Dfedi 16 -(/P)- f Sta^ Lovett in- t Madam Chiang ■ert' fnsuccessful obtaining support for the Government. at a news also said ard China : :».he Nation- A GenerOlis- said, was and is be- calls for dealing w alist government u etmo Chiang Kai-Shek That policy, ,Lovii determined by (irngre ing carried out py thteladministra- tion to the best of itl ability with in the limitat&ms i|presumably meaning congrefeipnktl limits on volume of aid)Itj j| ARMY OVERTHHOWS CASTRO GOVERNMENT SAN SALVADOR^ El Salvador, pec. 10 -The arily has over, thrown the government of Presi dent Salvador CaHtorii'da Castro. The president) was tttptmed after an exchange of' mncSlnogun fire yesteuluy between alf^iy men and the garrison of palace. • i; the; presidential The president'll deslit for exton* aion of his fouriyenr lt|in of office for another twcsyt«tti'$: : from March L 1:1)40, appeared to twiat least oho Of |he factors. Eleotlh# for a con stituent assembly to pass on that question were to be hj4tl today and Four Latin American g ments were overthrqwA oarlH ^eaF* These wefe overn- carller this — P . -..»ov ...v, r Ini Costa Rica, arpguay, Peru and Venezuela. An American;: Embassy spokes man at San Salvador said no U. S. cititen has been hurt and no U. S. property damaged, >JL Conditions returned; to normal " ‘ r ' med runs: TWO GROUPS OF SUITS FILED WED! HP yesterday was machinegun fire with a little .mortar and small arms display. Four civilians were reported killed and a few wounded, Property dam age was slight.' T jl; 1/ KUST ... __Jesday AUSTIN, Dec. Id |Ud_ The State yesterday; chared four ma jor typewriter companies with vio lations of Texas antitrust laws. Attorney General : price Daniel filed suits in 126th r against Remington Ri al Typewriter Ctt., L. Corona Typewriters,' Underwood Corp; ; The suits allege thi rompanies named fl: is on portable tsfipewri •bibitied independient felling such typdwritej price so allegedly fix Also ahti-truM suit Paso, Fort Worth ant Distributors were^ cbhi trict Court , Inc., Roy- Smith and c., and the each of the retail pric- rs and pho- alers from below the d. against El Dallas Milk lidated yes- 'll Hexi : .t»0pen 8 5 Texans A re D Trading Zones On US Border ICO CITY, Dec. 16, t—Mexico announced yes- ' ly it plans to set up duty trade zones at principal along the U. S. border. be zones will be established^ under a new law granting the pres ident the power to designate them whereVer he sees fit In these areas, no duties will be charged on imports from the United States. Present prohibitions and restric tions on imports of luxury^ items probably would not apply. Ramon Beteta, treasury secre tary, said free zones are being considered first for all the terri tories of northern and southern Baja California, and for Piedras Negras, opposite Eagle Pass, Tex. Beteta said that study Will be shortly on creating free zones at Ciudad Juarez, opposite El Paso, Tex., Nuevo Laredo, opposite La redo,, Tex., and Matamoros, oppo site Brownsville, Tex. | To Die During Approximately 85 Texans are doomed to l ' ’ ing the Christmas holidays, according to statist! Governor Beauford Jester, in a letter to A.&M. faculty and students—to exercise grea) Governor Jester pointed out that four out 1 • ( i and 52,500 will 1 e injured dur- froni the <|&vei jo *’s office, over fwp : i Boltbn,; urged holidn J e f. 2 urr. f ': nnd^o^to President Boltin, -£:d fm m .;U ’ 'in ■ • .i n |: 7 p i : ii^i • • I Aggieland Orchestra to Tour State As Musical Santa Claus ByJBUDDY LUCE . j :l v ; { Wherever Turner toot* his loot er will bej! where the Aggielund Orchestra members / hang their hats this Christmas. This year’s yule,tide tour w> * gation all over tl music for the danci Claus celebrating fandango fancying frauleins. Traveling everywhere but home, the orchestra will leave College Station on a chartered bus as soon as the holidays begin and after a veritable siege of one night stands will wind up the niiisic making tour at the big Cotton Bowl Associa tion dance ih Dallas Eve. With the bus loi ‘ thing from fiddle, the “be-bop*’ boys will make the first leg of their trip to Has kell, Texas. — pearances oh New Year’s ■ T.,."lELLi bus loaded with every- the flute to the base !;schedule of ap- the holidays is fice* on milk ami Dull** terday and set for trial here De cember 20. ( ;; j 1 ! i Th<> suits were filed by Attor ney Price’Daniel Ih D8th District Court, The State seaks penalties and injunctions;: against the milk companies on alleged flxlng of pro- duwr nnd consumer,)) in JS1 I’usoi TttrrAh Cmnitlcs. j § ‘ ^ li»rfemlant* In the. El Paso *ult are the Borden Co. ( Rflce’e Cmm- wry, Inc., urtd Hawkins Dairy. In the Fort Worth and Dallas ciasca are the Borden ICb* Roswell Dair ies, Alta Vista CrrMnenr Co., Van- dervoorts' Inc.,|Oak, rlirini, Inc., Tennesveo DairEes, In*., Metzger's Dairies and Cn^Jl’s Ini •i. Ijikf Art Shires. | 42, former major jlMifue baseball player charged SVith riturder in the death of Williafh Hir*m (Hi) Er win, 56, yesterdiy were postponed today until 9 a. m. today. All of the principals except a atate witness were present for the scheduled hearing in Justice of the peace W. L. sUirrett’S court Wed nesday morning;. I ; This witness, DriP. A. Rogers, sent word to the copit that he was delivering a • baby in Methodist Hospital and wpuld niot be able to attend. .j J 'Ui | I « j WEATHER l East Texas — 1 Partly clouidy, shpwers along the lower coast t H i s afternoon. Fair and colder. Lowest tempera tures 28 to 32 in extreme north west portion. Fri- d4y fair, colder! in louth and ex treme east por tions, Fresh shift- ffikeit i° Their during as follows : | Dec. 20—Haskell, DJSK Club (American; Legit * Hall), j i Dec. 21—San Angelo, San An- Military Offices Will Be Combined After January 1 j ' 1 [ - Ifr ■! The Office of the Senior In structor, Organized Reserve Corps for Texas will be combined with the office if th«j Texas Military District on .funuary 1, Colonel Ds- Oar B. Ablott, present chief! of both orgunikationis, Announced 1 to day. " r n.. yt The comb ned bfflce* will bo known as the Texas Military Dis trict. j Even though the headquarters has been reorganised, no physical movement o' the two headquarters will result, i loth offices have been located at 4th and Gyudutupe streets and outsid* of aq internal; shifting of staff; personnel, very little disruption of normal duties is necessary- h ■ ■ ' The respohsibilities and function of the Texas Military ] elude supervision and c all 'Organized Reserve Corps >ac tivities, conduct inspections, make +1—— I gelo A&M Club (The Hanger). Dec. 22—Odessa, Trans-pecos A&M Club (Ace of Clubs). Dec. 23—Amarillo, Amarillo A &M Club (The Nat). Dec. 24—Wichita Falls. Wichi ta Falla A&M Club (Country Club). Dec. 25—Brenham, Brenham A&M Club (The Pavilion). Dec. 26—OPEN Dec. 27—Laredo, Laredo A&M Club (Laredo High School GymJ. Dec. 28—Port ’Arthur, Port Arthur A&M Club (Pleasure Pier). Dec. 29—Waco, Waco A&M Club (The Casablanca). Dec. 30—Marlin, Falls County A&M Club (Falls Hotel). Dec. 31—Dallas, Cotton Bowl Association Dance (Perkins Gym at SMU). All of the dances during the tour will be sponsored by the A&M Clubs in the various towns, except for the New Year’s Eve dance in Dallas. The New Year’s Eve fracas in Dallas is the top notch of the holi days’ festivities. The Aggieland Orchestra will do the musical hon ors for the occasion accompanied by and in conjunction with a swing ‘ band from SjjlU. The dance, sponsored by the Cotton Bowl Association, will be gin at 9 p. m. and continue until 12:39. * Each conference school will present five minutes of en tertainment at the dance and a good floor show should be the result. If, when January 3 rolls around and the school bell rings the< all c)ear signal, the boys in. the Ag gieland Orchestra haven’t seen diancing and dancers in all shapes, situations, and shades of sheets in the wind, Turher just didn’t toot his tooter in the right place. | Port Arthur Team Invited to Club’s Christmas Dance The Port Arthur A&M Club will hold its Annual All College Holi day i unco on Tuesday, December 28 from 8 p.m. until 12 midnight in the ballroom of Port Arthur’s million dollar Pleasure Pier which is located on the shores of Lake .Sabine *4 mile from Port Arthur, Gone S. Brousnrd, president, an nounced today. The Aggieland Orchestra will provide the music for the dance, and their annuaK appearance in Port Arthur during the Yuletlde Kif:.! i M mJi : ?■ ‘ •Pj ? f /r Pi f •Ok' ill L. I !*' j t :>■ . Santa won't get 6-year-old Emilio Landeros* letter. the gd old Emilio Landeros’ letter The lad was fatally Injured when he **a struck by a truck «» hej dar ed ihed letter to Haiita Claus In hhi hand. from a school bu Two unidentified an unfinished letter to ftaiits Claus in hiu h» «n carry the boy from the scene of the aeclds * lip dlJtt Seaei fofwi studei hoi ids Laredo Club Will Make Dance Plans . The Laredo Club; will hold a meeting Thursday, Dec. 16 in Room 126, Academic Building at 7:30 p. m., according to club president D. S. Pena. Final Christmas dance plans will be discussed and dance tickets will be given out to members. All members are requested to be present, Pena said. on is an event that i« looked ard to each year by all Jef ferson and Orange County Aggies and Aggie-Ex’s, as well atftudent* who are home for from other colleges. Brousard said that this year’s dance promises to be one of the best that has ever been held in Port Arthur, and he asked that all Aggies in the vicinity attend. Tentative plans call for the pow er-house Yellow Jacket football team of Port Arthur to be guests of the club at the dance, and Brou sard said, “We sincerely hope that some of the seniors on the team will decide to enroll at A&M upon their graduation from Port Arthur- High School, j ■ j Arrangements for the dance aije in charge of P. H. Landry. Admis sion has been set at $1.50 per per son, and tickets may be obtained from any club member. An exten sive publicity campaign is under way, and a prize of $5.00 will be awarded to the club member who sells the most tickets prior to Mon day,! Dec. 27 at 12 noon. More Changes Due All Staffs Double Year As I’uhlui -A- V By GEORGE CHARLTON ' 1 ' H LI Improvements by the ream and freight car load have highlighted Student Publication’s biggest year 1948. From such major additions as a photo engraving laboratory to a change in the make-up of the editorial page, the list of new fea-“ tures is long and important. The engraving lab, which was first set up in the basement of Gnion Hall and later moved to Foster Hall, makes TRe Battalion the only student newspaper in Texas to have this facility. It is now possible for pictures taken one night to be in the following day’s paper. Before the installation of the, equipment, however, it had been, Dear Father k i ' ^! I ] j. ' > Talented Cadets Find Many Means To Buy And Alibi For Xmas Gifts 1-1, •B added bis l*q»**t ful and rettirn wi after Uw Holiday*) Follo^nir * President Bolton Tp urf accidents portion* hi State. Public low Ti tyj> iow win it 2,500 will J be iaj Christmas Holid i\ an uncanny abilit rectly pur; careljs; even In advance I urge Jsveryi family Sto he warning; and nq carefully iiit tb for whlfch||you u give Ah# aideflitidh more than) his under t le lavq nr or five oflithoset (iji HiljKta would be bur fault thathe wHI not, uvi* i through cart* lessiM'se:; o ■ ihoigh tribute ij/ji Hi null) u HJn the hull , A Architect Students Plan Youth Center f ciouoy Third year ai have completed Center which wil east of the cai owned by the Ki Sid Loveless, the Board of Ri wanis Club, a ski ture Department for the proposed station th,w College turned over tacture s work four designs were The first five winning will be on display in the c ode !W. ire si ins for a located is on pr its Club. presid tion of the submit buth Cen proble ird year after 7 ed in. i k lents ■M coast becoming noi •moon. . -Mi : • i. k m t'ii if vest this aft- I Winners inc first; E. T. Cannata, thi fourth; and ! \ second; Al.C. W. Jent Dave Faulkner, By HARVEY CHKLF Strange reports of a sudden de cline in Dusiness of the Various and sundry merchants of College Sta tion and Bryan have prompted a thorough investigation by your ever vigilant Battalion. Painstak ing surveys confirmed this startl ing rumor. A local cinema proprietor sadly lamented, “Our pictures ain’t no women’ usual, but the suckers aint coming in no morn!’’ Local drug- gusts complain that Aggies must have stopped shaving, brushing their teeth, and even bathing, for these products' have ceased to move from their shelves. The American Tobacco Co. has expressed grave concern over the sudden switch from their product to the five cent, roll-your-own va riety. Only one business man in all Aggieland seems immune from this blight. When this individual was interviewed, he made this startling statement: “Mah friend, ah can’t understand itl Why, in the last week ah’ve been besieged by Ag gies wanting to sell me everything from their roommate’s girl friend’s picture frame to a complete set of quizzes for CE 346. Darn near sold all mah turkeys so I could buy 382 slide rules, 822 lamps, 7,200 copies of Freshman Chemistry, and more used (but in very good condi tion) uniforms than you can shake Harry Stiteler at!” This puzzling enigma might hare baffled the beat brains of Brazos County, had sot it been solved hy ingeniously using it . M sh a question on the KampuN Kuis Program. When queried as to what was up, a sad-eyed soph- union* multeml, “Man, U’a Christmas money the guys.are «■ 4S : 1 J necessary to send all photos to Austin for engraving,' and a week or more was usually ;required for the return of the “cut” Additional features; were iir' tuted for the 1948 Batlalibil, atnj them a weekly page written edited by the Freshman nouaei Bryan Field, and another page voted to the activities of the Wo men on the campus and iiv. College Station. The comic strip “Li)f Abner” was introduced during the past year and has proved to b* * wel come addition to the paper. Enlarged staffs, doubled over last year, fpr each of, the six stu dent publications m*d# possible larger editions of et)cb ; and for some, an increase in the number of 5w».[ ■ in |r iq The year 1948 was the.first full year for publication Of Aha Agfi* culturist and the Enjpitetir smcO before the war. A. nejjjr. nagaziite, The Southwestern Veterinarian, was introduced this past year. And •the first two issues ))av6 already rolled off the presses,! 1 | ; k On the technical side, n com plete family of BodonftSM is how available for use\in ail Htudehi Publications as thek WSUlt of M ts •.- ‘s m fv ; -: | ,1 low typp' this new numjSor-oi) type: fam" the ihsthl headline^ limi hair to the Stu lent Rklf and Faculty. tl members of * • j j ‘ , J • would be the >n the highways ijfcl * message tliat all be ebre- hout an accjdent . ie message from Faculty: i , 1 , diejith from traffic ir ing tragic pro- alion and In the Departenent of l^ta that 85 fel- their Uvea and bed during the and they hiave abilitty to evaluate cor- , driving hapUa of the A.&lif. Jio aovemor'a ojnly to d r t v « that courtesy k> famous and' ther jfillw every non- veh i ffhi i takes u littlo f averages, four 00 Injuries or would hap pen to Let uA' each resolve Icssncss, dun- dcnldent during F. O. HOLTON, ITmtUImt i \\ i : i!l|| Further research revealed that all local Sources of the long green with the short future are almost exhausted, and Aggies are busily engaged in applying “the tactful touch” to one and all—to the ex tent of their skill in creative writ- ing. The usual repertoire runs something like this. DNM|r Mother, j . - Just the usual note before I have to rush off to Sunday School with my roommate. I finally talked hihl into going, and I’m real happy about it because ! believe he is really a good boy at heart, in spite of that night he upset the bottle on the back seat of our car. 1 realize he drinks a little, but you. really Can’t; blame him because of his family background. You see, he once told me his father was a drunkard even while he was still in college. .! I believe I could get him to stop drinking if I only had 610.95. He wants a belt buckle that costs that much, more than anything in the world. He said he’d even give up drinking for it; I sure wish I had the money to gat it for him. Such a trivial little amount to save this fine young man from a drunkard’s itMNV* | : | ell sir, how are things with you? I bet your golf game is rad- hot thuHe days, because the last time I was home you ware hitting ’em u mile I I’ve oven bragging to all my buddies about what a good golfer you are. I've told mv room mate over and over about that day you shot an 87! Say dad, I’m afraid I’ve got some bad news for you. I hate to tell you but I’ve lost my slide rule. I don’t know how it happened, but it’s gone, and I Just can’t get along without anotner one. If I had the money I know where I might get a good second hand one for only fore next Saturda; or only 614.75, if I buy it be- day.; L; I Please don't tell mother about you know how they feel about me lending so much money up heir*. this, will you, Dad ? You know how upset she was ufhen somebody stole my study lamp just before Thanksgiving ..... k ★ Dear Jimmy, ; j ‘ How’s my kid brother? I heard about you almost lettering in foot ball at good ole Tech Hi, and boy am I proud of you! I’ve been telling my roommate about what a good little player you are, and he says you ought to come on up here and play for A&M when you graduate. iBay Jimmy, ol’ son, how’s about doing your ol’ bud a big favor? I’m flat on my back with Christ).'as dam near here, and J just gcita get MarabeDi a present! I hate to ask you when I still owe you from last month, hut this guy I was tell ing you about that owes me 6?8 promised to pay me back right after Christmas. So if you could let me have five ’tQ then, I’d sure be grateful. Don’t tell the folks about this because My Darling Marsbcll, How’s my one and only down in the good ole home town? Missing me f hope! (ha, ha) 8w, Sweet, I'Ve been doing a lot Of thinking about what l should get you for Christmas. I want it to be som#>: thing real nice, but something that will last a long time. I know how much you like A&M, and I thought something Aggie would appeal to you, so' I’ll tell what I have in mind. ; i '! I’m going to get you a subscrip tion to the Batt, our school news paper. It’s expensive, but I don’t care because I want you to get to know OUR school better. Of course I’ll have to pick up your copy and mail it to you each day because our paper can’t offer any such service as that... ^Publications us addition to the equipment; or ;tn A&M yreaS of a 67,00^jy IM1 Corpus A&MCTubs Plan Joint f|yf During Holidays PHBVyii n d how at SMU? you being Dear Johnny, How are you, | a are things going over Boy, I sure don’t envy around all those women over there to buy Christmas presents for. I’m in a tight fix here, and I don’t have a woman around for miles to buy presents for. I had to sell most of my books to go to Austin for the TU game, and now it’s all I can do to raise money for our company Christmas Me and the ole'lady are yihg three fifths of Seagram’s Seven, plus two cases of beer. Set me back 611.35, but it’s worth itj Boy, are we going to have a rip- roaring, ole time. . . •M : 1 r| The! for the ence Sj 1948 ing, A&l headqi ship ( ed. A ssfa all Of ! fled;; q T* 'll' The U Comrtien 1948, and sponse it settirg machine. With ddition, an unlimited head line: i of the same mar b< set. Prior to tion of ti e Ludlow, the f one tyfakiUmily Were the qmoiint tjf type on talioh wka tho cent rst SjoutI west!Conf< tsmanshiif meeting in a tesul: of the meet- was choien to act aa era fir the Sportsman- ittec which wait form- t rcjsult of the meet- he Smthwest .Confer- tamanshiii Code which SWCjschajolH have rati- , ' j y, Mifn Contest in the >r wps hnugumted in ram Jho enthusiastic re vived, it promise* to beconie am annual event The Bat talion Pip* ^Smc king Contest also came into |its oWn, ll»t#ff ojT Corpus Christil A&M . PnN , I with the Corpus A & The, Corn) will hold its dance late uhcjiOi on the !deck Of the llVhlto Pliiza Hotel, December 23, according to Bill Bleker, reporter. \x { j 0, Members of the student! Nub will meet on the deck at Ib' gJm. cember 23 to decora^ 'for dance, Bidder said. |L; , ; ffl , , inffltoaj clubs is akked to bring avuilajl football signs, pennant blankel ( or other Aggie paraphrdnalia ft decorations. ; ■ ■ , Club members will W,admitted free to the dance and! will be al lowed to bring one guest couple for which a small admission fe« will be charged, BlekeVijaid. Further infomationjmay be ob tained from Mark A. Wolsh, Phone No. 9078, Corpus C*-™ 1 III . V i i ■ I, V ' x, y Fountain Pi ■ ■ Loss of the Parker pen used by ad) sign their reserve been reported to I iiartlu. - /, !,.■ The pen, ihissing afternoon, mgy be s Room 31 of ; \ j) , ri x; pr i during ca 1 staff’ tlmelj) pi news Oven! Althougl OH for all IffiSj Umlaf increaxini lion |b Th# art!! staff ,11, catioha was grohtlv enlarged dur ing the puit year, Htided by Ken neth Maratk ant suti plied with all the neceskfiry c itilp: nent for pro- ' ons and drawings, the already nude possible turlsittlon of campus >W iter fer- Rtudent Publi- 1948 saw many ;hu stjudenL publications, nee galrveil will bi> UNed lmpi|oven ent next ysar. idern|t|on ire plans for the Xlio of The Batta- pages tilth <Uy and Student magazine stSffa st) that right Issues published instead jhtfour. *•! 11 Al % j ■■if,. „„ Dafr L,, six semes! nautical <*| has hden, arshipj WestF: M IcGujrk, Who completed atir^ rs at A&M in the atro- ginetring department, elected a Rhodes achol- ner. le if a senior at eflurki en 1945,; after c at A&M te Fort Worth. Th* with i to The for tk teifed \frst Point In completing his work 45. His Phoon :lectcd :holar mag be extended I LT rship fears. ie-ei wak among for suholarthips. home ia In ales ncholarship carries 00 a year for two years Univirsit;’ In England. 700 HFliS PBILLIPINE8 Dec. |16 U'A’i— A ty- 1 v estwiard through ; I hillippines today, main islland of Luzon * '‘-'Winds of 00 mile* I %\