Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1948)
. - ■ ^ -1^411 ilMMfHil nWniau !-■ I !' ■ I- /•> ‘■•!l 3 ]i — - l. „. game will pit second »nd third. v Elsewhete on itXr- «L.r. third "strmsrers. i The players have i to the leleveit running: with it the time, but are free to might not be the TCU j The coac bv injuries lucent weeks. — j' ton, Pat Diffie, ?; especially have form in recent di ' Billy Tidwell of , lies one of the outstimdini the squad throuRhout sessions and in the Tarli Tidwell carries lEK'ki I ' • ■'" h r t : • 1 i I •MW ; V \ ■five jfoot seven ii a speedy, hard little \ -The largest m ing lineup for thi Hudeck of Horn feet, three inches tall 210 pounds. He movi seems to have a m rtlni ** mt> * , « otbaH * ;,| of the >mnnn All-Ameri One of the stale irhcompnred to, We the 4;ayi I ftuard position. Ho is hunt of JMsuduha) si*. l(|ert with hull cm ♦ m oi nesuaunRi sm t* r MuOfTsTLlke Humble lie ' i l>lay, moving with tl . .., and intercepting hli itj at «!• bof hind the lino of trmd rfhRoi jj rhere will he no ij<{n»iHsl.<m at tomorrow. ^ All Aggies arp InVithf l>y the hes to come down and hoc tho been neks on practice iulujt* i ra "Irts ^ lor till- |f lil has dt rd at Rico P j Hundilo, ijdfflr- P Si hiit ulg+ Mil J att«Bd roster on in order to will be a p- nouncinjr the !! i • - h-* ■ J I* ' : full dresr under the Gary. The against.the ther. » program^ ne planning tc ihould take th- > to the gan players. Thei _ lidated I In ner The A&M Consolidated Tiger, play their fiNt diitrtet game thh season when they take on the Rie sel Indians! <jn Tigier Field tonigh at eight o'cljiek. The Indjaifs hnVe been defeated in their fifsi I /! freshman toam and fo opinions as to what terial A&M has comb; . ^ce the LSU gob I ^ two starts this yea 1 IBiMKBMiliMHBi .:R ipF '• a i i:,vj ■ .b GILBERT EIMANN has been giving Consolidated's opponents a lot of trouble from his right tackle position. I W ly Fimfe ittle Action Oi ibtavil in d 'Ii ” , v That chill northem breeze pht losing to CriwfonJ 26*0, and fire mond 13-6. Consolida ed hfta played three! > games this, yeail. winning two ‘ while losini only lone. The Tigere i whipped Mjadisonville 28-0 In ‘ seuwr*; hall team In thHr second game. Last week he Tigers rolld over Somerville W-6. I ( - ' ' T A 'I- I’ i I tfi k ^ i' til: | ‘ J “I -<* i'h the Tigorn arc hiporbd in goo' shgpt for tc nijfht's ganu*. Refsery* <\nd Rotand" Lionel is out with ft. had knee , ai d in the only player; to sue action. Full on the ailing to start against tonight. their own | rio t expect#. m r!!; .Invl hack .Ibbesiprcwit is f I’J list but ! ii( expected to in Baton ' the Indiahs U fij: -■ s,j#% W. -t i A I, ..V r~ iv ' ■ r ■ 1 If you'll AutumU our pMt Rugger?! Slacks 1 i ■ ■ ■ 'j 'i lllirr ‘ m M 4i 1, .id lacki Unbeatable! for casual comfort t• : pn i i : ir ; vl I I . V* ; 'I |T i getting your ward rob: ready for [in (Campus, be sure t<j> stop in at r and see the trim. iport Shirts and sra4it tailored ; -'i • f , \; I K# ^ iports Shirrs - n Slafcks alnd no i 0 let-up in the popularity of this handsotm >n our execellent selection. : SRK r> || |l 'll i.\j7Xr OTHIERS Collate and Bryan —if 11 E it 'll . * ; . Tm" wave -Mr ' - TT :\i , ,_ r 11 atajaiif smH >etiiive mice. Dorm 3 romped over Dorm 15 ! by a score of 27 to 14 on the hftrd wood courts. Jim Lawhon, Dorm I forward, led the scoring mjith i II points. Little Ventura of Dorm 15 was their high t'gott, usually fielding a classy jftrp, allowed Dbmn 14 to outHcort hem 22 to «. For the winners lurnn Koiimth le<f the j scoring with r: /! ^—i—i *— ij—- 1 . 1.1 !. . !: ii !;■ x.-|'> ..'T 1 ■ r;if c * a t O PC FRIDAY. OCTOBER 8. " ■ ' ' in Nfe t alio n ITS 1 ) . R T R E Igj; nri: 1 V J ■Ulugiyft' k 1 Wi| ■ A m ■ ’ di ® * ■ -d ’Ml- A A i ■ ? • \ \ I'; rliritHw football not be able to carry 9»] team through a ■r* a By ART HOWARD lliU I • ’ j ^ i 4|. r l" | > 1 1 The Southwest (Conference has been taking a beating in outside games lately, and it has been mighty rough on the forecasters. And thik comer has been especially hard hit. After two crop failures, the m6rt- I l>K|H >iint|.i MX rm 10 waa ft 80 to 12 v «r Mlliwr.'Conntr Joe HuhhoI d D»i*hi' 16 scoring with tilnts. Gtiorgo Loo of Mi|n«r diftp- •di in fotir points for his five In tho day’s only U?nhis f match. Purycar dcfoatoil Walton, two! sets o one. Dorm 1 won over Mimnsr- tyn Viltuge in basketball by virtue of ft forfeit. i 1 NORMAN, f) ed off eight pi ic i,! Oklah ?try ftgain wildest ste< in the big the ged'Rife Jt’ft the lahoma j gim broadcast, about and fans in the Although the!Aggih - leave shorthanded, en gage on this column is rapidly cpm /fTOnly five of thirteen predictions | h*ve been correct, which totals j ; inc 4 )^ s something like a .38 average. That lowed eftgorlWij i0 not so good. A man should;be able to do that good even on ihe brnrsw. 11 . ' ~'7~. |' j . j j Something will have to burst soon in the Conference. The “migh ty good” and the “dark horse” teams will be clashing, and sotne- iwdy is going to get hurt. The first of these games is the Arkan.^Hs* Baylor clash at Fayetteville tomor row, and tho Hogs will have, a tre- mendouni home-town adfraiiUigd. j j j incidentally, the airport at that town is on! the si<h' of a large hill, unci the wind is almost always downhill. Baylor could end up it$ season in the Quirks unless jit has a good 'pilot. i 4 .j.■....—j—— Scott nad C<>. Hhoiild bent the Bears aftor a lethargic start liy PO:BtS •4k —-mI •) No Friend of lllino ♦*<^ r 'i| 1 ' No, Name 11 Pfefferkorn, Don 12 Bouldin, Billy 20 Saxe, Augie 22 ; [Andunjon, Gary 37 Shobe, Kenneth 47 Parks , 48 Clark, June 49 Mollier, Karl! 34 Hetheriy, Vap 60 Thomborrow, C. 61 Hutson, .Robert 64 Sauer, Herbert 66 Holley, Edward 66 Grossman, Jerry 70 Little, James 74 Phares, Jdhnsa 76 Moses, Sam i 77 ■ Cline; Robert: 82 Gwin, Clinton 83 Netardus, Jaro 84 Jon«». Jack 86 Jones, Edsei fL Sk WHITE SQUAD 1 T M-- i \ i j Home Town Ht. j Wt. pirn. Lockhart; ■| 5’11” ! l8o QB Mundfty i jl 6’ 165 QB HB Beaumont 6*11” 16 r > San Antonie 5’8” 150 HB Coitus Chris ti 6’ 175 FB EnnisT ! [ r/a” 150 HB Corsicana Port (Arthur 5’t” ! 150 HB 5’8” ! 155 HB Lampftsas 6’ 180 e TuiiaF j . 1 6’ 200 G Fort Arthur 5’10” 175 : G San Antonio 5T1” ; 200 VG Arlington, Va. Houston, Big Spring Lufkih ?\ r»’io’’ | 200 FB 510” J 180 6’ 200 T 6T' i 210 T Lockhart 6’ : i 200 ; T San-Benito I r 6’ J!!j> T&C Shrevoport, La. 6’2’’ 180 - k El Campo 6’ Dio Brecljjenridgc i 6’ 175 \lE College Station 5J1” 170 I- !E r - • .1! ' r i!r !i RICE vs. So. ('idifejmift.! The Trojunn lost a lot of im*n from last year’s Rose RoWl (cum, but lire still going great guiis tq ran' j 8 nationally. Rice piit ojni a | hustle against LSU,! but ma< _ ^many mistakes. Thp Birds jeouid fli, t. 8 —$ucl lahomft will era! men who are on Train in Rideout’s “doubtful’* list far as playing goes. Tackle Jiinr Flowers may start, but any.fulth m. : out '! • ri«y to ride the f qm all—Teiai |a 11 rodeo south ajnfnial Texas-Okj- Tble vised, radio )ulit Dallas" Gdtton mr old gameJjaolu ir ihier, will b^! fol- Jjj isome half mill- il 1 *. Kickoff; time set Idefcpti three j TexM»eftU0 pi regulars; and shoWrtl Boop forWardlpam . Non Mdxiro feohb* 47-0 at Aua- r .1.. i . £....L , iK Imwed tj No. dt of Kvorybbiiy. s i pldKtng l get hcaf'hy; l|f|(iana. The Frogs didn’t tilt thHr str year until thev played us, phed, written almost 70,000 strain on Ws swollen ankle wi 1 put him on the bench quickly. ;; End Ed Hooker has a sore heol d may not,be able to leave wi ‘ the ti?arh. Andy Hillhouse ftfter sitting out the Ok la gftme, and his shoulder iiijdry 4—— 4 !— < w4> ion BouiiMesMfn it atj 2:00 p. raff; Coach- filftir! Cherry’s Texas Steers, defftnftinr Sugar ifiowl chunips, hjive|;h» ( two wqcks tq lick tiieil wMt! Hnce theiir ; uj)- liber 26 to Bill aroused NorihllClWlina Umnt that had poinfsp a,i(Kh|i|u year toy them,. couts only H'hile goring the Progs Will FI; To Indiana Till tin la>l«weftk£iNkiuhnmH I 'Mill atiftleiy •ii 8>h the hodklM! of IHIh hr«all»tr Iftiforc I IftH gimq, wiuMrltig what Nagrd fdr lUeilpallur rr § ] rn gin. Kyerylfbily. || ;pldkiiur T(1t T tq lloniei stride! Ifts 4 I jveftft mW>wat va*vlt. f'lM/vvive US» RO CIllp> . H 100 jit 2114.. MmLf jlj; ' .IT A SMU 0veif Missouri looks ! good ■ailMW theniftiilve* in n hmatliig fo * Saturday*! 14 to 27 lofa n Arkansas. aii »wi|i *fb-i. I i'j: 1 I-. > FORT WORTH, Oct. 8 --TCUrii Horned Frogs take to' the air lit; «rally this week, as they }eavo t< day by chartered plane for Bloon iligton, Ind., ami their Saturday game there with the Big ; Nines feaderaj Indiana's undefeuted Hod-' liers. '■ A ■victory for . lhb idt-bourre frog* over tilt lilgh-flying Hoosji-! n s la needed to resj/tift TCU s iope«,fhjr 1248. At li'ftst! that ft vlmt Pilrple .squud inflmbqi's pVt' i- nwlpi, , r _ r , Ill, i ■ . . a Billed in ire-season prugnofttiei^ lions ns the best TCU tuiam sln ft , ho Frog national chnmbiims fl 9.38, the Purple squed WdAd i J fatiH* hojies badly deflated by the Arkansas defeat. . ft ‘j / | iniMlv nnset the CafifonSin/ bUt' ‘^ nJ ' 4vtMf Pissodri looks good' Saturday’s game at Blooming-? i5\o' a P *n M undordotr oosition ton> i The ^ luM | n * :s wil1 havps-trOuH ton will be the Frogs second witi mvw.v un u * p T lt ' I blc jlaterJ irii f|c season, but they the Hoosiers. In their previoui ' * \ • . . . j. 1 J»«4 toj. 4# luitttHed power toj. meeting In 1941, also in Bloom Quarterback Club fans whqs sgw losq to Missqiw-i. ;„.,t«„ -i'riT • —■ - Ajfter ? thj- i Quarterback; [ Club’ ; CU defeated meeting^last) iight ;I can seq why; A&M has ge(wT]g such good athlete® latcilr. | 1 i ' f the A&M-OU pictures last pipflit will agree that the Okies have a j good cminye of dumping the. fjumb- j ling Longhorns this week. iBoth ! teams have a good line, and plenty [of fast back®. Sooner scatbacks [Mitchell and Thomas wjll cqjnfuse : the Longhonis’ Hi 20 to 14. nemen, and Roy . . a bettc than Campbell of Tqxas. 1 This will probably be tho best _r Iftftilfti a all is probably a better passer I went th^rq feeling as if we would get lkk«d this week, but after 15 miinitis of pep talk by “Dog” Daww»n ( I .was convinced that we wilTtippet LSU. i j lit will be 'jnard to do, but I am This will proDabiy, he tnq best counting on; the breaks to pull uft game of the week, and Texas;idoes-: through. A nice soaking rain would n’t rate over aone-touchdowtf. mar- also help eftir ebanees. jl - i -i— •* ■*' v-'.'IV—|——r ——p——•— '■ | J-ff -I r iARGON SQUAD ipment Oj? hi AMERITEX RAMBLER MOIRE FAILLE Black . . . Garnet ... Kelly . Brown . . . White 45” Wide $1.98 yd. W3at,nc I j ; • oppe Bryan A,.. “Across From the Post Office!’ Phone 2*1645 i • l — IF No. Name Hqnie Town 11 Bowen, Gerald j ! Corsi^na if Bvcdthauer, Fried j Brenhaip 24 Shaeffer, Robert El Paso 26 Lippman. Glettn ,) El Gampd 27 Walker, John j Eagle Lak< x 3?> Lawson, Clarence Wichita Fal lx?mmons, Bernard r Ozopa ' 1 Pos. | QB i QB ! HB i HB HB 36 Stioeltje, Mack 46 Dobbyn, Jim 47 Tidwell. Billy 48 Breid, Jack 49 Dear, Homer 50 Brady, Richard 1 56 Fowler, James j61 Marshall, Charles 62 Nohavitza, Klo 63 Fulgham, Fred 64 Davidson, Bob 68 Rush, William 71 H ndeck, Russel! 73 Clinger, Charles. 74 Pratt, Billy 70 King, Charles 82 Hodge, Charles 85 Mattingly, Murl 88 Contilli 89 Dresser, Ralph. in *ry > . I m AX • I CHECK OUR STOC K NOW! BETTER HOMES APPLIANCE I: ; : : iMni' IT.r 3H N. Alain ' \ j v ii BRYAN . rjl J Phone 1 ,■ 2-1642 l/T\ Beahmont Abilene Hearne Flilton, Mo. Ft. Worth Carfizo Springs Temple i- i El Camiw Pasadena Port Arthur Lampasas Houston Austin Corpus Christi Baytown Uplift •' r Sulphur Springi 1 Del Rio San j Antonio i. ir ?! D”i J_L II ft — ■i ; I j i LiJ; ' i | Jr] / PALERMO mm ji ff j, pi ■' for - j y I v anil Usd FURNITURE Im L- 1 1 /■ 006 N. Bryan 'yf —Also LARGE VARIETY OF GENERAL MEKCHAN GOfi N. Rrvan 1 ; \ \ /\ T i • . V ' irl i ■ Mf V FOR GOOD il >i! ii TH; 1; ZM '■ (ir W il 9 : RAZOS MOTOR CO. BRYAN, A x t-r- Xx. ■ ■ t 1/ i i; S , y a 4= IT I f 71 ii nn /i .ui ■K i 1V ff- Ji-. V ■1 i Lil I — ft: Bill will ting. Aaftifti Gary is handle .. tomorrow Tho m of the gn and will til tinitl f6* yJ Coach Bob- e campus to ah man scrimmage' brt4.Uh.icn. rly In k.he momltog, the Pullmanti uri* Mv toy workout.: H m JOIN THE DRESSED UP w "Jff / f ■ i f A ! lh : LLl The banks in Bryan and will be closed Tu .inobservance of holiday. - l •••* coiLi ' =s=s i BANfc HOLIDAY p,y -.. j | .* ■ I • • 11 ik r • . i | j I . • *1, >* i 'f;' 1; n . - 2Z I ( IP • - > [ii tsday, Octot FIRST NA1 CITY NAI FIRST S r COLLEGE SffATK 1 > Dty, a leg» .If .. lix. ' 18 ■ “■ i ’ % ' I [.'Ik '' •*. lil '■ m : j : i • i .M'- 7'..-i* J i-jiiiii , I i j J&w ■! k % I wsm ' l DRC-W (25.000 tTkl 839.95 , “&srJ SZZLd t w. ° I "TlemiiaitrL THE WOPlOS F1MEST SAKS! GAS HI ATI I? r -i xjj m McCUfii i' xxL ./ — jimmm . n 4 „ i • I A • L It, \ ■ > V ' !vl l Bryan ip ' ^ ' | v - iii m 1 •'I iV IX / X r — j i lil T I v, li ' .i •/ il •!' i m - /[■ : H ft --l 71 ii - TV, ■}. •it