Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1948)
’■ • 4 I K a pay cro^d Wednesday High “Harvest, F( to add another w ing house. , % • |i ■ n Qfty-colored ' er^pft paper : And balloons decorated ffljjfei and the various booths whic' fered a variety wa many of them women of the d At C p. m. the'jovcm supper served ui- ai eafeteria with Mts. L. in charge. ll '4 apres filled the (parish house of the St. Thomas Episcopal Churcl the associated Women’s societies held their annual bazaar Was the theme off the evtot which was staged to raise 1 the parish houso and to buy drapes and heaters for the exis After eatlni the round of offered cootu hite needlework, gamee for the these were the booth, pitch the bal ring around a peg. pennies. There palm reader, ’ who was very young crowd. H I i Ralph Shuffler, , young magician, gave * during the evening w Kay and Stuart llelvo] sistanfa. Wearing a I. Hhuf/ler proved Wept / ter with which ilDl ‘ «. hls^ show going A cako which!] was Congdon’s and a ringing nddtid mo ding fund. Co-chairmen jfior t wore Mrs. A .0. H. H. Curma. wore Mrs. T. A. AdM oftkosj “ * “ * Mb, ■; ’ Mill Mrs. Jharles Ual^os, u • Jrii * ' Mitchell Hostea To ©>%; La Vitfita Chapter Th’esto th;'tegiOnal meeting of4— ^ L injpli-ihql shows Mci- "oeL Bjlkj hat;, ,«te ELI hi ro Trtffiod im ;!festlvalj jj mid iMrfj. te feOf Ursfi ;Mm, couhf not be held on No vember 4, but Mrs. John W. Mitchell wak hostess to the La Villita Chapter on Tuesday eve ning at 7|80l plm. at her homo in South Oakwpod. Bowls (of American Pijllair i contajners a ided to the charm of the living rconi, and Dainty Bess ro^es were o x the mantle. After the opening ritual led by Mrs. L. U ’Fourakcr, regent, a shiort talk wi s feiven by Mrs. R. R. Lancaster on Ajmerican Music, aft er which sh i read tho words of “The Star j toangled Banner.” Apiirovcd Schools are one of the jmt projects, sponsor- Daughters o lution, and ~ man of th C F. L. Thomak r “ , T iabltsf Mrs d^>nV iflshi i giutwH, and Mrs. I PH. I H:1| 1 Many locnl ndircbaiftk dona tod ' anlclos at cost fttr thoc foK*' 2 -* Mlif Mrs. Lytic Gets Surprise Party . j, lion R|, Mcjn a BUrpriltf httt Mr. and Mrs were hosts at a twrurji party for Mrs. Hiitoi their College View Puesday evening.; Cocoa chiffon cake were served to those and Mrs* Olay j M. John Anthon^, Mr. 1 _ ry tjltone, the hoist) aad1 honored most important projt . odl by tiio National .Society of the bo Altoorican Revo- rs; Mitcnoll, as chnir- s comhiltteo of tho chapter, is djiihg splendid work in arousing IhthrOst in this worth- while acflvilly. A box wa* packed, viiluwl at Botoml hundred dollars. W* bo seiit toidfossnoro, N. ami a rash donntiMii I* to bo sent to tho KhUi l)uneai« Hinlth Hchool, Thoro wihi over eigiit thousand students In tho H attpdtvod schoolrt being aided by tho IK A. It. . Texim Klugjs uvo boon roqtMMiod hy service fti 'iimnw In other coun* tiles, and Mrt. I'ouraker suggesbst that the chnlpUr make utt effort tn raise mmieyl to purchase flags to semi servl'e -itum. upon as an activity | during ihe Texbk Oolden Jutyhej year, Itltd. Mrs. Frank B. Brcwd was named chair man of tbl« cgjmmittee. Following tho business meeting, Mir. Mitchel tforved coffee from tie siiver se •vice and salted nuts IcJlnturff and pink cn idles in silver com- (iday potM which ware; jplaceil ort each Lyf.1 ■ at silde of the Service. Her Slaughter Lment. | Miss Caroline Mitchell served lime ! swirl from a silver platter at the coffee! opposite end of the dining table which' was centered by ^ patidue flertt, Mr. les, jMrsL ,LMr Mari dstoji.O am) I dies in silver fcandelabra shed Soft glow. i iso flags reuuokt, o TexaS vases 'filled! vhth delicate pink Sweetheart itch's and buds. Can 1 ! i Big Clearance i OFF ' Clothi iJ 1 1 1 "‘•ys uotmng ■ 14 T T\T • ; if i j ■ ■, . OVERCOATS, cckt Sc leggin sets. All! wool. Sizes 2 to 6 years. ; BOY’S SUITS. Wool, c6rduroy, and corduroy and gaberdine combibgtions. J j ‘Sizes 3 to 6 years. LITTLE BOYS SUITS, corduroy & corduroy 1 gaberdine cokbinations* Sfeoi 0 mois to 8 years. i GABERDINE iJACKETS! Weather-field . iBlzcg 3| bo a years, BpXER SLACKSf cor^umy and gabebdipe. jbo S years. * and VM ’51 Wives Hold First Club Meeting 1 |i j •• y j. ;y. J J* j ■ J] : ! .• The newly organized YM ’61 Wives’ Club held.their first reg ular meeting Wednesday, Novem ber 3, in the homci of Mrs. Tim G. dPaulkenberry. After a busineKS meeting re freshments were served by the co- hostesses, Mrs. Elmer Pierce and Mrs. E. Wilson. : Those attending were Mcsdnmcs Rl W. Baker, Maircus R. Brown, Chns. E. Deyhle, Jack H. Duwe, Itoy Penncr, Chas; J. Fuchs, R. E. Jones, Paul W. liandruui, Robert L. McDonald, E. D; McMuvry. Wm, L. Murray, Thomas M. Nunley, Bill Parker, R, H. Perry, Byron Range, Bumaoo Li Hoberl *, Tliom- as P. Ryan, Clyda Slay, Chas. H, Stevens, Luwrencd Steve tson and tho hostess, Mrs. Tim U, Fwulken- Miry,, and co-hostekHcs, MP*. Pierce uiul Mrs. Wilson, j The purpose uf; this! dub Is to acquaint and provide ore udonul liertalnmont for: tho wivis atul mliles of the Veterinary ('lass enterti fhmillc »d ‘wi. Stan Hoilmig 11) Wed November 20 Htmi Hollmlg wjio is known for blw actions on A&M's gridiron and baseball diamond has decided to ehtcr a new field. Hollmig m go ing In walk down the center aisle. ; He is engaged to be married to Miss Anno House, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. (5. W. House df'Kcrr- ville. Tho wedding! Willi take place at tho Prosbytcriftiji Chapel in Aus tin on November 20. : Mjss Houle is a sophomore at the University of Texas ami » member of the tlhi Omega Sor ority. The couple plan to make their homo in College Statiom. j ‘ 1 1 { • ’ ! i j SAM Wives Hold First Club Meet . I? / JDAY, ■Hip THE on ' > tit 222 P T . ■ | : '• 1 ATT ALIGN % 0,1048 H A ■ .' T 7 t ; f mi K' ’fir Page 3 Mu'- }• i * . / v- 'omen d orner mmtlm (left) and PEGGY LEE compare warbling Super Club PAFFOR . tune-up for weekly appearances on Chesterfield show. They alternate with Perry Como on the 15 NBC evening show. K» to radio minute five-a-week +■ ! Mrs. Barker 1 Presides Ai ! If- :| ; ' . ! 1. /Tj Campus Study Club Meet k'-]". !i [.j! • i y. ■ y I I Thu ('irnipuK Study (Hub mat luxt TKnHdny ufUnpon In. thu YMCA loimgfi.|iloatPlitM wi*rt* Mrg, Hoy Snyder, Mrg. J,! 'i. Shawn, Mr*. OIIh MIIIim’, mid Mrg. Virgil llnrmml. In tho ulwi'ruMH of tho did) proajaont, 1 • The S. A. M. Wivci; Club held an organizational meeting at the YjMCA on the Campus last Week and elected the following officers: president,: Mrs. J. T. Wil liams; vice-president, Mrs. H. H. Hamilton Jr.; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. G. W. Fuqua; repbrtfer, M^. TL D. Snider. > i / It. was decided to have o'club picture made for the Longhtfm and announcement was made that the | daughter, born Novi! i3 picture will be taken at the next . Hospital, meeting, Nov. 16 pt 7:30 p, m. at: the YMCA. nriwklont, MrK. P, W, I^urkor vIco pronidunt, tMokldotl at Imv brluf Unainoka ioaajonj during which thu fjllowltig rntw^Fy^- nuMiibcn* were addi*d to the dub C '. I . » . roll: Mrs. Carl lllrdwt'll, Mix liny Ph StUdCfltS WlVCS mvr Adams, Mrs, Harold M illivnji, and Mrs. Richard Dbwmm 1 !., / A miniature of thd Uni tod Nb* timis building deTOmtad thedlpehk- er’s table. It was surrouiuled I by small flags of all nations. The decorations Were in keeping with the subject of the afternoon, “.Shall We Purge thiK United Na tions?” T J[ | Mrs. Snyder intivKluced the gue«t speaker, Dr. S. R. Gilmmon, head of the A&M History Department, Dr. Gammon said that one of the. great issues of the day is “Mod ern man, slave or sovereign?” He also said/that as long 1 sis wb’ make any progress toward recovery we should not purge the Uni toil Na- tions/ J: | Following Dr. Gammon's talk, thjbre was an open discussion. Phm to Organize Wives of senior students! majort ing in petroleum engineering will meet in the South Solarium Lounge of the YMCA at 7:3d p. m.j Friday November 12 to organize p club. Wives of all senior petroleum students who are interested in joint ing are invited to attend,: accord ing to Mrs. Jeanette Burnham, i I ' P m m Annual Confi Child Wei The first annual eonferei the Children Federation was Sessions began at 10 a. r Area were in the Maaionic " ! Participating in the pt . ' 4-. - . : : T DARsHol Meeting i (, • l •; v I ■ •V •Hf. / ns ■s IniBi . 'H' iirnl Child Sm-iop Divi n Country Club. " adquarter# for until ft p. m* Hetdqua rs. Julia Hillman as director. 1 leaders In the field of ho Savo Delta WSl La Villita Chapter, IJ College Station was reprei the regional meeting, division fi . at Navasota on November 4th by the regent, Mrs. L. L. Fourakcr; chapter treasurer. Mrs. E. B. Rey* :hapte lolds, and Mrs. nk B. ~B: chairman of the Americanism Com mittee. The hostess chapter—Rob ert Raines—of Navasota, with Mrs. J. T. Simmons as regent, made the arrangements and planned ■ the luncheon at 1 p.m. following the bioming fheeting held at the Meth odist Navasota. rs. J. T. Swanson wan general irman and the committees hich helped make the regional meeting a success were: Mrs. R. F. Chappell, arraugpmeqta; Mrs. J. Percy Terrell, reception: Miss Bess Johnson, program; Mrs. W. F. Gibbs, transportation; Mrs, R. Baptist Couples Plan Barbecue i The Veterans Couples Class of tho First Baptist Church of College Hfation will hold w barbecue at Cashlmi's Cuhlu Friday nvenlnjc, November lit, at OiHO pJt). Mrs, I .else Harvey, aociial chair man of Ute class, has planned an interesting program and a barbe cue menu with all lhe trimming* i hat go with such nn outing sup* per. -17 | r v •• The class is now composed of coupios or 4(1 members. Rev. Prentiss Chimp is teacher of the class. Tho Rev. Arthur Nmlth Is assistant teacher. - state chairmen, were also present and gave reports of the work ho*. Bulletin Board ,41 : i| */ 49’erfi Club, meet at 7:jiC p. m., Wednesday, for transportation to meeting at home of Mn.| Emalita Terry, 2021a Ayreshiro. • Ah Quiz--Where Is t'.hy Sting} Jessies '68 '•If ! • : il},.; *' Mr. and Mrs. FeMjc I !c Staffed, a at Bryan ! All wives of students of Man- : MfS. MaddoX GivCS reinent Enginee-ring are invited j _ . _ T . . PaHtels i - bpim'ii * lx> o yeaI7i, « BIB OVERALLS] cordumy, and gaberdine. And iWfthJMM. I r ■! ! ' - - j. i SHIRTS, corduroyi cc^ttoln flannel a«d!bi?oadci6th. * CREEFERS, w pleco. a 3 years, j and qotton. One jpifece and two! piece. : |; : j j j h- «!£•(* B mog. to 3 years, BOY DRESSESr {Slsee 6 imonth to on* yt -SWEATERS, nil wool; nM* 3 years t|>*$ ear. • \h\ 3 years th'6 yea-rs. AGGIE SPECIALS This Week Green Salad and choice of Grilled Pork Chop fWW .... . . . 1 Baked Stuffed Deviled Crab . . Chicken Fried Steak niff „ Vegetable, Potatoes & Drink at agement „ to become members. I —r 1 bets Club Will Meet November 10 ■ Li-1 y j ! The Ider’s club will: Ixt entor- tglried Wednesday, November 10, at tnc home of Mn|. Emalita Terry, 2q2tsi Ayreahire, College.; Every* ope will meet at the AdnlinUtm- tlpn building at 7:15 p. m. for transportation. | j ' ! j ; ■ i , I ; ; j! i Leftover macaroni, cold diced meat and a ohecite sutico may | Ite combined to make a cakserole dltdi; Urn with grated cheese; Serve With spiced scalloped tomatoes uml simp beans cooked oply qntil tender- crisp. Party for Husband 14 ; J Mrs. Clifford L. Maddox of Col lege Vi<^ entertaimxi her husband ; with a surpriso birthday party, Thursday, evening, at their apart- mont, n'/f ^ ; Decorations wore all: in the birth day theme and an embellished cako with “Happy Birthday” on it was a fc-nturo of tho evcjning. Cake and coffee wijro stuvoA to I the following well-tylshers: Kir. and Mrs. David J. Hmull, Mr. imi Mrs. John Hnyter. Mr. and Mrs. Boh Yeary, Mr. and Mrs. II. G, Murray Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Bill Top liert, Mr, and Mrs. JjapieS W. Col lier. Mr. and Mrs. HHiy Davis, Mr. and Mrs. William (|.! McCoy Jii, Mr. and/Mrs. Orville Cartwright, and Mr. Jack Watsdni 1 By CYNTHIA LOWRY Newsfeatureu Writer like everybody 0130, I: guc'8; I’m a sucker for those quiz tests in the magazines and newspapers. It doesn’t • matter whethier it’s question-and-answer stuff i!on the j size of my vocabulary, my knowl* ! edge of current events or ai highly erudite probing to determine my j aptitude fpr mountain; elinibing. i : I take them all. Things have gotten to such a point that I’d i no more think of sitting down for a quiet evening of reading without a bundle of! well- \ sharpened pencils (no erasers; | that would invite cheating) i than I’d try to play golf with-; out any clubs. Constant practice has njade md into something of u mathematical wizard (although I flanked min* eiubly a test on my financial acumen the other day). For in- stance,; in the twinkling of an ey^ I can scan the headline! “Are You Shy?” And while automati cally pulling out u pencil! ahsor|) add follow such instructions nsl: “Answer the following questions, clu*c|dng the appropriate Imx. For eatthl answer ’Yes' score ^ourself fivnj subtract the difference hoi- tvleen a normal calendar ji-ar and r,Vuj> Year, divide by your, surtng, plum the Arkansas cigarette tag, without the numerals to the right of the decimal point. If you are jiqinfulliy shy, your final scoro will hu between 7 and !), If yi)u are soirtu shy, . . t However. I’ve got to give them up, They are driving me to a pi^int close to complete nervous collapse. I’m getting: contused, timid about meeting oven the simplest problems and am spending most or my non- qui^-tsking time worrying about my relationship with my fellow humans. At least, I think I am still a human being and I want to cut out this self-meas- urenu-nt while I’ve still that as-: aiuhance. For instance, just the other day I jtojok a vocabulary teit 4thich appeared in a daily newspaper. T scored myself as “exceptional’’ having checked the correct defi nition for such unusual phrases as “Iron Curtain,” “incoherent;” “hero-worship,” and a few others. All day I felt pretty good, but that night—of course, it was after dirt- r ner—I found another vocabulary test in a literary magazine. So I worried and twisted through the night. I missed such simple items as “auto da fe,” “colloid,” “ca- taria,” and “gurges” Unless my 1 figuring was way off, my'vocabu lary in some , circle ranks “far below average. : / ij Over a'single week of' test-tak*- ing, I discovered I was best suited for jobs like lighthouse keeper or forest-fire lookout or something else be strator eon women’s magazine test proved, were completely wrong for myper- fWWDER ABOUT MY APTITUDE FOR SETTING DOWN aonullty and coloring, but—a news paper test ngftln-my tasto is ox- (lulsiU* undl l have groat artistic ability. 1 don't got along well with jKxiple, but mo and my collvaguo* In the office have a perfectly droamy rdationahip. • Tho pay-off, and the reason I’m swearing off, are three tests now available in a couple of magazines. In one series I find that I am highly unconventional and radical. That’s arrived at by yea And no answers to 48 questions. But by picking blue as my favorite color in a “color personality test,” I find that I’m a “natural-born conserva tive with n secure hold” on my passions and enthusiasms. And cautious. Unless I've really got; a split personality, somebody^ .Wrong somewhere. Anyway, I’m going back to cross-word puzzles. * CLEANING p PRESSING ALTERATIONS :T^/1 AT THEIR BEST-AT CAMPUS CLEANERS Over the Exchange Store ( Y »•» ; ]• • j t U » TV ' . r i A ‘•V M iL . M ley, “Si licity. Mta. rfH. R. Mrs. A. H. , i t * ij | la correspond; ecrRary of the chapter and Wsjrd Templeman the organ-, Orals Miss Mrs. Wara Templeman the organ-, izing rei^nt of the Robert .Rainee Chapter. | / * Chapter me: four wore given a: to: moaj Mra- Edwa: fSSi re ^ nt ’ ■ other 8tato lers J. Tlopiak, oecrctaryj Mrs. , Smyth Greater, treasurer; Mr*. Richard Q. Hulter, curator ai Mrs. Walter ,G. Dick, parliamenta rian. M«. Felix Imiln of Corpus ' presa . jiffl' r oi division ►ther state oft present! Mgs. wcretnryj Mr >te chalr- «nd gave reports of tho work b«*.; oast r pros,blent, I’ PA,’ of B ing done by tkow comntlttoe* and Mr, A. <X Allin head of usslitanda to local clHiptar chalH County unit; Mrs. Vlrgl men, J ; . pubKp h««lth ffjrsoi Mm ’“i^L'raig, fojinar stat«i Pi of Utu Tax as D.A/U. Mrs. Harrow, state Miss tioasui troduc gynt, Ounfcp to il4, UaWvs of wa 1 as firsl man, of “ stato enhara M itloiialHoeipty COOpl'lS- Ptar pro* a* ti)« hood of [schw- progrom gave somg very interosting- about the 14 approved D.A.R schools, and^the work being done to aid theOe^schools; Kate Duncan Smith now haa about six hundred students and' Tatnasseelwla four hundred for the Rium* S hooked are p: were \ rememb Christniais, apd occasionp, and .by sending ; gift Of Useful art|$« tyring |ah4 And Mrs. Roni, of americaniJ^n and na- nse, made spleiidid talks. Irwin striated teypp Biyart jaeent to THo f centered with troiH and elfnre fiioi en counties tL undltho tho » the urch.: the chu various tntives. In*. Ms AK^Tunchdon wm Mr.! in the pro- lillman, Rev. A*- ox, aqsintaht -pastor of the! sclool progranu and, prirtu ork «cns^ed ting was puplb. j lend- if m M. DoWell Education Wi. ■ ■ij ■s- lllpi yj^P.ycM,^ M,, M.w* yniiin, reerealtor leader;.Mrs. Joe Barron, teacher »t Travis Hch>ol; Mrs. Elolae Johnson of the A&M iop Servlcb; Mrs. Elizabeth ” a rd SCF^ Mrs A. ^ »- * A^utiva tecrobtry, Brute* County Parent Toad era AssoclatkhH Mr . E.iH. Bectsr, past-prolltlent, I^TA, of Bronhimt; f Bivsos J[ Put. rs»»| I Mrs. Pterl ayla, flaw wwkari {Miss Nihlly RiUer, homo most ation ai but fqr Hrasos Cmntyi Mm, toy suiH(rvlsor nr»m \gim| ■iH as tor of ; tyri fail, f Bfutte Pi Alumnae Tmatlot^jAir packages tho year. Mrs. i chairmen SI Jubilee next year. TSe beautiful dinner {date Wo* diou^n, which may soon he obtaln- od-4he hand around tfie plate ^ilue of the D, A. R. National Society \Hth clusters y fes?« z Sdwsrd regent. Ciders may bo tho ehapier rogchts f< H or Uter ha auditorium was brightened artistically ajTungod yellow rosnthemums, and tn *bles held vivid fir nd.BIrd-of-Paradise The. me: four Incl an, Hun Mubcr chapters Ude College HU tevllle, I9asui|[: Navaeotw, Cameron and IlimsaiUlllW ISI»—MSM—w Onchoon n be try « Bi Bronham Waco. l! fi A-I'l,by. dlrodurj ton Conn- i»«v, ft, I, tew Ml**ion '' -f Beta Phi to Meet Tlai, Brazos iVi lley Pi BeUi Phi Aiumhae dub t dll iheot Thurs day, November M, at 4:30 pJin with .*11% Wnltt!' Doney, 206 pld Sulphur Bprinjjrs Road (Midway). Phis in tl« community are to attune. 1 ¥i-4—U— ‘es Joseph’s. and- Mif. idwih G. Gibaon, a sgrtXirt^tory; Hfjrmaiji, borp Nov. •r 4l Mr. and Mrs. Jamds H. Worn mack, a son, Jom thon James, born NoV/t at St. JoiephSi UoHpitaf. Copt and Mrs. Leater W. Stiles, a son, Stcve'n Wjibb, born Nov k 2 at St. Joseph’s Mr.: ami! : Mr. and Mrs. Louis C. Ander son Jr, twin {boys James Louis and John Dougin s boro Nov. 3 at St -I I Tl Mi^and Mif. SVillijm C. Frw- 'rfinn, a son, born Nov. 4 at St. Jo- .ilr, and Mils. jConrad B,.Cone, a son Thomas Cobrad, horn’ NoV. 4 at St. Joseph’s. ' Mr.: and Mrs. Charles C. Arm- strooi^gison, bqm Nov. 6 at St. > and Mrs.jChariea W, Mc- Anell)b l * ten Ion Ernest, boro Nov. 6 at Ht. Joseph's. ... 1 r f n‘ IfvUnV.U'u -Ml . iwsossiaaf fesesyniwsulefae' St! Joseph's He spital has od two .-wts of t' dns bom to lure Students dku- ng the last tfc pons of Mr. and Mro. dcroon JF, born on the sons of ! lr. and Mrs, . Handley borp Nov.'l.j tuterooh is a busimis* student residing at 810 South EnnUjln Bryih »n|| H*pdlLy|s a P.R, situ- lent living at 10W4 K. Mth, . ««——i*— "A I L : i y should bo hung nltin«Ml Ip the at the corner*. in a Handkcrohlcfs ovrt^’tjhe lino | at d middte Instead o > ..4m» +» A iifj!: I | . 1 if, Send l}ie Battalion - ' . : G E X! O 0.8 k|-i tl- Si A " II. ii' I il Send the IMP for 9 mMlta ttalion for 9 montha tfr- I '« Name p X |J| \ | Address . i -ym [ v! : j ii'-l ; Vi | te't —. Y'h fi City -f| ! , f kmM ——————— [ I m A % jls •j* J*’’ . ;• ’i h / — :p ■r r:: T - """ tyi. v .li y 1 y ^#4 F i UY V: if tf ’A ■y J m M '!)“/'9)1 .'1 -A fi*"- P; _* hi [III . a ■! ! <r A y. ■L*li , r ,vl- f; 1 iH ! iii \ .i < ; /• i: 1 ■ m il' J -