Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1948)
wm Guests At State Texcn otts, 4-H m \... •l; fout the , Poet, boy« ond elrlN yvar an coropnrwl uttfndml vnriow* rural nvontw ■BRB ,jWUI be rwrtMntOii. One Mii'h event ii of An ouUtnndl t year. b4l*hu will S&iwBSi f>AnjMMt'irlv«*n In tl|eh| |hoiMi|'. Alno echiululed »n<lN||. will r * 'III' An AW«rd, ;ACi'0hjil4m IPwlt*. will be tiliiH , , mi and Imit tl» i iMt biem. bere ntU>ndlntf. Tho iW^jtld will be n 9100 eheck for the|witiMtik ifoun* prenenlod. % \ oriranliAtlon tllmt tin ' fnrtbMt nnd )m* tl 1 NumeroUe oflier eiftinh ntid. ne- tlvltlee are echcduloi foi that dny, 1 epeciflcnllV nrrnnKejM* Uw en- L,' tcrtnlnmont of all rupnl ybutb that A j, nttendB. \ ; / Although Australia square miles of It hi about that of the U li it has only 7 miliiort IhWbi What ’« C iunty ‘ the 3 million i . < ah [area ! Sttitos— * itiiiintfl. I AAUW, Monday,: i Small Assembly Rc A*M GARDEN 6 f : !•' i ’I Friday afternoon 3: , YMCA. This is the list meets . at the en meet* •iff <3lub PICNIC. 3:30 p; m., Saturday, at Ing of the seasoh I ? RANGE & FORES' It; Avr Hensel Park" in area 5.1 ^ S.P.E.B.S.Q.S.A n-feeliiilg ch]ang- Friday, YM®lta*ly SHREVEPORT A&M cfclB, Monday, 7:15 p. i Academic Building. 7 I I •:! m if 4 Tim TAK^FRT E L F 0 T H® A P P I, I STORE IN B miilioo, M I .• 7 *}. j Come in and or small RAniOM. KI.K Hrrnr.\T 1M LAMPH PltWSTO OOFWW MAXI KRLVINATOH . T i-ind many oOiel uief|il« ] ITNT APPTJA.. FARM * MOMlf m u Tit AUGIR It M>l 4i J Phone )MfWI j- IV., New Yur Cllfft -.w- vAill C | US h. MAIN BRYAN? r- [fc 1 av •‘V ■ .. m. ■i ■ ■ T i' ; ; a I A' i ! M 1 '1/ P^4 Wm A SSL . ■ i iai-. r ^ ;'ii ; J ! li '4jm im ad '! ) m Vi I ji oqproBER 8, BATTALION . *r » word vet i minimum. Spaet •Otf per 1 U with ActivitiM | toned to bf 10: before pabUcatloo. np» tolwent. portable nnd addin* ra« ' Bfran Bnninene _ lUb. nw 2*1828. k<tp eblUiwn in mp 1 fKirk. Mrs. Norton 1 "tSTWVt net coU \>U M M l lewanl .sad flow I end l< _i L'tes«i iii ur«'« , i) VtiUiiitr ride flllur, llll#.' 'dl flnUa on m«uH M Ihd. IAS Uke Nlmb ttdlurdl finl*l hi f in II i.MW. l V’*riuW In Ouod «.>diU> cron - c>j W. Ruchanan, D. 0. fint ONIC X-RAY Ph. 2.(1243 I 'f ;; K1 T Ortobcr 1 or October 2 on or vidntty. Reward Scbware. Dormitorp 1. Boom 1948 for return ,TTfami ON WORKING M< ■children a#e» 2 mortth* bnsU. Mrs. Boy OTHKR8—W TirSvj^T — FOB BALE—Tnhle top four burner ru S rear* old. Nenee nlcctrip. ronater tew. Infante car wit. Infant* chair. Call at 811 K. College. Harold W^throok At Campv«. .' j: move, a yean almoat new. tralnms chali ^ ribbon watch u la emblem pendant 4 V.M.C.A. '' ‘I with Ma* Norman - ! rMCA »w*. 9 Jmiten M. MiMuly. Mlalivtler ^ilh mm. cadet ('lasa . Fditfl n.m. Children'll Sunday lohott, 20:45 a.m. Momlnf Worshili i/ 'I .li \ MMW COVERS lastk or $trnw n’a 13pholHtery Shop i lo M Office | Ph. 2-1030 lira while you Wait boots made to order. T H 1 1 BOOT SHOP Southside ! iiT 3ITY VO 3 ortabl ■Table Models—Consoles 119.95 and un hlcC TJUAJCH*] APPLIANCE or mpMi Professor ■ ttoptm preferred. for foothlfi Apt 7-C. Wayne p— ■ ' ?■ ' m Trrf* See us for the latest / if styles In haircuts— our specialty. / WnjSON BEAUTY SHOP North Gate College Station : u 1 Phone 4-4314 — ■ ASHING MACHINES M mum - . /i:' -t i » HELtO-FAT&ACK/r-TMlS IS TEASDALE ^- I’M IKl DOGMTCH AN' I'M PROUD T'REPORfr THAT , 1 1 ,*•» «/ ' n4~fey a ■■■riWiBIlliWH HAS' \\ UL ABNER' Local and fame DUtance MOVING Prompt, and trustworthy service! , J. II. HRAIID i-.i :■ ! ' Mm Office Phone 4.'405l> Rpsldcnro SB mmm3ct^imii—^ee-e—*e*i— RADIO TODAY oles $19.95 and up DANSBY CE STORE Bryan S. D. CLOTHIERS College Station T h sr OLD FU We Special if Antiqu#! and Venetian Blinds l. Summers Funufare Refinishin^ Pairiting Contractor CgOO Highway B, S. Pit 4-4682 3200 ill T (d'HICUL NOTK'K [Kiteh can lldiiti' lor fcluj MaajlsrV dvprol- who .•xp.Ti, to coiipUL- thi- ir^uir.niont» iifor the kleitree In the cunVnt emciU'r llhkild fllo tiptlco Af KxiicctiOkm to t'i«m- ji plHe with the Uenii of the (irmlijftte Wlwl.tiofW. Thwte mny be •■htnitn'd I fnl thi> (iffiip' of tjio flrmhmto K»IkxiI, | jApplii'nllilt* for! iWuffo, *111 nut h/- i aciM'pu*! «f rr H.4. mlirr I. Thri. ii np- I'lvw'il hy pw I'hwlrnion of tint attuMiU' [ nilomluoin, t»hoiilil Ih* In Ulf uffl>-o of tie 1 [ iinitdiinte K<fii«)l mil luiiier Ihun Jiitvinfry I, : li'llll.' Im'lijl imrulldtito ■ Ik>uI.I fllo n umi. iilrt. rounw! of utility and lh>«U piKjrei. if I Im In* mt alnMMty thnm »», m'noct> I'.III. J'KAHMtiN ! I»i)hn. <Ji«limit" Mmol ..... VI *— HUM ATI |AN IIEAUTY HCOllKS t IN 410VIKS 8INQA! *0RK -Kaama BtX>- t» the Nijtilh Sune' flret film Mlitr, has comimoUhI licit kot’oiid plctui'e. It’s a inviitct'y nim veillod "Chlittrt" Of, In K|iglmh, "l(a)vi'." The IB. film] nUcmlahcV rocdnle for Miilay-ion l-ytfnr.t Id Suimitraii i.onu- ty’s ft«t| fllmt "Chompska,'* set * M REMINGTON-RAND I TYPEWRITERS! ! I! ■ r ’■ v Plenty of new portable type writers for students! Plenty‘of late model rental typewriters of all makes! Sales — Serrice — Repairs and Rentals I I: ;. I Bryan Office Equip- men! Company CIFTS in ACCESSOMEi ' l /' %/ ' j * t*4e <*« *et» t if <1T Ti ' ! ■ t dCitUctiOK murio with rooii HAME OR MOROCRAM ; i ! i FRED ROBISON ee ottr extensive line of gifts that lend themselves to personalizing . .. Pens, Pencils, Playing Cards, Billfolds [■ | and j ; I many other items. |j! /ill i’ \ • i I | #’ SHAFFER’S / T? I ; ] \ ^ I • i .j i . I NORTH GATE DONT CRN RT . 4 ijS lit, Rtm ! ! DAID MEN SAID-EVEN Jr if rr ^40* TH* NECESSITIES O' UFE/T — THEV ' v‘ i r.m . ilii ytKrtottrf, Hi PLAYIN' x$ ca A WANTED Attl* Hint «*n Ml tow* Hint* ntid • Mt wt>»W lilttbw. Mkyw»y Drlv".|n Th»»Ur, FOR aAiiK^MtiUfon l*ntb fur rout In itutNl ecndlllfii. full iMirtli fiu.uu, B"" C-O-O or writ" iluit 840, CLARA HOWARD SCHOOL OP DANCK ARTS Member of Chicago Aflufii of Dancing Master* & ,] ' l ' Dance Educator* of America All types of dancing Beginners, Intermediate, Advanced Box 1700 College Station m COMET DELIVERY SERVICE Moving and Hauling Box 1105 ■ College ; Station Phone 2-1211 ( f Pick Up and Delivery nr PC I f. li:! it % lEvpy eapp • III m'Ut'fc FOR BAIiW .Wwlilh# Mil un* M*«l ewkrr, lien. AMV C'ltA, full MiasaiWi!^ BHAPPERT ^ “North Gwte Phonn 4*8814 .H HA U,ROOM CLAilH* on tEic rnhipti*. nrd Srhooi of DthC" Art*. Rnx ituu, ll.*clti Mon liny evptiltiK 7:80, Mu,lc (Trlretc by appointment.) Clara H<i#> aid School of Dahco Arta. UoX 1706, Col If#.. Station, Tt'Xna. : Ooipult : j Dr. Carlton R. Lee OPTOMETRIST For Your Visual Problem* 203 S. Main — Bryan „ Phone 2-1682 i ; ipE ruN < Special on Curlty' Dbip im Use <nir lay.awa! IMMIK'S TOY ’Si , 1001 So. Main >1 i Phono 2.1041 [i! B £ r s-j^L—_ . _L -Llii / t 11 k. 'r Eves Examined and Glasses Fitted By DR. JOHN S. CALDWELL I —Ottfce— Caldwell’H Jewelry Store Bryan, Texas i; U'l' " it i Your Authorized Remington* Rand Agent f.j . 1 j ! 3222 Highway 6, South—Biryan r. j : ' TT, j PHONE 4*1141 . 9ALR| • - - SERVICE Rrifk.fltratton Motoraj i j Small gaaiongtne ropair | All automobile work UNIVERSAL NEKVK’Xj 207 w. 20th. st. ”; Bryan Ph. fi.iono FOR SALE 7F> acres fronting 3500 ft, on new Highway G, nine miles south ol East Gate. Tenant house With bu tane system, metal bam with con crete floor and adjoining stalls, hog houses, hog proof fences, two I stock tanks. $4,500, terms! Inquire j at 2^9 Park Place, West! College i Park after 5:00 p.m., Sundays aftei 11:00 p.m. EXCELLENT REPAIR WORK! Bicycles-Cush man Scootera Lawmtiowor* HEARTF1ELD CYCLE SHOP 801 *S. Main Ph. 2*1287 "T t rr? MONOGRAMS! On« day acrvic - Namtv* nnd Ini* tlals In gold, silver or color* an* grnvwd ip lanther gooii*, HUtilonory etc. HIIAFFKR S BOOK STORK North Gate Ph, 4-8HU giutgt 1 piMqresi She wns rushH Into “Chii tn'’ to take advnhUge of her box-u f ioe oppoul, unprociident* ed for ft |lftlnyanii*Ur. M GLB iocCsh^ 0 DAY SERVICE Action Guarant AND COLLEd ANERS Cai Don’t lei t , T _ t s,r en YO " V : ' ; V v. AVOO. make our con Only 65 li- I ■) Hi 'j ■fii ■; 0AD _ ZCL »IV m imliM wm?* si r & <ffv I;-- 1 ii ' j o _ »• pi' ■! LV li v • ! ft } \|.. Ccjme in and on now j and use y-away <$s n PhoiM r ■ u 1 Ji j 1 ' * • MM K “-'t-rr I ! • • DOUG’S CAFE College and 27th -1 ' ■. JiL n 1 ’*• !•* iii Specializing In MEXICAN DISHES CHICKEN FRIED STEAK DINNERS AGGIES ALWAYS WELCOME DeLUXE CAFE SERVES THE BEST IN FOOD | The Bryan Howe of the ; . Texas Agftici j , . £ , TASTE BtntR WITH od (lah. For tasty tartar mum.ui* r-j 1 orton M . : ' i/ ! ff' iUi L E T A N . Aggie Student , ! SERVICE YOUR , ]■'• j CAR i-;. -Jr; GAS v , ij •[ o®*_M • -."i EXPERT GREASING •7 ASHING WAXING & POLISHING STOP ; AT THE STATION north Bronco Inn Houston Hwy. \ | Owned Si Operated by i W. Sebmldt A.AM Itttu. Vet — Ola** 'DO HER LC-cf. .u* FRANK SEA1* —for— ELECTRIC RANGES 1/ r-i 801 S. Main HOME ^ JPPLIANC Hey Army! . * ES Phone 2-1617 i • f ' K. -i ■ ■ i ' 1 !•. Have you tried a SUPER DOG ON A STICK? ' -J / • ’ ■ i • V It’s Something New! u * r j r Something JDif ferent! ! 1 , s\ y v ' J . •’ • V - ' n ); : - mething delicious! / ; j ■ », ; ■ j Located acroHs the street from— HALSELL DONAHO BVICKOO. IIP!®?’ I u Owned by iT«ci« ' }:■ ■ ^ • : l . :• • v 1 rar 1 ' ! rj ■ k - ii ;> r. .. -1 !i| . • y. •. iilDJi'J] x»4 3 r v«t «[bm 2« n. OWlaft-UM ! III■HI■^II■||CII ll■f« F*K*— ■kn IM HUNT*. t - hwm :1 WANT131 IM MmfarnUhctJ, ^. f .. — aili..*.. — raMONAI.--toomltoi Uolicf Murncl , ■t-r --- • v'lfc If. :/f Featuring Dis, \ Jr Radio i ■ • Wtternational pame niid the best Ih i . . i SOUTHERN AMERICAN COOi ' ■ Il l lli 1 1f.*T : i '•1 m L l( -u. ;— m . ii I • • I mi H-itf li ; H”! S'’" 1 ;'!' : v f i; 1 .' 1 ' f! I I mi i V v One Block wfeat of Post Office on W. 26th St. * : /!• i\ epair.. lOjliu our specialty I' ! Ifk"! -1 :i ^ j • • I I. ! DIO Shop . i' ->• i Lif. i ; ' r.W.n ; • Ifci a ■ 1 i i "A membtr of PUlco 8RYAN it’m ,,, PHONE 8-2819 COUP. ETC ' RHPA.s’ . . a (- f , •. ; I • i- ; dUH } 1 ALSO I ii' • BATTERIES I mm fob yem nmi i ” A> ■I ■is 1 mmmmm MR/ M ; i r T ; I 1 UiM'M ■ ill MANY DIFFER ; : i- ■ —— ... ““ . F courteous: ,V i f||P i/ I 4 ./ , f / / PA' rf i t i| r" jrJi f fe Tm 7 will lay 1,1 I i-.f 1 Our workmen skillfully, | ef^icientiy> ; quic: CHOOSE YOUR NEEDS FROM QF PATTERNS j' : • iji- 'i : III oleum FULL li- Clayton J, RWmH ill? ft Fumitun ,11! r l iii' 'a 1 / I ? •W Ip Ittj i. ' i< i ill VlU \£ t i <*r i \'<r 4 rV'.J OUR l '; - . "1; ^'ll i m • •