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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1948)
L Page 2 3 ■ J ; '• r; 1 Batth D rf | Ail ■ ' .i - Uwrei ."ft FPJA Metknday [Vrt 1 ■ ^ • tn4 V< ill let us talk i terest flag b interest you 7 . Now me Why fyou do down inside you go past on top of idacing the |/«jr, Statesman, Knightly Gentleman” ivan hit peculiar!} The We wan ;!to talk With, motivated gj-oup of men ithat make up the A&M Flag Pole J imn;ers|Association. •The ^ ■' r m 1 bro'ught to night when meetings, |it pole. The test of you peoj;ije go away and piivate Tht things that in Ole jammers ujuljln’t possibly an>V„y.. • ' 7 j , what wC want to know is:; it| Whait little: quirk deep] gou rises up ih pbjection when ■’ t chaptei/of jtiie FPJA w'psj our attention <ag]ain Monday they he d a;n : the]: Aca ieraic? er of their uilding flag i, the: flag pole janjd see a flag t? Why do y. ' r symbol of public with 4n old Bulrim >U insist oq re- :jr gl|orionis re- ShUyesign Oh, we him it that thi? stark and bars isn’t nearly so'colorful qg. aj Beat Hell opt of Slipp ny Rock” banner fluttering ! I ! . i j :Jh: # . Position of Perpetual Perplexity .1 L i' ii li t The AP:^reQuent y.rt\!|'d a -tides like (he following. Bts inare typi cal of KKK activiti< h|* Th| principlles of logic that ap dy to thifest bf : n’t app mI to Hh KK. ThlAP tejc 11 ']j|- ill mark tr' obviously H .. i men of the lows: .t'’ ... 't Fiery ( Ivhix JKlun, nififhjt. Uii «.f u and robed fi| . vJ l k’iiu ill Oeiiti^i! A 1 er and the 3s were a wan not be tolera More thp taining two through Plyr before v wim .Most of the First rt ; ie universe honorable : "is as fol- i .1 urfp as r nnW’-enjc Ivnit men swept thro|jgh ijoUv net! in Negijc W, H. Brough, a WiJtHj’ojj>d jutietal svaAb- ' i ' L; - ^laillsi FI 4, ‘"" ' “ :J eddn the slate. of the Ku Florida Iasi ridjj (jltap. s|aid liny ing that'('<!)in|inuir ism would J wig .up%v ir icejijtse i kdk‘S \|erk lj)tii||e o i reasejin-rtihe KKK boys make elaborate a lull cafre^d attempts The Pa ■ An. AP that most Lqng time, evidence: " “Bascoir general; lain ; buyers have higher price lands in Wegt Texas “Five o eleasef (ioijfi rgies bane] s r* |Ag; agreed to pa ^.’’iGileA said ‘ialiithat 1 have talked to regiirnr/e «ur claipi valid and 'il . '-V . grduinr witlji hell-bent to qnd tol(| th tjgey might 1)0 njotoji c|irsj, four hoWliedj.figi lith, Tafare.4 am s. h by hbodjid e of klanis- were buir- ticket not valid t uie ; Thiw choara for th»t Withpa by R«que«t" t ?•- tinjo lohieono got « an.l I have ch^roiy' “ Ho^^J ft i^that j Mr, Hickmwi ii utKfair t<T car owni ” The Battalion: 1 ,] would like for you to , ’* name in The Battai faepoinihla for women or eta ifA n<| we ijjiK admitted on men’* (fttliqent^) My butldy ana i nave cjni: cduid swap out Ijeipg MUHiW ip there in the blpe. And we yield? that vve have, never seen such a funny sight as he entire personnel and equipment forces jf B&CU being ipulled awiy from their iobs to spend the 1 dia} sweating a jammed lalyard down from its block at the top of he flagpole. But sbmetimeS we are temp ted to give up th^se little pleasures in life. AfteV all, this 1 ijs a military college with m excellent national rating. It to think that we Can’t maintain with a regu- arly appointed flag detail the same thing hat five marines | risked tjfieir necks tor m iiount Suribacbi Bo the next time ydu’re thinking about itterft. and- the. one whqi '^ -Kamji Withheld by »«*»*.could take his wifeyotho phasl»od. Ono of th. ....... - fame. I wont to the Rumh today rules that be advocate! la the y) wile jfjg of blame oh » car.dwnei 1 a traffic violation that wn^ od all I want ui kkow is whh in it X r> if S 0I1C of my friends Saturdai ) to find tha _ cbuWu’t gef in on hi«,Tiek!rt i Thift ticket oVhiy is paid for. c | 8t . (j,, # committed in thro ;iind all I want to Mow is whr - •* *• .. t|) set at least a game a year. f 0 i. ] This not only embarassed. me, .... u . bjut it made me mad. If 'you don’t ‘ ,er int hi/ name, will you pledst mail it to me. I have a bone that I wamt to pfe-k. EDWIN C. HODfcE. M4 (Editor's Note: We refer you the Athletic Director for youj jinswer.) . y'] in your car *?th your v budd and in clus$ at the same timi Perhfpa Mr. Hickman should tryouts for Crhps I; * ] . owner:i$ ealloi judging Team Due funning Pfeu front of the [all up the flag' pole in Academic Building, stop and reflect your move a inomCiit. As much as ive’d like to see Pftmffer razed, we’d rath- er see it sent up by than brought dowp by the flag detail. j I ji identity hiddlen while they a demolition squad CAFETERIA CATASTROJPHE, AGGIE STYLE Ag Ed Majors Find First Gass Is Most Difficult Gass Period up oik the lawa concerning tra fic violations in Tex** *1 state* that the driver,...not car owner, is respbr any breaches of regula _ occur while the yebielej|ji» ill . ^8,;When (»wner is called to the bnddyfs negligence pome of the'outlandish rules^ a 'I ..f.-jr . , v . tfcdir attentio tho white rat iiqtoriotis com Communism is dan- tie keep their ‘Tight” comniujaisii jferous only b jcause ijs subversive. What’s tliej angle? ) ;Second rupture of reasoh—they direct n to thi Negroes, but it is each con- oklifdl figures. drotT 1 Leesburg, rarbieeue herte. covered.’ 1 ’ 1 Gj}es, Iconiiniisioiier of the office', mid]t<>|lay that crude’ b0gun to |)ay the 35 cents 'o4 oil prodbceip oji university m .buyers A* Democra I ic .Sena lof Neka n.ecticut dec I i ihnsj :si|spe nil a|i he full ■' ! J i something icted fi>r a )M damning C 1 whil’H munijit inig’j 1 mit ioll |ie t-htv ki ( l' Thitd yujit tjt41y ciiltivatii' the c ! i etd’ssjijry for] uife of I'easoii-j—they deliher- Jhditiqns which tire cificly, social \ us. fear and hiite. ! ! We try to furui'shes the most | F groups and leaders, coii‘inijuiij.srri t(ji flourish, spe- mrest, t oppression of minor- figure out thd reasoning be- bind tjiese aj pareittly inane actions but airje invariably stomped. Wd are unable to (jxplain the KljvK’s acjtivitieH as tempomfy r isolqted ekamplesl of pdior reasoniiiig. By E. Ii. HMAIAN F]i£ty-oight aaBculjture cduca- | t ion j majors. 1110^ completcil one i week of practice tcnchiijg, E. V. i WaltUn of (Jre AgrieWHuiy Eduea- i tipi) /! I lepart mcnt, feb/irtejl yestcr- i 'lay. ' i j Wftlton says (hat (it mdit’iiare to do practitc teaching by tlie^fini of the jemaster. The 2(i high iHiibool vocational agfiou!t(ir0 (leijariments that stiuients ni'O teUehirig liv ex tend from N'avasotu to AhiFne. Situclvntw tnking practice teach ing are reguired to teach a full week in these departinrnlU. U'he.v rtre ansiKned a subfeel jo teach ■ by the \ocdtinnal • ni'fji’itlture i teacher and must work out a teaching plan of tludjr subject for ] the full week. Walton said that diopt j ^tpdentx ■report, some difficulty the|l|irftt day |espeeially in finding ehjuigh to ] tnfk about for oho or tjvfo: hoiir 'period, but the rest of (.He? week their teaching procedure goifes ra ther smoothly. Dim yf th.’ biggest .discoveries-that students injike is Unless th<t KKK jogiciahs can explain thp abstruse reasoning behind these ac tivities. we a|ej Uooined to a state of per- fiejtual perjifet :ity. ! i •11 tjone have contend •i ihai'e already !?:; w "I : aiTo iroiips: ojf jnaiii over arge areas iti- thm hisk scltoo! boys tliini. uml ftOge iii the# KKK Lnsensiitite: • M t**'* “ft u ’*f 1*?: ‘ T i ij r I hose studentH arje vuu altcrnatinx weeks, i by and Henliy Ross of the lAgificul- lurt Education Departmeitt. The t purpose, for thejjr visitjnk|-stu dents is to help 1 them Fithi any problem that they might, en- ; counter while teaching, j j | Most students hre more! |ntiii'u-l students taJung practice teaching last semester, only 15 decided they j did not want to te.jch. ! Students I found that they had plenty of theory knowledge sdujut tjUdir sub- .iejets, but their praet ieul knowledge whs imuleijunto. The biggest chalileiige jthiit stu-. jijintft qrilftt meet while] pructK teuehiiig is to actiuaiijit theipsejves wfith unfamiliar regions tliftt.they iljc'jSent to. Very few mjenyiro, tb the if own luvine lowij to|,dj> their Ipl'netice teaching, tlnjs aifricultur- lii prai’tiees aru usuidlyi hew lo them in these regions, ' In addition to tlij’ir teichinp duties students nitHt interview the high school superintendent jiind write u news shart. A wjrittem ii'ejioit of their oftpjrriijncb and the teaching procedure, they us ed in prewntfng thjuir ■ sfthjett, ] must be made. j j - j.;T.hey most analy/t! tpe eftjiciepcy itiIf the Voeatiional agj'ieult’ire ;de- psittment from the slamlpbint of its in you t, and all tihe] EEA activi- tijef must be attended by them. Sjunday, F. (1. Collard, teami Coach, lid today. Another elimination contfes will held next Sunday) wijili 7 the Inal elimination 1 contest will He held the following Sunday.! Cf the It? men trying to make the team, f Dur will be selected, three i team members and one alternate. The team will take part] in the Kansas City National CojUegiate Crops Judging Contest at Kansas]' (ity November (13. They will then travel to Chicago to participate in the Chicago Internatiomil Colle giate Crops Judging Contest on November 20, Clojlard said; I, I JA Filin vnil Be Sponsored by Club A United Jewish Appeal oiii the isplaced jvysoijis camp iml thf 1 econatrucfioji in oCmneeticm with t lesu camps will Ih* •'hoivn in thy rMCA C ha pel tonight, Erich Uotu lb, president of the Hilii F Cluft, j s lid. today. This movie, is open ‘to the pub lie and is intended purely as on otlu- itional feature,{ (iottleib adi ed. regulations. HE gets V for the hurts most- And ^ ^ r. «<• 1« /->t • 4% 1ft 1ft a •« w Lx * i-4& Elimination contests i>„ F>ps judging team this fall began ;' vhe » ? KK , 'Hd ’ 4 TOR THOSE VVHO DEMAND THE B ft TO Si LpgL-j| i f r 1.'! /1 ■ College Shoe Repair North Qate p • t I 'i ; K! iO ; rm TONIGH^j Lucky License j FREE $75, ' (LcHft Tax) iMf' #226 ‘ 1 ROSARY AKb BE N E D I C T I ON St. Mary’s* Chapel TONKillT—W'ED. NOV. HKO 7:80P.M. ■ ' f -f- »1 |hst. %‘'7 Think of ©its t.- i siijstic about teaching agriculture after taking oCrctionnl phaetice : ! We had always jv-ondeV^d tvhere they jwd the monej for thje hounds tooth sport (“Oats, yellow codveiftibles, and tickets to the “Towef.” Now vtid; know; I )■ 4 I : j ]■': : ] ! • : ' i, I ; Never again will we laugh at the Pet- rjbleum:maljdud as they earnestly “s )ud in’ ifehind 'the Aif barns. I Try to bri ig the gusher 'l|U game fwilll you men so f j i j ; ! ;. ! Ffn terms for the corps trip. in l)ef ore the Pi 501.1 -of Coll- arhs tlr at boweiful, selfish • T i , [i i »■ jr • ’ : , n She Bepuhlkui party arc cxlii-adj ■ ;imi(l(‘4 'profits from the atom. Sonic gii'oti'psiare power-- ' 3L ' i if /Hul sclfiph, bit K yoij gavcithijim an atom iji Jto dJtlrjujt profits from il MK),:i bd liflUbeilt; ] we can be on i | ■ . ■ I j | Actor Robert M ill chum .-f lawyer tried tf> quash |qej iluUctnieHt against him by .arguing that it contained He non-Knglish • ifmise cannabis saltiva (nurijuaiia) and Was therefore uncorfctitutional. Itift the.eourth(M)m his client, fjrCc under a iwrit -ol! habqns corp promised to Teturn and argue t; c iso be nol liitoiised j :/ • • ! :. . teaching. Walton said. Out ()f 1*20 IP ' [.v|. iff]!] i Hays and Powell Return From fleet Dr. J. Q. Hays ami F. W.] Forw- X-ll of the English Departmcni have 1 jiHd retui-ned frbiV a trip Ijo. the t'niveiVity of Oklahoma and Okla- -. honuT, City where th^y. attcjiiftftrd a meeting <M the South; Central] Mod- eriV Langiiiages Aaftoc|iaticln. j Nr. flays served chairman of the program for Modern Ameri can LiberatUi-e. Serving ii< this capacity he prepared! tliej program and an-ailged fotp kjMSakeifs fOr the meeting. \ j • ; I | -‘And they continiued steadfa-.!- |y in the apostles’! drclrine and fellowship'’ \cts 2:42. ! |-The life that wins: is tSie life . flat iH-i-servify. “Bej tfiotj faithful jijit/i death and I wifll! gife: thgo a cf-ovyn.of life,” these aj-e thd words (f Christ in regard toilieing fpith- fiiil to the things that fw try To do. The Christians of the j New: Tcsfa- ftfenl. continued sp-ddffistl.Vi in, tile ttftmnmnds of Christ, Wo j fail to follow (he saintj- path] it will re- mlt in feebleness aln.d backsli<ling' !jt| our lives. (Read AVts 2:41-47). “Rest Year||0f Our Liva||]| ii! i • vllt ! I'!! TjS1SaS»]fM If r ii mfiHftV turn f MB * ! Si| »kJm wit , Alan LADD • Donno RCISD I ]-}!' f ^HalL TUBS. & W ED. ' . M-G-M’s HAIIE AH EXFLQ- VE ROMANTIC PICTURf PlOrSlNCUHR LEWIS' PALACE Bryan 2*^79 TUES. thru Sat. non* md. ; .; tATKBP RUN . : Sl/V.* , d SAT. ■ If.;/ ' 1; f Ii tl- iiV‘: a V #6n€yoF7)\ 1 TOBACCO'" '*■ ' *F " . SPECIAL ! FRIDAY fl: FI8HT RUN BRI ^!r II Hays was succeeded hi- jPyofjex* ‘ the tjnjvyrsiity jof Texas. The assoriafioti Wilt mpft next fall at the y niyjwsify bfj Ark- flfwttudu: MM mixture /Tjv Isor Joseph Jones of tjve . © R.ft.TOBIN TOflACCO CO. OtTftOlT SPENCER TRU’Y m UNA TIWI . 11 r ^ i 1 |ing|ir>ted fur|is^ed jon request; t: The Asacxfiate|l .Preis iB [«nntlejd exclusively t, credited to it dr i|jpt otperwiHe [qredited in the! pa ed herein. Kijt;nta!:]qf iqiiubllkaliipri^f tAber in . Entered n^, bcc plfIce at tullra: 1 Hie Act ol Congrc News con Suodwin Hall. ' Office, Room 4d-c| i^uMer 11 EicU- Station, 'texoj, j tailHr m <il jM'urci 3, -4- 3111 lUllinsblcy... P. Naunsy. Alfred Johimton.. Amly DavL- —** ) $ie use for reiijublicatioii of all! news dispatches jXnj and local hews of spolitancouh origin', publiih- iimt.ti-r herein are qlso rusepved. ! ' - -H i —-t ^ Member! of The Associ ired Press , KENNETH BOjNDj TOJ CAltTER. ; \ Louis MorBBKi larvey, Cherry. J / Clark Munrof.... . Mre. Konc-y I.ytjc ibil.tons wiAy jibellpfildtt by telephou ! (4-5441) 6r a (>RUi«ifi«M adh rftiyi be placed by el^phoncl (4-532 9JJ joodf in Half.] ] ; ] . JT | j. . . _-aJ_—. y—-H- 1 11 " . ^11 j TOU GAjtTpRi r—r—- L4-4.ll i..;.'...{Associate , Ldlwr Bditow : j : I...Venture Kdllor ill \VoiBM»» I’ugu Ldiftir TJ; , r • r - _ w , p . Hditor ..Hook Editor -tlft-if. .wL-i-- Ucliw'louS Kdttor Battalion lie then who 1m .is, And tat the ZACHARY - A tWAHl- m Next tn thVPost Office in Bryan Nationally Known ••/ 1 Serai- Gloss FNAMEL . Impervo— BENJAMIN MOQREj VARNISH w r-\ e / I 1* •' :i | quart $1«3$ $1-35 'Cass Jlb*ibeA£cme I0M DRAKE♦ MARY ASIOR * ALBEW DEKKEil fttin Pill p OONvnotllN Jltwiln Mlpltiu Sr 0310,10 OSOIN mWMIlN Slftlt OirKted by GEORGE SIDNEY] Pioduced by ARTHUR H0RNBIQW, JH THl'BS. & FBI A HIGH GLOSS ENAMEL j. j'iejirc-.icntcfl natwinally by Natiumtl Ad- vk twing Service Inc.,; at New York City, Chicago, Loe! Angeles,] and San Francisco. : - :i !-f\ Why/Pay Morei'for Iwrsi O it alii) Materials 1" ■/ ' rl tl'-i! iillKii 4 f Ajftj Howard.. ll-n Elpc*.'lkiitfej. l4'b -"Hfu-li” $ew<l< . Sin unen, ,Andy Jdu Trevino. Hardy 1 Davo Coslett,'Frank | buddy Luce', Chd u;„ • Vj.i _ , _ , the editorial office, Room 21)1, (4-5224) of at the Student Activities \ 1, .Co-Edifeors / , ]] . , I; / MIDWAY CL! Special Rates on Cash — m ..Sports Editor ( I . k , . -Af.iitunt Sforta Editor ■Mill. Fojttsj Lqoii tSohicr, Firank S [alula, Frtd ,Se,mnuirn . Sjiorts ItoiKirtorr ino. Hardy ftos» — jj itboto Enjrrav Cushing. t'dx.Ficliii Otto Kunzc, k MaifelijH. O. Mifhaluk. Marvin Smith.] 1..11 .Feature Wi EANERS Special Rates on Cash & Carry y ; 1 | IT. ■ ; ;:"A TWO DAY SERVICE j 1 * r jJJ.U Satisfaction Guaranteed j MIDAWAY AND COLLEGE ROAD ^ -, ..m f owAto A»NOt > FREM1ICK Di CbniioVA ew ^ ^ ^ lr »~A* 4»««« 4« tut m * I. : r ^rivals mourns <» i * fE : H iF.M. •I ; > V * Wi i/. ^ MacMl ur ill > ■ Hi fr j fi [ t‘ir ! 4 3G’’ witlfy- l I. §1.98 | . T 'J* ' , |i ; 1' tr 4frossfrd>. -« i® 4 1 : ' - ■ ; 1 I i KBIBil '■ ;|4 ■ 1]: !:■ 'i < ei c-d wmbcJ y. ryd. , U ii ’arn B k . >!» H ■ S'ii' " }M A; Phoic ' 'jj .7/»' V *. A \ .11 -1