Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1948)
J ILri St fi i;.tj r alio R $, 1948 the >Texfl; H h y •j. > iiy- quickly nut th ttc/ng the fu game in shooting.) Six this year #1 of Imt. % lettermen Schrirkil. kiiih* Hilly Kirklnnd. W the only the team Ijnst 1 The rest olf tl aquad on the floor Monday evrnfng when t.. ’ ‘i erf the jsenson began, (jloich Marty Ka mb — L - i — r / •. w (i d are m the aqua «J rarm « A*« The reitur te Garcih, ^ tin . J Jam* Miller ~ i me reni, m inw aqill <1 is mqde Wp of mombertl lof the m shm«n wquiw moving up tb tty vnr iity with »4e exception. Sjfdoi (Oronotmced fermi to A4iM 'from Blinh Junior College. \' T 1 Aggies who \y*re oi |tho;«mpii H last winter) tn ‘ cu t ior Col lego! member tn« a uivj v'niniwn tatten lj.ul thtt..lui)i- jfc tbt ijnurteiit »e- 51 Inn teat v as tin) boys who qpsot the tj»> seeded Wiiyl< , t!iil team fromi m Beaumont wns I tournament, ‘ .. This y«a» Pla|pyiou. i Lamhr of r 4’Winner, df t^e !} ' I J i SEK 80) S. Main vur i ty with^B lUpcHyf llra,eh(«vy k-a-way): i»:!>nkj ter but n«it much taller titan the team last ye^r. Leading] tall inen on the team are John I)«WH|t •Waco ^nq fred Summers Houston. Iltese two are both up from the | , ’it(lh team of the past season. I !l Kf jj The Kish t<?fim last your finish, ed with a [SOO average in gint ^ won ami loi t. |The only oonfereu :e freshman h a>i> that boat tho ’ in both games played wuH the lor B team und frejihman teaih. " ' ‘ ^ fralhmen mown] iity besides De\ Outstan up to tha \ _ , M-ipi and Humhiieri are Marvin (Say tin, Truett luce. Still didn’t ent iley and (Suy W incbgible' rff School until team and a team of 'ta£t v due to sdholnsUc reasona.rThe lut- , , Uer is Konm Ch Sutton, ai six foot 's squad will })e;fns* seven inch enu er from Baytown. Is -t U K : ' 'I r dt! i FRANK SEALE ! . it . •,{ 1 r • . ; second ael wifter last year Jewel McDnujell of Amarillo. There ate: I several |Ineligible trapsCers working out with the J1 n ember of j the Kish y< ar who is ineligible ¥ v"r -fi MI xr f 4 > i * H* \ i 1 By ART v '' I m I m m ■■ £ ■i. hi ai 4i r. ta flf :-iI A woeik of light planned pr tno vil] team in preparation game in!Dallas Sal Miteler saut th at suffering from i it Arkansas alter playiftg good _ losing ball for two rlaoiuhs. :Bt «» »f ** week of ’ light w ' outs Will put the Aggies in be physical and mbntal .<<Dijditi>in‘to uckle the championahir Mustangs. ' No new plays wei yestenlay as thf pjt# pass offe ; tactiqs. (Juurte 1 ion alternated lor|'g and short p; m.y rlowtis was .... . tucking 1 chores very./Ueil on fense, and the deep*')jniin shoWid seme improvement in <qvenng POM receivers. ' [T, .T- Line ('«ach BUI iHjlkiie rop* a ntrated ou deletisq for most of the practice period.: spacing hi* Ini mujufn w hich ik a i any-* I hne Which held M venule (tyi Ip a net «f #7 ‘ week. the other ha id, haVto hkd to plow stoqt rorwanl wa 1. Although t pnly one :airtie this angs haMe bwen ou 10-IS !yaKl* to U2fr. „utr HMi; is ciei fevptice leader hi. th* air. Iwp ilingers in he top t Johnson has com ♦ktjedUA M t ng & m 11| Nr*tha)vm luieinen in a hoped to Hindi Iwtvnt ground ornuiowi wnicn is te “"“j r? ELECTRIC RANCES V ■■ ~l f r dconte to 4, ore '! ;/ {' — for -r -! HOME APPLIANCES j ! Phone 3-1811 the iversity Sitop atljds. K. Wtl- ro/ilf yoUe h^qua^tersl 'r:j r "iit LI Dallas. Aggies* gime^ make the .-I . St' I I ’ A i ! Water Polo Team Defeats Steers 4-2 in Ry ugh Game iXv FBANi'S1MMEN, JK. u bang in the {epeditjg period by fcj n spectacular ghtije for the ;Vf| | w r l (A rpt a iL J friow, pushind, acroM) tail liicoreHS with- Aggies, gpve the Fafmfni p not her |l||)£ \ Afcj The AgK ie i Water Polo if am jn n m j na t c a pd a halt of pla\. 'imrker with a high toss that gl*,] f Civ MV I took: aaijaarw lead and went With only fiftii-en dkconds gondi • W 0 4 went over the wfrkoiv after: ' on to defeat!) the Texas Uni- in the .'.penidg quarter Jerry takipg a puss from fitend .Sumnicrs. 1141 I n] ; versitv Minlmors for a sec- Kiahtfr made a'acorl*:with * hard Van Adamson, who played a iirP I 131 P ond time thKascn 4 to 2 ‘he wicker)abrnit seven m**\ game at right gua.f,] for the ITiVUVI M MM* ona Lune inis season ^ to £ in out r ■ j i Agsj intcreeiited a (onk uaws m- Gregory wy n mst nighjt] Tex, Rob-j ; |i ! j' •• ! ! tiendW for .lack Tpiarj tut time ertsoii, cpiuih «ff the Texas aqumi Johnny Heemsin linde the next pan out before the Aggie< had a j|Il IHtl'Hflllll'mS !ii ' baskot l,ut katftdd was referee aiid, fouls were jailed scoiie for the Aggfcs that just diance to make full; ufe of'their, . for his team to fast and fujotis for thq slightest'slipped'jnside the diftns of Texas diivtf to the Teasipjier g|al. The |j jay* I j-. j j • goalie Bobby Hill. i! Tickets, Tickets Tomorrow wili b«- the lust day I j for students to purchase tickets at the YMGA for the 8MD Corps Trip to Dallas this week end. Tnje tickets will he return ed to KMC tomorrow'. The entire couching-*tuff coi I /id Stiteit j tugitt to discuss olf I fctWive !plun* fot) thih i^egk. Johnson has com hit l;» out of 2u for. 117 yard*. Wulkef is tops, in punting an bvcriigo of 4t); yiifnls per BbKjOqodu of Atv, h lotitl ynidagai nut .. uvuiauv to SM On ileveral oiMM>ounda ki«dt» | against Uhabrbpcks h; • i a Stiteler To tp discuss ■ off Ti airtpr Bluinei Hus h)id j a c<*oipanitiVely!(on|% rOOin t.hi»»j SpCflk tit OB C I week as he reported viify fdw teobf i V i . jj Vte Cdikch Hurry SWlplor will. I Imc injuries. Odell .Staut^tnherltaij A* , . bonp,'3hr«MdSTri tho teiXv K nKht ' V, ' U ‘ Assembly Half. j|J iuay mentor Hobby liew &i aim Box w'ell are still on theuMUt »»(l jf2ia may not see any action this,w'cek. the iM*! l0 °^ ‘ : :'4itiUt'na$ m? <1«» no i*: H ' " u “ whidlt , speak temlpd for Jack. Tolar j tfut time Jjj Illtr2Unil|*fllS R0B ^ ? M.!'^ Wr ?^i M^iSja iMui thte 1< bit of irnfuiy pfay. - goalie Bobby Hill- j About three first quarter ended Witjh the Ag-< The Farmeiis started off w ith minutes later Heonijn, who play- ; gies out front by a 51 toi 0 margin. *—| : • if j—j : :— ——: — T -'! J -* - The second quarter was » much closer battle as the Xeicas swim mers seemed to catch on to the Aggies' deceptive hall {handling. The 'Longhorns first ico rd came I" M 13 .1 1 ■ il:L I* ,i r. c .4. . > ; ■■ yi m. '*< X‘ 4 new kind of men’s shirt styling! In N ’•A '/• i ; ;.l ■r T r FteT •i -r /' J ' !i t : d X i / A'y ’ / 11 / r \ H tt S H ■t, n 4 ! } J d ms UNIT ANOTHER ■RSITV SHOP ^XcIusive j t 1 ■: ■I : MS 11 A I- BiiiiSt !, ’ • !.? J I I xo t li ' ! : I uetlng pfljtlu! Aiuartcrt nckj ■e K’s.s, stiptis itJsafiAjf p was high point man .from LaW.i though it has not Ivor Vgleran and ,(’!ub leaguefi con-: balance his mistake. .‘ biildbig dqw:n its 1 tinned cbmpetitioiii in Intramural:'’ . In a lone VolleybgllAtattie, fhe Ttillo^’tng .Stib sports Tuesday afternoon, but sev-P Agronomy Society . took two of tffe A&iM^Arkanisas gti dial forfeits marred activities. 5 '; gahms out of three ta defeat will be ,shown, art b the winner 1 The Vet Medical Club defeated' Galveston Club. El Gainpo Ciub WUek s QubrteH>ack Club On ATEE outfit by a IS tt* ‘J score.;-: fori cited their, game to Austin .gilWmg contest >nl receive two Mitchell gave no quarter Aq. Dtorni Club. . > . AL f ' Atickigs to the SMU galtnd. U and trod over them 23 toU. All -1^—’ ’ »uis m, ww wiunnj jvt nas nau tne le^o in rive ox ked dp .ten points svVeh! games this year, butt »p|eed 1 mori' .tihun over- and jtrength in ,dep*-h have biegn' on, even j j], a gamia. A& five of it* , v. just before the half whyn Wynent Wiley arid Joe Delbert both intei-ji Wilson took a pass from Bob cepted passes andj conjtre^eid thenii Tarletoir, Who made a joji r angle i n t 0 M.tehell scores, shot just slipping out of. thje hands The East Texas Club, the FFA tlpn. arid of Aggie goalie Ed Kruse. This , Landscape Art Assoclatlpn. ended (he scoring forJ tie fust Heart «f Texas Club were half, with the Aggiei? utill! out in, involved! in double forfeits fter.t 3 to 1. ,• ! | j Ftps; Football. The Longhorns igotj mo.-jt tips but the crack A'ggje defense, 0 rd "deiKi by' (kVwMiing' Milner w» ); ! licii by goalie Ed Ki-rise), jk ept the; to 20. Bill Wakefield Und Texans’ scoring dowik Fi|lier and 1 xhetfonl I'spurred Puryetir cm Syfan both played. guo.(| q gamys for the Aggies apd of the Puryeajr kept its Basketball l ee-l 27'ij led |i to I tensive | victory while Eddie "Pauleir scored - , . .. the ae-; j^injUs for Milner lo put tl erirate passing of Het’ifin ami j temporarily in the running dui Atlauison kept AAcM’s: or,fe|js,e; roll-1 Hie last half. | Law Hall was another vie or, star scoring A win over a:: usually »f the strong Leggett five; filial se uarter wap 30 to 10. .Surprising!'was ing. Danny Green, A&M« swiminer was put out 1 game late in the third q : and remained out until the Long- j liorns Kt'orifd (heir ne^t g(i.'d mid way in the last stanzu. j The first game bctxVeejn tjhe two “B” teams ended in a A to 1 victory for the future Aggie '4wi|nmeiH. The Aggie scoring was divided' 'aniinig Holktigahead,; MeKinsey, Ctevenger and Self, with! Bill ore the ~ R. (C. ECHOLS K E A I. T O K | ’ jt • Over Canndy's rhunpacy Bryan | PHONE 2-0131 Quarterback Club Entry Blank j m. „ ji-i - -uH ■' ' ': -i i. - Li Team SMU' Texas Rice Pennsylvania Oklahoma All entries m p. nt. Friday, and game. Only oitc * Nyme Address «, Score ' ftte -tl .. -J-4. , -£* AtlWiiaas - \#\ m : 1 It \ Wfie sf h t > * N you get out of uniform, get into a LANCER! You’ll find the BOLD LOOK of the Lancer very her coming, with its wide fipread roll-type collar with stays, th® hisJll-inch set back stitching, the squared reinfhjted French cuffs! In fine white cloth. Si 1 broadcloth. Siinfor i/ { zed, sizes 14 to V&Vz... i i v . . i ' Jai . ® MS !. L I ! f. l ter f Mo ye aceouiiting for , two ;| -r-ii-— ite-p’- IU till lien. UNDER IN J (SURE . .. Ik ■! Lndndromal Equipj ONE-HALF HbUl 1 LAUNDRY Open Dully 7:30 a.ui Wilsll Ue«'<rival— -/ Mmil 7:80 P.M.—Mat. 3)80 rJM. —Opr LlWt Wilsll Headved— \A n! 7:80 P.M-—Mat. 3(811 ! Other Days 5tMl P.IM HTArgIIING ,V DRYING FACILITIES AYAU.ABLE ■ A - S v -♦-—.l 'd* * Consult Dr. rarlton R. Lee OPTOMETRIST For your Vlmj'il Pr*b(inn* t«ai H. Main y Bryita Pimm- ana Pcmv Htate -W Misrioiui ' I ■ J fH , 1 'h ■!; H]: fill j Big iupne4.te WHhe Bait kpoit s desk by 5 Imcrb wilt reobive iwo tickctfl to' he R'ie« T ite, ftHuwc'd per person. / c. : 1.. 4.4 *•& ill •Ha 'ti -r;T' || | j j •• •; ~ . ^«««.. v-•••,«•* ^.■*: ... :t •• • XT j Score f - Sitt+ i. —c r-rl :r ; ‘We specialize mi ftewosyiBg gu lolsf eft i We Pick-up & DtHiver pedes, Peri© JJ WH I |*|,I . ijv* •• » ■ I' I Eyes Examined und . Glasses Fitted Bv DK. JOHN S. CAU)WELL —Office— Caldwell’s Jewelry Store Bryan, Texas : - JOHNSON'S UPHOLSTERY SH0 SEAT COVERS Plastic,— Straw Convertible Tops Back Of Eagle Offic^ UK YAM - i — f!*'"*V7: At Texas A. & M. DONALD J. ENGLLKING has the “Edge” In Sjvorts Writing 1! ; '1 : ...and i« ram blades PAL HOLLOW CROU has theiDGl" 5w last lonjer • Smosthar ehavini • aditt • Mora aconomlctl • Umfcimlfl i4ita10 10is25* •-I .T( ,.T V A A — i i • T : *• s H ; ' ■ I DYfHS rVft STORAGE HATir —i—m - ■HI — :1! ANNOUNCING THE OPENING OF 1 The Launderett : , . i i' ' (South Side) , ■ , ; ! , I f COLLEGE STATIC* . , ' : j MONDAY, M)\MMRKR 1948 Under the New Ownership anti Management ■ j- of dlLSON'-BEARRIE COMPANY ■ J J : • . 1 : , * a I- > S-.-l , f n i "If . : |C- Emphasis w^ov^t Dryers will be av ailahleforwot wcathoriuulii^. -•I', iXtetelX:! .H j 1)1 Aljtendauts Will Bo On Hand To Help : ! ' !■ : : :’te-.. , •••'» •'• / - te-f ’ if-' 1 ■ ■ . ■; iiA-fte l«ll 'ililvli i J'lpf -*-T FT . ' V ■' : ■■ JBBti-Alfliiti it • . ■■ ■i f! u i te- tel -i .• 1-: i :'•' , te' - : ■ 'I ' *1 *1 H rf