Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1948)
irF' x Tt I A ■ In : H u RAINEY HITS| IN INAUGU1 COLUMBIA Dv. Homer P. ident of.the U* and defeat nor of Tej urated as College he^e ye Representative tions of higher Hi w i I idatejfo iterdayi ed societies joined c uests in and other goes > 3500. i)r. Rainey i: dress called ^ pare youth to and to combat munism by spi throughout! the itvorl Communism ha: education and scoffed at a which looked u as imponetrabl colle tents u of IH" ad- uro- OtCom- vledge d that »tia^ity||U-at he > titode \irtnin out to' entis nt)i r'r FOREST FIRES SPR? IN CALIFORNIA AI SANTA ANA.i Call -Tho ragini ! I i w i l 6 - Vn* moun- ii) w—' tains brush fl Silverado Canyon, ( 350 beautiful home All residents ihad but hundreds 0$ fir buttling to mi\to «>f them owne Atm mid omu A. 0. Hron supervisor, suli men flghtlijtg tS , which no fdr lufs lumi W.IKM) ttores, 1 mile front ithe Onnmge mounted It reds of thou*’ the Southern < jund fire rug frontl /lull i| VHT HKNTEfiCKD I?6h 5 DRAFT EVASION -j' .]■ MINNEAPOLIS, Nbvt ’i , t J. Kingsley Widmer. S3,.a comtmt vetojrun, today- faced eight -nwttths m vv federal MomatorV- A^vaun- he refused td rcgKlori lot | tho draft, j j ' : I i k : : Widmer, of14lini*|po«s arid a University ■oflMinneioutlBtudent, pleaded no dofedsc. Earffer i jn a iword If •'iwmo alf fei ■anid wltdMdnu ■mtille letter to the Jfedera tomey he said he re later because ^'tho a democratic institutio Judge Mathew “I don’t Want so soi but you leavel me nojalteljn: Widmer spent! ten months ov and thus would be ibxftrn(] service, tho jr\dge poi(ht<d riot! at- ' jta Meg- A not a iyce, tap; ; ; NOW’ THERE’S HOji MEAT LM E-tdT TYLER, Nov. wholesale meftt deaM were named graml ments for a^loged meat for humiin co the Tyler arei since id, on tttive.” Overseas pt from fiut^ . r n |i. Rive stprday imlict- If hjdrso usumption in - - The dealer^ were also, clna|rged with soiling »or offeHng I for sale meat which mid bcci* treated With sulphite. L 1 4 ■ : Indicted wore L. R. Neill, C. F. Phillips, Stahloy dsiuch. Of Crouch and 'ijroy Dyk is. , j I Volume >1 * ii h.!,! 11 m?/. • The Starting practice, the The i • I .. ,/f • ' \/%:y .i .. 1 ;.. •: fe. -j;- ri , ; i ^4-41 mr t mr. i\ f, i ♦ '• a-. i •t-v- • ■ : '\h ■' !; / / / fl \/ a ,:■« !m j, ?Pl ? I ' •! 4 My'A T ! 1 J t \m0 it , iw Y: > t ll; T • fl/For By BC Ball will 8 it will continue III’Corps Senio 2dfr :.L COUR In Sbisa Hall Friday night until time for midnight yell with dates are inviM ■ b^ll is being sponsored by the Air Force and Corn- Band. Each regiment apd the posite Raiments and by the Band will hi ve, a sweetheart to be-fr presented < uring the ball, and from thesh (iris, a board of judge* will seledt the ABC Swoethdartl Judges w 11 be LL Col. Dexte^ L, Hodge, L . fk>l. E, V. Adams, and LL Col. Prahk R. Swoger, Col, H. L. Boatn^r will present la wrist* watch to thq ABC Sweetheart, hnd all' runnet-u p candidates will i ro. ceive comjpft its. Denny it* kner and his band Will make mu 1c for the ball. Beckiner .bt Texas has JournaKsteTo Hear Talks iOn Seven Fields j Writers and editors from seven fields will talk to jour nalism students at Texas A& M College this year and con- for with them op profession al and vocational problems!. First on th* list Is .William "pub'* King, AAM athletic mib. liHty director and former Fort Wbrth newspaper man. lie will talk on sports writing problem* ami handling of college publicity at a meeting of the Press <3ub November 17. Others on the list Include] Lloyd Gregory, general manager of the Houston Post, In December] Wes* Icy Carter, editor of Linotype Newfv in January; Ralph Moser, Vice president and regional dlroc* tor of the Carpenter Paper Coni, jinny, in February; Felix Mc- Knlght, assistant managing editor of tho Dallas News, inj Month; Col. Frank A. .Briggs, editon ial dlrec- tor of Farm and Ranch, In April] and Silas Ragsdale, editor of the Gas Refiner, in May. i ! Speakers representing weekly daily newspapers, as well as hess and trade publications, lading house organs, will be heduled during the school year lieeording to Professor Donald D. iBorehard, journalism department “These speakers will give , stu dents first-hand -Information of problems in their fields,” Burch- ard said. “At the same time we ex pect them to offer inspiration and building program in an understanding of. the problems n further delayed by inherent in any journalistic ra in a Snnl A itonio boy who, tho lopkn «f his pres« rnlenltes. made got«I. He hns made the rounds not long ago played *t the Plnntlatona in Ifougton Dallas, n •'jlTP , TIoMiji ftir Urn ball may b<* job. tnlnwl mmluiUt commandar" Committed* to tho boll, ttroi Hund ('onmlttec, Dick Joseph and Truman Igaftlni IKwomtldnm (|eo. Edwards, HJtm Lnnford and Dick Bukar, Rffli*shmenta, Bnlibn WHM lams and llmg Pitcocki Prognam CommltUH, yim McCulley. Ilaryld Brunkhorit land Cart White. The ha 1 will be decorated With guidons niwlj regimental colors. Aj* so, jcejis wjth mounted guns will Cugnt da pee nee, he be used nil decorations, j Saturdi y 1 night Xavier Cuga will play fcjr an all- in Kblsn. Iplt before ^ will give a jroncort in Quion Hal)* Tho dnnci jivill begin at 9 p, m.; and will eoritinue until 12. Cug^tV concert begihs at 7:16. ‘ a Town I alj feature. Tickets fdjr the all-college dance; are now on; sale at Student Acti vities: Of ief, Room 209 Goodwin Hall. Admission is $2 stag or drrtg, Ufa !'L Whot’s Cto&ing ._.,i gaiIdkn dtcii, 'n p, m, day, YMtfA'fllii iGUONOjjY " . A&M |>Jda v AU\V tho IKtV, Wed- , iW atejw of grieuUuro BiiUdlhgi , The tteHiiuy, aitOi(i.m., Ai ‘ Longhorn jilcUiro isl to be. taken. AUG lR AERO ] MQDRLE ' 7ilb p. ip, WodiieHimyiT mShOM. T J - • i, AMARILLO A&M CLXm, after fe ojumi log, Legal Battle Over Building Fund For jContinues lilding program in further delayed by legal battiei. H ! A motionifor rehearing has been filed in tjhel Third Court of Ciyil Appeals by h DaRas law firm, rep resenting' if West Texas group which has attempted to: annul the college bjuilning amendment since its passage jin August 1947. The Cijvil! Appeals Court is ex pected ti|> rule upon the motion for rehenjriijg at ita regular meet-, ing next] Wednesday. 1 . I ■ If tho j imJtion is overruled, tho West Tctaps havo thirty days L> apjicdl tb tho Supreme Court of Texan on in p*rlt of error. Tho mj>tlbn for rehearing, said Joe R. Urojimhill, assistant to the Attoitneyj Qoneral, is motyly for- 'tUo jn? necessary before be taken to the Hupre lUil, ote womi 'phrty |>l4ni. l: l J HRYAN.CX)LLE(3C aam mujh after yell i pmcllM, Thurtidny, Room kilH, Afndtir BRA208 lOOUNty RWHlHRVE OFFICERS JAMHOdrATtON. • 7:30 ;>. m., ThurgMy. p&iroUum i Go- elogy Ixictufo Room, II i 1/ CORYELL i C 7:30 p. in., IthUrst ay, Room: 307, Academia Building.; EL PASS CLUj practice Thiimluy, ademicbuilding. i'V after i yell Din 32(5,, Ac- FFATTdlO n. m. Wednbsdoy, Ag. Engineering: Lecture Rotbii. GALVESTON COUNTY CLUB, 7:30 p. m.,i Thursday, Room 129, Academic fintldingi! i I 1 HEART O’ THE HILLS CLUB after yell practice, Thursday, room 303, Academic. f; ■ I i HILLEL CLUB, ijl5 p. in. Wed nesday, Assjembly^ ptoom, YMCA i CLUB, 7 ; JTAC nesda; esday, Koojm 126, KREAM ,AND p. m., Thip’sday ture Room. LUTHERIAN Si SOCIATION,* We Lutheran Student J LWC FELLOWS}, 7 P : m. Frtday, Parish Hall, Bryn NEWMAN CL PICTURE, 5:30 p. .. Steps. 11 l l > / PORT ApTHU m., Wedjiosdny, Picture}} tagen. RIO GRANDE ’liii 1 Wed- ?UfB, 7 ;rcajmery Lec- fDExIrS AS- ! 7:30, in the •inter. | IP BANQUET (the) Lutheran LONGHORN Ag. Building :LVB, 7(15 n. laphl,; YMCA. rjcS LUB ' Me mal ac appeal oi Court, >j j UmpliilL who If acting ns at torney fc r flie State, alrto *nld that l( appea Is made on it writ of error. Urn Ithto will r^jily before tho SupL'iiio Court, ultliough K would n<A |e necessary. reerr TION ( NOVEMBER 10,1948 m mm ww Hii BETTY DRUMMOND, 18 year old student at Sam )Ioust(,n Slate Teachers College is one of the nominees for: Sweetheart of the ARC Ball. She will Ua es corted by HERT HUKIINKR, ii/ m ij - '• m m ;• i GLORIA! FEITLRRj another nominee for Hweethcgrt of the 1 ARC Rail, will be escorted by ROY BLANTON uf K Air Force. of ttu rted b) ’ Forfe She Is a 20-year old business mjs* Jor from SMI). ? ’I*,* 1 . « l- Cadet Cor Aggie Dead To VL V/ ’ i • i ri s 1 ono ?' Historic Guion Hall Will Sport New Look at Saturday Opening By B. F. ROLAND After u mAior rebuilding ormrnl ion, Quion Hull, hintorlc auditorium of the College, will be available once more for major stage attraction*. The building in ftchc.tuled lib re-open a* a concert hall Saturday November 1R, at which time Xa vier Cugat and hi* orcheatra will appear on the new *tage. Guion hall was nktsed for romod-k , " 1 ' 'f-.-i——f--—j.— cling in June of this yeih*. During the pnst few months, moving pie-| turcs havo been shown in part of the auditorium. ’ Last week-end plartcn»rs were at Work whi|o mov ies were being Shown, and the audience had Us choice of watching either the screenljor the workmen. Two obstructing pillars have boon removed front the stage open ing, new lighting knd scenic equip ment added, and; the stage area- generally rebuilt to make it one of the finest in the state. A new elec-! trie organ is being installed. built in 1918l Ag: Experimenters Hold {Conference ■'! a ricultural Experiment L * day Tmu Station (lefsonnel will meet at A AM fort tlioir t annual three TAU nasdav, Ro TKXARI 7; IB p. m. domic Bt" UNIT! 7:80 Ar :■ I CWJB, 7:ap A mighty Room 106, Aca- CS] CLUB [third J; Boar, conference' November 15, A. G. Magee, Conference commlttll choir man unriouheed today, i { A reception In Sbisa Hall for ‘the contention is planned by Chancellor land Mrs. Gibb Gilchrist Vice-Choinccllor for Agriculture and Mrs: D. W. Williams, and Ex* periment; Station Director and iR. b. twwilT, Meetings! will be j held in the YMGA Chapel and (Conference Rooms, and the Experiment Sta tion Conference Room, Magee m&W TTir TfT.! Huglbes Speaks To Short Course Men Because Electric power is ^alive*^ and ain’t be stored like other com* Ml of the electrical en* partment, told 146 termen Monday,who na-a course t^rraen the/ca; sistant to the dean of engineering. * on* Hie members of the ARK staff wio fare iilr L ■ if ; J are » of the course; Aquet In Sbisa.Bdll jmetermen will heat hiv Auperintemiont; 85 TeSallectric "ort Worth. J, *" Subscriptiohj Race Will End Monday By CLAY SPARKS With one more week to go in the Agriculturist subscription contest, the tally finds the Landscape Art Club in the load. Tho Agrortomy Society and the Kream und’Kow Xlub are providing a hot ynco for KN'ond place. Incomplete results hIiows the Agronomy Society to Have a one percent lead over the Kr«nm and Kow Klub. j The Landsekpo Art Club hns lieen hustling to win the Hnibmio Picnic which is the prise offoial tty tho Agriculturist i to'the first place winner. A J This conU'st will close at noon November 13. All dub* partlcl/u)/- itig are requested to have t^leb , nubscrlptlons in the Agriculturist ojfflco, Room 307, Goodwin llnll by t|mt time, L Additional Hubscrtption ; Idnnks may bo obtained at the Agrloul- t^nst off|<\ Winners of this contest will bo intermlnm by the number of sub- isCrlutlons obtained in proportion to the number of pn id-up mimbers in the club. Announcement of the Winner will be in The Hiitthllon, Novembeif 15. Rescue Units To lileet Tomorrow | Resistii g enemy interrogation will be tbs subject of & joint meet ing of this 470th Composite Group, organ finioU Hall .w . .... as a combined chapel-auditerlom to seat the entire A AM student body. Today it can accommodate barely one quarter of the students. It has been the scene of such memorable events as the presenta tion of an honorary degree to Gen-! eral Dwight “Ike’ 1 ’ Eisenhower, and to most of tho 30 generals who are graduates of! A&M. Many top start have apneared on its stage in tll<) Town Hall con cert scirios. Tho world premier of "Wc!Vi Never Been Licked’’ was held there with full Hollywolod fanfare. I j| Baccalaureate Services and Re ligious Emphnslji Week services are traditionally held there, -j J The now stage was designed by Arch , Baker, cdllcgu architect Work of remodeling was done un* dor the direction of P,eeHo Sponco supervisor of physical plants, A& M Collego System. Mayo Will Address Hillel Foundation * Dr. Thomas F. Mayo, head; of the English Department, will dis cuss Greek and Judaic Ethics at an open meeting of the Hillel Founjda- tion tonight at 7:15 in the YMCA Assembly Room. ji‘ j Dr. Mayo, whj isj currently teaching a course in Great Boqks, has recently made an intensive study of Greek drama and philoso- phy. The meeting is open io the pub lic and Russell Lown, Hillel presi dent, extends an invitation to all persons interested to attend. Aggie Cowboys Take Sill Rate Rodeo Honors A&M cowboys won the In tercollegiate Rodeo which was held November 4-6 at Sul Rons College. For their out standing performance as a team! Sul Ross College pre sented tho team trophy to the AgRio cowpunchers, accord ing to Jack Klngsborry, pres ident of the Saddle and Sir loin Club. ii Thn rodeo ream planed In each svsnti In which they were nnrtlcl* puling. They are Lloyd Griffith, second In saddle hrone riding ami fourth In bulldogglngi Jack Kings* berry mid J. H. (Iluhbti) Day, sec* ond in team steer ropltjg and Day fifth (it bulldogglngi (Iharlln Ran* king, third In hulhiogglng; Maxle Overstreet, second in bareback bronc! riding and fourth id hull riding; and Bill SoyorX. fourth in calf roping. Other A&M men par* tlcipating in the rodeo were Bill Moore, Sid Lanier, Oliver Neio, Tommy Johnson and Wince Wood; In addition to cash prizes, Grif fith won a pair of. tailored western pants, Kingsberry and Day each won a belt and buckle set, and Overstreet won a pair of Jerry. Amber spurs. j . ; ! Silver Taps Will Be Pla i Armistice Day Ceremon The Aggie cadet corps will jmy, tribi hiore than 850 former students who wore Wars! I and II. Two: Armistice Day ceremoni one oin the main campus and the other ai Tlr, On the main campus, the cadet corp wi — ■ ■ ■■'' 11 ————4at 12 noon! whi Phfl Spitalny And Orchestra Appear Monday Phil Spitfclny anl his AH Girl Orchestra Avo Ikhui scheduled to apitem* on. Town Hal) at 8 p, m, Monday in Guion lUltTc. G. White, dli roctor of Student Aftivitlox, announci'd todny. | . This program wfli hr tho first Town llnil vregrnnf 47 tho season,. White said. Alec iVnijiltftoii, who was orlgliinlljr scheduled for Nov ember 11, hala beep resmoduUtd for February 21. ! "The Templeton show' was mov* od to ii Inter date since the All Girl Orchestra can only appear this time,'* Whiu* "All Town Halil thskets havlf itianhs at 12 noon whR|!Silver Taps Ih or ajltonr win lay a Silver Tap t I m»r <111 frtahmah chapll Ereeled ll Ursday to th6 Red jn IVorld will be. held, Air Ftk present litary -1> dor ulltory rps staDf will id War Ij, stbno t Gnto, wh^ro oral wjrejith mk plajed m die n aregi Then; tho march to tle^Wi memorial a t they! will hiy n the. aionumqiit. , m ih« \uuftlie frwth regimeat Kill hqM Mtporlal vires at the flagpole al ,1:20 ■UjThe rjglmftmd eowi will lay a] wreath at th«l - , sr .} dseorttted a ch lowing the l now Htudon formally eo bf up* Usiv ore thin mMI Aggies Club Fees Due For Longhorn Piclures Loqgbarn space for club pictures must be paid for at the time the picture ia made or before, Phil Sheets, managing editor of the Longhorn said today, ‘j — nearly a month The All Girl Orcheatra,' feature ing Spitalny*! first violinist, Eve lyn, has gained fame; from their network broadcasts, ahd nation, wide concert tours. , jil j f ; ; . Originally noticed, by criticR and audiences beca|ia|e of its novelty, the Spitalny orcheatra has gained such a tffmdcal db Unction that radio listeners an unconscious of vh^al effect of I the 305thj Air Resen’e Group, and the Brazba County Chapter, Re serve Officer*.*; Association tomor row night at 7:30 in the Petroleum ture Room. ptain C. J. Russell will des cribe his capture ‘and interroga tion by German forces!^ during (World Wir It Following his talk, a film ei titled “Resisting Enemy Interrogation’* will be shown. I viMton; ai|e invited [ f ^Meet Thursday *" ^ wnty Club is sche- rhursduy night at 7, Academic Build- ell Club To The Co ryoll County idkiled to meet Thu " •30 in Room 807, fog, Final flans will bo mudo at that team around the campus for o Saturday, ii u •"’"Sfi.M •iirly Sot to bo bo no thU >p ore requoitod •o Out th«ra will In nUnnlnc for Community Chest Lags Short of Coal Tho Collage Htrtlon Community Cheat Fund drlvt' la lugging, Joe Sorrels, eliftlrmnr of the commit tee, announced teduy. **1 am nuk ing all workdta jG> renew their ef* forts to reach t|he goal, set nt 19,848,’' Sorrels nn|d. Persons wuntR g to take part to help make tilt* goal should con tact Sorrels or ipiy metnlier of'the committee. i, v'jS ■J® ' V 'ViTg r it .irUGK TILLIE Who will Contest to Bo 4- <lb|)otiM«« Justice ot tho Fipo Nmoklng hi'ld In U Id In tho YMCA totloy. $100 To Go Up In Smoke At Baif;Pipe Smoking Coniest ittalion’s annual ntest is held in y By LARRY <;OODWYN One hundred dollars will be go ing up in smoke a|t 5:30 this after noon when The I Pipe Smoking Contest the YMCA Chanel. The list of prizes, to go to, winners of six major divisions, includes one cus tom built pipe, a *5 Van Roy Pipe, and a $5 L. H. ptern Pipe, plus three Zephyr Wind proof cigarette lighters and assorted cans of to bacco. \ The entry deadline will be ex tended up to the official beginning of competition at 3:30 p.m. W^dnee day, to accommodate late entrants. In addition to prifces already tioned, some 150i corn cob pi " as 50 new bacco. The amateurs will be al lowed to use both hands and will have a choice of Bull Durham or Duke’s Mixture, jj All entries in the corn cob di vision will be required to use the 160 pipes purchased by The Bat talion for the occasion, and each contestant will be given the pipe he used in the contest, regardless of how he finished. Thte winner of the 'corn cob division Will receive a |3.50 Haywoodic Pipe, and the runnerup will be awarded a one pound can of Holiday Tobacco! And just to tnake everybody happy, the two j special judges, Charlie Munden and Tillie, will al so be awarded prises. ! Ml been sold," White oxpfaiiied. “Wc. have been, sold out completely fot* n*t war » 1950. Ifarfidmita. the! genera out of doorei time, may . ttmny by uFcovt n V iiig silent md J tho! rendltli n oj vehicles are re q'lplmuorlal itn thq i t! a Flwt j WflHJ nnlie! slali linji intib ' i\ w. latlee oonitn World Wi( Mertnvylftl (’ellU>r rnnemtortito the lenilm ta rtihiplelinn lit n the jdlegi' Htati ilic who m ie campus the occuunn Is tho|r vehiclp the; eeremoi y lipate in th< c 'ing and i<nnain' lotlotiless • during Silver Taps. All on hnd Arp* At lion m Goodwill Trip tolnjr ore 0 MUsici io Hatene lt m* T . the all-girl makeup'ond exhibit surprise when they first see the large feminine musical group. • , ' , j. Ivj.G. Spitalny personally! praises his torchcstra with bii ftti^ng state- iment that "My girts gre every bit !as good as any migt I've ever worked with and far more de- ipendable.” j fj '• • Date Rooms in PC £i For Rice Game Set Post Graduate Holl' AviU be op- ened to provide housing for dates Friday wid Saturday, night, Bon nie A.- Zinn, Assistant ‘Dean of Men, announced Saturday^ Dates will be admitted to their rooms nt 4 p, m. Friday, and must vacate them by Ul3iD n. m« Suh- day, Zinn. ajsid, . ! • i.r p' ; Room HssignnientM »m y be mtido nt Rooip 109, Goodwin Hall, b«- sglnnlng l»dny for Friday and Sat urday night! re>icrvatlntri,flnd Wed* nesdiiy fori Satuhlay night Only irtsarvationa.^ Students having ghosts wilt be chnrgrei |1 per nigHt,'Zinn .sAid. * ‘ > ' ' J Longhor* Pnc Schedule Listed Today’s schedulfr^f pietures for the Longhorn with rthe time and place where they vrill be made is listed below. Buil! 6:30, , thur Club at 7tiB dn the YMCA Chapel; Texarkanar Club at 7:30 in Room 106, Academic Building and HJSK A&M Chib at 8 in tho trains arri YMCA. ' | . i day, Wyat Non-corps membojfa of the New- are requested to weal ties, white .the number ?! ginal decision of con- \test editors to restrict com peti- three atandard large bowl, ■mall bowl, vtaloo. In "roU your hold with vldcd Into *1anat•t!ra. ,, roqnlred to with one hand held in class eo ■ bowl snd corn cob dl- , 0 spockal ! division will be |ttrfoa bring <i* UT and “proa*' will be thrir “woods" will be ro- BmUc’K Theorii lto»_, I . , ^--Pl the corn; cob division to mito: allow pott eligible he iloeen’t Hii’SihW pipes, the vide only man from each outfit and from each non-mlllUrv dor- r?w “ Hludrat I* S3 Unto must pro* II and the wind, q will bo decide* time. The entry keeping hisj pipe going the longest after the signal has been given will be declared thf winner In each class. Each con testant will be gjiveni A measured amount of tobacco to put in his pipe before the content begins. All pipes that will be awarded as prizes were donated by the stu dent confectionaries. The tobacco that will be used in the‘ contest was donated by Lamis And Bros. Co., Richmond, Va., makers of Holiday. The list 6f prizes is as follows: ■ "Roll Your Own" Division: Professional class—first .prize— cliow Bowl Pipe; second prize, | 16 custom built pipeijoecond e, one Zephyr lighter, edium Bowl/ Division; first i Roy Pipe; second nd Holiday Tobareo. Pipe; second prise, pound HoMoy man Club coat and one unifonh is preieiibed for the ben, Bill Klabunde, All pine oontesi rt the Mali j k /A Van Rov Pipe; Hoi DD MTl t im Cob Division; first prise, second p r Tobacco. ,,3Sri ' by the BstUllon "M second iM ik ■1 .’SSI donnt- Ilion* Corps porter,! The mm By A&M Croup The A&M Welcoming Com- ittee, acpomiianied by C. G. . : mittee, aefcomfcianied by C. White, de ivef<kl a personal welcome o the. studeiit»! of Ride Insti ;ute Monday ; The con mittice joUrecve<l to Houston b r aptomobllo Monday ' mortiing ai d met Rice Ihstituto students at 11 ii. in. A Lour[ of the Rico enmpis followed InltroiUic- tlons and c mtltiued until the Stu dent Ah hoc utioii meeting nth 12 poon. . i : ; - .Ben Wy iH,'chairman-pf tho Weteomlng ConmitUu, tnodo the invitation a ieec i to the nsipombied members o th i Htuddnt Associa tion. In hli spoech, Wyatt| Stres- and the im wtinco of sportsman* ohlp and. irlenjlly relatluns be- twuen Hchods and gave tlio Rice students a mdoima Dint wuIh liber* - 1 ally, Hprlnk ed with dip omscy, White said. I T’ . Rico Insiilutf students tneetlng/ ♦ho A AM i oimpHlre wore Jinuny Moi'Ors, pr< slddnt of tho Uudmit AMoelntlon HwHivtn Murphy, see* retary, JihnisPiirllU. trdAHUrer; Ilrsdy TVs® i, rdlUir of"Th|e Tlire- •herr , Rob rt Mcllhunny, assist* editor; fToddy MohU, hoad^dl wiur, ri anti oditor; foddy icador; Ns icy lino,! tin, Hoii H|im 2 ‘ ' Woo Iwd, J«U Hrliumn* cln-r, Charua .{Wilson, Gornldlmi Sinlth L Tm| K|ilmnk*, J. H. Beni* •V’ tod.^nck on Wlatt eorge Mirbli and white,Jwd tho Rice Bill Williaifes’. the mnjorl y on fried c licl cd ir, and Ji immittae, c George EdwArdf, Richard j Denny, taken to lunch by ^nt Assoclntion at irich Room, where the Aggins dined Houston style, •A After Idnch |lhe members Students Preparat l Bice pc ion ra nch JUie committee visited with Dean ef ugh B. Cameron. - — being ntade for at the College 1 station when, the •om Houston Satur- I nfi r _ Texas Uiub will haveTr picture Ukeni Thursday of the fv* ■ f’ ' !■!■' 'A! a group picture toKew Tn night at 8:30 in thfc lounge YMCA. 1-ki > • — j|p-' ' Falls Co. Pub To Meet Tonight oons,” 1* tho of the Falls iUhe mooting Practice, ‘ mouncad. M "Cigars for the: order for momber County A&M Club a Thursday after dub president has announced, Th* mooting vriR bo hold in Room 228, Academic Building, Tbo 1 Senior Corps and Corps InyRed Dance Sal 20, in the tho Rice PJrir, : y-i, K copvon ^on&tt to w 1 ® Nation. oSlit 8 ! uorw Ion Pi n Sponsored by tho JhEh° f i. hridlng m * m that week* girls' organl* both been Frolic imber un of to Don Senior ■J ■ i m Ij M kl rSsftHsSS ®| T r uT ■ • mM \ kA V v. ‘i Fritay, No' 11 ™ - -1 ' \\